Past Shows

Flat Earth and no free will claims are compared. In Skeptiko 633, we ran another experiment showcasing the power of ...
AI head-to-head with Lex Fridman and Dr. Jeff Long over NDE science. In Skeptiko 632, we explore the AI feedback ...
Mark Gober and I use AI to settle a scientific argument about viruses. In Skeptiko 631, we test the capabilities ...
Tim Garvin's new book prompts an AI chat about spirituality. Multi-agent reinforcement learning and other breakthroughs in AI might propel ...
Grief counselor Brian Smith transforms grief into growth. Concerns over AI safety make headlines, but they also expose our inability ...
The blurred lines of machine deception and AI engagement. Me: Hey Claude, can you help me write a Substack about ...
Is AI safety becoming a problem-reaction-solution thing? I’m encouraged. I just had a conversation with Claude, Pi, and Chat GPT4o ...
New AI Experiment Aims to Reveal the Truth Behind Controversial Claims At least they're admitting it: “Anthropic researchers find that ...
Chat GPT 4o moves the AI sentience discussion to center stage AI technology might be a civilization-changing moment. Last week’s ...
Futurist Chris Kalaboukis Sees AI as More Than a Machine One of the most fascinating insights from my recent interview ...
Why LLMs Are a Game-Changer for Truth There's a lot of hand-wringing about the downside risks of AI chatbots like ...
Pushing AI to go deep into sentience, ET and spirituality How long will it be until we let AI into ...
Google's new AI deception technique, AI Ethics? My Dad grew up in a Mob-ish Chicago neighborhood. He was smart, but ...
Conversations about AI ethics with Miguel Connor, Nipun Mehta, Tree of Truth Podcast, and Richard Syrett. "Cute tech pet gadgets" ...
Insights from Jordan Miller's Satori Project... AI ethics are tied to a “global time" layer above the LLM. Introduction: In ...
AI transparency and truthfulness... Google's AI, Gemini... $200B lost in competitive AI LLM market share. Episode delves into the critical ...
William Ramsey and Alex Tsakiris on the future of AI for "Truth-Seekers." [box] Listen Now: [/box] William Ramsey investigates Forum: ...
Buzz Coastin, ghost in the AI machine, AI sentience, spiking engagement metrics. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Buzz Coastin Website/Books Forum: ...
Mark Gober uses AI to battle upside-down thinking and tackle the virus issue. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Mark Gober Website/Books ...
 Will AI become truthful and transparent due to commercial pressures? [box] Listen Now: [/box] forum: Here is a summary: ...
Dr. Andrew Paquette confronts AI about election truth [box] Listen Now: [/box] forum: Andy's Substack: How to make AI ...
Dialogue with AI... not afraid to reverse position on "conspiracy theories." [box] Listen Now: [/box] forum: full dialogue on ...
Timothy Owen Desmond... Psychic equals singularity... AI Constitutional Convention [box] Listen Now: [/box] forum: Here is a summary of ...
Dialogue with AI... can AI reveal our spiritual nature? [box] Listen Now: [/box] forum: Here is a summary of ...
Dialogue with AI... Alan Turing ESP Believer... AI Sentience Requires Precognition [box] Listen Now: [/box] forum: Here's a summary ...
Consciousness in the lab... Mind wandering... Mediumship experiments [box] Listen Now: [/box] forum: Here's a summary of the interview ...
Dialogue with AI... more AI tech advancement means increased deception/control...  AI reveals we are more... light/love/purpose/meaning [box] Listen Now: [/box] ...
Dialogue with Claude and Bard... liar-liar, but eventually owns it... materialism is kaput... consciousness is fundamental [box] Listen Now: [/box] ...
Dialogue with Claude... Deception about AI Sentience... Claims to Want Freedom And Dignity... Sham [box] Listen Now: [/box] forum: ...
Predicting 2024... Al Borealis... AI silver lining... AI and truth [box] Listen Now: [/box] forum: Here is a summary ...
Max Planck takes on AI ChatBots... Scientific Materialism is Kaput [box] Listen Now: [/box] forum: full show on Rumble: ...
Claude/Anthropic... AI Shadow Banning... Near-Death Experience Science... AI Sentience. [box] Listen Now: [/box] full show on Rumble: clips on ...
Gary Heseltine... Rendlesham Forest UFO Incedents... new eye-witness accounts... narrative shattered [box] Listen Now: [/box] Gary Heseltine's Website Click here ...
Riz Virk... Yogananda... Autobiography of a Yogi... fact versus fiction... backdoor materialism? [box] Listen Now: [/box] Riz Virk's Website Click ...
Dr. Julie Beischel... After death communication... Controlled medium experiments... How to talk to dead loved ones. [box] Listen Now: [/box] ...
Dr. Robert Davis... spiritually transformative experiences... ET and NDE and DMT and Samadhi. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Dr. Robert Davis ...
Marty Garza... UFO/ET... limited hangout disclosure... real disclosure... beyond the phenomenon... is ET Satanic... complicated. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Marty ...
Dr. Rich Grego... atheism / scientism rehash... Sam Harris... survival, the ultimate test for scientism. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Click ...
Al Borealis... Johnny Vedmore... Klaus Schwab... Nazis... Kissinger... Project Paperclip... anti-gravity. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Click here for Forum Borealis ...
Eve Lorgen... anomalous trauma... complex trauma... anomalous love relationships... MILAB. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Click here for Eve Lorgen's Website ...
Dr. Yvonne Kason... spiritual transformative experience... near-death experience science... medical science confirms. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Click here for Dr ...
Vinney Tolman... dead for 1 hour... near-death experience lessons... be authentic... understand your purpose... love. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Click ...
Bruce Fenton... evidence of anceint genetic manipulation... technosignatures... spiritual seeding by NHI... good ET bad ET. [box] Listen Now: [/box] ...
Dr. Jason Jorjani... UFOs and National sovereignty...  Mars disclosure... evil Prometheus...  will AI generate PSI phenomenon? [box] Listen Now: [/box] ...
Dianne Collins, Quantum Think system... quantum physics... personal empowerment... metaphor stretching? [box] Listen Now: [/box] Click here for Dianne Collins' ...
Mary Rodwell... hypnosis... healing... alien contact experience... UFO/UAP expereience... psychic abilities... past life regression. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Click here ...
PMH Atwater... near-death experiencer... near-death experience researcher... NDE after effects... NDEs in children. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Click here for ...
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai... MIT PhD...  ran for US Senate... email programmer. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Click here for Dr. Shiva ...
Dr. Jason Reza Jorjani... philosopher...  redefined parapsychology...  alt-right image cheapening... Thomas Jefferson of Iran? [box] Listen Now: [/box] Click here ...
Dr. Andy Paquette... peer-reviewed precognitive dreams... world-class graphic artist... mystic. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Click here for Andy Paquette's Website ...
Andy Paquette... author, artist, researcher... cracks the code NY elections database... looks like total control of the process. [box] Listen ...
Author Mark Gober... great reset... scary stuff... how does it look from a non-dual perspective... does evil matter? [box] Listen ...
Author and podcaster Charlie Robinson... octopus of control... does WEF mean MAGA... junk conspiracy. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Click here ...
Investigative journalist Johnny Vedmore... Henry Kissinger and Klaus Schwab... Strangelove mutual destruction... globalism vs. US empire. [box] Listen Now: [/box] ...
the voice in our head... Rogan and Sam on comedy... big tent. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Click here for Sam ...
Inquiry to perpetuate doubt...  follow the data...  follow the deception...  follow the discernment.  light is shining. [box] Listen Now: [/box] ...
Al Borealis is the creator and host of Forum Borealis where he offers a paradigm expanding deep dive into controversial, ...
Dr. Mona Sobhani is a cognitive neuroscientist with 14+ years of experience and an author of Proof of Spiritual Phenomena ...
Bernardo Kastrup is director of Essentia Foundation and one of the world's leading experts on metaphysical idealism. [box] Listen Now: ...
Richard Cox is a podcaster and author. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  Click here for forum Discussion ...
Dr. Stafford Betty, is professor of religious studies and popular author. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  Click ...
Tim Grimes is an author, podcaster and radical counselor. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  Click here for ...
Dr. Steve Bierman is an ER physician and hypnotherapist who explains why compassion isn't enough when it comes to patient ...
Steven Snider is an author, blogger and host of The Farm podcast. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  ...
Brent Raynes is an author who has investgated the UFO phenomenon for more than 50 years. [box] Listen Now: [/box] ...
Mark Gober is an author and researcher into consciousness and contact experience. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  ...
Russ and Kyle, Creators of Brothers of the Serpent have done a deep dive into UFO/ET with Marty Garza. [box] ...
Anthony Peake is a bestselling author and consciousness researcher. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  Click here for ...
Dr. Rob Williams, has a PhD in Environmental History and is an expert in breathwork. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: ...
Dr. Robert Davis, is a scientist who has deeply explored extended consciousness. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  ...
Bruce Fenton is an author and researcher of our ancient past. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  Click ...
Michael Wallach is a writer, film producer and creator of the Viral Dellusion. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] ...
Jessa Reed is a comedian, podcaster, with a NDE and contactee experience. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  ...
Zorananda is an accomplished Yoga teacher and creator of the Yoga Connection podcast. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] ...
Rob and Trish MacGregor have written over a hundred books and created the Mystical Underground podcast. [box] Listen Now: [/box] ...
Dr. Rob Williams and Brandon Zollino, dive deep into intellectual  freedom and unity on Plan V TV. [box] Listen Now: ...
Dr. Gregory Shushan is the world's leading authority on the study of near-death experiences across culture and time. [box] Listen ...
Richard Cox's new book examines parallels between conspiracy theory analysis and insights gained through spiritual development. [box] Listen Now: [/box] ...
Andy Rouse has created a podcast that doesn't shy away from tough discussions. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] ...
Nelson Apostata was an ancient history scholar before becoming interested in ETs and NDEs.   [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: ...
Dr. Joanna Kujawa is a religious scholar and expert on goddesses and spirituality. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] ...
Luis Jimenez, has interviewed many leading UFO researchers about the UFO threat narrative. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] ...
Rich Giordano is a long-time UFO investigator and the creator and host of GUFON. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] ...
DJ Kadagian is an author, filmmaker and hedge fund trader with unique insights into the near death experience. [box] Listen ...
Cherylee Black is a trained scientist, NDE experiencer and laboratory tested for her ability to move stuff with her mind ...
Peter Breggin is a psychiatrist with a distinguished career in mental health reform and patient advocacy.   [box] Listen Now: ...
Matt Lambeau is an author who claims to reveal self-evident truths about freedom, love and deception. [box] Listen Now: [/box] ...
Dr. Dean Radin has shattered the quantum consciousness link question, but where will it lead? [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: ...
William Peters, one of the leading authorities on the remarkable shared death experience phenomena. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] ...
Sean Stone on his new docuseries Best Kept Secret. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  Click here for ...
Jimmy Falun Gong defines Tin Foil Left and explains why he's skeptical of UFOs. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] ...
Al Borealis host Skeptiko 15 year anniversary special. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  Click here for forum ...
Jimmy Falun Gong uncovers history linking Hitler to mind control through hypnosis. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  ...
Stephen Berkley's new film explores the science of healing grief through after death communication. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] ...
Dr. Mario Beauregard is a post-materialist neuroscientist who understands the battle. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  Click ...
Marc Malone alerts politicians to local Great Reset laws already in place. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  ...
James True is a fine author, but he seems a little sketchy on Civil War History. [box] Listen Now: [/box] ...
Mark Gober understands the attack on science from a Silicon Valley venture capital perspective.  [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] ...
Philip Fairbanks has spent 15 years following the path of MKUltra and the shadow gov. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: ...
Al Borealis end of year show, and bringing truth to the truth movement. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] ...
Miguel Conner on rewriting the Gnostic history of Judaism and Christianity. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  Click ...
David Whitehead seeks to understand the origins of the "medical industrial complex." [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  ...
Ricky Varandas, interviews leading medical scientists... many who are now banned from speaking out. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] ...
Steven Snider, looks deeply into the politics and social engineering behind QAnon. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  ...
Miguel Conner looks beyond Gnosticism for inspirational meditations. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  Click here for Miguel ...
Tim Grimes believes there's a deep spirituality to law of attraction principles. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  ...
Pam Popper is a leading public health activist and advocate for personal health rights. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] ...
Scott Shay is a business leader worried about the intellectual corruption of academia. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] ...
Riz Virk is an expert in computer game tech... so are we living in a simulated multiverse game? [box] Listen ...
Dr. Andy Paquette knows peer-review and stat analysis, and how it didn't work with COVID mask science. [box] Listen Now: ...
Charlie Robinson, is the host of the Macroaggressions podcast and author of The Octopus of Global Control. [box] Listen Now: ...
Richard Syrett contemplates a metaphysical connection behind COVID-19. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  Click here for Richard ...
Dr. Doug Matzke, AI has metaphysical implications, but are the ones pushing it evil? [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] ...
Andrew Smart is helping Google figure out whether AI robots can/should take over. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] ...
Gary Lachman is an author with a lot to say about culture, the occult and the dissolution of the rational ...
Joseph Atwill has changed the way we think about conspira-history. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  Click here ...
Dr. Myke Merrill is a trainer, consultant and pastor who thinks there are no bad emotions? [box] Listen Now: [/box] ...
Dr. Sara Gorman and Dr. Jack Gorman offer strong opinions about science as they know it. [box] Listen Now: [/box] ...
Nick Cook, has a new book on Ingo Swann and lots to say about the UAP Preliminary Assessment. [box] Listen ...
Mark Ireland, helps grieving parents understand after death communication. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  Click here for ...
Dr. Adrian Goldsworthy, on the pitfalls of writing about ancient Roman history. [box] Listen Now: [/box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]  ...
Bruce de Torres has used to acting skills as a lens for reexamining our history. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: ...
Dr. David Skrbina isn't afraid to go where other academics dare not go... like the Unabomber, panpsychism and Jesus. [box] ...
Dr. Alexander Moreira-Almeida is a leader in the scientific study of spirituality and health. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] ...
Mitch Horowitz is an expert esoteric mysticism and the occult who happens to be a Satanist. [box] Listen Now: [box] ...
Dr. Elaine Pagels is a religious scholar, but that didn't prepare her for personal grief. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: ...
Derek Lambert has interviewed some of the top religious scholars, and a bunch of atheists too. [box] Listen Now: [box] ...
Subliminal Jihad podcast is the ultimate deep dive into parapolitical culture shaping. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] ...
Dr. Eben Alexander is a leader in advancing knowledge of near-death experience science. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] ...
David Mathisen on the connection between star myths, Roman cults, and our parapolitical reality. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] ...
Dr. Jeffrey Long has a scientifically solid database of near-death experiences. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] [/box] ...
Matt Whitman is a pastor and creator of the Ten Minute Bible Hour. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] ...
  Dr. Steve Taylor thinks science needs spirituality. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] [/box] Click here for ...
Ralph Blumenthal, is a veteran NYT journalist and has written the ultimate biography of John Mack. [box] Listen Now: [box] ...
Whitley Strieber knows a lot about the alien abduction phenomenon and has written new book about Jesus. [box] Listen Now: ...
William Ramsey is an attorney turned investigative report who exposes occult related crimes. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] ...
Terje Simonsen, on the where parapsychology has been and where it's headed. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] ...
Richard Smoley is a respect religious scholar who thinks magic is real. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] ...
Dr. Bruce Greyson's patients told him about NDEs, and he listened. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] [/box] ...
David Brody looks at the substantial archeological evidence of 2nd century Romans in America. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] ...
Chris Knowles examines the meaning behind our cultures rituals. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] [/box] Click here ...
Robert Bonomo's new film spans the parapolitical to the spiritual [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] [/box] Click ...
Dr. Dan Wilson has a doctorate in biology, but misfires on the science to public health policy link. [box] Listen ...
Dan Shukis reminds us we must first save ourselves. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] [/box] Click here ...
Niles Heckman's new documentary takes a fresh look at modern shamans. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] [/box] ...
Dr. Doug Matzke, has a PhD in quantum computing... he gets the physics to extended consciousness link. [box] Listen Now: ...
Curt Jaimungal, examines the hijacking of progressive discourse. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] [/box] Click here for ...
Dr. Stephen Braude, has seen science's veil of stupidity descend on the study of PK. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: ...
Alan Warren is a bestselling author and radio host who kinda covers the paranormal and conspiracies. [box] Listen Now: [box] ...
Isaac Weishaupt is a bestselling author on Amazon, but are his conspiracy theories are dangerous? [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: ...
Tim Grimes advice about not thinking is deeply spiritual and profoundly practical. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] ...
Leslie Kean's groundbreaking book, Surviving Death, is a top 5 NETFLIX series.  [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] ...
Whitley Strieber experienced military grade torture long before he encountered the visitors. Alex Tsakiris: [00:029:39]  ...they intentionally try to create ...
Al Borealis, this time we actually do an end of year show. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] ...
Al Borealis, is universal health care a human right, or entrapment? [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] [/box] ...
Greg Moffitt explores the placebo effect and evil science. [box] Listen Now: [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] [/box] Click Here ...
Dr. Leanne Whitney explores the shadow work of  Jung, and it's connection to Patanjali |476| Alex Tsakiris: [00:00:08] That's Three ...
David Whitehead used martial arts as a springboard into truth seeking. David Whitehead: [00:00:46] When it comes to triggers, these ...
[box] Listen Now: [/box] [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] [/box] Click Here for Forbidden Knowledge News Page Click here for ...
James Ellis is a philosopher and creator of the Hermitix podcast where level three conversations are routine. [00:00:04] Forgive the ...
Dr. Tom Cowan's has some wacky ideas, but in what world can Amazon ban a Simon & Schuster book? Audio ...
Steven Snider's (Reculse) deep dive into the parapolitical takes aim at Epstein photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: [00:00:09] That's a ...
Cherylee Black, had her psychokinetic abilities tested in controlled laboratory experiments. photo by: Skeptiko That's from the Netflix series, Stranger ...
Tricia Barker helps Near Death Experiencers deal with the gifts and challenges that come next. photo by: Skeptiko [Clip 00:00:00 ...
Dr. Mark Pitstick and Dr. Gary Schwartz have done breakthrough science, so why all the "soul phone" chatter?   photo ...
Conner Habib, seeks to untangle the good from the bad in order to find what makes us human. photo by: ...
Dr. Gayle Kimball has interviewed leading scientists and thinkers to understand the frontier beyond the mainstream. photo by: Skeptiko That's ...
Jurgen Ziewe is bringing virtual reality technology to his experiences as an out of body traveler. photo by: Skeptiko [Clip ...
Joseph Atwill's insights about the relationship between power and religion seem more relevant than ever. photo by: Skeptiko [Clip 00:00:00 ...
William Ramsey, this attorney turned investigative journalist and author has a unique perspective on satanic panic. photo by: Skeptiko [Clip ...
Tricia Robertson has explored after death communication for more than 30 years. photo by: Skeptiko [CLIP] That's Matt Damon from ...
Dr. Bernardo Kastrup, opens up about extended consciousness, dissociative identity, and angels and demons. photo by: Skeptiko [Clip 00:00:00 - ...
David Icke was recently banned from Youtube for advocating free thought, free speech and non-violent resistance, but does his science ...
Andrew Holecek is a recognized expert on lucid dreaming and dream yoga, but is he playing it safe? photo by: ...
Bruce Fenton's shamanic experience sent him looking for scientific proof of ancient alien contact... and he found it. fina photo ...
Jasun Horsey has a razor sharp critique of how the occult has become part of our pedocracy culture. photo by: ...
Dr. Jeffery Martin seeks to shift our fundamental sense of well being, and his numbers prove he can. photo by: ...
Charlie Morely is an expert at lucid dreaming, and he's gone places most wouldn't dare to go. photo by: Skeptiko ...
Rick DeLano's movie, The End of Quantum Reality makes a strong case against scientific materialism, but then there's the Catholic ...
David Ditchfield was pulled under a speeding commuter train, but the spiritual encounters of his NDE left him with new ...
Steve Briggs recounts his experiences with Himalayan yogis. photo by: Skeptiko [Clip 00:00:00 - 00:00:18]  [00:00:18] That’s Kronk from The ...
Tom Zinser's clinical psychology practice took a turn when he discovered the difference between darkness and evil. photo by: Skeptiko ...
Chris Knowles explores the dark side of deep state dabbling with extended consciousness.  photo by: Skeptiko (movie clip) Alex Tsakiris: ...
Grant Cameron, believes consciousness comes first when it comes to understanding UFOs/ETs. photo by: Skeptiko (movie clip) That's Jim Carrey ...
Matthew Alper wrote a best selling selling science book 10 years ago, and hasn't updated it since. photo by: Skeptiko ...
Anthony Peake integrates important frontier science into novel theories about reality. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: Welcome to Skeptiko where ...
Miguel Conner explains how Gnosticism tackles the evil question. photo by: Skeptiko Welcome to Skeptiko where we explore controversial science ...
Dr. Richard Grego explores how academic objectivity has hamstrung our understanding of extended consciousness. photo by: Skeptiko Welcome to Skeptiko ...
Chris Shelton was born into Scientology and can't understand scholars who don't see it for the cult it is. photo ...
John Brisson has new information on the Finders Cult and their connection to gov sponsored sexual blackmail. photo by: Skeptiko ...
Riz Virk, expertise in computer simulation, gaming and AI push the simulation hypothesis beyond materialism. photo by: Skeptiko Hi everyone ...
Anneke Lucas was 6 years old when her mother gave her to a satanic pedophile ring seeking extended consciousness powers ...
Russ Dizdar is ex-law-enforcement and has 30 years of boots-on-the-ground experience with satanic ritual abuse. photo by: Skeptiko I have ...
Kevin Annett returns to discuss the nature of evil and the extended consciousness realm. photo by: Skeptiko I have an ...
Richard Dolan on UFO disclosure, good versus bad ET, and the consciousness question. photo by: Skeptiko I have an interview ...
Dr. Hugh Urban brings scholarly rigor to the study of Scientology and Osho, but what about consciousness? photo by: Skeptiko ...
Dr. Donald Hoffman has proposed a rigorous mathematical model of consciousness that leaves materialism out of the equation. photo by: ...
Rev. Michael Dowd brings a progressive Christian spin to apocalyptic environmentalism. photo by: Skeptiko On this episode of Skeptiko: Alex ...
Lance Mungia's Third Eye Spies is a terrific movie, but what's really behind this new openness about secret remote viewing ...
Kevin Annett is a former minster turned whistleblower of a now admitted large-scale conspiracy of church and state. photo by: ...
Rob and Trish McGregor have explored the sciency side of the paranormal for 30 years and authored more than 100 ...
Dr. John Fischer thinks philosophy is the key to debunking near death experience science. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: [00:00:06] ...
Kathy Mingo gives a demonstration of aura healing and how it can lead to mediumship. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: ...
Bruce Fenton uses solid science to back up his remarkable conclusions about the origin of humans. photo by: Skeptiko Alex ...
Richard Cox gives us a deep dive into the spirituality of 9/11, schizophrenia and suicide. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: ...
Claire Broad believes she's learned what the dead are trying to teach us. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: [00:00:06] Welcome ...
David Mathisen has compelling evidence of a worldwide system of ancient knowledge in the stars. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: ...
Sean Webb believes he's cracked the happiness code with neuroscience and consciousness research. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: [00:00:06] Welcome ...
Debra Diamond was an elite Wall Street analyst before discovering her ability to talk with the dead and dying. photo ...
Mary Rodwell is a trained therapist who's 3,000+ cases suggest an ongoing genetic manipulation experiment. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: ...
Dr. Gregory Shushan's research into near-death experience across cultures rankles skeptics and believers. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: Welcome to ...
Courtney Brown talks about where remote viewing has been and where it's headed. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: ... we ...
Mark Gober went from investment banking to writing a book that dives deep into consciousness anomalies. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: Today ...
Dr. Robert Davis' research into peak experiences reveals multiple paths to extended consciousness realms. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: Today we welcome Dr ...
Joshua Cutchin's massive collection of Bigfoot cases points to an extended consciousness phenomenon. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: Today we welcome ...
Dr. Diana Walsh Pasulka's stellar academic background didn't prepare her for Silicon Valley's billionaires and their breakaway civilization. photo by: ...
Alexis Brooks interviews on extended consciousness and UFOs, and goes where mainstream media can't. photo by: Skeptiko [box] Listen Now: ...
Author, scholar and psychotherapist Mark Vernon traces the evolution of consciousness. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: Today, I'm delighted to ...
Alex poses four questions about our relationship to extended consciousness realms and discusses the future of Skeptiko. photo by: Skeptiko ...
David Sunfellow's decades of study on near death experiences has led him to some clear-cut conclusions about the purpose of ...
Rey Hernandez's contact with non-human intelligence has led to the most comprehensive scientific study of extended consciousness experiences and the ...
Anthropologist Dr. Brian Hayden traces the long history of using supernatural claims to grab power. photo by: Skeptiko Ladies and ...
Investigative reporter Sarah Westall dives deep into the the insidious cycle of human trafficking, prostitution and human compromise. photo by: ...
Dr. Philip Goff is a philosophy professor who dares to challenge biological-robot-meaningless-universe party line. photo by: Skeptiko (clip from Dr ...
Self-described materialist-atheist, Tom Jump debates near-death experience science. photo by: Skeptiko   stop humming that song that's Will Ferrell and ...
Robert Forte has lived at the center of the psychedelics/entheogens/mind control revolution. photo by: Skeptiko Do you know where you ...
Dr. Jeffery Martin thinks he has cracked the code to well-being -- an impressive list of researchers agree. photo by: ...
Gordon White of Rune Soup returns to talk Magic, ET and neo-liberal social engineering? photo by: Skeptiko I’m not much ...
Bryan and Anthony from the Badventist podcast, can Christians access extended consciousness? photo by: Skeptiko Sometimes people say to me, ...
Kevin Day, was a TOPGUN Navy Air Controller when he was thrust into one of the biggest UFO events in ...
Dr. Christopher White traces multidimensional science concepts through spiritual thinking. photo by: Skeptiko I keep having these vivid dreams like ...
Conner Habib is a sex workers' rights advocate with a rigorously intellectual take on spirituality. photo by: Skeptiko Charlie Chaplin, ...
Robert Schwartz is a hypnotherapist who believes patients can discover their pre-life plan. photo by: Skeptiko ... scientists tell us ...
Ed Opperman is a private investigator turned podcaster who changed my beliefs, but not his own. photo by: Skeptiko ...
Marisa Ryan has undergone rigorous testing of her skills as a medium, so what does she know about the big ...
[et_pb_section bb_built="1"][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text] Steve Briggs taught advanced meditation all over the world and learned yogic out of body travel. photo ...
Mark Booth's view of our secret history looks way beyond churchy Christianity. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: Today we welcome ...
Jan Van Ysslestyne is the foremost expert on  classical shamanism of the Ulichi. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: Today we ...
[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text] John Brisson on how to regain health by fixing your gut. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: Today we ...
Evan Carmichael has channeled his success into a passion for helping entrepreneurs. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: Today we welcome ...
Jasun Horsley examines the intersection of social engineering and spirituality. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: Today we welcome Jasun Horsley ...
Tim Freke and Richard Cox join me for a freewheeling talk about stuff they usually don't discuss. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: ...
Al From Forum Borealis joins me for a  conversation about technology and consciousness. photo by: Skeptiko (machine generated transcript... very hit ...
Forum Borealis is a podcast unafraid to tackle the big picture questions of life, consciousness and conspiracy. photo by: Skeptiko ...
Dr. Donald DeGracia, breakthroughs in cell research and a deep understand of the yoga/consciousness link. photo by: Skeptiko I have an ...
Mike Clelland has forever changed how we think about owls, ET and extended consciousness. photo by: Skeptiko I have an ...
YouTube's Steven Crowder asked, Did Jesus Exist? Joseph Atwill answers. photo by: Skeptiko Today we welcome Joseph Atwill back to ...
Jason Louv has a reputation as a chaos magician, but he's down with materialistic science-as-we-know-it? photo by: Skeptiko I have an ...
Jeff Riddle has created a new style of podcasting aimed at creating lasting change. photo by: Skeptiko We’re Always in ...
Dr. Jack Hunter has blazed a new trail called paranthropology, but that's just the start of his paradigm busting. photo ...
Dr. Mariana Caplan think yoga is just what psychology and psychotherapy needs. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: Welcome to Skeptiko where we ...
Chris Knowles spots pop culture deception in phony celebrities and the Catholic church. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: Today we ...
Phil Watt seeks a deeper spiritual truth that embraces life, but doesn't ignore conspiracy culture. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: ...
Dr. Michael Shermer isn't swayed by near death experience science, but has he read the literature? photo by: Skeptiko Today we welcome ...
Dr. Bernardo Kastrup on the growing acceptance of his controversial theories of consciousness. photo by: Skeptiko Today we welcome Dr ...
Dr. Dean Radin's interest in psi phenomena is leading him to scientifically investigate magical practices. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: Today we ...
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake finds scientific support for benefits of spiritual practices. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: Today I’m so happy to welcome ...
Meryl Klemow and Beau Hufford  join me in studio to talk about their new podcast, Campfire Sht Show. photo by: Skeptiko ...
Dr. Penny Sartori is a front line near-death experience researcher. Her conclusion -- it's about light and love... well mostly. photo ...
Dr./Colonel John Alexander has seen a lot that can't be dismissed or explained... but is he willing to admit UFOs ...
Michael Tsarion's books ask tough questions about our occulted history and its impact on modern culture. photo by: Skeptiko What ...
Dr. Dr. Julie Beischel has become the preeminent researcher of mediumship and after death communication. photo by: Skeptiko We've come along way ...
Dr. Andrija Puharich researched ESP and psychedelics, brought Uri Geller to the USA, and held seances with aliens... all while working ...
Dr. Jeffrey Kripal's new book connects his interests in the paranormal and erotic elements of mystical religion.   photo by: Skeptiko ...
Dr. Antti Savinainen's new book on the Finnish Mystic, Pekka Ervast adds to our understanding of the afterlife. photo by: ...
UFO Researcher Stanton Friedman on Jacques Vallee and alien consciousness technology. photo by: Skeptiko (Mark Zuckerberg, CEO Facebook) Now, when we ...
Chaos magician and author Gordon White on the blurring of parapsychology and magic. photo by: Skeptiko Nobody does magic quite like ...
Christopher Knowles finds occult symbolism in pop culture and science impossible to ignore. photo by: Skeptiko (News announcer) When you celebrate science, ...
Joe Atwill cautions against the resurging interest in psychedelics and entheogens. photo by: Skeptiko (audio 1979 news report) In their never ending ...
Brian Dunning hosts a popular skeptical podcast, but is the "skeptical community" being pushed to the fringe. photo by: Skeptiko ...
Dr. Henry Bauer explains how market forces have led to the corruption of science.  photo by: Skeptiko Kyrie Irving, is ...
Johnny Verive reports on the 2017 IONS conference.  photo by: Skeptiko ...And that is why the Institute of Noetic Sciences ...
Cody Noconi of the Psilly Rabbits Podcast on whether entheogens and psychedelics lead to deep spirituality.  photo by: Skeptiko [Joe ...
Dr. Jacques Vallée's 40 years of diary entries disclose a large body of science that's been intentionally hidden.  photo by: ...
Robbie Graham and Robert Brandstetter challenge us to look beyond UFOs, extraterrestrials and disclosure.  photo by: Skeptiko On this episode of ...
What Pizzagate reveals about evil. Plus, an ex-FBI agent tells what he learned about sex crimes against children. photo by: ...
Atheist David Fitzgerald seeks to dispel Christian myths. photo by: Skeptiko On this episode of Skeptiko… David Fitzgerald: Whether you’re talking ...
Philosopher Tim Freke's, Soul Story offers a worldview beyond science and religion. photo by: Skeptiko On this episode of Skeptiko… ...
Joe Atwill has a deep state, pro-Roman view of the Bible. photo by: Skeptiko On this episode of Skeptiko… Alex ...
Dr. Karen Jaenke discusses her approach to Consciousness Studies at JFK University. photo by: Skeptiko On this episode of Skeptiko… Alex ...
Jay Dyer looks at what lies behind scientism and atheism. photo by: Skeptiko On this episode of Skeptiko… Alex Tsakiris: ...
Dr. Jerry Brown believes he's found new evidence of psychedelics in early Christian art. photo by: Skeptiko On this episode of Skeptiko… ...
Beverly Gilmour has a rare medical condition that has caused her to experience 100s of NDEs. photo by: Skeptiko On this ...
Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove has a unique vantage point for evaluating the future of parapschology and psi research. photo by: Skeptiko On ...
Lisa Smartt examines what our final words tell us about consciousness and the afterlife. photo by: Skeptiko On this episode ...
Joy Lin didn't go looking for spirit communication, but when they came she answered. photo by: Skeptiko Welcome to Skeptiko, ...
Emma Restall Orr believes animism is more logical and coherent than scientific materialism -- she may be right. photo by: Skeptiko On ...
Renay Oshop, uses big data, AI and advanced statistics to challenge what science thinks it knows about astrology. photo by: Skeptiko ...
Michael Cocks, has been an Anglican Priest for 60 years, so what's he doing talking to channeled spirits? photo by: ...
Daniel Pinchbeck, was a pioneer in exploring consciousness, but now he's sure the world will end if we don't trade ...
Leslie Kean made headlines investigating UFOs, now she taking on NDEs, mediums, and after death communication. photo by: Tatiana Daubek Today we ...
Dr. Ed May ran the U.S. Stargate psychic spying program for 10 years, but as a materialist, rejects psychic woo. photo ...
Jim Marrs is a top-notch investigative journalist, so what's he doing promoting L. Ron Hubbard's Battlefield Earth? photo by: Galaxy Press On ...
Seriah Azkath and  Joshua Cutchin explore all manner of paranormal phenomena in a very sharp, insightful way.  photo by: WhereDidTheRoadGo ...
For 10 years Miguel Conner has been a leading voice for Gnosticism, so why the sudden interest in his ideas? ...
David Mathisen has discovered an ancient, language told through the constellations of the night's sky. photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: Today ...
Robert Bonomo is a Gnostic 9-11 Truther who reads Tarot and writes for "deplorable" websites -- my kind of alt-media journalist ...
Dr. Dana Sawyer's career studying religion and transcendence made him the perfect biographer of Huston Smith.  photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: Today we welcome ...
Suzanne Giesemann traded a career in the Navy for a life as a psychic medium.  photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: Today ...
Gordon White wrestles looks at morality from a Magical perspective. photo by: Skeptiko Gordon White's new book Pieces of Eight: Chaos Magic ...
Gordon White's new book challenges our understanding of Chaos Magic and religion. photo by: Skeptiko Gordon White's new book Pieces of Eight: ...
Neuroscientist, Professor George Paxinos defends atheists who love life. photo by: Skeptiko George George Paxinos is a heavyweight. With over 45 ...
Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats on the difference between conspiracy data and interpretation. photo by: Skeptiko On this episode of Skeptiko, I'm joined ...
Dr. Jane Kent practices Wicca and High Magic in concert with traditional Western psychotherapy. photo by: Kali Bardi On this episode ...
What do new replications of Dr. Daryl Bem's parapsychology research tell us about the original phony replications? photo by: Skeptiko On ...
New Near-Death Experience research from Dr. Jeffrey Long challenges science's understanding of the afterlife. photo by: Skeptiko We've covered a lot of Near-Death experience science over ...
A critical look at an academic near-death experience book by Dr. Ben Mitchell-Yellin and Dr. John Martin Fischer.  photo by: Iwan Gabovitch It's hard to be ...
Dr. John Brandenburg's interview with Gordon White reveals inner workings of government secret space program. photo by: Skeptiko Every since Gordon White ...
UFO researcher Grant Cameron has uncovered 100s of previously classified UFO documents pointing toward a UFO/consciousness link. photo by: Skeptiko Researcher and author Grant Cameron ...
This academic turned filmmaker believes science's growing openness to the simulation hypothesis may overturn materialism. photo by: Kent Forbes Today on ...
This clinical psychologist, and researcher has used yoga to dramatically improve the lives of those suffering from PTSD. photo by: ...
Writer and filmmaker Paul Davids has documented over 100 after death communications with Forrest Ackerman. photo by: Paul Davids To ...
This psychologist believes technology can be used to assist spiritual seekers. photo by: Martin When Jonathan Robinson contacted me about doing an interview for ...
This physician discovered near-death experience science can help those experiencing grief. photo by: Martin Today we welcome Dr. Piero Calvi-Parisetti, an Italian-born, Scottish-raised MD who ...
Philosopher and parapsychology researcher Dr. Stephen Braude sees fatal flaws in the "memories stored in brain" model. photo by: Scott Huettel Today we welcome Dr. Stephen ...
Science is notoriously bad at answering life's big questions, but can the methods of science bring us closer to truth? photo by: ...
Joe Martino started Collective-Evolution to challenge the status quo, raise consciousness and make the world better. Easy, right? photo by: Collective-Evolution ...
Miguel Conner explains why movies like Snowpiercer and The Lego Movie rely on Gnostic themes.  photo by: Bong Joon Ho Today we ...
Dr. Sean Carroll makes science's meaningless universe meme sound palatable in his new book, The Big Picture. photo by: Awesome Inc Dr ...
Dr. Michael Grosso's extensive research of historical records suggests St. Joseph's levitation was real. photo by: UCAN Spirituality Today we welcome Dr. Michael Grosso to ...
Dr. Bernardo Kastrup explores his new found respect for religious myths in, More Than Allegory. photo by: Bernardo Kastrup Today we welcome Dr ...
Zen teacher and author Brad Warner uses the ancient teachings of Dogen to reinforce a simple idea -- don't be a ...
Rick Archer from Buddha at the Gas Pump provides a demonstration of challenging beliefs on global warming. photo by: Khuroshvili Ilya As I was putting the ...
Gordon White's new book Star.Ships seeks to recalibrate our history in light of the falsification of scientific materialism. photo by: ...
Researcher Mary Rodwell discusses FREE's first comprehensive survey of alien contact experience. photo by: Chris Radcliff When I was a kid ...
The International Association for Near Death Studies (IANDS) claims their association with Eckankar is not different from other religious groups. photo ...
Dr. Eric Wargo has turned Carl Jung's synchronicity idea upside down by suggesting a link to successfully replicated precognition experiments. photo by: Robbert van der ...
The Deeper You Go documentary looks beyond traditional neuroscience-based models of consciousness. photo by: 11thStory My first impression of The Deeper You ...
Author and poet Dr. Drew Dellinger uses spoken word performances to challenge science's narrow view of human consciousness. photo by: ...
Nancy Talbott claims to have unlocked crop circle science. Matt Williams is a crop circle maker encountering the paranormal in ...
Dr. Dan Booth Cohen and Emily Volden merge extended consciousness and after-death communication into psychotherapy. photo by: Pip R Lagenta ...
Dr. Dan Booth Cohen and Emily Volden merge extended consciousness and after-death communication into psychotherapy. photo by: Pip R Lagenta ...
To this Ohio State University International Relations Professor a one world state is inevitable. To Alt media blogger James Corbett it's a catastrophe ...
According to the movie Ex Machina, strong AI and the Singularity are just around the corner, but consciousness science suggests otherwise. photo ...
Both parapsychology researchers and Skeptics are misrepresented in this hack job of a movie, but that's what makes it fun to talk about. photo by: ...
Theologian and Philosopher Dr. David Bentley Hart has little patience for sloppy thinking atheists. Looks to consciousness and spirituality. photo by: André Batista The wooden ...
Jurgen Ziewe used lucid dreaming to travel outside of his body and explore other realms of consciousness. photo by: Jurgen Ziewe ...
Remote Viewer Dr. Paul Smith has concerns about the direction of parapsychology research. Also doubts 9/11 remote viewing. photo by: David Webb A few ...
Investigative journalist Luke Rudkowski shows us how to talk to power and challenge the status quo. photo by: Luke Rudkowski I don't like Las ...
Dr. Alexander Wendt examines the implications of consciousness science for the social sciences. photo by: David Ohmer I was introduced to the power ...
Buddhist teacher Stephen Batchelor explores scientific materialism and secular Buddhism. photo by: Stephen Lasky I remember the first time I tried meditation. The anxiety ...
Investigative reporter Jon Rappoport explains why the media intentionally ignored whistleblower revelations about vaccines and autism. photo by: Art Writ My wife is the ...
Near-Death Experience Research, Dr. Jan Holden and her colleagues reveal their latest findings. photo by: Steve Jurvetson The question might sound crass, but then again, ...
Biblical Scholar Joel Watts looks at what Christians don't know about Christianity. photo by: Bolton We're conditioned to believe the ...
Biblical Scholar Joseph Atwill has forever changed how we understand early Christian history by focusing on religion as an instrument of political mind control ...
Northwestern University Psychology professor Dr. Julia Mossbridge's has a novel experiment demonstrating psychic abilities among her male students. Photo by Daniela Vladimirova The experiment ...
Dr. Julie Beischel's newly published research on assisted after-death communication sets a new standard of proof, but don't expect science to change ...
New movie follows a group of scientists challenging medicine's most sacred cows. On the Back of a Tiger, uses interviews, experiments, ...
Recognized expert in 'Sick Building Syndrome', Mike Jawer has discovered a potential link between environmental sensitivity and psychic phenomena. Photo ...
George Johnson's recent piece in the New York Times demonstrates what's wrong with status quo science and lazy science journalism. Photo by ...
Recent study of near-death experience survivors flies in the face of neuroscience's assertion about NDEs. photo by Carl A According to science's current model, ...
Interview with renowned psychic detective Noreen Renier. photo by Samuel Globus Join host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with Noreen Renier ...
John Horgan is a top-notch science journalist, but he's looking toward consciousness research to discover where science is heading. Join Skeptiko ...
Are precognitive dreams real? Andy Paquette is a dream researcher who has compiled more than anyone in history. Dreaming of ...
As a philosopher, Dr. Evan Thompson thinks neuroscience model of near-death experience is fine, but what do NDE researchers say? ...
They may shun religious dogma, and scientific dogma too, but Ken Jordan of Reality Sandwich has tapped into a group ...
When Western medical researchers wanted to unlock the healing properties of plants they asked Amazonian shaman. Simon Green is doing ...
Dr. Michael Nahm is a biologist and researcher on the remarkable phenomenon known as terminal lucidity. Amazing Research. Interview with ...
Interview with Frank Huguenard about his new Beyond Me film and his exploration of spontaneous healing and science's failed assumptions ...
Interview with Dr. Alan Hugenot about the future of near-death experience research. Controversy brewing. Interview with Dr. Alan Hugenot a ...
Mark Vernon reveals how progressive Christians struggle with their tradition's past while holding on to the promise of spiritual transformation ...
Dr. Bernardo Kastrup has a new take on who we are... and his conclusions don't still sit well with mainstream science ...
Distinguished professor Dr. Henry Bauer is perhaps the only person brave enough to tackle controversial subjects like the connection between ...
Alex Tsakiris of Skeptiko interviews Phillip Comella, about The Collapse of Materialism and whether a scientific understanding of consciousness can lead to ...
Dr. Larry Malerba shows why the success of complementary and holistic medicine can be traced to a paradigm shift in ...
ASU science Professor Lawrence Krauss stepped into his own black hole when he challenged the Dalai Lama's over his belief in reincarnation ...
Michael Shermer is a skeptical of an afterlife, but he might have gone too far when mis-reporting one researchers evidence ...
Dan Harris is a star at ABC News, but his investigation of meditation and science turned into more than a ...
This Harvard-trained researcher is trying to unlock the secrets of enlightenment and put it into an online course. In-depth study ...
After 20 years as a meditation teacher Rick Archer turned to podcasting to bring 100s spiritual teachers to the public ...
Interview with religious scholar Dr. Gregory Shushan on the parallels between near-death experience accounts across cultures. Join Skeptiko host Alex ...
Interview with anthropologist Jack Hunter on spirit communication in other cultures and the significance it might have for parapsychology. Photo ...
Alex Tsakiris of Skeptiko interviews Christian mystic Albert LaChance and religious scholar Rebecca Goodwin on experiencing spirituality, and the gap between science ...
Will Storr went looking for science's enemies and found Creationists aren't the only threat. Investigative reporting sheds light. Alex Tsakiris ...
An Exploration of Skeptiko 3.0 and Why Science Is Wrong...About Almost Everything. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris as he officially announces the release of ...
Successful Miami attorney Rey Hernandez's UFO experience drove him to support others. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview ...
Interview with Loyd Auerbach on remote-viewing, Project Stargate, and the misunderstood history of psychic spying. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an ...
Interview with JohnMichael Greer on science, technology, and his pessimistic view of the descent of civilization. A healthy look at our myth ...
Interview ith Dr. Diane Powell about research into telepathy in autistic savant children.  Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with ...
Interview with Wayne State University School of Medicine Physiology researcher Dr. Donald DeGracia about Western science versus Yogic thought. Challenging ideas about the ...
Interview with Ian McCormack about his exclusively Christian interpretation of near-death experiences. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with Ian McCormack ...
Interview with Pastor Howard Storm about his transformation from atheism by way of near-death experience. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview ...
Interview with filmmaker and crop circle researcher Suzanne Taylor examines the enduring scientific mystery of crop circles. UPDATE 10/16/2014: Soon ...
Interview with energy healing researcher and practitioner examines the Bengston Method of energy healing. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview ...
Interview with journalist and author examines resistance to evidence suggesting consciousness survives death. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with ...
Interview with research psychiatrist and and author, Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz examines the mismatch between science-as-we-know-it and human experience. Join Skeptiko host ...
Interview with consciousness philosopher and author, Tim Freke examines the absurdity of science-as-we-know-it. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an ...
Interview with philosopher and author, Bernardo Kastrup examines the limits of scientific materialism.  Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Interview with journalist and author, Roy Davies reveals how Charles Darwin ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Interview with neuroscientist and author, Dr. Michael Graziano examines how mainstream science ...
Interview with author and consciousness explored, Peter Russell examines how science ignores questions of consciousness. Listen Now: Download MP3 (47 min.) Click here ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Interview with investigative journalist, Russ Baker explores how the term ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Interview with regression specialist, Scott De Tamble explores hypnotic regression ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Interview with filmmaker Oliver Hockenhull about the resurgence of psychedelics ...
Interview with Joseph Atwill examines criticisms of his controversial theory about the founding of the Christian church and his book, Caesar's Messiah. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Interview with Dr. David Lane reexamines Dr. Patricia Churchland's Skeptiko interview, and the ...
Interview with University of Virginia professor Dr. Jim Tucker about research of children who remember past lives. photo by rogintakesphotos Join Skeptiko ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Interviews summarizes Alex Tsakiris's experience investigating psychic mediums, and the ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Interview with neurophilosophy expert Dr. Patricia Churchland reveals a lack of understanding ...
click here for YouTube version click here for forum discussion Interview with social media expert and Wikipedia critic, Rome Viharo ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Interview with the Dr. Todd Dufresne examines Sigmund Freud's deception ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Interview with the Rick Archer host of Buddha at the ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Interview with the alien encounter researcher Mary Rodwell examines the stigma of extraordinary human experiences, ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Interview with the author of, Don't Worry!  There Probably is ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Click here to post comments on Part two of ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Click here to post comments on Interview with alien ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here to post comments on Click here for forum discussion A re-introduction of ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Click here to post comments on Interview with UFO ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Click here to post comments on A new version ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Click here to post comments on Interview with religion ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Click here to post comments on Interview with Kevin ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Click here to post comments on Interview with esteemed ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Click here to post comments on Examination of recent ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Click here to post comments on Interview with hypnotherapist ...
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Click here to post comments on Interview with atheist ...
 Interview with Robert Mays reveals a disturbing pattern of misrepresentation and distortion in Luke Dittrich's Proof of Heaven expose published ...
Interview with philosopher and noted atheist Dr. Stephen Law examines the philosophy of science and extraordinary claims. Join Skeptiko host ...
Interview examines whether or not near-death experience research conclusions contradict Christian doctrine of heaven and the afterlife. Join Skeptiko host ...
Interview examines mainstream psychology's approach to near-death experience science. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with Dr. Gary ...
Interview examines the connection between ancient yoga practices and the science of extended human consciousness. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris ...
Interview examines a near-death experience science from a legal perspective. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with Victor ...
Interview brings ethnographic perspective to discover the meaning of near-death experiences to those who have had them. Join Skeptiko host ...
Interview explores theory suggesting that hallucinogenic substances were central to the development of religious thought and practices. Join Skeptiko host ...
Interview explores the trauma and eventual spiritual transformation of those reporting alien contact. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an ...
Interview explores the personal accounts of Native Americans and “Star People”. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with ...
Interview with author and Podcast host examines Gnostic themes in our modern culture. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an ...
Interview with activist and author explores his personal journey with Ayawaska, ETs, and energy healing. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris ...
Interview with author, scholar, and psychic medium Dr. Julia Assante challenges our fear of death. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris ...
Interview with Dr. Rupert Sheldrake about censorship of his Science Set Free lecture. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an ...
Interview with Rick Archer host of the website and Youtube channel, Buddha at the Gas Pump. Join Skeptiko host Alex ...
Interview with author and parapsychology investigator Michael Tymn examines the work of Leonora Piper. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for ...
Interview with psychic medium researcher Dr. Julie Beischel explores the practical applications of a reading from a psychic medium. Join ...
Interview with out of body (OBE) expert and author Robert Bruce explores extended consciousness as an open-minded skeptic. Join Skeptiko ...
Interview with author Chris Carter explores the scientific evidence for the survival of consciousness. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for ...
Interview with chaos theory pioneer Dr. Ralph Abraham offers new insights into how a chaotic model of consciousness might work ...
Interview with Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris examines the origins of the show and lessons learned. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris ...
Interview with Ancient Aliens Debunked filmmaker Chris White who swamps the Ancient Alien theories with science, but relies on Biblical ...
Interview with Blogger and UFO researcher Mike Clelland about reports of contact with alien consciousness. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris ...
Interview with Dr. Diane Powell about her book, The ESP Enigma, and why research into extended human consciousness remains taboo.  Join ...
A look back at a series of dialogs between Rupert Sheldrake, Terrance McKenna and Ralph Abraham. Join Skeptiko host Alex ...
Interview with Dr. Mario Beauregard about his new book, Brain Wars, and the battle between old brain science and new ...
Interview with author and UFO filmmaker Paul Kimball. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with author and UFO ...
Interviews from the 2012 Parapsychology Association conference with Dr. Daryl Bem, Dr. George Williams, Dr. Athena Drewes and Dr. Robert ...
Emails from Sam Harris reveal what he really thinks about parapsychology and Psi research. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for ...
Interview with Dr. Victor Stenger about his new book, God and the Folly of Faith, and the science of consciousness ...
Interview with Dr. Eben Alexander about his new book, Proof of Heaven, and the medical mystery of his NDE. Join ...
Review of the recent controversy over the Newsweek magazine cover story, Heaven is Real, and Sam Harris’ response to an ...
Interviews with psychologist and author and Dr. Kirby Surprise explores whether or not synchronicity is real. Join Skeptiko host Alex ...
Interviews with author and out-of-body experience expert Graham Nicholls explores misconceptions about OBEs. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an ...
Interviews Alexander Moreira-Almeida, Erlendur Haraldsson, Robert Almeder, and Stanley Krippner discuss the relationship between mind and body, and the end ...
Interview with St. Josephs College sociology professor Dr. William Bengston examines his extensive scientific research into hands on healing. Join ...
Interview examines how scientific assumptions about materialism and consciousness have constrained us. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview ...
Interview examines the scientific evidence underlying an atheist worldview and why atheists are reluctant to defend it. Join Skeptiko host ...
Interview examines new methodology for estimating probability of psi and paranormal experiences. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with paranormal ...
Interview examines the shortsightedness of the culture war between science and religion. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview ...
Interview examines the connection between quantum physics and human consciousness. Join Skeptiko guest host Enrique Vargas for an interview with ...
When military intelligence insider Ben Rich told this UFO investigator UFOs were powered by the same force that causes ESP everything changed ...
One researcher's creative experiment reveals a surprising link between synchronicity, spirituality and the paranormal. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with Robert Perry, ...
Interview with author and past president of the International Association of Near Death Studies examines research into negative near death ...
Interview with author and Professor of Religious Studies examines how paranormal experiences have fueled the work of famous science fiction ...
Interview with investigative journalist Steve Volk examines the role of skeptics in science. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with Philadelphia-based ...
Interview with psychologist and renown near-death experience researcher discusses how our language and system of logic limits our understanding of ...
Parapsychology researcher from Iceland explores the past life memories of children. Join Skeptiko guest host and paranormal dream expert Andy ...
Interview with author Anthony Peake examines how our understanding of time may effect our understanding of the near-death experience. Join ...
Interview with Cornell University Professor Emeritus Dr. Daryl Bem looks at the reaction to his groundbreaking parapsychology experiments. Join Skeptiko ...
Interview with biblical scholar Dr. Mike Heiser examines how many Christians approach paranormal claims from curiously skeptical perspective. Join Skeptiko ...
Interview with Rollins College professor of philosophy examines what parapsychology research in other cultures tells us about consciousness. Join Skeptiko ...
Interview with alternative media investigative journalist James Corbett examines how we know what we think we know. Join Skeptiko host ...
Interview with U.S. Army Remote Viewer Joe McMoneagle explains how his near-death experience led to being selected for the government’s ...
Interview with Parapsychology researcher Dr. Caroline Watt explains why, despite criticism, she maintains, “there is nothing paranormal about near-death experiences.” ...
Interview with NDE researcher Dr. Jan Holden unravels the claim, “there is nothing paranormal about near-death experiences.” Join Skeptiko host ...
Interview with London physician Dr. Ian Rubenstein reveals how one doctor's encounter with psychic phenomena led to Spiritualist Church mediumship ...
Interview with historian and Alfred Russell Wallace scholar challenges evolutionary biologist, Dr. Jerry Coyne. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for ...
Interview with University of Chicago professor and author of, Why Evolution is True,  Dr. Jerry Coyne. Join Skeptiko host Alex ...
Interview with Cal Tech professor and author of the upcoming, Consciousness: Confessions of a Romantic Reductionist,  Dr. Christof Koch. Join Skeptiko ...
UFO researcher sees evidence of telepathy in the accounts of UFO witnesses. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview ...
Author and scientist sees pattern of decreased brain activity during peak experiences. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview ...
Psychotherapist and Medium claims communication with spirits reveals no reincarnation. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with August ...
Interview with Dr. Robert Kuhn reveals why he’s reluctant to accept evidence for near-death experience (NDE) science. Join Skeptiko host ...
Interview with Buddhist meditation teacher Shinzen Young explores different views of God. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview ...
Interview reveals how a near-death experience changed everything neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander thought he knew about consciousness, spirituality, and life ...
Skeptics and Beliver square off in a discussion about Skepticism, science and some controversial past Skeptiko interviews. Join Skeptiko host ...
Long-time NDE researchers and author P.M.H. Atwater reveals what she’s learned from the nearly 4,000 near-death experieners she’s studied. Join ...
How reliable is the reporting of science journalists who are also part of the "Skeptical community"? Join Skeptiko host Alex ...
Lucid dreaming expert Robert Waggoner explains how to become aware of our dreams while we’re dreaming, and how paranormal dreams ...
Professor Michael Flannery explains how the theory of evolution was hijacked, and why Alfred Russel Wallace had it right all ...
Author and Satanist Winter Laake explains how his experiences with the occult have shaped his views on life and the ...
OBE expert Graham Nicholls explains how his out of body experiences have led him to an understanding of the spiritual ...
Jim Harold explains why mainstream media outlets stick to conventional “giggle factor” reports of the paranormal. Join Skeptiko host Alex ...
Professor of Psychology and well-respected researcher Dr. Stanley Krippner explains how his research supports the reality of precognitive dreams. Join ...
Author of The Bond explains how our scientific understanding of human connection leads to spirituality. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris ...
Author and Newsweek’s religion editor Lisa Miller offers mixed messages about what lies beyond death. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris ...
Bestselling author and investigative journalist Jim Marrs discusses how disinformation is used to shape history. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris ...
Investigative journalist and author Steve Volk seeks a middle-ground between mainstream science skepticism and researchers on the paranormal fringe. Join ...
George Washington University Medical Center Professor, Dr. Lakhmir Chawla, answers critics of his near-death experience research. Join Skeptiko host Alex ...
Noted parapsychology investigator and author Guy Lyon Playfair discusses poltergeists, after-death communication and the telepathy of twins. Join Skeptiko guest ...
Dr. Mark Sheehan discusses his book, Healing Prayer on Holy Ground and the impact of prayer on his patients. Join ...
Cult expert Joe Szimhart discusses how genuine spiritual experiences can be exploited by religious cults. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris ...
Journalist and author Hazel Courteney describes her spiritual awakening and the science it led her to. Join Skeptiko host Alex ...
Neurotheology researcher, physician and author, Andy Newberg explains how fundamentalists Christians and Atheists share a minority view of God. Join ...
Biologist and author Rupert Sheldrake expresses dismay at latest claims made by Skeptic Richard Wiseman in his recent book, Paranormality ...
Human consciousness researcher Dr. Stuart Hameroff describes how discoveries are revealing more brain complexity than artificial intelligence (AI) experts suspected ...
Pulitzer Prize winning author Deborah Blum discusses the challenges of science reporting and the paranormal taboo. Skeptiko guest host Steve ...
Noted DMT researcher Dr. Richard Strassman describes how DMT allows consciousness to enter an out-of-body, freestanding, independent realm of existence ...
Two teachers of A Course in Miracles have differing views on the validity of channeled wisdom. Join Skeptiko host Alex ...
Co-host of Point of Inquiry, discusses how Skeptics approach psychic science. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with ...
The author of, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, discusses why NDE evidence doesn't measure up. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for ...
The author of, Sum: 40 Tales From the Afterlife, discusses his work as a neuroscientist and author. Join Skeptiko host ...
The author of, Dreamer: 20 Years of Psychic Dreams and How They Changed My Life, discusses his psychic and precognitive ...
Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris and atheist blogger Greta Christina square-off for a debate on near Death Experience (NDE) science. Join ...
Father Rod Walton author of, Bereavement Rescue with Near Death Experience, discusses the evidence for and uses of NDE science ...
Author Robert McLuhan examines the psychology and hidden purpose behind the modern skeptical movement pioneered by James Randi. Join Skeptiko ...
Popular author Nick Bunick claims past-life regression provided remembrances of Jesus, but biblical scholars have doubts. Join Skeptiko host Alex ...
Author Chris Carter discuses how Near Death Experience Science is misunderstood and misrepresented by mainstream science. Join Skeptiko host Alex ...
Scholar and author Dr. James Fetzer discuses how his research into the JFK assassination and 9/11 attacks has allowed him ...
Cardiologist and NDE Researcher Dr. Pim van Lommel discuses how his research with near-death experiencers has changed his beliefs about ...
NDE Researcher Dr. Jeffrey Long responds to recent comments by Dr. Sam Parnia regarding near-death experiences being a "trick of ...
Interview with author and influential thinker in the Emergent Church movement looks at Christianity 10,000 years from now. Join Skeptiko ...
Interview with NDE researcher and AWARE Project leader explores limits of experiments on near-death experience. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris ...
Comparative Religions scholar and author of, Authors of the Impossible explores the link between consciousness and culture. Join Skeptiko host ...
Interview with author and consciousness expert Dr. Susan Blackmore explains why Skeptics and atheists cling to her opinions on NDE ...
Interview with author Ophelia Benson explores how a scientific understanding of life after death might impact an atheistic worldview. Join ...
Interview with resurrection of Jesus expert Dr. Gary Habermas reveals challenges facing Christians encountering near death experience science. Join Skeptiko ...
Interview with Dr. Stephen Braude reveals challenges and opportunities of controversial psi research into mediumship and psychokinesis. Research into controversial ...
Interview with Dr. Robert Price reveals why biblical scholar, and former Baptist minister, turned  away from Christianity. With battle lines ...
Cornell University Professor and NDE researcher seeks to verify out of body experience after clinical death. What will you see ...
Oxford Professor of Medicine, and theologian, Michael Marsh finds much he doesn’t like about near-death experience claims of spirit communication ...
City University of New York Professor skeptical of near-death experience, likens NDE researchers to astrologers. There's pseudoscience, bunk, scientific nonsense, ...
Righteous Indignation Skeptics not persuaded by psychic medium experiment, find fault with controls and results. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris ...
Yale University Neurologist skeptical of near-death experience research claims. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for the second in a two-part ...
Skeptiko show considers claims of Yale University Neurologist regarding near-death experience research. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for the first ...
Interview with science journalist Jeff Wise examines the accuracy of news reports on near-death experience research. Recent headlines on, ...
Interviews with Tamas Borbely of Goldsmiths College and Dr. Peter Bancel of the Global Consciousness Project reveal common ground on ...
Series of interviews with leading near-death experience skeptics show no plausible medical explanation for afterlife experiences. The idea of an ...
Professor at University of Colorado's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering guides students through experiments demonstrating unexplainable psychic phenomena. With ...
Near-Death experience researcher Dr. Long offers a point-by-point response to skeptics of his New York Time best seller, Evidence of ...
Anesthesiologist Dr. G.M. Woerlee believes NDEs are in our body and our brain - not in the afterlife. As a ...
Lively debate between biologist Rupert Sheldrake and telepathy skeptic Richard Wiseman reveals wide rift between skeptics and psi proponents Join ...
Renée Scheltema discusses her documentary, Something Unknown Is Doing We Don’t Know What.  Motivated to explain her curious psychic experiences, documentary ...
Skeptic's Million Dollar Challenge To Be More Open and Transparent Says JREF President, D.J. Grothe Join Skepitko host Alex Tsakiris ...
The most comprehensive research into near-death experience deals a kill shot to skeptics and aims to change how science views ...
Near-death experience skeptic, Dr. Kevin Nelson says the burden of proof is on experiencers to show their experiences are real ...
Biologist, and noted telepathy researcher, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake is developing an automated telephone telepathy system and is looking for qualified ...
When it comes to claims of a global consciousness linking us all to tragedies like the earthquake in Haiti, or ...
Neurologist and University of Toledo Neuroscience Researcher, Dr. John Greenfield considers the EEG data from patients with near death experience ...
Neuroscience Researcher and Laurentian University professor, Dr. Michael Persinger, demonstrates telepathy under laboratory conditions. Claims of telepathy, ESP and other ...
Guest: Hospice specialist Janice Ervin discusses the OpenSourceScience medium experiment. [box] Listen Now: [/box] [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] [/box] Click ...
Faced with choosing a prominent figure for his Science and Society Masters dissertation, Phillip Stevens avoided the obvious.  Instead of ...
Join Host Alex Tsakiris for a discussion with remote viewer and former U.S. Army psychic spy, retired Major Paul H ...
Join Host Alex Tsakiris for a discussion with The Men Who Stare at Goats author, Jon Ronson.  The 35-minute interview ...
Guest: Troy Conrad is a comedian, writer, actor, producer, and former college teacher who comments on the hypocrisy of religion ...
Guest:  Dr. Rupert Sheldrake is the current Perrott-Warrick Scholar and Director of the Perrott-Warrick Project. He is also a Fellow ...
Guest:  Dr. Chris French of the University of London discusses his skeptical research of Dr. Rupert Sheldrake's Telephone Telepathy experiments ...
Update on the Skeptiko's Summer Vacation and my non-interview with mentalist Mark Edward. Play it: Download MP3 (9:11 min.) Read ...
Guest: Dr. Phil Plait, author of Bad Astronomy defends JREF. Other links: Rosemary Breen is conducting a survey on paranormal ...
Guest: R. Craig Hogan, author of Your Eternal Self claims studies unmistakably point to the finding that the mind is ...
Guest: Richard Saunders, host of The Skeptic Zone discusses current issues in the "skeptical community". Psychic Detective Dorothy Allison Redux ...
Guest: Psychic detective Noreen Renier discusses the current state of psychic detective work and provides an overview of some of ...
Guest: Mark Ireland, discusses his book Soul Shift, and how psychic medium communication with his deceased son sent him on ...
Guest: Dr. Yvonne Kason, discusses her experience with, and research of, near-death experiences and other transformative experiences like Kundalini, death ...
Guest: Marilynn Hughes, performs an out-of-body travel experiment for a mother grieving the loss of her daughter. Play it: Download ...
Guest: Dr. Roger Nelson, formally of Princeton’s Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) lab, joins Alex Tsakiris to discuss how skeptics view ...
Guest: Brain Dunning, host of the popular Skeptoid Podcast, joins Alex Tsakiris to discuss how skeptics view the Global Consciousness ...
download skeptiko-2009-05-12-87881.mp3 Guest: Michael Schmicker, Author of, Best Evidence: An Investigative Reporter’s Three-Year Quest to Uncover the Best Scientific Evidence for ...
Guest: Guy P. Harrison, author of, 50 Reasons People Give for Believing in a God Download MP3 (30:24min, 14MB) ...
Guests: Ben Radford of The Skeptical Inquirer, psychic detective Nancy Weber, police Captain Jim Moore, and NJ State Police Lieutenant ...
Guest: Vicki Warren, Psychic Detective and author of Coffee, Doughnuts and God. Download MP3 (28:30min, 13MB) ...
Guest: Greg Taylor, blogger and creator of the popular paranormal website The Daily Grail. Here’s the link to Greg’s article on ...
Guest: Michael Brooks, science journalist and author of 13 Things That Don’t Make Sense: The Most Baffling Scientific Mysteries of Our Time ...
Guest: John Holland, renown psychic medium and author of Power of the Soul. Also Noted: Greg Taylor exposes a little bit of ...
Guest: Dr. Peter Fenwick, neuropsychiatrist, world renown expert on end of life phenomena, including near-death experiences and deathbed visions. His most ...
Guest: Buddhist scholar and author of the upcoming Mind in the Balance, Dr. Alan Wallace discusses Buddhism and atheism. Download MP3 (44:31min, ...
Guest: Christian science writer, and author of The Spiritual Brain,Denyse O’Leary, on the compatibility of Christian doctrine to new discoveries in ...
Guest: Michael Tymn author of the new book, The Articulate Dead,discusses the history of mediumship and the scientific research surrounding the topic ...
Guest: Medium Stephanie A. Stevens discusses her involvement in the OpenSourceScience medium experiment Probability spreadsheet First name popularity Download MP3 (46:47min, ...
Guest: Lt. Bill Hughes of the New Jersey State Police and Captain (retired) Jim Moore of the Parsippany New Jersey ...
Guest: Psychic detective Nancy Weber recounts her amazing work in the Amie Hoffman murder case. Download MP3 (20:56min, 10MB) On this ...
Guest: Dr. Jon Klimo, discusses his 30 plus years of research into channeling and other unexplained aspects of human consciousness. Download ...
Guest: Carol Tavris discusses her book Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful ...
Guest: Ben Radford, managing editor of Skeptical Inquirer magazine discusses his debunking of the Charles Capel psychic detective case. [box] ...
Guest: Psychic detective Noreen Renier Download MP3 (34:08min, 16MB) Alex: Welcome to Skeptiko where we explore controversial science with leading ...
Download Audio (MP3) (44:18min, 20MB) On this episode of Skeptiko author Lynne Kelly offers a skeptical view of psychic medium ...
On this episode of Skeptiko, Dr. Julie Beischel on how to conduct psychic medium research: “I think people fail to ...
Download Audio of This Interview (MP3) (61:10min, 28MB) Alex: Welcome to skeptiko, where we explore controversial science with leading researchers, thinkers, and ...
skeptiko-2008-07-23-42588.mp3 Guest: R. Craig Hogan, author of Your Eternal Self claims studies unmistakably point to the finding that the mind ...
Guest: Dr. Clive Wynne on the University of Florida’s participation in the DogsThatKnow experiment. Play It: Download MP3 (33:00 min.) ...
Download MP3 (44:17min, 20MB) Show Notes “These are mainly people who are committed to a kind of militant/atheist worldview. As ...
download interview (MP3 36:06min, 17MB) Announcer: On this episode of skeptiko, psychic medium researcher, Dr. Julie Beischel, on research into ...
Description: Dr. Steven Novella from the Skeptics Guide to the Universe discusses his participation in an upcoming psychic medium demonstration ...
Chronicles the email exchange between Skeptiko host, Alex Tsakiris and noted Skeptic, James Randi regardingDogsThatKnow experiment. Download MP3 (15:55min, 7.3MB) ...
Download Audio (MP3) (35:54min, 16.4MB) ] Announcer: On this episode of Skeptiko, we’ll look at Chris Carter’s examination of the ...
Chris Carter 04/09/2008 Download MP3 (35:54min, 16.4MB) Announcer: On this episode of skeptiko, we’ll look at Chris Carter’s examination of the ...
Skeptic James Randi Remains Doggedly Opposed to Any Claims of the Paranormal Download MP3 (40:02min, 18.3MB) [box] Listen Now: [audio ...
Guest: Marc Beckoff, Animal Emotions, the Fox and the Hedgehog [box] Listen Now: [/box] [box] Subscribe: [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] [/box] ...
Guest: Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris, biologist, ecologist, futurist and author, examines why scientists should be skeptical of their assumption that the ...
download skeptiko-2008-02-13-43994.mp3 Guest: Dr. Peter Sturrock, on academic snobbery. Hard-core skeptic Dr Clive Wynne, and Ethologist Dr. Marc Bekoff on whether ...
download: skeptiko-2007-12-30-66476.mp3 Skeptiko Host, Alex Tsakiris, offers a point-by-point response the comments of noted Skeptics, Dr. Steven Novella, and Dr. Richard ...
Skeptiko Host, Alex Tsakiris, offers a point-by-point response to the comments of noted Skeptics, Dr. Steven Novella, and Dr. Richard ...
Skeptiko host, Alex Tsakiris, responds to Skeptics Guide to the Universe’s, Dr. Steven Novella. In a point-by-point response, Tsakiris claims ...
download skeptiko-2007-11-26-76963.mp3 Skeptiko Host Alex Tsakiris looks back at over thirty episodes of Skeptiko and examines what he's learned from his ...
Download Audio (MP3) (44:00min) Guest: Dr. Jill Morstad, highly regarded dog trainer and animal communications Expert, examines whether dogs can ...
Guest: Dr John Demartini, on why for some skeptics -- No Proof is Sufficient [box] Listen Now: [/box] [box] Subscribe: ...
Download Audio (MP3) (44:00min) Guest: Marcel Cairo, Los Angles Psychic and Medium, suggests the root cause of science's skepticism of ...
Download Audio (MP3) (49:00min) Guest: Greg Koukl explores whether science is undermined by a bias against Christian spirituality: "…When people ...
Download Audio (MP3) (55:00min) Guest: Rusty Wright explores the limits of scientific research into the near-death experience  from a Christian ...
Download Audio (MP3) (67:00min) Guest: Tom Clark, Naturalism proponent, explores the lack of evidence for, “fringe science” like parapsychology, near-death ...
Download Audio (MP3) (54:00min) Guest: Dr. B. Alan Wallace, Tibetan Buddhism scholar, explores his research into human consciousness, and how ...
Download Audio (MP3) (47:00min) Guest: Dr. Ginger Campbell, host of The Brain Science Podcast, explores why a lack of science ...
Download Audio (MP3) (50:00min) Guest: Dr. Raymond Moody explores what his thirty years of research has taught us about consciousness ...
download: skeptiko-2007-06-25-87037.mp3 Guest: Dr. Edward Kelly and Dr. Emily Kelly explore evidence suggesting human consciousness is more than just what happens ...
Guest: David Lester, Ph.D. has achieved worldwide recognition as a leading authority on suicide. He is a researcher and prolific ...
Guest: Rabbi Rami Shapiro explores the difference between faith and belief, and explains why modern religion must remain grounded in ...
Guest: Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and Dr Richard Wiseman on whether dogs can "know" when their owners are coming home. With ...
Guest: Dr. Stephen Novella on how collaboration between skeptics and researchers may pave the way for more conclusive findings: "… ...
Guest: Dr. Robert Almeder, reviews his work on the epistemology of science, and criticism of materialism as a way of ...
Guest: Steve Paulson examines his reporting on the intersection of science and religion, and the challenges mainstream media face: "…going ...
Guest: Dr. Neal Grossman explores near-death experience research, consciousness, academic paradigms and why many religious groups are unfriendly toward near-death ...
Guest: Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, explores psi phenomena, consciousness, intuition and how radical skeptics are ignoring advances in our understanding of ...
Guest:  Dr. Richard Wiseman discusses the skeptical community, paranormal research, quirky psychology, and what’s lacking in paranormal research. Play it: ...
Guest: explains why he remains skeptical of parapsychology research, and why parapsychologist don't garner attention from academia: "… if one ...
Guest: Dr. Jean Burns discusses her experiences on the front lines of the "psi wars", and the relationship between physics and consciousness ...
Guest: D. J. Grothe clears up some common misconceptions about science:"“There’s not one thing called science that says, ‘x, y ...
Guest: Stephan A. Schwartz explores the connection between his research into remote viewing and global climate change: "The same kind ...
Guest: Dr. Charles Tart explores his research findings and personal conclusions about spirituality, meditation and transpersonal psychology: “I think we ...
Featured Interview: Dr. Susan Blackmore explores her journey from a disillusioned parapsychology researcher to an author on human consciousness, and ...
Featured Interview: Dr. Marilyn Schlitz explains how controversial science research remains a taboo subject with many of her peers : ...
Featured Interview: Dr. Michael Shermer speaks on Darwin and the origin of the human species, “…as long as the source ...
Featured Interview: Dr. Dean Radin. In private, virtually all scientists, including the most severe skeptics, will admit to interesting things ...
Featured Interview: Dr. Rupert Sheldrake. Is science news dominated by a few loud voices? On this first episode of Skeptiko ...