Distinguished professor Dr. Henry Bauer is perhaps the only person brave enough to tackle controversial subjects like the connection between HIV and...
Author: Alex Tsakiris
272. Phillip Comella Can Science Lead to Spiritual Transformation
Alex Tsakiris of Skeptiko interviews Phillip Comella, about The Collapse of Materialism and whether a scientific understanding of consciousness can...
Homeopathy still a joke to mainstream medicine… he’s changing that |271|
Dr. Larry Malerba shows why the success of complementary and holistic medicine can be traced to a paradigm shift in science. There may be solid...
The Dalai Lama is loved by millions, so why is this science professor demanding he step down? |270|
ASU science Professor Lawrence Krauss stepped into his own black hole when he challenged the Dalai Lama's over his belief in reincarnation. A...
How this science reporter got caught stretching the truth about NDE science |269|
Michael Shermer is a skeptical of an afterlife, but he might have gone too far when mis-reporting one researchers evidence for near-death...
Why meditation and science are on a collision course. Mind > brain |268|
Dan Harris is a star at ABC News, but his investigation of meditation and science turned into more than a news story. Meditation works... so say...
Has a Harvard-trained psychologist unlocked the secret to enlightenment? |267|
This Harvard-trained researcher is trying to unlock the secrets of enlightenment and put it into an online course. In-depth study of those who...
The internet is doing something no one expected — increasing spiritual enlightenment |266|
After 20 years as a meditation teacher Rick Archer turned to podcasting to bring 100s spiritual teachers to the public. You might meet your guru...
What makes near-death experiences similar across cultures? L-O-V-E |265|
Interview with religious scholar Dr. Gregory Shushan on the parallels between near-death experience accounts across cultures. Join Skeptiko host...
Anthropology’s surprising finding — psychic tribes |264|
Interview with anthropologist Jack Hunter on spirit communication in other cultures and the significance it might have for parapsychology. Photo...
Are some Christian scholars changing their opinion of divinity? |263|
Alex Tsakiris of Skeptiko interviews Christian mystic Albert LaChance and religious scholar Rebecca Goodwin on experiencing spirituality, and the...
Science has its enemies, but they may not be who you think |262|
Will Storr went looking for science's enemies and found Creationists aren't the only threat. Investigative reporting sheds light. Alex...
261. Why Science Is Wrong…About Almost Everything
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqpMBqChuX8 An Exploration of Skeptiko 3.0 and Why Science Is Wrong...About Almost Everything. Join Skeptiko...
This attorney takes extraterrestrial contact seriously. Now he’s helping remove the stigma for other “experiencers” |260|
Successful Miami attorney Rey Hernandez's UFO experience drove him to support others. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with...
USA psychic spies vs. Russian psychic spies — new revelations about what really happened |259|
Interview with Loyd Auerbach on remote-viewing, Project Stargate, and the misunderstood history of psychic spying. Join Skeptiko host Alex...
What if our progress is really a decline. Acclaimed author challenges our myths about progress |258|
Interview with JohnMichael Greer on science, technology, and his pessimistic view of the descent of civilization. A healthy look at our myth...
Autistic… and psychic. Research reveals psychic abilities among autistic savant children |257|
Interview ith Dr. Diane Powell about research into telepathy in autistic savant children. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with...
What this medical researcher’s LSD trip told him about materialistic science — wrong, wrong, wrong |256|
Is the near-death experience only for Christians? One NDE expereincer thinks so |255|
Interview with Ian McCormack about his exclusively Christian interpretation of near-death experiences. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an...
What happened when this atheist art professor had a near-death experience? |254|
Interview with Pastor Howard Storm about his transformation from atheism by way of near-death experience. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an...
253. Suzanne Taylor, the Scientific Mystery of Crop Circles
Interview with filmmaker and crop circle researcher Suzanne Taylor examines the enduring scientific mystery of crop circles. UPDATE 10/16/2014:...
252. Bernadette Doran on Energy Healing
Interview with energy healing researcher and practitioner examines the Bengston Method of energy healing. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an...
The real reason scientists refuse to believe near-death experiences… and how it’s linked to the pro-life movement |251|
Interview with journalist and author examines resistance to evidence suggesting consciousness survives death. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris...
250. Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz, Science’s Inability to Explain Personhood
Interview with research psychiatrist and and author, Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz examines the mismatch between science-as-we-know-it and...
249. Tim Freke On Soul Crushing Science
Interview with consciousness philosopher and author, Tim Freke examines the absurdity of science-as-we-know-it. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris...
248. Bernardo Kastrup Says Materialism is Baloney
Interview with philosopher and author, Bernardo Kastrup examines the limits of scientific materialism. Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for...
247. Roy Davies Exposes Charles Darwin’s Plagiarism
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Interview with journalist and author, Roy Davies reveals how Charles Darwin lied...
246. Dr. Michael Graziano Likens Near Death Experience Research to Astrology
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Interview with neuroscientist and author, Dr. Michael Graziano examines how...
245. Peter Russell, Science Ignores Consciousness
Interview with author and consciousness explored, Peter Russell examines how science ignores questions of consciousness. Listen Now: ...
244. Russ Baker, The Taint of Conspiracy Theories
Click here for YouTube version Click here for forum discussion Interview with investigative journalist, Russ Baker explores how the term...