Whitley Strieber experienced military grade torture long before he encountered the visitors. Alex Tsakiris: ...they intentionally try...
Author: Alex Tsakiris
Al Borealis, End of 2020 Show |479|
Al Borealis, this time we actually do an end of year show. https://youtu.be/3xNrsUrrdo0 Click Here for the Forum Borealis website...
Al Borealis, Universal Health Care Trap? |478|
Al Borealis, is universal health care a human right, or entrapment? Click Here for the Forum Borealis website Click here for Forum...
Greg Moffitt, the Placebo Effect is Consciousness |477|
Greg Moffitt explores the placebo effect and evil science. Click Here for Greg Moffitt's website Click here for Forum Discussion...
Leanne Whitney, Jung, Patanjali and the Seat of Consciousness |476|
Dr. Leanne Whitney explores the shadow work of Jung, and it's connection to Patanjali |476| Alex Tsakiris: That's Three Faces of Eve...
David Whitehead, Trigger-Proof Warrior |475|
David Whitehead used martial arts as a springboard into truth seeking. David Whitehead: When it comes to triggers, these are...
Chris Mathieu, Forbidden Knowledge News – Swapcast |474|
Click Here for Forbidden Knowledge News Page Click here for Forum Discussion skeptiko-chris-mathieu-forbidden-knowledge-news ...
James Ellis, Raising the Conversation Past Level Zero |473|
James Ellis is a philosopher and creator of the Hermitix podcast where level three conversations are routine. Forgive the longer than...
Dr. Tom Cowan Insists We Show Him Covid-19 |472|
Dr. Tom Cowan's has some wacky ideas, but in what world can Amazon ban a Simon & Schuster book? Audio Clip: 0:02 'Hi, everybody, Hi...
Steven Snider (Reculse) Has Redefined the Parapolitical Middle |471| what in the world
Steven Snider's (Reculse) deep dive into the parapolitical takes aim at Epstein photo by: Skeptiko Alex Tsakiris: That's a clip...
Cherylee Black, Laboratory Verified PK |470|
Cherylee Black, had her psychokinetic abilities tested in controlled laboratory experiments. photo by: Skeptiko That's from the...
Tricia Barker, Life After Near Death Experience Ain’t Always Easy |469|
Tricia Barker helps Near Death Experiencers deal with the gifts and challenges that come next. photo by: Skeptiko That's...
Dr. Mark Pitstick After Death Communication Shatters Materialism |468|
Dr. Mark Pitstick and Dr. Gary Schwartz have done breakthrough science, so why all the "soul phone" chatter? photo by:...
Conner Habib, Why You Can’t Just Take the Good and Leave the Bad |467|
Conner Habib, seeks to untangle the good from the bad in order to find what makes us human. photo by: Skeptiko That's a...
Dr. Gayle Kimball Explores the Mysteries of Frontier Science |466|
Dr. Gayle Kimball has interviewed leading scientists and thinkers to understand the frontier beyond the mainstream. photo by:...
Jurgen Ziewe is bringing Virtual Reality to the Spiritual Experience |465|
Jurgen Ziewe is bringing virtual reality technology to his experiences as an out of body traveler. photo by: Skeptiko ...
Joseph Atwill, Why the Bible is Pro-Roman |464|
Joseph Atwill's insights about the relationship between power and religion seem more relevant than ever. photo by:...
William Ramsey, The Satanic Panic Head Fake |463|
William Ramsey, this attorney turned investigative journalist and author has a unique perspective on satanic panic. photo by:...
Tricia Robertson, 30 Years of After-death Communication Research |462|
Tricia Robertson has explored after death communication for more than 30 years. photo by: Skeptiko That's Matt Damon from...
Dr. Bernardo Kastrup, What Split Personality Tells Us About Consciousness |461|
Dr. Bernardo Kastrup, opens up about extended consciousness, dissociative identity, and angels and demons. photo by:...
David Icke, Love Not Fear is The Answer |460|
David Icke was recently banned from Youtube for advocating free thought, free speech and non-violent resistance, but does his science...
Andrew Holecek, Lucid Dreaming and Yoga |459|
Andrew Holecek is a recognized expert on lucid dreaming and dream yoga, but is he playing it safe? photo by: Skeptiko Now...
Bruce Fenton on UFO/ET Contact 780,000 Years Ago |458|
Bruce Fenton's shamanic experience sent him looking for scientific proof of ancient alien contact... and he found it. fina photo...
Jasun Horsley, How Culture Shapers Spin Aleister Crowley |457|
Jasun Horsey has a razor sharp critique of how the occult has become part of our pedocracy culture. photo by: Skeptiko I...
Dr. Jeffery Martin, Can He Transition Our Ego-Centric Culture? |456|
Dr. Jeffery Martin seeks to shift our fundamental sense of well being, and his numbers prove he can. photo by: Skeptiko ...
Charlie Morely, Why His Buddhist Teacher Told Him to Dream Into Hell |455|
Charlie Morely is an expert at lucid dreaming, and he's gone places most wouldn't dare to go. photo by: Skeptiko That's from...
Rick DeLano’s Terrific Quantum Science Film Tainted by Catholic Nonsense |454|
Rick DeLano's movie, The End of Quantum Reality makes a strong case against scientific materialism, but then there's the Catholic...
David Ditchfield’s Near-Death Experience Turned Him Into an Artist and Composer |453|
David Ditchfield was pulled under a speeding commuter train, but the spiritual encounters of his NDE left him with new artistic...
Steve Briggs, Took His MBA to the Himalayan Yogis And Discovered… |452|
Steve Briggs recounts his experiences with Himalayan yogis. photo by: Skeptiko That’s Kronk from The Emperor’s New Groove...
Dr. Tom Zinser, Clinical Psychologist on Difference Between Darkness and Evil |451|
Tom Zinser's clinical psychology practice took a turn when he discovered the difference between darkness and evil. photo by:...