Ed Opperman, Trump, Epstein, Why Beliefs Don’t Change |399|
Ed Opperman is a private investigator turned podcaster who changed my beliefs, but not his own.

photo by: Skeptiko
… today’s show is about changing your mind changing, your beliefs, but as often happens on these shows it turned into a something else. I mean, how else can you explain how I could go from this:
Alex Tsakiris: … [Ed] you seem to follow data wherever it leads. That’s what I care about. And that’s what I hear from your show. It’s awesome. It’s rare.
To this:
Ed Opperman: …well, I would end it there because, you want to change my mind, I don’t think it’s gonna happen. I don’t have to justify my faith to you. What’s your need to change my mind?
Alex Tsakiris: I get that it sounds like I’m desperate to change your mind, I’m really not. This is the Skeptiko process for me — follow the data wherever it leads. I see in you someone who’s following the data, and then when it comes to this topic it’s like, ‘no, I don’t really need to follow that data.’ I hear this all the time, people say ‘I’m a smart guy if that was true I would know it.’
So, this episode has a lot of layers to it and I’m tempted to pull them all apart and lay them all out and explain them, but I don’t really think that’s what you want, or what I want. I want to let you know up front that the episode has a lot of political flavor to it, but not for the sake of politics, this is an episode about what I used to believe, why I believed it, and I came to change those beliefs.
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Alex Tsakiris: I’m a, follow the data wherever it leads, guy, I’m interested in the spiritual understandings that we can gain from analyzing the data in that way and I’m just a little bit surprised by the Christian, born again thing, on your part.
Ed Opperman: Okay. I’ve read the Bible, probably a dozen times, back to back, I’ve read The New Testament probably about 30 times, probably more. Like I said, I live this.
Alex Tsakiris: But, the Bible in not reliable in the way that most Christians think it is.
Ed Opperman: Well, I would end it there because do you want to change my mind? I don’t think it’s going to happen. Do I have to justify my faith to you? What’s your need to change my mind?
Alex Tsakiris: I don’t have a need. I get that it sounds like I’m desperate to change your mind, I’m really not. I’m pointing out, in the same way that this, to me, is the process, this is the Skeptiko process, for me. It’s like, follow the data wherever it leads, and I see in you someone who’s following the data and then when it comes to this, it’s like, “Well no, I don’t really need to follow that data because I’ve already done it.” It’s like I hear all the time from people, when I talk to them about anything, like in science and they say, “I’m a smart guy. I read all of these papers. If that was true, I would know it.” It’s like, that’s not an explanation for whether or not you’ve really dug into the data.
Today we welcome Ed Opperman to Skeptiko. Ed is a private investigator turned independent journalist, radio broadcaster and podcaster and the creator and host of the very, very excellent Opperman Report.
Ed, welcome to Skeptiko. Thanks so much for joining me.
Ed Opperman: Thank you so much. I’m happy to be here.
Alex Tsakiris: Well great. I’ve just had an awesome time binging on The Opperman Report, preparing for this show and I’ve got to tell folks, they’re going to see, as this thing unravels, the connections with Skeptiko and what we’re all about, but the deep investigations that you do and the news stories that others are just, well they’re just unwilling or for some reason they’re unable to go there. This is amazing work and you’re really to be congratulated. I’m just blown away by what you’ve done here.
Ed Opperman: Thank you very much, I appreciate that very much, I really do.
Alex Tsakiris: And I’ve got to add, the thing that really drew me and got me excited about your work is, you seem to follow the model of this show, Skeptiko, which is follow the data wherever it leads. So, you have guests on your show who clearly have a different political view from yours or maybe a different world view than yours and you don’t seem to care about any of that, you’re just like, “Hey, did the guy do a good investigation? Has he risen to the level where I can trust what he’s saying?” That’s what I care about and that’s what I hear from your show, it’s awesome, it’s rare. Do you want to speak to that, am I getting that right?
Ed Opperman: Yeah. I guess, the way I look at it is, I’m here to take their statement and get them down on record. I’ve not got to argue with people, convince them or get into a big debate with people, for the most part. Sometimes I do get into a little debate, but for the most part, I just want to get their statement down, on record, for prosperity, for the future.
A lot people say, “Ed, how come you didn’t ask tough questions? How come you didn’t nail them to the wall?” I’m working as a private investigator taking witness statements, you don’t get into a debate with the guy, I’m not trying to influence what he’s trying to say. I want to get his record down on statement and later on we can cross-examine him, on the witness stand. But you kind of want to have a friendly attitude with people to establish a rapport, get them comfortable and get them talking.
End 00:04:11
Start 00:10:28
Alex Tsakiris: I sent you this long list of all of the different topics we might cover and as you correctly pointed out, we could spend 10 hours, 20 hours. Anyone who listens to The Opperman Report will understand that you do these deep dives, I mean, you keep going and going and going on these stories as far as you can. So, there’s going to be a little bit of that flavor in there today, but we can’t, of course, cover it all.
What I really want to focus on is this idea of beliefs and how we form our beliefs, how we change our beliefs, how, as I just mentioned a minute ago, how frustrating it is to hear people say, “Oh, just show me the facts. Just show me the facts. I’ll believe it, just tell me,” and you show them the facts and they want to run as far away and as fast as they can from changing their beliefs.
We want to talk about, I think, your experience with that, what you’ve found, what you think that means and also my experience.
I was going to put myself, as kind of a guinea pig, a lab rat here, because one of the belief change things that I’ve gone through just recently, courtesy of The Opperman Report, is this understanding that I’ve come to about Donald Trump and I’m almost embarrassed to say, not that I was ever a Trump supporter, I didn’t vote for Trump, but I’m not a super political guy, that’s not where this show has come from, but I was, I guess, afraid to really look into the things that I had heard about Donald Trump until they were laid out on your show.
So, again, I’m embarrassed how slow I was to the party here, but I want to put myself in the lab rate position here and dissect how that happened.
I guess we have to start with the facts and since I wasn’t aware of all of the facts, I’m sure there’s other people out there who are not aware of all of the facts, and that is that Donald Trump is a creep, I mean, he’s a sexual pervert and you’ve disclosed that rather thoroughly on your show.
But let me turn it over to you. Tell me how you would explain that to someone who’s starting, kind of, just from ground zero, is open-minded, doesn’t have a point of view one way or another?
Ed Opperman: You know, I’ll tell you, judging by the emails and the messages I get, you’re probably the only person who’s ever changed their mind about Trump, because I can tell you, the people who supported him from the beginning of still die-hard supporters.
First of all, I grew up in New York City, so I saw Trump in the early, early days and stuff, just in the news and stuff, and I’ve had my own little brushes up against Trump and stuff. I tell the story about, who was that girl? Marla Maples, when she came out in the news, she got caught cheating on Trump’s wife, Ivana, and she went hiding out. She was hiding out from the paparazzi at my friend’s apartment. I used to hang out with these flight attendants, and she was hanging out in their apartment and I made this little joke about, “Hey, let’s go in there and tap the phone so we can sell it to the National Enquirer.”
So, I made that joke later on to some people who knew Trump and it got back to him, which wasn’t such a healthy situation for me.
There was one time at the US Open, where he was giving me dirty looks throughout the whole US Open, a tennis game there.
So, growing up in New York, I was very familiar with Trump, I went to the Trump Tower all of the time, to Atlantic City. I used to go to Atlantic City all of the time, all the Tyson fights and stuff.
So, I’m very familiar with Trump and his background, the allegations about Trump that we all knew back in New York, this kind of showman, conman, cheating on his wife, this kind of character.
Now, in my work, I deal with a lot of stuff where people are involved in romance scams, people are victims of scams, they’re victims of con artists. I get them on the phone, I get them all convinced, “Listen, this guy is stealing your money, he’s a Nigerian, he doesn’t really love you. You’ve got to cancel your email, you’ve got to change your phone number, don’t ever talk to this guy again.” “Oh, you’re right, you’re right. I don’t know what I was thinking.” Half an hour later, they’re back on the phone with me, “Well, he says you’re the one that’s trying to steal from me.”
People want to believe their conman, they want to believe their conman loves them. They don’t want to believe they’ve been conned, they don’t want to believe they’ve been tricked. They don’t want to think that they’ve been gullible, and no one wants to think that, I don’t like to think that.
End 00:14:57
Start 00:19:18
Alex Tsakiris: Maybe you just want to speak to that a little bit, in terms of, how high-powered these guys are and then tying it back again to the deep, deep connection that has been glossed over between Epstein and Trump. But you’re laying out the story wonderfully, so I don’t want to stop you, go ahead.
Ed Opperman: Well, Dershowitz was actually friends with Epstein, before he was an attorney and Epstein was donating huge amounts of money to Harvard Law School. In fact, he’s seen walking around in a Harvard T-shirt all of the time. So, there’s that and also Virginia Roberts, she was forced to have sex with Dershowitz as well, she says, and that while she was servicing Epstein, Dershowitz was right there in the same room, just having a conversation, just a natural conversation. That’s how bizarre their relationship was. And Dershowitz, in his defense of all of this says, “Well, the way I met Mr. Epstein, was at a party at Evelyn Rothschild’s house.” That’s his idea of defending this situation.
So, we’ve got Epstein, this interesting character who grew up in Brooklyn. We know nothing about his parents, working-class people. He went to a Welcome Back, Kotter type of high school in Brooklyn, I always forget the name of it, but it was like one of those types of, like Coney Island High School and then went onto this big brokerage firm.
First, he went to teach at a little school, Dalton School in Manhattan, where the little girls wear those little school outfits. He became friends with a little girl, her father brought him into one of his brokerage houses, I forget which one, Lehman Brothers or Sterns or one of those, I forget.
Then, he went out on his own, had one client, Leslie Wexner, who’s the guy behind Victoria’s Secret and The Limited and all that kind of stuff.
So, when you wonder why, when you see the little kids at Limited Too and those outfits from Limited Too, why these little girls are all dressed like sluts, well, Leslie Wexner owns that place. You might wonder what’s going on there.
So, notorious behavior, all throughout Manhattan. If the read the Vicky Ward article from way back, talking about parties at Epstein’s house where there was a bunch of teenage Eastern European girls who looked like prostitutes. His relationship with Jean-Luc Brunel, the modelling scout. There’s the notorious 60 Minutes exposé on him about giving roofies and stuff to models.
I’ve interviewed some models that know all of these characters, I did a couple of shows on them. One with Barbara Pilling that just came out, who talks about how Trump hit on her when she was 16 years old, at a party and that she met a young girl, I think it was a Haitian girl, she said, who was 17 that dated Trump and was dating Trump for a while.
Other stories have come forward since then about other members of the Trump family, recently, in the past couple of years. Trump employees dating Trump men, okay? And they’re under age.
So, this stuff is going on up until today.
End 00:22:12
Start 00:36:01
Alex Tsakiris: If that eventually doesn’t lead back to some kind of adjustment in our spiritual outlook, i.e. How do I live my life in a meaningful way? How do I figure out what I’m supposed to do at any time? Then, all of this is just bullshit, just another form of entertainment and I don’t think it is supposed to be another form of entertainment. I think we’re supposed to take the kind of information that you’re sharing, the kind of investigations you’re doing, and I think we’re supposed to do something with it.
So, I want to get there eventually, but in the meantime, I want to get back and talk about this issue of beliefs, how we form our beliefs, how we get stuck on our beliefs and I want to put myself in the middle of that and tell you, kind of how I got sucked into the Trump thing.
End 00:36:55
Start 00:39:49
Alex Tsakiris: On Election night, my wife comes in and she goes, “You’ve got to look at this, you’re not going to believe it.” Now, literally, this is how, out of the political loop I am, I’m not even watching any of the coverage, and she says, “Come in and look at this.” And, Donald Trump wins and for a moment, I guess I’m like, “Oh my god! It is possible. It is possible.”
For a minute Ed, suspend, if you can, everything you know about Donald Trump, because I didn’t know those things. So, suspend that for a minute and look at Donald Trump as I did, which at a very high-level, he clearly is an outside because the Republicans hate him. You’ve got Conservatives like George Will writing articles that say, “Hey, even if this guy gets all of the electoral votes, let’s go against the whole electoral process and not nominate this guy as our candidate.” And George Will isn’t citing the [unclear 00:40:54] and Mar-a-Lago is one of the reasons he’s doing it, he’s saying that because of purely political things.
So, I look at this guy and say, this guy is clearly an outsider. This guy is tapped into something in the American people and hey, wouldn’t it be awesome if it really was possible for the people to vote somebody in, and that’s what I saw in Donald Trump.
End 00:41:22
Start 01:19:42
Alex Tsakiris: One other thing I’ve got to hit you with before we leave, and that’s the UFO thing. I don’t see where you’re really, kind of engaged with that topic, and I take that you don’t like the [unclear 01:19:54] stuff, okay, I get it. The UFO thing, it’s right out there in the New York Times. Leslie Kean has done the story, we had her on. Lou Elizondo comes out and says, “I worked inside the government, we knew all of this stuff,” and it’s just backed up by another 50 years and stuff. Why are you, kind of, on the outside looking in on the UFO thing?
Ed Opperman: Okay. What would you say if I told you Art Bell didn’t believe in UFOs?
Alex Tsakiris: I don’t know. Who cares?
Ed Opperman: Okay, I’m just saying. I’ve seen things up in the sky that I can’t explain, so I can say that firsthand.
Also, once again, going back to this whole thing, there was one time I believed all of that stuff, all the stuff. I was a fan of Kerry Cassidy’s Project Camelot, but until we start meeting these people and dealing with them, and you just find out that many of them are just full of shit.
Now, can I conclusively say one way or the other that I know what’s going on? I’ve known people that have worked at Area 51, they’re scientists and stuff like that and they can’t talk about what they’ve seen there, but there’s no indication that they believe it’s other worldly. Is it possible? Of course, it’s possible. Do I think that I can solve this on my own with all of the disinformation out there on these kinds of topics and all of the hoaxing?
Alex Tsakiris: But, are you aware of the New York Times’ disclosure in December of 2017 and that whole thing? One, I think that was a politically PSYOP kind of control disclosure, but it was a disclosure none the less. They’re now showing the videos and the government is saying, “We recorded these off of an aircraft carrier,” and it’s just confirming what we’ve all known for 20 years through accidentally disclosed documents and freedom of information documents that have slipped out in the United States and Canada. I mean, I don’t know what Art Bell and Cassidy Camelot has to do with just the mountains of solid evidence we have.
Ed Opperman: Well, yeah, again too. Do I trust the New York Times and everything they have to say? I really don’t, and could that be accurate? It could be, I don’t know. I think there are things up in the sky we can’t explain, there’s all kinds of phenomena we can’t explain but what the source of it is and whether it’s a US secret space program or who knows? I don’t know.
Alex Tsakiris: Yeah, we could say that about all of the other stuff that you’ve investigated, we don’t know until we investigate.
Ed Opperman: Yeah, and the more I’ve looked into this, and like I said, at one time I did believe and the more I’ve looked into this and gotten to know these people, with main people in the field, I’m unimpressed.
Alex Tsakiris: Who do you think are the main people in the field?
Ed Opperman: People like, who is that guy? Well, Kerry Cassidy would be one, [unclear 01:23:03] would be another one, Richard [unclear 01:23:05] would be another one. What’s that guy? David Wilcock and people like that, all of these stories and stuff like that. I would find all of that stuff incredible.
Alex Tsakiris: I would put those people in the, kind of, main people. I mean, Jacques Vallée.
Ed Opperman: I’ve never heard of Jacques Vallée.
Alex Tsakiris: You’ve never heard of Jacques Vallée?
Ed Opperman: No.
Alex Tsakiris: Or Stanton Friedman
Ed Opperman: I’ve heard of Stanton Friedman, yeah, and not impressed.
Alex Tsakiris: We can’t go there.
Ed Opperman: Yeah, I know, because it’s really not a field that I believe I can make any difference in. Like I said, the more you meet these people who talk about it and stuff like that, and you just find out they’re full of shit and doing hoaxes.
Alex Tsakiris: Yeah, that’s not been my experience. My experience is the same with all of this stuff. I mean, 90% of people are full of shit and it’s just a matter of sorting out who is and who isn’t and what they have to say and what their method is and what their process is, and that’s what I’m about, the process of how somebody got there.
0:05 – 0:13 look I’m just not ready ask Laraine out
0:09 – 0:15 to the dance and not you or anybody else
0:13 – 0:23 on this planet is gonna make me change
0:15 – 0:26 my mind that’s a clip from the sci-fi
0:23 – 0:28 classic back to the future and although
0:26 – 0:30 today’s show is in about time travel it
0:28 – 0:33 is about changing your mind changing
0:30 – 0:36 your beliefs but as often happens on
0:33 – 0:40 these shows it kind of turned into a
0:36 – 0:42 show about something else I mean how
0:40 – 0:46 else can you explain how I could go from
0:42 – 0:49 this you seem to follow data wherever it
0:46 – 0:51 leads so that’s what I care about it and
0:49 – 0:54 that’s what I hear from your show it’s
0:51 – 0:57 awesome it’s rare to this well well I
0:54 – 0:59 would end it there because you know you
0:57 – 1:01 want to change my mind you know I don’t
0:59 – 1:03 think it’s gonna happen you know do I
1:01 – 1:05 have to justify my faith to you what’s
1:03 – 1:06 your need to change my mind that I get
1:05 – 1:08 that it sounds like I’m desperate to
1:06 – 1:11 change your mind I’m really not this is
1:08 – 1:13 the skeptical process for me it’s like
1:11 – 1:14 follow the data wherever it leads and I
1:13 – 1:16 see in you someone who’s following the
1:14 – 1:17 data and then when it comes to this
1:16 – 1:19 what’s like well no I don’t really need
1:17 – 1:21 to follow that data it’s like I hear all
1:19 – 1:24 the time from people and they say I’m a
1:21 – 1:27 smart guy if that was true I would know
1:24 – 1:30 it so this episode has a lot of layers
1:27 – 1:32 to it and I’m tempted to pull them all
1:30 – 1:35 apart and lay them all out and explain
1:32 – 1:38 him to you but I don’t really think
1:35 – 1:41 that’s what you want or what I want it’s
1:38 – 1:43 better for you just to listen to it
1:41 – 1:45 experience it and see what you think I
1:43 – 1:49 want to let you know up front that the
1:45 – 1:52 episode has a lot of political flavor to
1:49 – 1:54 it but not for the sake of politics this
1:52 – 1:58 is an episode about what I used to
1:54 – 2:01 believe why I believed it and then how I
1:58 – 2:03 came to change those beliefs and the
2:01 – 2:05 fact that those beliefs happened to be
2:03 – 2:08 about Donald Trump are just really
2:05 – 2:10 secondary I guess so just one more note
2:08 – 2:12 on the political thing I’m gonna leave
2:10 – 2:16 it to you to decide whether
2:12 – 2:18 creepy sexual kind of perverted stuff
2:16 – 2:21 the Donald Trump is mixed up with is
2:18 – 2:22 better or worse than the accused
2:21 – 2:26 pedophile
2:22 – 2:29 John Podesta or the accused rapist Bill
2:26 – 2:32 Clinton or the Satanic friendly Hillary
2:29 – 2:36 Clinton or the pedo Pope or and if it
2:32 – 2:38 rested this crazy stuff when you have to
2:36 – 2:41 start making those kind of comparisons I
2:38 – 2:43 think it’s pointless but I do think this
2:41 – 2:46 process of trying to figure out what’s
2:43 – 2:48 real even if it requires us to look into
2:46 – 2:52 the abyss I think that process is
2:48 – 2:57 important I want to stay open to that
2:52 – 2:59 process and I hope you’re willing to go
2:57 – 3:00 there with me because maybe I’ve missed
2:59 – 3:02 something maybe I got something
3:00 – 3:04 completely wrong and I think I’ll be
3:02 – 3:07 better off going there if you’ll go
3:04 – 3:11 there with me and that’s what I’m asking
3:07 – 3:13 you to do in this episode so see what
3:11 – 3:16 you think here’s my interview with that
3:13 – 3:20 opperman
3:16 – 3:20 [Music]
3:22 – 3:27 [Music]
3:25 – 3:30 today we welcome Edie Opperman to
3:27 – 3:33 skeptic oh it is a private investigator
3:30 – 3:36 turned independent journalist radio
3:33 – 3:38 broadcaster and podcaster and the
3:36 – 3:39 creator and host of the very very
3:38 – 3:42 excellent
3:39 – 3:45 Opperman report Edie welcome to
3:42 – 3:48 sceptical thanks so much for joining me
3:45 – 3:51 thank you so much I’m happy to be here
3:48 – 3:54 well great you know I’ve just had an
3:51 – 3:57 awesome time binging on the Oppermann
3:54 – 3:59 Report preparing for this show and I
3:57 – 4:02 gotta tell folks they’re gonna see is
3:59 – 4:05 this thing unravels the connections with
4:02 – 4:09 skeptic oh and we’re all about but the
4:05 – 4:12 deep investigations that you do into
4:09 – 4:15 news stories that others are just well
4:12 – 4:18 they’re just unwilling or for some
4:15 – 4:21 reason they’re unable to go there this
4:18 – 4:24 is amazing work and you’re really to be
4:21 – 4:26 congratulated and I’m just blown away by
4:24 – 4:28 what you’ve done here No thank you very
4:26 – 4:31 much I appreciate that very much I
4:28 – 4:34 really do well and I gotta add you know
4:31 – 4:36 the thing that really drew me and got me
4:34 – 4:40 excited about your work is you seem to
4:36 – 4:43 follow the the motto of this show
4:40 – 4:46 skeptic Oh which is follow the data
4:43 – 4:49 wherever it leads so you have guests on
4:46 – 4:52 your show who clearly have a different
4:49 – 4:55 political view of from yours or maybe a
4:52 – 4:56 different worldview than yours and you
4:55 – 4:59 don’t seem to care about any of that
4:56 – 5:02 you’re just like hey did the guy do a
4:59 – 5:03 good investigation has he risen to the
5:02 – 5:05 level where I can trust what he’s saying
5:03 – 5:06 and that’s what I care about it and
5:05 – 5:09 that’s what I hear
5:06 – 5:11 from your show it’s awesome it’s rare do
5:09 – 5:14 you want to speak to that am I getting
5:11 – 5:15 that right yeah I guess the way I look
5:14 – 5:17 at it is you know I’m here to take their
5:15 – 5:19 statement and get them down on the
5:17 – 5:21 record I’m not really a they here to
5:19 – 5:22 argue what people convinced them you
5:21 – 5:24 know or get into a big debate with
5:22 – 5:27 people you know and you know for the
5:24 – 5:28 most part you know sometimes I do get
5:27 – 5:29 into a little debate but for the most
5:28 – 5:31 part I just want to get this statement
5:29 – 5:33 down on the record for posterity you
5:31 – 5:35 know for the you know for the future it
5:33 – 5:37 would allow these people and a lot of
5:35 – 5:38 people to you know let happen meet and
5:37 – 5:41 ask tough questions Hackney and nail him
5:38 – 5:42 to the wall because when I’m working as
5:41 – 5:44 a private investigator taking witness
5:42 – 5:45 statements you know you don’t get into a
5:44 – 5:47 debate with the guy am i trying to
5:45 – 5:48 influence what he’s trying to say I want
5:47 – 5:50 to get his record down on the statement
5:48 – 5:53 later on we can cross-examine him on the
5:50 – 5:54 witness stand but you kind of wanna have
5:53 – 5:56 a friendly attitude with people
5:54 – 5:58 establish a rapport get them comfortable
5:56 – 6:00 and get them talking you know like I
5:58 – 6:03 just did a recent interview with the the
6:00 – 6:05 FBI agent with the anthrax case and if
6:03 – 6:07 people listen to that carefully you know
6:05 – 6:10 I asked them a lot of questions and he
6:07 – 6:10 pretty much says well you’re right okay
6:11 – 6:14 you know I don’t know what more you want
6:13 – 6:15 you want me to start yelling at him hey
6:14 – 6:17 the whole thing was a cover-up and you
6:15 – 6:19 know it’s so just take a statement and
6:17 – 6:22 it’s there for the record people didn’t
6:19 – 6:25 concede it well you know let me say I
6:22 – 6:28 think you asked great questions you
6:25 – 6:31 asked questions that you know they they
6:28 – 6:32 come from an investigator’s standpoint I
6:31 – 6:34 can tell that because they’re different
6:32 – 6:36 than the one that I would think and then
6:34 – 6:39 it’s like wow that really does kind of
6:36 – 6:41 get to something without revealing all
6:39 – 6:43 your cards which I see but what I was
6:41 – 6:45 really alluding to is something a little
6:43 – 6:47 bit different and maybe it’s just in
6:45 – 6:49 your DNA and you don’t even see it but
6:47 – 6:53 there’s a lot of people who talk a good
6:49 – 6:55 game about just show me the data and you
6:53 – 6:58 know I’ll be convinced show me the facts
6:55 – 7:00 but they don’t really live that and so
6:58 – 7:02 you know you’re kind of a left-leaning
7:00 – 7:04 guy and we’ll talk about that a little
7:02 – 7:07 bit you have no problem talking to
7:04 – 7:11 people who have conservative political
7:07 – 7:14 views and you just want to know their
7:11 – 7:17 this seems to me and what I admire and
7:14 – 7:19 the link to skeptic code is you seem to
7:17 – 7:22 be open to what they say as long as
7:19 – 7:24 they’ve done an investigation that makes
7:22 – 7:26 sense and man that is just rare these
7:24 – 7:28 days because everyone has a real hard
7:26 – 7:31 time getting out of their own beliefs
7:28 – 7:33 and saying evaluating whether or not
7:31 – 7:36 they can believe somebody based on the
7:33 – 7:38 evidence yeah I definitely what you’re
7:36 – 7:40 talking about and it’s been very few
7:38 – 7:42 times were you know I just got so
7:40 – 7:43 disgusted I just had like I’m thinking
7:42 – 7:46 about that guy Kesler you know who
7:43 – 7:47 started defending torture and stuff like
7:46 – 7:50 that and I just couldn’t take it anymore
7:47 – 7:50 and he just said okay we gotta go
7:51 – 7:58 everybody’s all women you know I tell
7:54 – 8:00 you what let me start with one of your
7:58 – 8:04 kind of favorite leadoff questions who
8:00 – 8:06 is a top ermine well you know I’m a dad
8:04 – 8:08 you know I’m a dad to my kids a teen
8:06 – 8:09 year old daughter’s going me to college
8:08 – 8:11 I think I did a good job with this kid
8:09 – 8:13 she’s a president of debate team getting
8:11 – 8:14 accepted so a lot of really good
8:13 – 8:16 colleges she wants to go into journalism
8:14 – 8:18 or politics or the law
8:16 – 8:20 so first I’m a dad I’m a Christian you
8:18 – 8:22 know I believe in Jesus Christ I try and
8:20 – 8:23 live my life according to the precepts
8:22 – 8:25 of the Bible and stuff like that you
8:23 – 8:26 want to others you want to you you don’t
8:25 – 8:28 want kind of stuff love your brother
8:26 – 8:33 love your neighbor you know aren’t those
8:28 – 8:34 nice things I am a leftist left-leaning
8:33 – 8:36 people love to say left-leaning but I’m
8:34 – 8:39 gonna leftist man I’m not you know I
8:36 – 8:41 look at you go Chavez with suspicion
8:39 – 8:43 guys now left enough for me I’m a
8:41 – 8:45 socialist I believe we should be
8:43 – 8:47 nationalized in the oil industry and
8:45 – 8:48 things like that I’m a real hardline
8:47 – 8:50 socialist not this kind of wishy-washy
8:48 – 8:53 stuff you see Bernie Sanders and stuff I
8:50 – 8:55 am private investigator for a living I
8:53 – 8:57 still am a full-time private
8:55 – 8:59 investigator and a digital forensic
8:57 – 9:01 investigator I do all the regular stuff
8:59 – 9:03 of PI’s do acid searches and locates
9:01 – 9:05 adoption investigations background
9:03 – 9:07 reports I specialize in that a lot of
9:05 – 9:10 internet type investigations like email
9:07 – 9:11 tracing invented this search where I can
9:10 – 9:13 trace an email address back to online
9:11 – 9:15 dating websites and catch people
9:13 – 9:16 cheating online I also do digital
9:15 – 9:18 forensics where he’s sending a cell
9:16 – 9:20 phone or hard drive we capture all the
9:18 – 9:22 information off the hard drive or the
9:20 – 9:24 cell phone we reduce it down to a report
9:22 – 9:25 that can be used in court that’s pretty
9:24 – 9:29 much what I do we’re all full-time
9:25 – 9:30 living I’m an investigative reporter
9:29 – 9:32 radio host I like to call myself I like
9:30 – 9:34 to have conversations with people and
9:32 – 9:37 meet the most interesting people in the
9:34 – 9:39 world and I enjoy that I’m a single guy
9:37 – 9:42 I’m out there in a dating a hopeless
9:39 – 9:44 dating world of Las Vegas and I guess
9:42 – 9:47 that’s about it and then I can think of
9:44 – 9:48 great you’re also you’re a guy from the
9:47 – 9:51 Bronx
9:48 – 9:53 yes you got a little bit of that og vibe
9:51 – 9:56 to you you’ve you’ve kind of seen some
9:53 – 9:59 things and seeing some different people
9:56 – 10:01 that kind of work on both sides of the
9:59 – 10:02 street if you will and
10:01 – 10:04 that comes through and your personality
10:02 – 10:07 and your show do you want to speak about
10:04 – 10:08 that background at all well yeah I’ve
10:07 – 10:12 lived an interesting life you might say
10:08 – 10:13 I grew up in the Bronx and you know in a
10:12 – 10:15 really fascinating neighbor in the
10:13 – 10:18 Bronson Soundview neighborhood right by
10:15 – 10:20 Soundview Avenue on Crozier near the
10:18 – 10:23 Schuyler house buildings right between
10:20 – 10:24 Sam you have anew and Parkchester
10:23 – 10:28 nono st. Lawrence Avenue on there the
10:24 – 10:29 number six train line and I fascinating
10:28 – 10:31 and I went to school the same school
10:29 – 10:34 it’s a sort of my arrow went to the
10:31 – 10:36 Supreme Court justice and Afrika
10:34 – 10:40 Bambaataa was came out of our
10:36 – 10:42 neighborhood and the friend of ours you
10:40 – 10:44 know was dating Tommy Mottola you know
10:42 – 10:46 back then a fascinating they brought
10:44 – 10:47 artists and community activists and
10:46 – 10:49 stuff it all with street gangs and stuff
10:47 – 10:52 is a lot of crime we left there we went
10:49 – 10:53 to Staten Island and I grew up in a
10:52 – 10:55 working-class neighborhood cops and
10:53 – 10:58 firemen but also a lot of organized
10:55 – 10:59 crime figures you know you’d see them in
10:58 – 11:01 the papers and stuff like that back in
10:59 – 11:03 those days you know we you know we could
11:01 – 11:05 say hey Jess so your uncle owned the
11:03 – 11:07 newspapers you know running numbers and
11:05 – 11:08 stuff and they would say no there’s no
11:07 – 11:10 such thing as mafia you know so you had
11:08 – 11:12 to say there’s no such thing swap and I
11:10 – 11:13 had to say that so we grew up with all
11:12 – 11:16 those characters and then later on I
11:13 – 11:18 became a hung out in New York City with
11:16 – 11:23 the yuppies I was a political activist
11:18 – 11:25 with the AJ Weber men and oh boy almost
11:23 – 11:27 characters down there at nine Bleecker
11:25 – 11:28 Street and the punk scene down there and
11:27 – 11:31 on the Lower East Side and Bowery
11:28 – 11:33 Bleecker Washington Square Park and all
11:31 – 11:35 that stuff and met a lot of famous
11:33 – 11:37 people a lot of course passed a lot of
11:35 – 11:41 people went into the nightclub business
11:37 – 11:44 for a while there in Manhattan ran with
11:41 – 11:46 the Bulls in Spain lived with a gospel
11:44 – 11:47 tent ministry for about six years I
11:46 – 11:50 traveled a gospel tent ministry up and
11:47 – 11:51 down Maine to to New York down sit as
11:50 – 11:53 low as a New Jersey southern New Jersey
11:51 – 11:55 and stuff so you know interesting I
11:53 – 11:58 found an interesting life I can’t
11:55 – 11:60 complain that is interesting quite a
11:58 – 12:02 quite a varied background there and it
11:60 – 12:04 does play into your show as people will
12:02 – 12:07 listen to it and they’ll hear how some
12:04 – 12:09 of that background plays in tell you
12:07 – 12:12 what I wanted to do try and do today
12:09 – 12:14 because you know I sent you this long
12:12 – 12:16 list of all the different
12:14 – 12:18 topics we might cover and as you
12:16 – 12:21 correctly pointed out Mook would spend
12:18 – 12:22 10 hours 20 hours and anyone who listens
12:21 – 12:25 to the Opera Mon report will understand
12:22 – 12:27 that you do these deep dives I mean you
12:25 – 12:30 keep going and going and going on these
12:27 – 12:32 stories to as far as you can so there’s
12:30 – 12:34 gonna be a little bit of that flavor in
12:32 – 12:37 there today but we can of course cover
12:34 – 12:41 at all what I really want to focus on is
12:37 – 12:44 this idea of beliefs and how we form our
12:41 – 12:45 beliefs how we change our beliefs how as
12:44 – 12:47 I just mentioned a minute ago how
12:45 – 12:50 frustrating it is to hear people say oh
12:47 – 12:53 just show me the facts just show me the
12:50 – 12:56 facts I’ll believe it just tell me and
12:53 – 12:58 you show them the facts they want to run
12:56 – 13:03 up as far away and as fast as they can
12:58 – 13:05 from changing their beliefs and we want
13:03 – 13:07 to talk about I think your experience
13:05 – 13:07 with that what you’ve found what you
13:07 – 13:10 think that means
13:07 – 13:13 and also my experience and I was going
13:10 – 13:16 to put myself as kind of a a guinea pig
13:13 – 13:19 a lab rat here because you know one of
13:16 – 13:22 the belief change things that I’ve gone
13:19 – 13:27 through just recently courtesy of the
13:22 – 13:31 opperman report is this understanding
13:27 – 13:34 that I’ve come to about Donald Trump and
13:31 – 13:36 I’m almost embarrassed to say now I’m
13:34 – 13:40 not a super political guy that’s not
13:36 – 13:45 where the show has come from but I was I
13:40 – 13:47 guess afraid to really look into the
13:45 – 13:50 things that I had heard about Donald
13:47 – 13:54 Trump until they were laid out on your
13:50 – 13:56 show so again I’m embarrassed how slow I
13:54 – 13:59 was to the party here but I want to put
13:56 – 14:02 myself in the lab rat position here and
13:59 – 14:05 dissect how that happened but I guess we
14:02 – 14:07 have to start with the facts and since I
14:05 – 14:10 wasn’t aware of all the facts I’m sure
14:07 – 14:13 there’s other people out there who are
14:10 – 14:16 not aware of all the facts and that is
14:13 – 14:19 that Donald Trump is a creep I mean he’s
14:16 – 14:23 a sexual pervert and you’ve disclosed
14:19 – 14:25 that rather thoroughly on your show but
14:23 – 14:28 let me turn it over to you telling me
14:25 – 14:30 how you would explain that to
14:28 – 14:32 on who’s starting Cana just from Ground
14:30 – 14:35 Zero is open-minded doesn’t have a point
14:32 – 14:38 of view one way or another you know I
14:35 – 14:39 tell you judging by that the emails and
14:38 – 14:41 the messages I get you’re probably the
14:39 – 14:43 only person who’s ever changed her mind
14:41 – 14:45 over that Trump because they’re reelin
14:43 – 14:46 hit me first as far as I can tell
14:45 – 14:48 everybody still died or the people who
14:46 – 14:52 support him from the beginning are still
14:48 – 14:53 diehard supporters in my first of all I
14:52 – 14:55 grew up in New York City so I saw Trump
14:53 – 14:57 you know from the early early days and
14:55 – 14:59 stuff you know just in the news and
14:57 – 15:00 stuff and I’ve had my own little brushes
14:59 – 15:03 up against Trump and stuff I tell this
15:00 – 15:06 story about how I’m always that girl
15:03 – 15:07 Marla maples when she came out in the
15:06 – 15:10 news and you know she was got caught
15:07 – 15:12 cheating on Trump’s wife Ivana she went
15:10 – 15:14 hiding out she was hiding out from the
15:12 – 15:15 paparazzi at my friend’s apartment I
15:14 – 15:17 used to hang out with these flight
15:15 – 15:19 attendants and she was hiding out in
15:17 – 15:20 their apartment and I made this little
15:19 – 15:22 joke about hey let’s go in there and tap
15:20 – 15:24 the phone so we could salted an answer
15:22 – 15:25 Enquirer so I made that joke later on to
15:24 – 15:27 some people who knew Trump and it got
15:25 – 15:29 back to him with him with such a healthy
15:27 – 15:31 situation for me and it was one time at
15:29 – 15:33 the US Open where he was giving me dirty
15:31 – 15:36 looks throughout the whole US Open
15:33 – 15:37 tennis game there so growing up in New
15:36 – 15:38 York I was very familiar with Trump and
15:37 – 15:40 went to Trump Tower all the time to
15:38 – 15:41 Atlantic City he’s got a Linux at you
15:40 – 15:44 all the time all the ties and fights and
15:41 – 15:46 stuff so very familiar with trompin is a
15:44 – 15:47 background the allegations about Trump
15:46 – 15:49 that we all knew back in New York this
15:47 – 15:50 kind of show him in common they’re
15:49 – 15:54 cheating on his wife this kind of
15:50 – 15:56 character now in my work I deal with a
15:54 – 15:58 lot of stuff where people are involved
15:56 – 16:01 in romance scams people are a victim of
15:58 – 16:03 scams they’re victims of con artists and
16:01 – 16:04 I know they come they ki get him on the
16:03 – 16:06 phone I got him all convinced listen
16:04 – 16:08 this guy’s stealing your money he’s a
16:06 – 16:10 Nigerian he doesn’t really love you
16:08 – 16:12 you gotta cancel your email you got to
16:10 – 16:14 change your phone number don’t ever talk
16:12 – 16:15 to this guy again oh oh you’re right
16:14 – 16:17 you’re right I don’t know what I was
16:15 – 16:18 thinking a half hour later they’re back
16:17 – 16:20 on the phone with me but he says you’re
16:18 – 16:22 the one that’s trying to steal from me
16:20 – 16:24 people people want to believe their
16:22 – 16:26 conman they want to believe their common
16:24 – 16:27 loves them they don’t want to believe
16:26 – 16:29 they’ve been conned they don’t want to
16:27 – 16:30 believe they’ve been tricked they don’t
16:29 – 16:32 want to think that they’ve been gullible
16:30 – 16:33 and no one wants to think that I don’t
16:32 – 16:35 want to think that I want to I’ve been
16:33 – 16:38 ripped off I’ve been scammed I don’t
16:35 – 16:41 like to even think about it but and so I
16:38 – 16:44 just I can smell that in Trump the con
16:41 – 16:47 in him is so obvious to me Trump
16:44 – 16:49 University all these kind of things and
16:47 – 16:52 then you know you start hearing these
16:49 – 16:55 stories about you know Trump modeling
16:52 – 16:58 agency where he’s importing these little
16:55 – 16:60 girls as young as 12 years old and he’s
16:58 – 17:02 got them stacked up in his little studio
16:60 – 17:05 apartments six to a studio and bunk beds
17:02 – 17:06 you know and then he’s he’s sending them
17:05 – 17:08 out and he’s modeling gigs and he
17:06 – 17:09 charged them for limousine and FedEx and
17:08 – 17:11 stuff like that there in this country
17:09 – 17:13 brings me this country on these hp1
17:11 – 17:15 visas claiming they’re gonna be making
17:13 – 17:15 $80,000 a year this little girl from
17:15 – 17:18 Haiti
17:15 – 17:21 and she winds up making $12,000 a year
17:18 – 17:23 because of all the expenses associated
17:21 – 17:25 with Trump modeling agency and if we
17:23 – 17:29 can’t jump a little bit ahead in the
17:25 – 17:31 story here because Trump is now what
17:29 – 17:34 you’re doing is connecting that which he
17:31 – 17:36 clearly is is child trafficking yes the
17:34 – 17:38 guy is a sexual pervert now we’ve you
17:36 – 17:41 find that out later and then you tie
17:38 – 17:42 that back to the modeling thing because
17:41 – 17:44 otherwise you know it’s easy to
17:42 – 17:47 apologize well maybe it’s this maybe it
17:44 – 17:51 says but you put the pieces together at
17:47 – 17:53 80% of those visas that he’s asked for
17:51 – 17:56 for to let people into the country to
17:53 – 17:58 work for him or for this modeling agency
17:56 – 18:01 and there are these young girls who are
17:58 – 18:03 the same kind of girls that Epstein
18:01 – 18:06 Lolita Express everyone wants to hear
18:03 – 18:09 about you know and knows is is a
18:06 – 18:11 horribly terrible deal
18:09 – 18:12 the connection is is right there so I
18:11 – 18:14 don’t want to jump too far ahead but I
18:12 – 18:17 don’t want to I don’t want to let people
18:14 – 18:19 play a play through their mind oh you
18:17 – 18:21 know there isn’t any really hard stuff
18:19 – 18:23 here I mean do you got a ton of really
18:21 – 18:25 hard stuff and I know you’re gonna get
18:23 – 18:26 to it oh yeah also too you know if you
18:25 – 18:27 even go back and listen to the old
18:26 – 18:29 Howard Stern Show when when Trump would
18:27 – 18:31 come on talking about going into his
18:29 – 18:35 teen modeling agency you know and his
18:31 – 18:37 team pageant team Miss USA what is that
18:35 – 18:39 all Trump one teen US with USA pageant
18:37 – 18:41 for you know and even there’s an
18:39 – 18:42 interview to where Marla maples says
18:41 – 18:44 yeah that’s right up your alley and when
18:42 – 18:46 she was getting toward the end she
18:44 – 18:47 wanted a divorce him so but then like
18:46 – 18:51 you said so all the stuff comes out
18:47 – 18:53 about Jeffrey Epstein the notorious now
18:51 – 18:54 he’s famous tip of everybody’s tongue
18:53 – 18:56 I’m watching this morning on morning joe
18:54 – 18:57 they’re talking about
18:56 – 19:00 even though they’ve been friends with
18:57 – 19:03 Trump for years and years convicted
19:00 – 19:06 pedophile lives right next door to Trump
19:03 – 19:10 tellin mar-a-lago there’s a Vicky Ward a
19:06 – 19:12 New Yorker answered article from way
19:10 – 19:14 back in 2008 around that time talking to
19:12 – 19:17 my Trump saying Jeffrey Epstein has been
19:14 – 19:19 my friend for 15 years and people say he
19:17 – 19:21 likes beautiful women just as much as I
19:19 – 19:23 do many on the younger side boy Jeff
19:21 – 19:25 sure likes all I have is fun so it’s not
19:23 – 19:26 like this was a mystery what Jeffrey
19:25 – 19:29 Epstein was up to
19:26 – 19:31 Trump has fallen on Epstein’s playing
19:29 – 19:34 Epstein has flown on trump’s plane
19:31 – 19:36 Epstein flew on Trump’s plane and he
19:34 – 19:38 brought a little teenage girl with him
19:36 – 19:40 on trump’s plane we have an eyewitness
19:38 – 19:42 today who wrote an article in Golf
19:40 – 19:43 Digest and he said he had a little girl
19:42 – 19:45 with him she was all made up to look
19:43 – 19:46 older but she was a young girl I don’t
19:45 – 19:49 know how young I don’t know it was legal
19:46 – 19:52 or not but he was there we got Epstein’s
19:49 – 19:54 main victim because Victoria Roberts was
19:52 – 19:58 a trump employee worked at mar-a-lago
19:54 – 19:59 and 16 years old in the folding towels
19:58 – 20:01 there and their little girls of the
19:59 – 20:03 ladies locker room where she was picked
20:01 – 20:05 up by Gish Layne Maxwell and turned over
20:03 – 20:08 to Epstein and then ultimately turned
20:05 – 20:09 over to Prince Andrew and Dershowitz and
20:08 – 20:11 all these other people she claims she’s
20:09 – 20:13 been turned over to so we have all those
20:11 – 20:15 connections okay Trump’s been on
20:13 – 20:16 Epstein’s playing his own playing what
20:15 – 20:19 do you need to be an MC explain for
20:16 – 20:20 little sidetrack here for just a second
20:19 – 20:22 and we could do a million of these so I
20:20 – 20:25 don’t want to do too many but Dershowitz
20:22 – 20:28 is interesting Alan Dershowitz Harvard
20:25 – 20:30 Law School professor one of the most
20:28 – 20:34 high-profile lawyers in the country and
20:30 – 20:37 oh just so happen defense attorney for
20:34 – 20:41 Epstein when he’s on trial for these
20:37 – 20:43 horrible crimes against children and he
20:41 – 20:45 gets the thing reduced down to almost
20:43 – 20:49 nothing but he is eventually convicted
20:45 – 20:52 so maybe you just want to speak to that
20:49 – 20:54 a little bit in terms how high-powered
20:52 – 20:57 these guys are and then tying it back
20:54 – 20:60 again to the deep deep connection that
20:57 – 21:03 has been glossed over between Epstein
20:60 – 21:04 and Trump but you’re doing you’re laying
21:03 – 21:05 out the story wonderfully so I don’t
21:04 – 21:07 want to stop you go ahead
21:05 – 21:09 well Dershowitz was actually friends
21:07 – 21:11 with Epstein before he was attorney
21:09 – 21:13 and an Epstein was donating huge amounts
21:11 – 21:15 of money to Harvard Law School as in
21:13 – 21:18 fact he seemed walking around Harvard
21:15 – 21:21 the t-shirt all time so there’s that and
21:18 – 21:24 also to a gosh lean max what no I mean
21:21 – 21:25 Virginia Roberts claims that dersh which
21:24 – 21:27 was right that she was forced to have
21:25 – 21:29 sex with Dershowitz as well she says
21:27 – 21:31 with that while she was servicing
21:29 – 21:32 Epstein Hirsch which was right there in
21:31 – 21:34 the same room just having a conversation
21:32 – 21:36 there’s just a natural conversation
21:34 – 21:39 that’s how bizarre that a relationship
21:36 – 21:41 was and there she was in his defense of
21:39 – 21:43 all that says well the way I met them
21:41 – 21:47 mr. Epstein was at a party at Evelyn
21:43 – 21:50 Rothschilds house that’s his idea of
21:47 – 21:51 defending this situation so he got an
21:50 – 21:54 Epstein that’s an interesting character
21:51 – 21:55 who grew up in Brooklyn we know nothing
21:54 – 21:57 about his parents and working-class
21:55 – 21:59 people he went to a Welcome Back Kotter
21:57 – 22:00 type high school in Brooklyn I always
21:59 – 22:02 forget the name of it but it was like
22:00 – 22:05 one honest type of like Coney Island
22:02 – 22:06 high school went on to this big
22:05 – 22:09 brokerage firm first he wanted to teach
22:06 – 22:11 at a at a middle school
22:09 – 22:12 Dalton school in Manhattan with a little
22:11 – 22:14 girls wear those little Catholic school
22:12 – 22:17 outfits I became friends with a little
22:14 – 22:18 girl her father brought him into one of
22:17 – 22:20 these brokerage house ID which once
22:18 – 22:23 Lehman Brothers or or Stern’s one of
22:20 – 22:26 those if again and then went out on his
22:23 – 22:28 own had one one client Lesley Wexler
22:26 – 22:29 who’s the guy behind Victoria’s Secret’s
22:28 – 22:31 and the limited and all kind of stuff
22:29 – 22:33 like this when you wonder why when you
22:31 – 22:34 see the little kids at the limited – and
22:33 – 22:35 those outfits or the limited to where
22:34 – 22:38 these little girl would dress like sluts
22:35 – 22:39 well let’s see what slur owns that place
22:38 – 22:40 you might wonder why what’s going on
22:39 – 22:45 there
22:40 – 22:46 so a notorious behavior all throughout
22:45 – 22:48 Manhattan
22:46 – 22:50 if you read the Vicky Ward article from
22:48 – 22:52 way back talking about parties at an
22:50 – 22:55 Epstein house where there was a bunch of
22:52 – 22:57 teenage Eastern European girls who look
22:55 – 22:59 like prostitutes you know his
22:57 – 23:02 relationship with the Jean Luc Brunel
22:59 – 23:05 the modeling scout who was a notorious
23:02 – 23:08 60-minutes expose on him about giving
23:05 – 23:09 roofies and stuff to models I’ve had
23:08 – 23:10 I’ve interviewed some models that know
23:09 – 23:12 all these characters that a couple of
23:10 – 23:14 shows on I’m one with Barbara pilling
23:12 – 23:16 they just came out who talks about how
23:14 – 23:19 Trump hit on her when she was 16 years
23:16 – 23:21 old at a party and that she met a young
23:19 – 23:22 girl who was a I think was a Haitian
23:21 – 23:24 girl she said
23:22 – 23:27 was 17 that dated Trump and was dating
23:24 – 23:28 Trump for a while we hear other stories
23:27 – 23:30 have come forward since then about other
23:28 – 23:33 members of the Trump family same exact
23:30 – 23:34 story recently in the past couple of
23:33 – 23:37 years
23:34 – 23:40 Trump employees dating Trump men okay
23:37 – 23:43 and they’re underage so this stuff is
23:40 – 23:45 going on up until today I don’t see how
23:43 – 23:47 you can deny any of this Trump and
23:45 – 23:49 Epstein were co-defendants in a lawsuit
23:47 – 23:52 where there were three affidavits of
23:49 – 23:53 witnesses all stating the same thing
23:52 – 23:56 that this little thirteen-year-old girl
23:53 – 23:58 was raped by Trump and raped by Epstein
23:56 – 24:01 there was another girl named Maria who
23:58 – 24:02 disappeared we have a Wayne Madison did
24:01 – 24:04 some investigation into this he claims
24:02 – 24:07 he located and identified the young girl
24:04 – 24:08 Maria I’m not talking percent convinced
24:07 – 24:10 but it’s out there well people don’t
24:08 – 24:13 look at that themselves it’s Madison
24:10 – 24:16 right yeah Madison yeah Wayne Mets and
24:13 – 24:17 yeah I had him on the show and he he
24:16 – 24:19 bought a really long investigation
24:17 – 24:24 article on us he’s he believes he
24:19 – 24:25 located Maria and in New Jersey that
24:24 – 24:28 when she was abducted from New Jersey
24:25 – 24:29 and put into it so it’s possible I’m not
24:28 – 24:34 a hundred percent convinced no you know
24:29 – 24:36 but so yeah so to Trump’s connection
24:34 – 24:39 with him with Epstein and you can’t deny
24:36 – 24:41 and when people start talking about
24:39 – 24:43 things like Lolita expressed the the
24:41 – 24:46 airplane Epsilon’s airplane and
24:43 – 24:49 pedophile island a lot of that is is
24:46 – 24:51 this info that’s being there’s a lot of
24:49 – 24:53 interference being run and that’s a
24:51 – 24:55 whole story where a lot of stuff isn’t
24:53 – 24:57 coming out that should be coming out
24:55 – 24:59 like the whole business about Epstein
24:57 – 25:02 claiming that he helped create the
24:59 – 25:03 Clinton Foundation I have a 24 page
25:02 – 25:05 letter in my members section and
25:03 – 25:08 opperman report comm written by
25:05 – 25:10 Epstein’s lawyer Gerry left court who
25:08 – 25:14 was Abby Hoffman’s lawyer
25:10 – 25:14 back in the 80s okay he became Epstein’s
25:14 – 25:16 lawyer
25:14 – 25:18 Epstein hired a bunch of lawyers down in
25:16 – 25:21 Florida Roy black one almost powerful
25:18 – 25:24 noise and in Miami in Florida a Ken
25:21 – 25:26 Starr you know and the Ken Starr law
25:24 – 25:29 firm a bunch of lawyers from there who
25:26 – 25:32 were all connected to this guy Alexander
25:29 – 25:34 Acosta who later on Trump made the the
25:32 – 25:35 Secretary of Labor and was even floating
25:34 – 25:38 him and to be a
25:35 – 25:40 Attorney General okay Alexander Acosta
25:38 – 25:43 gave a sweetheart deal to Epson we only
25:40 – 25:44 got 13 months I’ve only served 13 once
25:43 – 25:47 actually got 18 let’s say I could’ve got
25:44 – 25:49 40 years I got this sweetheart deal and
25:47 – 25:51 then a cos that comes out with the
25:49 – 25:52 street page letter saying well you know
25:51 – 25:53 I was under a lot of pressure I was
25:52 – 25:55 being investigated they were
25:53 – 25:57 investigating my family and following me
25:55 – 25:59 and putting pressure on the Justice
25:57 – 26:01 Department and the PI people in the Bush
25:59 – 26:04 administration to force me to do this
26:01 – 26:07 and he leaks that or he’s not leaks it
26:04 – 26:09 but he um puts that out through Conchita
26:07 – 26:11 Sarnoff who wrote a book about the
26:09 – 26:13 trafficking about Epstein turns out
26:11 – 26:14 though Conchita thrown off his friends
26:13 – 26:15 with Epstein she’s friends with Trump
26:14 – 26:18 and she’s friends with – Lane Maxwell
26:15 – 26:20 lifelong friends with these people and
26:18 – 26:24 her book is published by Victor
26:20 – 26:26 Ostrovsky Mossad agent who wrote his own
26:24 – 26:29 book about using deception to get your
26:26 – 26:31 own way and through the Mossad and his
26:29 – 26:35 polishing company it has bizarre names
26:31 – 26:38 like the cover story the true story the
26:35 – 26:39 cover-up you know I forget exactly what
26:38 – 26:41 they are but they were along those lines
26:39 – 26:44 so there’s a lot a lot a lot of stuff
26:41 – 26:45 it’s all Epstein stuff if you really
26:44 – 26:49 want to get into that man you could
26:45 – 26:52 spend weeks on it and unfortunately what
26:49 – 26:54 we see even in alternative media is a
26:52 – 26:55 lot of the low-hanging fruit and what we
26:54 – 26:57 see on Morning Joe and stuff like that
26:55 – 27:00 that’s forgetting that’s not that you
26:57 – 27:02 know not even a tip the iceberg and so
27:00 – 27:05 we’ve just given people a blast out of
27:02 – 27:07 the fire hydrant there and there’s tons
27:05 – 27:09 and tons of shows that you’ve done you
27:07 – 27:12 know people need to understand that when
27:09 – 27:13 you talk about some of this stuff it’s
27:12 – 27:15 because you’ve actually had the people
27:13 – 27:18 on the show and you’ve interviewed the
27:15 – 27:21 models who were hit on at those parties
27:18 – 27:23 you’ve interviewed people who’ve read
27:21 – 27:25 written books who’ve done thorough
27:23 – 27:28 investigations so it’s really deep the
27:25 – 27:30 amount of work that you’ve done into
27:28 – 27:32 this and you’re just to be commended for
27:30 – 27:35 it and I think it’s give people a sense
27:32 – 27:38 of what they can find at the Opera Man
27:35 – 27:40 report and if they go there please go
27:38 – 27:43 and become a member and support this guy
27:40 – 27:45 because as he just said this work isn’t
27:43 – 27:48 being done by other people even other
27:45 – 27:49 people in the alternative media as you
27:48 – 27:51 just alluded
27:49 – 27:54 – you know everyone kind of gets the
27:51 – 27:57 Lolita Express thing and that’s become
27:54 – 27:60 this cartoon version of what’s going on
27:57 – 28:03 and as you point out hey look at Mara
27:60 – 28:06 Largo look at Manhattan of course we’re
28:03 – 28:08 just staring into the abyss here but we
28:06 – 28:11 do have to stare into the abyss a little
28:08 – 28:14 bit in order to kind of gain some
28:11 – 28:17 perspective on this right yeah and with
28:14 – 28:18 the I’ve been so involved with this case
28:17 – 28:21 I’ve been reporting on this in fact five
28:18 – 28:22 years now you know and there’s mine in
28:21 – 28:23 fact the first show I did on this I
28:22 – 28:25 couldn’t even find a guest to come on
28:23 – 28:26 and talk about cuz no one was talking
28:25 – 28:28 about this nobody knew anything but this
28:26 – 28:31 one first stood on this so I’ve become
28:28 – 28:32 friendly and involved with the lawyers
28:31 – 28:34 and their investigators and all kind of
28:32 – 28:36 people involved either people firsthand
28:34 – 28:38 that or Baba we don’t come on the air so
28:36 – 28:41 you know well I can tell you right now
28:38 – 28:43 with the settlement it’s trying to be
28:41 – 28:46 portrayed in the news and you know there
28:43 – 28:49 was just a settlement with Epstein and
28:46 – 28:53 Brad Edwards who was the attorney for
28:49 – 28:54 Virginia Roberts and and a couple of
28:53 – 28:56 other victims – against the US
28:54 – 28:58 government because when the government
28:56 – 29:01 gave the sweetheart deal to Epstein they
28:58 – 29:02 never notified the victims so Brad
29:01 – 29:04 Edwards took this case he’s been
29:02 – 29:07 handling on many many of these cases and
29:04 – 29:10 it’s hey Edie can you quickly sketch out
29:07 – 29:12 the sweetheart deal I mean that is the
29:10 – 29:16 charges that Epstein faced down in
29:12 – 29:18 Florida and then what happened well
29:16 – 29:20 there was 30 victims 30 little girls and
29:18 – 29:21 you can read the the search warrant
29:20 – 29:24 affidavit
29:21 – 29:27 I don’t align the probable cause
29:24 – 29:28 affidavit and it talks about how these
29:27 – 29:30 investigators went to these little
29:28 – 29:31 girl’s houses and first they denied it
29:30 – 29:33 you know just imagine you know you’re
29:31 – 29:34 sitting at ground dinner which a little
29:33 – 29:36 15 year old girl cops come knocking on a
29:34 – 29:38 door hey we need to talk to you about
29:36 – 29:40 your daughter she was being molested by
29:38 – 29:42 this guy and the kid denies it
29:40 – 29:43 you know and then the parents go back
29:42 – 29:44 and tell him you know we talk to our
29:43 – 29:46 daughter here you’re right everything
29:44 – 29:48 you’re saying is true so they had about
29:46 – 29:51 30 victims this Constanta Florida Palm
29:48 – 29:53 Beach Police Department and video and
29:51 – 29:55 all kinds of evidence when they did
29:53 – 29:57 search his house he was tipped off that
29:55 – 29:59 his house was gonna be searched and they
29:57 – 30:01 had dismantled cameras and stuff like
29:59 – 30:02 that were in the house he had taken down
30:01 – 30:03 all these nude photographs that he had
30:02 – 30:05 all
30:03 – 30:06 his walls but there were some stuff left
30:05 – 30:07 behind like that their high school
30:06 – 30:10 transcripts like their school
30:07 – 30:12 transcripts somehow Jeffrey Epstein had
30:10 – 30:14 copies of these kids school transcripts
30:12 – 30:15 so he knew the kids that were in trouble
30:14 – 30:19 came from troubled homes and all kind of
30:15 – 30:21 stuff so you know there was a big
30:19 – 30:22 negotiation was facing a long time if
30:21 – 30:25 the federal government would have
30:22 – 30:28 prosecuted him because it was the way
30:25 – 30:30 they prosecute everyone else right I
30:28 – 30:32 mean nothing exceptional right I got
30:30 – 30:34 clients local clients right here sitting
30:32 – 30:39 in jail right now on much less charges
30:34 – 30:40 you know stupid stuff you know but that
30:39 – 30:42 would he call it the night so you know
30:40 – 30:43 instead of they gave a deal you know and
30:42 – 30:44 you could see there were a lot of it’s
30:43 – 30:46 being published now that the
30:44 – 30:48 negotiations back and forth they gave a
30:46 – 30:52 sweetheart deal and he got convicted to
30:48 – 30:54 18 months but he only served 13 in a
30:52 – 30:56 private wing of the sheriff so the count
30:54 – 30:58 in the sheriff’s jail not even the
30:56 – 31:01 county jail or the state jail in a
30:58 – 31:04 sheriff said wing where there were no
31:01 – 31:06 other inmates in there just him and he
31:04 – 31:07 was allowed to leave during the day and
31:06 – 31:10 go to his office he hired off-duty
31:07 – 31:11 sheriff’s to transport him back and
31:10 – 31:13 forth and company and stand in front his
31:11 – 31:17 office so well that’s just come out
31:13 – 31:19 recently he had visitors every possible
31:17 – 31:22 visiting day Jingu Bernal came down and
31:19 – 31:24 visiting and that the perverted a
31:22 – 31:27 modeling scout came down to visit him
31:24 – 31:29 every day so yeah so he should have
31:27 – 31:30 gotten 40 years easily you know with
31:29 – 31:32 that many victims with that much
31:30 – 31:35 evidence against them but not only did
31:32 – 31:36 he get to down to 13 months but everyone
31:35 – 31:40 involved with him all his code of
31:36 – 31:43 co-conspirators we got immunity so
31:40 – 31:46 hopefully now Edwards in this suit
31:43 – 31:48 against the US government can get that
31:46 – 31:51 deal thrown out because it does violate
31:48 – 31:53 the rights of the victims and it’s an
31:51 – 31:56 uphill road you know and probably Epson
31:53 – 31:58 will die before it ever happens but so
31:56 – 31:59 that’s whether the suit right now with
31:58 – 32:02 Edwards he’s trying to get that and
31:59 – 32:04 that’s the big suit where Brad Edwards
32:02 – 32:06 former federal judge attorney frigid for
32:04 – 32:07 Virginia Roberts is so in the federal
32:06 – 32:09 government trying to get that deal
32:07 – 32:12 overturned and get damages for his
32:09 – 32:13 clients now in the course of all this
32:12 – 32:15 Dershowitz
32:13 – 32:16 files a lawsuit a defamation lawsuit
32:15 – 32:18 against great
32:16 – 32:19 this is what just happened everybody’s
32:18 – 32:20 reading about in the paper with this
32:19 – 32:22 settlement that just came out to where
32:20 – 32:25 the poor victims will never get their
32:22 – 32:26 story up because Jeffrey Epstein settled
32:25 – 32:28 with the plaintiffs and it doesn’t even
32:26 – 32:30 describe correctly that Epstein was a
32:28 – 32:32 defendant in this case and that ad Brad
32:30 – 32:35 Edwards was the plaintiff but whatever
32:32 – 32:37 so and I said oh my god this is a
32:35 – 32:38 horrible blow to the victims they won’t
32:37 – 32:41 be able to testify and get their stories
32:38 – 32:43 out well no the original lawsuit is
32:41 – 32:44 still there the one with the lawsuit for
32:43 – 32:48 the victims is still there a hundred
32:44 – 32:51 percent and gang busters how this other
32:48 – 32:53 lawsuit came about okay that everybody’s
32:51 – 32:55 trying to paint as a defeat is
32:53 – 32:57 Dershowitz sued Brad Edwards for
32:55 – 32:59 defamation Edwards
32:57 – 33:01 turn around sued Dershowitz back and
32:59 – 33:05 sued Epstein for defamation
33:01 – 33:07 Dershowitz dropped his suit okay and
33:05 – 33:09 Edwards dropped his suit against Hirsch
33:07 – 33:11 which they they found them to press
33:09 – 33:14 releases on a Friday night or an e p.m.
33:11 – 33:16 where dish was tried to come off Josh
33:14 – 33:17 was actually apologized in his press
33:16 – 33:24 release but tried to come off like he
33:17 – 33:27 won but Edwards is cool Miles Davis okay
33:24 – 33:30 and in his response but now what we have
33:27 – 33:32 here is Epstein lost this he lost this
33:30 – 33:34 settlement he had to apologize and he
33:32 – 33:35 had come up with more money which is the
33:34 – 33:38 goal in all this stuff people want to
33:35 – 33:40 get paid you know so he anybody hit him
33:38 – 33:42 in a pocket there and he got hit there
33:40 – 33:44 and he had apologized as well to but the
33:42 – 33:45 original lawsuit still stands and
33:44 – 33:48 nothing’s changed with that all this
33:45 – 33:51 stuff was an ad on that our side won and
33:48 – 33:52 I guess the one of the big picture
33:51 – 33:55 takeaways that we have to stay focused
33:52 – 33:59 on is that when you hear Epstein
33:55 – 34:01 think Trump yeah because there there’s
33:59 – 34:04 no difference in terms of what these
34:01 – 34:07 guys are up to so back to you know I
34:04 – 34:09 return to one of the factoids that you
34:07 – 34:13 brought out that just stuck with me is
34:09 – 34:15 80% of the visas are going at least 12
34:13 – 34:16 and 13 year old girls from Eastern
34:15 – 34:19 Europe
34:16 – 34:22 that’s what Trump’s about clearly man
34:19 – 34:25 that’s just that just fits hand in glove
34:22 – 34:26 with all this crazy sex trafficking
34:25 – 34:29 stuff
34:26 – 34:30 Clinton sex trafficking epstein sex
34:29 – 34:33 trafficking this
34:30 – 34:36 and a cesspool of activity that that
34:33 – 34:38 then ties into you know political
34:36 – 34:40 blackmail right of all these different
34:38 – 34:42 varieties that we can’t even wrap our
34:40 – 34:45 heads around but that’s why as you point
34:42 – 34:48 out it’s it’s crazy to think that
34:45 – 34:52 there’s really gonna be any movement on
34:48 – 34:55 this in terms of prosecution or any
34:52 – 34:58 draining of the swamp if you will is
34:55 – 35:00 because these guys are in like an old
34:58 – 35:03 cowboy western reference drawn on
35:00 – 35:04 everyone drawing the gun and pointed it
35:03 – 35:06 at everyone else I call blackmail you
35:04 – 35:09 for this while black you mail you for
35:06 – 35:11 this so it’s just another layer of the
35:09 – 35:15 bullshit to think that any of this stuff
35:11 – 35:17 is gonna change yeah and don’t forget to
35:15 – 35:20 you know this is Trump’s lifestyle look
35:17 – 35:22 at the stormy Daniels and character all
35:20 – 35:24 that kind of stuff too as well this is
35:22 – 35:28 his lifestyle prostitutes and porn and
35:24 – 35:30 all this kind of stuff now also to Bill
35:28 – 35:32 Clinton to don’t done we’re not
35:30 – 35:34 diminishing Bill Clinton’s involvement
35:32 – 35:36 in this cuz he’s up to his neck and all
35:34 – 35:38 this as well but so are people like
35:36 – 35:40 Katie Couric and George Stephanopoulos
35:38 – 35:42 and Woody Allen who’s often seen with
35:40 – 35:44 Epstein at Chris Tucker who flew on
35:42 – 35:45 Epstein’s playing when Bill Clinton is
35:44 – 35:47 on there and Chris Tucker has his
35:45 – 35:50 connections that are Michael Jackson
35:47 – 35:52 garand the Gavin RV no case okay when
35:50 – 35:56 the Martin Bashir documentary came out
35:52 – 35:59 and Gavin RV know was portrayed as
35:56 – 36:00 sleeping in Michael Jackson’s bed and
35:59 – 36:02 the paparazzi swooped down on him
36:00 – 36:04 Michael Jackson called a Chris Tucker
36:02 – 36:07 who has his own private plane as well
36:04 – 36:09 and said hey Chris go pick him up and
36:07 – 36:10 bring him to me and Chris said okay I’ll
36:09 – 36:13 go get him Mike he’s got nothing better
36:10 – 36:15 to do with his plane okay Kevin Spacey
36:13 – 36:20 was on that plane
36:15 – 36:22 who was the other one i Courtney Love
36:20 – 36:24 you know I talked to her father all the
36:22 – 36:25 time she has her own childhood
36:24 – 36:27 involvement with these kind of
36:25 – 36:30 activities and escort services and
36:27 – 36:32 Madam’s and dominatrix and stuff so you
36:30 – 36:34 know it’s not it’s not a small group you
36:32 – 36:37 know if you look at the list of people
36:34 – 36:39 that flew on Epstein’s plane you got
36:37 – 36:42 people Prime Minister of Israel you know
36:39 – 36:43 that the President of Colombia you know
36:42 – 36:47 this is no
36:43 – 36:50 and isolated Bunch there’s a rich and
36:47 – 36:52 powerful so what I want to try and do
36:50 – 36:55 now is is pull back a little bit and
36:52 – 36:58 kind of re reorient ourselves in a
36:55 – 37:01 couple of different ways from to this I
36:58 – 37:03 eventually want to get to something you
37:01 – 37:07 mentioned very early on in terms of the
37:03 – 37:09 the spirituality your spirituality my
37:07 – 37:11 spirituality you know one of the
37:09 – 37:12 frustrations I have with I don’t know if
37:11 – 37:14 you can call this conspiracy work
37:12 – 37:17 because it’s not conspiracy work folks
37:14 – 37:20 it’s just reality work it’s it’s the way
37:17 – 37:23 things really are as close as we can
37:20 – 37:25 figure it out but I guess my point is if
37:23 – 37:30 that eventually doesn’t lead back to
37:25 – 37:33 some kind of adjustment in our spiritual
37:30 – 37:37 outlook ie how do I live my life in a
37:33 – 37:39 meaningful way how do I figure out what
37:37 – 37:42 I’m supposed to do at anytime then all
37:39 – 37:44 this is just bullshit it’s just another
37:42 – 37:45 form of entertainment and I don’t think
37:44 – 37:47 it is supposed to be another form of
37:45 – 37:49 entertainment I think we’re supposed to
37:47 – 37:52 take the kind of information that you’re
37:49 – 37:53 sharing the kind of investigations
37:52 – 37:56 you’re doing and I think we’re supposed
37:53 – 37:59 to do something with it so I want to get
37:56 – 38:01 there eventually but in the meantime I
37:59 – 38:05 want to get back and talk about this
38:01 – 38:07 issue of beliefs how we form our beliefs
38:05 – 38:08 how we get stuck on our beliefs and I
38:07 – 38:12 want to put myself in the middle of that
38:08 – 38:15 and tell you kind of how I got sucked
38:12 – 38:18 into the Trump thing so that we can kind
38:15 – 38:22 of dissect it and look at it in a
38:18 – 38:25 broader sense because this show skeptic
38:22 – 38:28 oh I really started it with an interest
38:25 – 38:29 in big-picture kind of stuff who are we
38:28 – 38:33 why are we here
38:29 – 38:35 I started then by looking at science
38:33 – 38:38 parapsychology because they seem to be
38:35 – 38:40 on the cutting edge of that you know who
38:38 – 38:42 are we question you know are we are we
38:40 – 38:44 just as science says biological robots
38:42 – 38:46 in a meaningless universe you know
38:44 – 38:48 atheistic science materialistic science
38:46 – 38:51 that’s what it tells us you know your
38:48 – 38:53 daughters in school I got four kids one
38:51 – 38:54 two of them are almost the same age as
38:53 – 38:55 your daughter
38:54 – 38:56 same thing they’ve gone through all
38:55 – 38:57 school
38:56 – 38:60 their whole life and that’s what they
38:57 – 39:03 learn you know you are a biological
38:60 – 39:05 robot there’s no real love it’s just
39:03 – 39:07 this chemical reaction in your brain
39:05 – 39:11 kind of bullshit and so that’s where I
39:07 – 39:15 started and then that led me to kind of
39:11 – 39:17 the more edgy spiritual stuff like the
39:15 – 39:19 near-death experience stuff which gets
39:17 – 39:22 right at that question of you know why
39:19 – 39:25 are we here when you do encounter a
39:22 – 39:26 spiritually transformative experience
39:25 – 39:29 what is that experience about what are
39:26 – 39:31 we learning from those that’s what
39:29 – 39:35 really led me to the conspiracy stuff
39:31 – 39:38 because what I found is that science and
39:35 – 39:41 that scientific materialism that insists
39:38 – 39:45 that you are just this biological robot
39:41 – 39:48 is a huge conspiracy as is the whole
39:45 – 39:51 atheist social engineering agenda it’s
39:48 – 39:55 truly is a conspiracy what I want to
39:51 – 39:58 talk about I guess is the lonely path of
39:55 – 40:01 the person who starts discovering these
39:58 – 40:02 conspiracies and here’s what happened to
40:01 – 40:07 me
40:02 – 40:10 on election night 2016 so first of all
40:07 – 40:13 I’m not paying any attention to the
40:10 – 40:16 election cuz I’ve investigated enough
40:13 – 40:19 conspiracy to just resolve myself to the
40:16 – 40:22 fact that it’s all bullshit it’s just
40:19 – 40:25 it’s just complete and utter bullshit so
40:22 – 40:28 I thought there was absolutely no way
40:25 – 40:30 that Clinton would not prevail you know
40:28 – 40:34 it’s just like that fixes in she’s gonna
40:30 – 40:36 get it and my wife was you know I my
40:34 – 40:39 wife is awesome I love my wife but she
40:36 – 40:42 totally buys she’s an NPR kind of person
40:39 – 40:44 you know it’s like so she’s totally
40:42 – 40:46 Clinton you know totally Clinton
40:44 – 40:49 something like hey I’m gonna keep peace
40:46 – 40:52 in the family vote for Clinton sure
40:49 – 40:54 honey I’m voting for Hillary won I live
40:52 – 40:57 in California so my vote doesn’t matter
40:54 – 41:00 it’s gonna go Democrat anyway so I vote
40:57 – 41:03 for Clinton and I just am in my in my
41:00 – 41:06 computer room working on my stuff my
41:03 – 41:08 skeptical stuff an election night my
41:06 – 41:10 wife comes in and she goes you got a
41:08 – 41:12 look at this you’re not gonna believe it
41:10 – 41:15 now literally this is how out of the
41:12 – 41:17 political loop I am I’m not even
41:15 – 41:21 watching any of the coverage and she
41:17 – 41:24 says come in and look at this and Donald
41:21 – 41:26 Trump wins and for a moment I guess I’m
41:24 – 41:30 like oh my god
41:26 – 41:34 it is possible it is possible because
41:30 – 41:37 for a minute Edie suspend if you can
41:34 – 41:39 everything you know about Donald Trump
41:37 – 41:42 because I didn’t know those things so
41:39 – 41:45 suspend that for a minute and look at
41:42 – 41:48 Donald Trump as I did which at a very
41:45 – 41:50 high level that he clearly is an
41:48 – 41:51 outsider because the Republicans hate
41:50 – 41:53 him
41:51 – 41:56 you got conservatives like George Will
41:53 – 41:58 writing articles that say hey even if
41:56 – 42:03 this guy gets all the electoral votes
41:58 – 42:05 let’s not let’s go against the the whole
42:03 – 42:08 electoral process and not nominate this
42:05 – 42:11 guy as our candidate and George will
42:08 – 42:12 isn’t citing Lolita Express and Mara
42:11 – 42:16 Largo is one of the reasons he’s doing
42:12 – 42:19 it he’s saying that because purely
42:16 – 42:21 political things so I look at this guy
42:19 – 42:25 and say this guy is clearly an outsider
42:21 – 42:28 this guy is tapped into something in the
42:25 – 42:31 American people and hey wouldn’t it be
42:28 – 42:35 awesome if it really was possible for
42:31 – 42:36 the people to vote somebody in and
42:35 – 42:40 that’s what I saw
42:36 – 42:44 in Donald Trump I saw that just crazy
42:40 – 42:47 insane CNN NPR media which is just
42:44 – 42:51 incredibly Fox all of them just
42:47 – 42:53 incredibly biased I mean it’s just it’s
42:51 – 42:55 beyond what we can even imagine and
42:53 – 42:58 that’s what I saw and that’s what I held
42:55 – 42:60 on to and obviously I held on to it too
42:58 – 43:01 long because that’s the other thing I
42:60 – 43:05 think that happens with these beliefs is
43:01 – 43:07 we want to see something and we see it
43:05 – 43:11 and we want to believe because we’re
43:07 – 43:13 we’re weary of all the shit that like
43:11 – 43:15 you just laid out and how that can be
43:13 – 43:18 weighing on your soul of how hard that
43:15 – 43:21 is and that’s what I think I saw in
43:18 – 43:24 Trump and that’s why when I heard the
43:21 – 43:27 rumors of what was going on
43:24 – 43:30 I fail to thoroughly investigate it
43:27 – 43:34 because I’ve wanted to believe that it
43:30 – 43:38 was true that there was a chance for
43:34 – 43:39 people to outside of the system I don’t
43:38 – 43:41 really care if it’s left or right but
43:39 – 43:44 just that the people could actually
43:41 – 43:46 exercise some power in this process
43:44 – 43:48 because I see for the most part their
43:46 – 43:52 power is being completely drained from
43:48 – 43:56 the process so that’s my catharsis
43:52 – 43:59 that’s my story and just any thoughts on
43:56 – 44:01 that or any place we can pick up on that
43:59 – 44:03 and talk about that is how it relates to
44:01 – 44:06 what you’ve seen and and with other
44:03 – 44:11 people and how your work affects people
44:06 – 44:13 yeah first of all and I could never
44:11 – 44:16 support the Clintons as bad as Trump is
44:13 – 44:18 as evil as he is I could never support
44:16 – 44:20 the Clintons because they’re just as
44:18 – 44:22 evil you know and and you know my god I
44:20 – 44:23 mean you look at the stealing money from
44:22 – 44:25 earthquake victims you know people are
44:23 – 44:27 buried under rocks and that’s where they
44:25 – 44:29 go to steal money from you talk about
44:27 – 44:32 Haiti now right yeah in Haiti yeah yeah
44:29 – 44:33 you know oh my god yeah and we can get
44:32 – 44:36 as all the details on that you know the
44:33 – 44:40 Clinton the Haiti relief fund is called
44:36 – 44:42 the HRC Rodham Clinton had commissioned
44:40 – 44:44 that it’s calling Human Rights quotient
44:42 – 44:45 whatever’s of human relief but you know
44:44 – 44:46 it’s the same initials as Hillary Rodham
44:45 – 44:48 Clinton and that everything goes through
44:46 – 44:49 the Clinton Foundation down there they
44:48 – 44:51 they stole that Haiti is no doubt about
44:49 – 44:53 that but also to by the way there’s many
44:51 – 44:57 Republicans involved in that stealing
44:53 – 44:58 too even Obama was involved in the whole
44:57 – 45:02 Clinton theft when he was still a
44:58 – 45:03 senator so was Bush so was a Wesley
45:02 – 45:05 Clark they were all on the board of
45:03 – 45:07 directors for those companies was still
45:05 – 45:09 running them up but anyway I could the
45:07 – 45:11 Clinton versus Trump I couldn’t support
45:09 – 45:12 the Clintons my god the most evil people
45:11 – 45:14 on the planet plus they would have
45:12 – 45:15 another 30 year reign in this country we
45:14 – 45:17 can’t allow that
45:15 – 45:18 so as evil as Trump was man I kind of
45:17 – 45:19 threw my support behind Trump although I
45:18 – 45:21 didn’t vote either because there’s no
45:19 – 45:24 doesn’t matter you know cuz Nevada would
45:21 – 45:27 behind Clint 90%
45:24 – 45:28 now I believe – I know a lot of people
45:27 – 45:30 say well they’re selected they’re not
45:28 – 45:31 elected you know and we have no our vote
45:30 – 45:34 doesn’t count I don’t believe I used to
45:31 – 45:36 think that I don’t believe that at all
45:34 – 45:38 especially after my involvement recently
45:36 – 45:40 I like I actually I’m connected with
45:38 – 45:42 people at a level right now where I
45:40 – 45:44 actually got a copy of the Democratic
45:42 – 45:46 platform before it was published
45:44 – 45:49 I got it in advance so and I had people
45:46 – 45:51 down there at the conventions and stuff
45:49 – 45:54 you know people who I know very very
45:51 – 45:57 well so I believe it all votes to make a
45:54 – 45:59 difference and we can organize locally
45:57 – 46:02 and get our own candidates in there I’m
45:59 – 46:03 convinced of all that you know you also
46:02 – 46:06 – you mentioned how George Will and
46:03 – 46:07 stuff like then how they weren’t against
46:06 – 46:11 Trump because of his connection with
46:07 – 46:14 Epstein interesting you know the girl
46:11 – 46:16 Katie Doe who filed the lawsuit against
46:14 – 46:18 Trump and Epstein the one that was raped
46:16 – 46:21 when she was a little kid by Trump and
46:18 – 46:22 Epstein she dropped out of that I was
46:21 – 46:25 like no the month of November was like
46:22 – 46:26 four days before the election she was
46:25 – 46:28 gonna have a press conference Lisa bloom
46:26 – 46:29 had come in on her case and we’re gonna
46:28 – 46:31 do a press conference about all this and
46:29 – 46:33 they were hacked and they had a
46:31 – 46:35 denial-of-service attack on Lisa blooms
46:33 – 46:38 web strike and website and live stream
46:35 – 46:40 live stream was taken down by an
46:38 – 46:43 organized attack on there a live stream
46:40 – 46:46 service it’s Tanabe state level you know
46:43 – 46:50 and so they she got panicked and quit
46:46 – 46:52 and that week Hannity was on the radio
46:50 – 46:54 and he had someone on like um
46:52 – 46:56 Lewandowski someone like Danny goes yeah
46:54 – 46:58 you know we dodged a bullet this week
46:56 – 47:02 and I guess is what do you mean it was
46:58 – 47:04 Epstein you know so you know it’s not
47:02 – 47:08 like George will and he’s people and and
47:04 – 47:11 I Joe Morning Joe and mica weren’t aware
47:08 – 47:13 of all this everybody was they just saw
47:11 – 47:16 a Fitz overlooking until it was a you
47:13 – 47:18 know they can get some use out of it now
47:16 – 47:20 also to buy Trump being an outsider
47:18 – 47:23 Trump’s lifelong friends with guys like
47:20 – 47:25 khashoggi odd not Khashoggi involved in
47:23 – 47:27 iran-contra and drug smuggling in and
47:25 – 47:30 you just to be clear though I’m not
47:27 – 47:34 saying he’s a genuine outsider I’m
47:30 – 47:36 saying the optics of the thing were that
47:34 – 47:37 and and I feel like this is kind of
47:36 – 47:38 something important that I want to get
47:37 – 47:43 into with
47:38 – 47:47 you is that because you are so well
47:43 – 47:50 informed that in some ways it’s hard for
47:47 – 47:53 us even to connect because you know so
47:50 – 47:56 much and I’m on the outside but but I’d
47:53 – 47:58 want to remind you of how a lot of
47:56 – 48:02 people looked at this thing and I think
47:58 – 48:05 that to deny that Trump resonated with a
48:02 – 48:08 lot of people who are just real people
48:05 – 48:11 at people that I can relate to who
48:08 – 48:13 aren’t racist who aren’t sexist who
48:11 – 48:16 aren’t but just really believe that you
48:13 – 48:19 know what this is bullshit
48:16 – 48:22 you know I don’t I’d see the transgender
48:19 – 48:24 bathrooms at a San Diego Airport where I
48:22 – 48:27 live and I don’t have anything against
48:24 – 48:31 transgender people but I see that third
48:27 – 48:34 bathroom door and I say this is progress
48:31 – 48:36 this is where we want to go this is or I
48:34 – 48:39 live you know 30 miles from from the
48:36 – 48:41 border Tijuana and I hate when people
48:39 – 48:43 say this but I know plenty of Mexican
48:41 – 48:46 people and I’m close to a number of
48:43 – 48:48 Mexican people they’re no different than
48:46 – 48:49 any other people you can’t say through
48:48 – 48:51 this way that way but it’s not like
48:49 – 48:54 anyone who lives in San Diego is not
48:51 – 48:56 doesn’t understand it that’s a total
48:54 – 48:59 scam I mean the immigration thing it’s a
48:56 – 49:02 total scam so to deny that that there
48:59 – 49:06 was some reality that that resonated
49:02 – 49:09 with people that people wanted something
49:06 – 49:11 different and what they saw in Trump was
49:09 – 49:13 what they voted for and it was a
49:11 – 49:16 complete and run any Trump and Bernie
49:13 – 49:18 Sanders were really the two outsider
49:16 – 49:20 candidates and it was just awesome
49:18 – 49:21 I mean Bernie Sanders the thing was
49:20 – 49:25 stolen from him but it was just awesome
49:21 – 49:29 to see somebody prevail on the the
49:25 – 49:31 optics of being a true outsider truly
49:29 – 49:31 outside the system and do you see it
49:31 – 49:33 that way
49:31 – 49:35 well interesting because in some ways
49:33 – 49:37 Trump definitely was an outsider and I
49:35 – 49:38 saw with my own eyes because when we
49:37 – 49:40 went to the first Trump rally here in
49:38 – 49:43 Nevada way way way early in the
49:40 – 49:44 beginning he had no campaign staff
49:43 – 49:46 whatsoever there was no campaign
49:44 – 49:48 organization no political people at all
49:46 – 49:51 his the rally was run by New York City
49:48 – 49:52 cops off-duty New York City cops were in
49:51 – 49:54 that rally
49:52 – 49:57 the whole thing and their whole focus
49:54 – 49:58 was on just frisking people as they came
49:57 – 50:00 in and pretty much you’re on your own
49:58 – 50:01 you know and wasn’t till later on he had
50:00 – 50:05 some volunteers but even that was a
50:01 – 50:06 ragtag so you’re writing he isn’t in
50:05 – 50:09 that way he’s not a part of the
50:06 – 50:11 political machines he’s definitely not
50:09 – 50:14 but as far as being an outsider
50:11 – 50:19 I said Khashoggi and Erik Prince people
50:14 – 50:20 at Wilbur Ross Rand Rothschild Inc the
50:19 – 50:22 Commerce Secretary you know it’s like
50:20 – 50:24 it’s not I can I can see how much you
50:22 – 50:33 can call me an outsider he hooked up
50:24 – 50:35 with everybody he’s all shriveled up and
50:33 – 50:37 dying but I understand you so he
50:35 – 50:40 definitely wasn’t an outsider as far as
50:37 – 50:42 the political machines go you know and
50:40 – 50:44 paid off both parties and blackmail both
50:42 – 50:46 parties I’m sure you know he comes right
50:44 – 50:47 out and says when he somewhat the pissed
50:46 – 50:51 gate it comes right out and says hey all
50:47 – 50:54 those hotels have cameras I know they do
50:51 – 50:55 and it’s coming out so my cameras in
50:54 – 50:57 hotels oh by the way – you’re
50:55 – 50:59 interesting I told my trump and
50:57 – 51:02 blackmail you know the whole thing with
50:59 – 51:05 his son-in-law Jared Kushner you know
51:02 – 51:07 his dad got busted because he was so
51:05 – 51:09 desperate to donate money to Democrats
51:07 – 51:11 that he started creating these phony
51:09 – 51:12 partnerships and donating money are
51:11 – 51:14 there other people’s name without them
51:12 – 51:15 realizing it and there was an
51:14 – 51:18 investigation and his brother-in-law
51:15 – 51:19 turned against him so what he did was he
51:18 – 51:21 hired a prostitute
51:19 – 51:24 to benefit to go with the brother-in-law
51:21 – 51:27 and tried to blackmail so let’s get this
51:24 – 51:29 straight for folks Jared Kushner
51:27 – 51:31 connected to the Trump family obviously
51:29 – 51:35 but also connected to this presidency
51:31 – 51:37 deep inside of it blackmailed his
51:35 – 51:39 brother-in-law his sister’s husband
51:37 – 51:42 blackmailed them with by hiring a
51:39 – 51:44 prostitute to go in come on to this guy
51:42 – 51:46 so he could tape it and then blackmail
51:44 – 51:47 him Yeah right just think of that was
51:46 – 51:49 your son-in-law your daughter was gonna
51:47 – 51:51 marry that guy whose father did this
51:49 – 51:56 blackmail deal like when you say hey you
51:51 – 51:57 know honey you know but interesting
51:56 – 51:58 though you know a black man with this
51:57 – 52:01 prostitute right
51:58 – 52:04 I was talking to him what’s his name
52:01 – 52:06 Roseanne Barr husband what’s his name
52:04 – 52:09 Tom Arnold it’s talking to Tom one with
52:06 – 52:11 and I says hey man you know about this
52:09 – 52:13 you know about that and you know we
52:11 – 52:14 finish our conversation and he do be
52:13 – 52:17 talking about cushion and then he tweets
52:14 – 52:20 about Kushner and in the hashtag he put
52:17 – 52:22 Russian teens you know so I guess he
52:20 – 52:24 knows something about the the Kushner
52:22 – 52:26 blackmail is being teenagers Russian
52:24 – 52:28 teenagers you know which is kind of
52:26 – 52:29 interesting because you also got
52:28 – 52:32 cambridge channel it was talking about
52:29 – 52:35 how they they blackmail these people
52:32 – 52:39 using the you know young girls and stuff
52:35 – 52:41 like that okay let me kind of speed this
52:39 – 52:43 up a little bit because there are some
52:41 – 52:45 things i want to hit on we could talk
52:43 – 52:47 for hours and hours and any one of these
52:45 – 52:50 but i want to get your take on globalism
52:47 – 52:53 and i understand that
52:50 – 52:57 based on everything you’ve just said we
52:53 – 53:00 cannot say that Trump is disassociated
52:57 – 53:03 himself with globalism but I wonder do
53:00 – 53:06 you acknowledge that there is this
53:03 – 53:10 globalism versus nationalism divide
53:06 – 53:12 there’s the climate change hoax the war
53:10 – 53:16 on terror hoax the immigration scream
53:12 – 53:19 all this stuff is is trying to move
53:16 – 53:23 people politically towards a certain
53:19 – 53:25 position one planet don’t worry so much
53:23 – 53:26 about being a United States citizen
53:25 – 53:29 don’t worry so much about the
53:26 – 53:31 Constitution we need to all kind of join
53:29 – 53:34 together under this one planet EU
53:31 – 53:36 extension kind of thing do you buy into
53:34 – 53:40 the notion that there is such a thing
53:36 – 53:43 called globalism if there is globalism
53:40 – 53:45 if there’s a one world power controlling
53:43 – 53:47 everything or we’re working toward that
53:45 – 53:51 it’s the United States of America but
53:47 – 53:53 it’s in charge of it let’s let’s leave
53:51 – 53:55 that let’s leave that aside for a second
53:53 – 53:57 and just say I mean do you do you buy
53:55 – 54:01 into the idea that there is this
53:57 – 54:03 political movement that is I would to me
54:01 – 54:06 it looks brother obvious but he’s even
54:03 – 54:09 larger than the politics the United
54:06 – 54:11 States or that that is towards this
54:09 – 54:13 one-world government kind of thing and
54:11 – 54:16 and ultimate control over people or just
54:13 – 54:18 increased level of control I mean we’re
54:16 – 54:19 going to get fucked
54:18 – 54:21 there’s definitely an increase if we
54:19 – 54:23 have much less freon how old II were I’m
54:21 – 54:24 56 years old I have much less personal
54:23 – 54:26 freedom than I did back in the 70s
54:24 – 54:29 there’s no doubt about that my mind but
54:26 – 54:31 as far as global control but the United
54:29 – 54:33 States of America is world domination we
54:31 – 54:35 are the dominant power in the world we
54:33 – 54:37 have more our military budget is higher
54:35 – 54:39 than the next top eight countries at and
54:37 – 54:41 half of those are our allies we have air
54:39 – 54:44 superiority over the entire planet
54:41 – 54:47 nobody denies that the more aircraft and
54:44 – 54:49 fighters in anywhere Russia that has one
54:47 – 54:52 aircraft carrier that they have to pull
54:49 – 54:53 around on a tugboat it’s a diesel we
54:52 – 54:56 have to pull it with a tugboat has no
54:53 – 54:57 engines no working engines on it oh I
54:56 – 54:59 totally get that I mean I’ve been to
54:57 – 55:01 Russia a half-dozen times and when that
54:59 – 55:04 first thing started coming out about
55:01 – 55:06 Russia I go you you have no idea me just
55:04 – 55:09 go there I mean it’s just a complete
55:06 – 55:11 farce to think that this is some power
55:09 – 55:14 on par with us but again let me bring it
55:11 – 55:15 down to an issue climate change hoax I
55:14 – 55:18 mean the science behind climate change
55:15 – 55:22 it’s it’s bullshit it’s not real it’s
55:18 – 55:25 just a scheme to create this currency
55:22 – 55:26 called carbons that they can then trade
55:25 – 55:28 and control and create an Internet of
55:26 – 55:31 Things where they can monitor and
55:28 – 55:32 control people that’s the play here it
55:31 – 55:35 doesn’t have anything I’m an
55:32 – 55:36 environmentalist I mean we I’m deeply
55:35 – 55:38 concerned with what we’re doing to the
55:36 – 55:40 environment and that the planet may not
55:38 – 55:42 you know survived aren’t enough fish
55:40 – 55:45 they’re kind of there’s all these other
55:42 – 55:48 things but the climate change Paris
55:45 – 55:50 thing I mean this is an obvious scam do
55:48 – 55:51 you see it that way I haven’t looked
55:50 – 55:53 into it today I’d agree I can look out
55:51 – 55:55 you know I can look on turn on the TV
55:53 – 55:56 and see that the storms and the
55:55 – 55:58 earthquakes that stuff we have now are
55:56 – 55:60 greater than ever before you know I
55:58 – 56:02 lived in Staten Island and we had
55:60 – 56:03 hurricane sandy destroyed Jim people
56:02 – 56:05 died
56:03 – 56:08 you know kids were swept away in rushing
56:05 – 56:12 waters okay at you and I if you’re up
56:08 – 56:14 for it I gotta I got plans for you buddy
56:12 – 56:16 we might we might if I can talk you into
56:14 – 56:18 it we might find a way to investigate
56:16 – 56:20 some of these things I think it was come
56:18 – 56:24 to the same conclusions you’ll find all
56:20 – 56:26 the same trails of shenanigans that you
56:24 – 56:30 do and all the other things phony
56:26 – 56:32 reports faked data all with a political
56:30 – 56:35 agenda so I’m going to put
56:32 – 56:36 on hold for a minute and-and-and cuz I
56:35 – 56:38 want to move on to so many other things
56:36 – 56:40 one other thing I wanted to talk about
56:38 – 56:42 real quick and forgive me if slowed me
56:40 – 56:44 down if I’m going too fast here but I’d
56:42 – 56:47 want to cover a lot of stuff Alex Jones
56:44 – 56:47 is fascinating to me fascinating
56:47 – 56:50 character
56:47 – 56:52 I think you’ve exposed him in some
56:50 – 56:56 incredible ways they’re just powerful
56:52 – 56:60 you’re brilliant analysis of the James
56:56 – 57:03 elefantes apology I think is like a
56:60 – 57:05 level three kind of stuff but if people
57:03 – 57:07 can get there if they can get through
57:05 – 57:09 all your your work that you did on Pizza
57:07 – 57:14 Gate which is totally real you know I
57:09 – 57:17 interviewed FBI agent Bob hammer who
57:14 – 57:19 investigated that the NAMBLA thing and
57:17 – 57:22 he was really powerful and gave
57:19 – 57:25 testimony to how real in a related way
57:22 – 57:27 that is you’ve done a lot more work and
57:25 – 57:30 better work but I’m gonna return to Alex
57:27 – 57:33 Jones Ed bomb hammer ah yeah yeah yeah
57:30 – 57:35 good guy such an FBI guy yeah I never
57:33 – 57:37 thought to ask me about pizza gate but I
57:35 – 57:38 think was before Pizza game excellent
57:37 – 57:41 excellent work in his life and
57:38 – 57:43 infiltrating NAMBLA yeah yeah too much
57:41 – 57:46 so here’s my question about Alex Jones
57:43 – 57:51 do you think he was ever legitimate I
57:46 – 57:53 mean Bohemian Grove 9/11 or was he ever
57:51 – 57:56 for real in your opinion okay that’s
57:53 – 57:59 interesting um Danny Romero from
57:56 – 58:01 American freedom radio he knew Alex
57:59 – 58:03 Jones way way back when from Austin you
58:01 – 58:05 know when they were there in Texas in
58:03 – 58:07 those days when Alex’s beginning of his
58:05 – 58:09 career so I don’t know man but but I
58:07 – 58:10 think by the time and he never came
58:09 – 58:13 right out and said hey this guy’s been a
58:10 – 58:14 show from the start you know bizarre
58:13 – 58:15 stories about him getting to fistfight
58:14 – 58:19 two people and run into the cops you and
58:15 – 58:22 weird things but definitely I don’t
58:19 – 58:23 think he snuck into big Bohemian Grove
58:22 – 58:27 with our invitation I can’t imagine
58:23 – 58:29 pulling that off just from what I know
58:27 – 58:30 about trying to sneak into places and
58:29 – 58:32 sneaking across borders and stuff like
58:30 – 58:38 that he said I don’t think he could pull
58:32 – 58:39 that off and 9/11 one thing that always
58:38 – 58:42 sticks out in my head
58:39 – 58:44 as I watched him once Geraldo Rivera was
58:42 – 58:47 on doing a live segment in Times Square
58:44 – 58:50 or something like that and suddenly Alex
58:47 – 58:51 Jones showed up with a group of 911
58:50 – 58:54 truthers you know and he showed her and
58:51 – 58:55 I got right there to the to the rail you
58:54 – 58:57 know and it was all lit well and it was
58:55 – 58:59 Mike Doyle did the whole thing was a
58:57 – 59:00 setup is there’s no debt I know the hell
58:59 – 59:02 those things are you know I know but
59:00 – 59:04 live TV I know but this kind of stuff
59:02 – 59:06 and I know but street protesting there’s
59:04 – 59:11 just no way he could have got there and
59:06 – 59:13 been latent and miked the way he was so
59:11 – 59:15 that had to be some kind of setup I
59:13 – 59:18 don’t know about that remember correctly
59:15 – 59:20 he was on a megaphone other people were
59:18 – 59:26 were around him they were not well lit
59:20 – 59:28 and my read of it was that Rivera was
59:26 – 59:30 genuinely kind of pissed off and he kind
59:28 – 59:33 of said some things now it could be all
59:30 – 59:36 staged but I mean that that’s this
59:33 – 59:39 brings up another issue of you know I
59:36 – 59:42 like the stuff that’s clearly one way or
59:39 – 59:43 another so I hear you that we don’t know
59:42 – 59:47 how to interpret that but to me that
59:43 – 59:48 doesn’t fall you know clearly into one
59:47 – 59:51 camp and I’d have to say the same thing
59:48 – 59:54 with Bohemian Grove I mean the flip side
59:51 – 59:58 of that is how does that add up that he
59:54 – 60:01 got an invite to expose that I mean in
59:58 – 60:03 whose interest was that I mean it it
60:01 – 60:06 kind of gets a little bit too far down
60:03 – 60:09 the rabbit hole for me yeah you know it
60:06 – 60:11 wasn’t sure this it’s beyond explanation
60:09 – 60:13 like who knows why he was invited into
60:11 – 60:15 this kind of thing but if he was some
60:13 – 60:17 kind of a truth or even back then or now
60:15 – 60:19 he wouldn’t be making $400,000 a month
60:17 – 60:23 you know with his penis pills and stuff
60:19 – 60:25 and that’s the other thing I think you
60:23 – 60:26 know what we can talk at point but I
60:25 – 60:29 don’t want to get into politics but the
60:26 – 60:31 the leftist thing a lot of times people
60:29 – 60:34 who are like that they have just
60:31 – 60:37 immediate distrust of anyone with money
60:34 – 60:39 maybe I have a lot of money I made a lot
60:37 – 60:41 of money in my life and I know a lot of
60:39 – 60:44 people that made a lot of money and the
60:41 – 60:46 values that the P of the people that I
60:44 – 60:49 know have made a lot of money are the
60:46 – 60:51 highest values for just living your life
60:49 – 60:53 you know that success its setting goals
60:51 – 60:55 its being
60:53 – 60:59 focused it’s being you know controlling
60:55 – 61:00 your own mind and controlling your bad
60:59 – 61:03 habits and stuff like that so I don’t
61:00 – 61:05 have an immediate distrust for someone
61:03 – 61:07 Alex Jones has figured out a way to sell
61:05 – 61:08 that stuff and I tell you one thing I
61:07 – 61:10 don’t want to be a big defender of Alex
61:08 – 61:12 Jones but the one thing that he says
61:10 – 61:14 that resonates with me is like hey I’m
61:12 – 61:16 selling the same shit that Whole Foods
61:14 – 61:18 is selling and I’m selling it for a
61:16 – 61:20 lower price so you want to buy your
61:18 – 61:23 vitamins at Whole Foods buy him from me
61:20 – 61:25 and I think supplements are a good idea
61:23 – 61:27 I don’t immediately discount the guy for
61:25 – 61:29 making millions of dollars a year so no
61:27 – 61:30 that’s not what I’m saying at all and
61:29 – 61:32 I’ve made a lot of money in my life – I
61:30 – 61:35 had a nine club Manhattan it was a limo
61:32 – 61:37 driver 21st a I’ve had a lot of money
61:35 – 61:39 here at Canyon Ranch who you know had a
61:37 – 61:40 lot of money but the thing is is what
61:39 – 61:43 I’m saying is and I’m not when these
61:40 – 61:44 people that says that you know I did
61:43 – 61:46 socialism means you have to be poor or
61:44 – 61:47 that you can’t be rich under socialism
61:46 – 61:48 I believe that we would all be much
61:47 – 61:51 richer than we are right now under
61:48 – 61:53 socialism the point I’m trying to make
61:51 – 61:56 with saying that he couldn’t get away
61:53 – 61:58 with making $400,000 a month if he was a
61:56 – 61:59 truther as I know that I’ve spoken out
61:58 – 62:01 on certain things
61:59 – 62:04 and I’ve had my credit card processing
62:01 – 62:07 shut down the next day okay and things
62:04 – 62:10 like I know that on on AM radio you
62:07 – 62:12 can’t get on AM radio unless your right
62:10 – 62:14 wing you know they just they sabotage
62:12 – 62:16 you at every length even these sponsors
62:14 – 62:19 and the advertisers an AM radio will
62:16 – 62:21 sponsor will sabotage you if you’re not
62:19 – 62:24 right-wing and towing that right-wing
62:21 – 62:26 line t-talk stream life you know who
62:24 – 62:28 supposedly run this kind of raining this
62:26 – 62:31 operation where they carry water for
62:28 – 62:32 what’s-his-name a savage Michael Savage
62:31 – 62:34 every week Michael Savage has the high
62:32 – 62:36 screen and stuff like that I know for a
62:34 – 62:38 fact these guys sabotage if you’re not
62:36 – 62:40 left if you’re not right-wing then they
62:38 – 62:45 dismiss what they want right-wing people
62:40 – 62:47 in on radio so when I say that if Alex
62:45 – 62:48 Jones was really exposing things they
62:47 – 62:50 would shut him down they weren’t allowed
62:48 – 62:52 to make 400 awesome thousand dollars a
62:50 – 62:53 month not that I think making $400,000
62:52 – 62:57 is bad I would love to make fortune that
62:53 – 63:00 was awesome I looked it and these things
62:57 – 63:04 I could do to do it to me don’t forget
63:00 – 63:07 things I do anyway okay you know well
63:04 – 63:10 here let me challenge part of that again
63:07 – 63:11 and and I appreciate that we can do this
63:10 – 63:13 and we can have this discussion because
63:11 – 63:16 I do so respect your work and I want to
63:13 – 63:19 hear your opinion sure one thing that
63:16 – 63:21 does concern me is the censorship of
63:19 – 63:24 Alex Jones no matter what you think
63:21 – 63:27 about Alex Jones to me is far and away
63:24 – 63:30 the biggest story that I’ve seen in the
63:27 – 63:33 in a number of years because you know
63:30 – 63:35 you talk about First Amendment which is
63:33 – 63:37 what we’ve all held on to as you know we
63:35 – 63:40 do have freedom of speech in this
63:37 – 63:43 country we’ve all held onto this and now
63:40 – 63:46 what happened to him with being shut
63:43 – 63:49 down the way he was simultaneously by
63:46 – 63:51 YouTube a lot of people say YouTube need
63:49 – 63:53 to get shut down a fucking YouTube he
63:51 – 63:55 got shut down with YouTube who’s owned
63:53 – 63:57 by Google and Google is the fucking
63:55 – 63:60 Internet so he got shut down by that by
63:57 – 64:02 that and he/she got shut down by Apple
63:60 – 64:05 chai calm Apple and he got shut down by
64:02 – 64:08 Facebook and Twitter all the same day I
64:05 – 64:10 mean five years ago we would have all
64:08 – 64:14 said that’s impossible or if that
64:10 – 64:17 happened we’ll all go march on you know
64:14 – 64:19 Washington DC and instead what we all do
64:17 – 64:21 is sit around and talk about how not to
64:19 – 64:24 get demonetised on YouTube like that’s
64:21 – 64:26 the the answer no I hear you
64:24 – 64:28 yeah it’s definitely the suppression of
64:26 – 64:30 free speech you know but I wish shutdown
64:28 – 64:32 on YouTube three years ago you know but
64:30 – 64:34 I know I’m near the impact that the Alex
64:32 – 64:37 Jones has and even now it might have my
64:34 – 64:38 YouTube’s on my but isn’t isn’t that the
64:37 – 64:41 point I mean that’s the point that I’m
64:38 – 64:43 making is that hey of course the small
64:41 – 64:46 people get shut down and no one pays any
64:43 – 64:48 attention to it you know I heard Luke
64:46 – 64:50 Radomski from we are change has been
64:48 – 64:53 kind of a buddy of the show and years
64:50 – 64:54 ago years ago he was the first one I
64:53 – 64:57 ever heard to talk about being
64:54 – 64:58 demonetized on YouTube and he actually
64:57 – 65:01 put out the videos and he said look
64:58 – 65:03 here’s my video it was making money
65:01 – 65:05 before and now it isn’t and I remember I
65:03 – 65:07 talked to a guy who had supposedly had
65:05 – 65:08 connections at Google he was a friend of
65:07 – 65:10 mine and he was just like there is no
65:08 – 65:13 way they would never do that that
65:10 – 65:15 doesn’t happen well of course it happens
65:13 – 65:17 but my point is if someone reaches the
65:15 – 65:20 point for Alex to
65:17 – 65:22 Alex Jones where as being you know cited
65:20 – 65:25 and CNN he’s being said if they can take
65:22 – 65:27 him down we all know they can take you
65:25 – 65:30 down they can take me down but if they
65:27 – 65:32 can take him down for what for talking
65:30 – 65:34 about Sandy Hook let me say that into
65:32 – 65:38 the microphone Sandy Hook Sandy Hook
65:34 – 65:40 Sandy Hook if he can be taken down for
65:38 – 65:41 talking about Sandy Hook and that’s the
65:40 – 65:43 other thing it gets me as people say
65:41 – 65:45 what he said about Sandy Hook was
65:43 – 65:47 insensitive to the parents you’re a
65:45 – 65:50 parent I’m a parent you know what if
65:47 – 65:53 something that horrific happened to my
65:50 – 65:55 kids I would be I would be beyond
65:53 – 65:58 devastated but if I went to
65:55 – 65:60 investigators and said hey please do not
65:58 – 66:02 talk about that shit do not let that
65:60 – 66:04 shit out because it’s killing me it’s
66:02 – 66:07 driving me crazy you’re connected with
66:04 – 66:09 it what would they say they’d say I’m
66:07 – 66:11 sorry but you know we got to do our
66:09 – 66:12 investigation the way we do our
66:11 – 66:15 investigation it can’t be linked to
66:12 – 66:17 whether the parents are sensitive to
66:15 – 66:21 what’s going to be revealed I mean it’s
66:17 – 66:26 just upside down the logic of why that
66:21 – 66:28 would even be an issue I don’t get what
66:26 – 66:32 people are thinking on that a couple of
66:28 – 66:33 things because I’ve been taking notes as
66:32 – 66:35 you’ve been talking that one thing is
66:33 – 66:37 about to back to YouTube per second is I
66:35 – 66:40 have chosen just to lead it over YouTube
66:37 – 66:42 with no explanation and I know got a
66:40 – 66:45 notice they just disappeared off YouTube
66:42 – 66:47 and also there’s this paper for spree
66:45 – 66:48 curtail but I can’t anymore
66:47 – 66:50 so for the certain shows you know
66:48 – 66:55 they’re just somehow seem to get this
66:50 – 66:59 deleted and disappear now with Alex this
66:55 – 67:01 whole show of okay we’re gonna be
66:59 – 67:04 censoring Alex for whatever reason it
67:01 – 67:05 may be it’s more than likely he’s part
67:04 – 67:07 of all that for whatever agenda maybe to
67:05 – 67:11 make the rest of us sort of fear you
67:07 – 67:12 know and and be more quiet do I believe
67:11 – 67:14 it’s because of his talk about because
67:12 – 67:15 he’s come out and said no I don’t
67:14 – 67:17 believe Sandy Hook or whatever he’s
67:15 – 67:18 doing I’m just an actor you know and his
67:17 – 67:22 divorce cases he says it’s all
67:18 – 67:23 performance art and I think in what time
67:22 – 67:24 he said people would be crazy to believe
67:23 – 67:26 him and then he comes down he says no no
67:24 – 67:28 no I was lying over there so I don’t
67:26 – 67:29 know I think he’s part of all and
67:28 – 67:32 whatever’s going on he’s
67:29 – 67:34 for sure in cooperation he’s got Trump
67:32 – 67:39 on there he’s got Charlie Sheen on there
67:34 – 67:44 you know so you know I don’t know man um
67:39 – 67:46 and in Sandy Hook you know I want
67:44 – 67:48 YouTube I see a lot of stuff that looks
67:46 – 67:50 suspicious about Sandy Hook but then I
67:48 – 67:52 slept the details of Sandy Hook I didn’t
67:50 – 67:53 want to go there I don’t mean in the bit
67:52 – 67:55 let me just finish saying this is that
67:53 – 67:56 you know then I meet some of the people
67:55 – 67:58 that put that out and I just find them
67:56 – 67:59 personally that they’re flaky they’re
67:58 – 68:01 trying to hire me for different cases
67:59 – 68:03 and stuff and it’s just weird stuff and
68:01 – 68:06 they’re just they’re kind of crazy and
68:03 – 68:09 then when I was here in Vegas during the
68:06 – 68:11 Mandalay Bay shooting and then I see
68:09 – 68:12 stuff on YouTube and people talking
68:11 – 68:16 about it it they got everything wrong
68:12 – 68:18 that’s not even close geography they got
68:16 – 68:21 wrong people’s names they got wrong
68:18 – 68:23 locations a Las Vegas Metro Police
68:21 – 68:25 Department they caught the LVPD in an
68:23 – 68:27 event right that the Las Vegas coroner’s
68:25 – 68:29 office it’s the Clark County coroner’s
68:27 – 68:32 office just the basic stuff they can’t
68:29 – 68:33 get right and you know so and so it just
68:32 – 68:36 makes me even more suspect of these
68:33 – 68:39 things far away that one time believed
68:36 – 68:42 that now I’m well all my skepticism
68:39 – 68:45 doubles down the more I go on okay but
68:42 – 68:47 big big step back and and I’d ask you
68:45 – 68:51 this question do you believe we should
68:47 – 68:56 entertain the possibility that our
68:51 – 68:59 government has staged shootings in order
68:56 – 69:01 to advance a political agenda like
68:59 – 69:03 pulling the teeth out of the Second
69:01 – 69:05 Amendment should we should that be on
69:03 – 69:07 the radar is that within the realm of
69:05 – 69:11 possibility given everything we know
69:07 – 69:13 about 9/11 and the rest of the world is
69:11 – 69:14 it a possibility yeah we got a look at
69:13 – 69:16 everything okay and we left everything
69:14 – 69:18 left and come to it an open mind there’s
69:16 – 69:21 no doubt about that but after looking at
69:18 – 69:23 this is that if every time they did one
69:21 – 69:26 of these shootings and gun sales go up
69:23 – 69:28 instead of down I can’t see how the
69:26 – 69:30 motivation would be to take away guns if
69:28 – 69:32 they want to take away guns the gun
69:30 – 69:34 manufacturers are part of the 1% these
69:32 – 69:38 are piece of them they would just stop
69:34 – 69:42 you you know the other and I’ll tell you
69:38 – 69:44 this when Clinton was on the front page
69:42 – 69:47 news about his connections to Epstein
69:44 – 69:52 suddenly there was this shooting in
69:47 – 69:54 Paris of some cartoonist okay and when
69:52 – 69:56 they chased down those shooters and he
69:54 – 69:59 had them cornered in any a warehouse and
69:56 – 70:01 a reporter call them up they said well
69:59 – 70:04 we would pay twenty thousand dollars to
70:01 – 70:05 do this okay right now and I think the
70:04 – 70:08 Clintons are more than capable of
70:05 – 70:09 pulling that off okay I heard a couple
70:08 – 70:11 of guys to do a shooting up in you know
70:09 – 70:12 the Muslim cartoons you know boy they
70:11 – 70:15 know how to do this kind of stuff and
70:12 – 70:16 also too it’s not necessarily when
70:15 – 70:18 you’re dealing with these kinds of
70:16 – 70:20 situations that it’s the government
70:18 – 70:22 there’s all kind of foreign governments
70:20 – 70:23 into this stuff back when I would say
70:22 – 70:24 hippies foreign governments were
70:23 – 70:25 infiltrating me when I was doing the
70:24 – 70:27 Sarah Palin investigations foreign
70:25 – 70:29 governments were infiltrating me so this
70:27 – 70:33 foreign governments dabble – there’s big
70:29 – 70:35 the oil industry has their own security
70:33 – 70:37 forces and espionage departments you
70:35 – 70:40 know this big industry has their own
70:37 – 70:41 forces the Masons the Scientologists
70:40 – 70:44 they all got their own little guys we
70:41 – 70:45 run around doing things for hire all
70:44 – 70:47 kind of mercenaries out there so it’s
70:45 – 70:50 not always the government either I hear
70:47 – 70:51 there’s a lot to kind of a park there
70:50 – 70:54 that we’re not going to be able to do
70:51 – 70:56 because I do want to hit on one last
70:54 – 70:58 issue because it’s been part of this
70:56 – 70:60 show and it kind of grew into more and
70:58 – 71:02 more of a part of the show because again
70:60 – 71:05 I’m a follow the data wherever it leads
71:02 – 71:08 guy I’m interested in the the spiritual
71:05 – 71:12 understandings that we can gain from
71:08 – 71:14 analyzing the data in that way and I’m
71:12 – 71:17 just a little bit surprised by the the
71:14 – 71:19 Christian born-again thing on your part
71:17 – 71:22 and and I want to qualify this so people
71:19 – 71:23 understand because I always get in the
71:22 – 71:25 first part of these discussions with
71:23 – 71:30 people and I come off like a Christian
71:25 – 71:34 basher which I’m not I mean I believe in
71:30 – 71:36 however this is true I believe it to be
71:34 – 71:39 true that Christ consciousness that is
71:36 – 71:42 if you pray to Jesus there is a real
71:39 – 71:44 spiritual force that will come to your
71:42 – 71:48 aid that is connected to something
71:44 – 71:50 higher something more I understand that
71:48 – 71:52 as just reading the scientific data I
71:50 – 71:55 mean you go and look at the 200
71:52 – 71:56 peer-reviewed studies that have been
71:55 – 71:59 done on near
71:56 – 72:03 experience that are completely denied
71:59 – 72:06 and kind of misinformed and kind of
72:03 – 72:09 mutilated by the scientific community
72:06 – 72:12 because it goes against their stated
72:09 – 72:14 kind of dogma but if you go look at that
72:12 – 72:17 data it’s all over it in terms of people
72:14 – 72:20 experiencing this extended consciousness
72:17 – 72:22 but when it comes to religion you know
72:20 – 72:24 first of all please disrespect my
72:22 – 72:28 religion any place you see it is
72:24 – 72:30 don’t give me any cut me any slack cause
72:28 – 72:32 any religious beliefs because I’m not
72:30 – 72:34 gonna cut anyone any slack because they
72:32 – 72:36 say they have a religious belief I just
72:34 – 72:40 think that’s crazy I’ve done all these
72:36 – 72:45 shows and I don’t see where the
72:40 – 72:49 Christian story really adds up in terms
72:45 – 72:55 of you know the Yahweh thing this
72:49 – 72:57 Thunder God of the Jews who then turns
72:55 – 72:59 into as the story changes and you go
72:57 – 73:01 talk to biblical scholars like I have I
72:59 – 73:04 mean I’ve interviewed so many biblical
73:01 – 73:05 scholars and like I tell people I mean
73:04 – 73:09 these are folks that are arguing over
73:05 – 73:12 the curvature of a Greek letter and
73:09 – 73:14 whether that means Sun is the Sun in the
73:12 – 73:16 sky or Sun is the son of God kind of
73:14 – 73:20 thing I mean people are getting deep
73:16 – 73:23 into pulling the stuff apart the stories
73:20 – 73:26 just don’t add up and the historical
73:23 – 73:29 Jesus is on really shaky ground so
73:26 – 73:32 whenever I encounter Christians my first
73:29 – 73:36 thing is you know how much have you
73:32 – 73:38 really looked into the Bible or are you
73:36 – 73:41 getting this from a direct spiritual
73:38 – 73:44 experience that you had and you know I
73:41 – 73:45 guess I feel like I hope this okay I
73:44 – 73:48 feel like I can ask you anything and
73:45 – 73:50 that’s what I’m asking you I would say
73:48 – 73:52 both okay I’ve been read the Bible and
73:50 – 73:53 probably a dozen times back to back at
73:52 – 73:55 where the new Titans test we probably
73:53 – 73:58 got thirty times even probably more you
73:55 – 74:01 know like I said I live this you know I
73:58 – 74:03 lived with ten ministry fold that and
74:01 – 74:06 met a lot of people you want to take Ted
74:03 – 74:08 Wilkinson you know Ted Wilson
74:06 – 74:09 Time Square Church okay so like I said
74:08 – 74:11 I’ve said
74:09 – 74:15 the Korean I said the Bible you know
74:11 – 74:17 I’ve studied Josephus yes yes I’m
74:15 – 74:18 familiar with that and I’m not concerned
74:17 – 74:20 with that at all he said Jesus was
74:18 – 74:20 magician I’m not concerned with that at
74:20 – 74:23 all
74:20 – 74:24 okay just Cephas if you investigate it
74:23 – 74:25 and this would be another one that if
74:24 – 74:28 you wanted to we could look into
74:25 – 74:31 together Josephus is complete story
74:28 – 74:31 doesn’t doesn’t add up it doesn’t make
74:31 – 74:34 sense
74:31 – 74:35 Josephus is conclusion at the end of the
74:34 – 74:36 day I mean do you even know Josephus
74:35 – 74:38 really is because a lot of people say
74:36 – 74:40 Josephus Josephus and they say the
74:38 – 74:43 Christians say Roman historian or they
74:40 – 74:45 say Christian historian I mean Josephus
74:43 – 74:48 is a is a is a Jew and he’s in it he’s
74:45 – 74:52 of the highest rabbi class but he’s also
74:48 – 74:54 a general and the story that he says is
74:52 – 74:57 hey the Romans landed in Galilee and I
74:54 – 74:59 fought him the best I could and then we
74:57 – 75:02 went into this cave and we all committed
74:59 – 75:04 suicide but at the end I decided no you
75:02 – 75:08 know I need to ally myself with the with
75:04 – 75:10 the Romans because my Jewish tradition
75:08 – 75:13 is wrong Caesar is the Messiah
75:10 – 75:16 Caesar is the Messiah this is Josephus
75:13 – 75:20 claim this is what this is what all his
75:16 – 75:21 writing is about is that Caesar is the
75:20 – 75:24 Messiah we don’t have to wait for the
75:21 – 75:25 Messiah Jewish people this is it well
75:24 – 75:27 that’s a complete invention on the part
75:25 – 75:29 of Romans is one way to read that and I
75:27 – 75:30 think it’s right but the other thing is
75:29 – 75:33 that and you’ll see the biblical
75:30 – 75:35 scholars will agree to this the Bible is
75:33 – 75:38 pro Roman because the writers of the
75:35 – 75:40 gospel had access to Josephus so now a
75:38 – 75:44 short version of it you’re sitting there
75:40 – 75:46 writing prophecy about Jesus and you
75:44 – 75:48 have the historical account with you you
75:46 – 75:50 have the you know World Book
75:48 – 75:52 Encyclopedia telling you what actually
75:50 – 75:54 happened in your prophesizing and it’s
75:52 – 75:57 right out of Josephus that’s what’s
75:54 – 75:59 written into the Gospels I can prove
75:57 – 76:02 that to you if you want but it’s like
75:59 – 76:06 the Bible is not reliable in the way
76:02 – 76:10 that most Christians think it is well I
76:06 – 76:13 don’t know what to say okay I really
76:10 – 76:16 there’s so many Bible scholars that have
76:13 – 76:18 devoted their life to this you know what
76:16 – 76:22 I mean over every little interpretation
76:18 – 76:25 and it’s withstood the test of time
76:22 – 76:27 the calendar was changed over this the
76:25 – 76:29 prophecies from the Old Testament that
76:27 – 76:32 are revealed in a New Testament did
76:29 – 76:34 thousands then plus on top of that my
76:32 – 76:36 own daily life I’ve seen the results
76:34 – 76:37 coming from this that’s totally separate
76:36 – 76:39 so take the first part of what you said
76:37 – 76:41 and we could deal with that
76:39 – 76:44 the second part of it is completely
76:41 – 76:47 separate because I’m with you you can
76:44 – 76:50 have a genuine Christ conscious
76:47 – 76:51 experience I get that I agree with you
76:50 – 76:54 the data supports that the first part of
76:51 – 76:55 that my investigation would say just the
76:54 – 76:57 opposite of what you’re saying but
76:55 – 77:00 please continue I would end it there
76:57 – 77:02 because you know you want to change my
77:00 – 77:05 mind you know I don’t think it’s gonna
77:02 – 77:06 do I have to justify my faith to you
77:05 – 77:09 like I said I’ve started to by almost
77:06 – 77:10 read the Quran although the major text
77:09 – 77:13 you know and I believe I’ve settled on
77:10 – 77:16 this I have experienced it in my own
77:13 – 77:20 life I’m more than satisfied with the
77:16 – 77:23 the preservation of these texts call
77:20 – 77:25 today and I’m gonna prompt it where we
77:23 – 77:30 started what you need to change my mind
77:25 – 77:33 that I don’t I know I know it sounds
77:30 – 77:35 your mind you need to change mine I get
77:33 – 77:37 that it sounds like that I get that it
77:35 – 77:39 sounds like I’m desperate to change your
77:37 – 77:40 mind I’m really not I talk to people all
77:39 – 77:44 the time and I get that I just talked to
77:40 – 77:47 the this guy fantastic guy who wrote
77:44 – 77:48 this book the the secret history of the
77:47 – 77:50 world
77:48 – 77:52 after that he sending me emails cuz I
77:50 – 77:54 had some of the similar kind of things
77:52 – 77:56 with him and he’s a Christian as well no
77:54 – 77:56 man I’m not desperate to change your
77:56 – 77:58 mind
77:56 – 78:01 I just I’m pointing out in the same way
77:58 – 78:03 that you do that this to me is the
78:01 – 78:05 process this is the skeptical process
78:03 – 78:07 for me it’s like follow the data
78:05 – 78:08 wherever it leads and I see and you
78:07 – 78:10 someone who’s following the data and
78:08 – 78:11 then when it comes to this it’s like
78:10 – 78:13 well no I don’t really need to follow
78:11 – 78:15 that data because I’ve already done it
78:13 – 78:16 you know it’s like I hear all the time
78:15 – 78:18 from people you don’t want to talk them
78:16 – 78:20 to about anything like insights and they
78:18 – 78:23 say I’m a smart guy
78:20 – 78:27 I read all these papers if that was true
78:23 – 78:30 I would know it it’s like it’s not
78:27 – 78:33 that’s not an explanation for whether or
78:30 – 78:36 not you’ve really dug into the data
78:33 – 78:38 wouldn’t walking I suppose I could go in
78:36 – 78:39 especially for any current books I’m
78:38 – 78:40 really not interested people come up
78:39 – 78:43 with new theories and stuff like that
78:40 – 78:45 I’m really not concerned about and I
78:43 – 78:47 guess I could go and try to find you
78:45 – 78:49 know flaws and I’m sure there are flaws
78:47 – 78:50 I can’t take everything literally that’s
78:49 – 78:53 in the Bible but I’m more than satisfied
78:50 – 78:55 didn’t didn’t what I’ve found I don’t
78:53 – 78:58 need to pursue that any further you’re
78:55 – 78:60 you’re satisfied you’re happy and what
78:58 – 79:02 it’s really about is is the process you
78:60 – 79:04 know is the process that we go through
79:02 – 79:08 to understand things I mean one of the
79:04 – 79:10 catch phrases of skeptic oh is inquiry
79:08 – 79:12 to perpetuate doubt
79:10 – 79:15 I think doubt is a beautiful thing I
79:12 – 79:17 think doubt is a very spiritual thing
79:15 – 79:19 and when I see people who are settled
79:17 – 79:21 I’m always like you can’t be settled
79:19 – 79:23 don’t be settled on anything always be
79:21 – 79:25 doubting always be questioning but
79:23 – 79:26 that’s where I’m coming from that’s not
79:25 – 79:28 necessarily where you’re coming from I
79:26 – 79:30 think your work is awesome you know one
79:28 – 79:32 other thing and I just can’t recommend
79:30 – 79:35 highly enough for people to check out
79:32 – 79:39 the opperman report you’re incredibly
79:35 – 79:40 fair and balanced guy any of these
79:39 – 79:43 topics that were that we’re talking
79:40 – 79:45 about here you will find deep deep
79:43 – 79:47 knowledge of one of the things I got a
79:45 – 79:50 hitch with before we leave and that’s
79:47 – 79:53 the the UFO thing I don’t see where
79:50 – 79:55 you’re really kind of engaged with that
79:53 – 79:57 topic and you know take that you don’t
79:55 – 79:59 like the Bible stuff okay I get it
79:57 – 80:02 UFO thing it’s right out there in the
79:59 – 80:05 New York Times you know Leslie Kean has
80:02 – 80:06 done the story we had her on Louella
80:05 – 80:08 Sato
80:06 – 80:10 comes out and says I worked inside the
80:08 – 80:13 government we knew all this stuff and it
80:10 – 80:13 just is backed up by another 50 years of
80:13 – 80:15 stuff
80:13 – 80:20 why are you kind of on the outside
80:15 – 80:23 looking in on the UFO thing okay once
80:20 – 80:24 again you know what would you say if I
80:23 – 80:28 told you our bill didn’t believe in UFOs
80:24 – 80:31 I don’t I don’t know I don’t you know
80:28 – 80:33 who cares okay okay I’m just saying and
80:31 – 80:36 I’ve seen things up in the sky okay that
80:33 – 80:40 I can’t explain so I can say that
80:36 – 80:42 firsthand right also to once again going
80:40 – 80:43 back to this whole thing you know there
80:42 – 80:47 was at once and I believed all that
80:43 – 80:48 stuff all the stuff that was a fan of
80:47 – 80:51 Kerry Cassidy’s
80:48 – 80:52 Roger camel right and up but until then
80:51 – 80:55 when you start meeting these people and
80:52 – 80:56 dealing with them and you just find out
80:55 – 81:00 that many of them just full of shit you
80:56 – 81:02 know now can i conclusively say one way
81:00 – 81:04 or the other but I know what’s going on
81:02 – 81:06 I’ve known people that worked at area 51
81:04 – 81:08 they’re scientists and stuff like that
81:06 – 81:09 and you know you kind of they can’t talk
81:08 – 81:11 about what they see there but then when
81:09 – 81:14 there’s no indication and that there’s a
81:11 – 81:17 they believe it’s otherworldly is it
81:14 – 81:19 possible of course it’s possible do I
81:17 – 81:22 think that I can solve this on my own
81:19 – 81:23 with the all the disinformation out
81:22 – 81:26 there on these kind of topics and all
81:23 – 81:29 the hoaxing and but are you aware the
81:26 – 81:33 New York Times disclosure in December of
81:29 – 81:37 2017 and and that whole thing I mean one
81:33 – 81:39 I think that was a politically SIOP kind
81:37 – 81:41 of controlled disclosure but it was a
81:39 – 81:42 disclosure nonetheless I mean they’re
81:41 – 81:44 now showing the videos and the
81:42 – 81:47 government is saying we recorded these
81:44 – 81:49 off of an aircraft carrier and it’s just
81:47 – 81:53 confirming what we’ve all known for
81:49 – 81:54 twenty years through discs accidentally
81:53 – 81:56 disclosed documents and Freedom of
81:54 – 81:58 Information documents that have slipped
81:56 – 82:01 out in the United States and Canada I
81:58 – 82:04 mean III don’t know what art Bell and
82:01 – 82:07 Cassady Camelot has to do with just the
82:04 – 82:10 mountains of solid evidence we have well
82:07 – 82:11 yeah again to do I trust you but New
82:10 – 82:13 York Times and everything they have to
82:11 – 82:15 say I really don’t you know and and
82:13 – 82:19 could that be accurate it could be I
82:15 – 82:20 don’t know and you know I think there
82:19 – 82:22 are things up in the sky we can’t
82:20 – 82:24 explain there’s all kinds of phenomenon
82:22 – 82:27 we can’t explain but what the source of
82:24 – 82:30 it is and whether it’s a u.s. secret
82:27 – 82:32 space program or or who knows you know I
82:30 – 82:34 don’t know yeah we can say that about
82:32 – 82:36 all the other stuff that that you’ve
82:34 – 82:39 investigated we don’t know until we
82:36 – 82:41 investigate yeah and and the more I’ve
82:39 – 82:42 looked into this I’m like I said it one
82:41 – 82:43 time I did believe you know and the more
82:42 – 82:45 I’ve looked into this and gotten to know
82:43 – 82:47 these people by you know but the main
82:45 – 82:49 people in the field you know I’m
82:47 – 82:50 unimpressed who are you who do you think
82:49 – 82:55 are the main people in the field I don’t
82:50 – 82:56 want people like who’s that guy well
82:55 – 82:58 Kerry Cassie would be one our call would
82:56 – 83:01 be another one Richard Hogan would be
82:58 – 83:04 another one what’s that guy
83:01 – 83:05 David Wilcock young people like that you
83:04 – 83:07 know all these stories and stuff like
83:05 – 83:10 that I would find all that stuff an
83:07 – 83:12 incredible I wouldn’t consider I’m not
83:10 – 83:15 putting those people in the the kind of
83:12 – 83:17 main people I mean I mean Jacques Vallee
83:15 – 83:19 I’ve never heard of Jonathan’s like you
83:17 – 83:22 never heard of Jacques Vallee I mean
83:19 – 83:24 he’s one of those Stanton you know San
83:22 – 83:27 Friedman I’ve heard of Stanton Friedman
83:24 – 83:30 you know not impressed we can’t we can’t
83:27 – 83:33 go there I mean I know we don’t want to
83:30 – 83:37 you know because it’s just it’s really
83:33 – 83:40 not a field that I believe I can make
83:37 – 83:41 any difference in you know and like I
83:40 – 83:43 said too
83:41 – 83:44 you know the more you meet these people
83:43 – 83:45 you know talk about it and stuff like
83:44 – 83:49 that and then you just find out that
83:45 – 83:52 there’s a full-of-shit and and and doing
83:49 – 83:54 hoaxes yeah that’s that’s not been my
83:52 – 83:56 experience my experience is the same
83:54 – 83:58 with all this stuff
83:56 – 84:00 I mean 90% of people are full of shit
83:58 – 84:03 and it’s just a matter of sorting out
84:00 – 84:05 you know who is and who isn’t and what
84:03 – 84:07 they have to say and how what their
84:05 – 84:09 method is and what their process is and
84:07 – 84:11 that’s what I’m about is you know the
84:09 – 84:14 process of how somebody got there but
84:11 – 84:15 you know what I would tell you this I
84:14 – 84:17 tell you this okay back when I lived in
84:15 – 84:19 Staten Island right one night in the
84:17 – 84:22 middle of the night I looked out my
84:19 – 84:24 window and I saw this big giant UFO
84:22 – 84:26 okay there’s big look like the Batman
84:24 – 84:28 you know the Batman signaler they would
84:26 – 84:29 achieve you know it was like halfway you
84:28 – 84:31 could barely see make it up through the
84:29 – 84:34 clouds it was the size of the Staten
84:31 – 84:36 Island more it was huge right and I sort
84:34 – 84:38 of have like a little paralysis to over
84:36 – 84:40 this kind of thing so i was like frozen
84:38 – 84:42 the next day I woke up I thought well
84:40 – 84:44 you know did I really see that was it a
84:42 – 84:46 dream what was it right and when I went
84:44 – 84:49 down a couple days later to the mailbox
84:46 – 84:52 someone had put up a note saying did
84:49 – 84:53 anybody else see that giant UFO okay so
84:52 – 84:55 obviously other people had seen this too
84:53 – 84:58 so this is all my soul my own eyes it
84:55 – 84:59 could not be I can’t imagine that this
84:58 – 85:01 could be built on the earth it would
84:59 – 85:02 have to be built in outer space or and
85:01 – 85:06 all up in here somehow it was just too
85:02 – 85:09 big you know now was it mass hypnosis
85:06 – 85:12 it wasn’t an illusion was it a hologram
85:09 – 85:14 I don’t know it could be anything you
85:12 – 85:17 know and I haven’t devoted my life to
85:14 – 85:19 studying that kind of thing in a and but
85:17 – 85:20 the people who I’ve met who have kind of
85:19 – 85:22 devoted their lives to studying these
85:20 – 85:24 things I’m just unimpressed with I’m
85:22 – 85:26 impressed with a lot of them I mean I
85:24 – 85:28 had Lesley came at the show on the show
85:26 – 85:29 and she’s the one who wrote the New York
85:28 – 85:31 Times article
85:29 – 85:33 she’s an impressive person in general
85:31 – 85:35 and has done other good investigative
85:33 – 85:37 work Richard Dolan I think is pretty
85:35 – 85:40 impressive guy I’m trying to get him on
85:37 – 85:42 the show but Grant Cameron you know the
85:40 – 85:45 other guy I’ve had on the show and yeah
85:42 – 85:47 Jacques filet people inside are just in
85:45 – 85:50 awe of his accomplishments you know he’s
85:47 – 85:51 a PhD in physics and really well
85:50 – 85:53 connected in Silicon Valley and has been
85:51 – 85:55 in the middle a lot of things and I
85:53 – 85:57 think Stan Friedman is is solid
85:55 – 85:60 everything I’ve you know you can agree
85:57 – 86:02 and disagree with anyone but there’s a
85:60 – 86:03 lot there’s a lot there I think it’s one
86:02 – 86:05 of the most fundamental important
86:03 – 86:08 questions that we can ask in terms of
86:05 – 86:10 the who are we thing and again I guess
86:08 – 86:11 you know I don’t want to get back into
86:10 – 86:13 the Christian thing but I do see that a
86:11 – 86:15 lot with Christians it’s like hey man
86:13 – 86:16 that’s settled that’s answered I don’t
86:15 – 86:19 really want to look at anything that
86:16 – 86:23 might challenge that in some other way
86:19 – 86:26 but I don’t want to go there because we
86:23 – 86:28 got to wrap this thing up and I want to
86:26 – 86:30 give you a chance to kind of put a put a
86:28 – 86:32 wrap on this because I appreciate your
86:30 – 86:34 openness and your disability to kind of
86:32 – 86:37 throw some things around that are kind
86:34 – 86:40 of outside your normal a swing zone so
86:37 – 86:42 what do you think it well I wouldn’t say
86:40 – 86:43 that anybody should stop looking at you
86:42 – 86:44 if I was you can do whatever you want
86:43 – 86:47 you know look into that well they want
86:44 – 86:49 you know I have no no to just I don’t
86:47 – 86:53 know it just doesn’t interest me I’m
86:49 – 86:55 just not into that as far as like wrap
86:53 – 86:57 things up like how to find me that kind
86:55 – 86:58 of thing definitely how to find you in
86:57 – 87:01 and also you know you mentioned at the
86:58 – 87:03 beginning why people might find you and
87:01 – 87:06 I think what do people come to you for
87:03 – 87:08 that you can definitely help people with
87:06 – 87:12 where they might be having a problem in
87:08 – 87:15 terms of private investigation well one
87:12 – 87:18 thing if you are if you’re some kind of
87:15 – 87:20 a victim like I’m me to case okay we’re
87:18 – 87:22 all set up for that okay if you if you
87:20 – 87:24 have a situation where you’ve been
87:22 – 87:25 sexually harassed or something like that
87:24 – 87:28 I got all the lawyers all set up for you
87:25 – 87:28 we can document your case and get your
87:28 – 87:30 settlement we
87:28 – 87:31 can do that for sure I said anything
87:30 – 87:33 like that and kind of whistleblower kind
87:31 – 87:35 of stuff like that come to me I can
87:33 – 87:37 definitely help you out and regular P
87:35 – 87:39 nice stuff adoption investigation you
87:37 – 87:41 know even extortion cases and stuff like
87:39 – 87:42 that I’ve had clients being extorted and
87:41 – 87:44 blackmailed and stuff like that we’ve
87:42 – 87:46 been able to resolve their cases all
87:44 – 87:49 kinds of a stalker intervention kinds of
87:46 – 87:51 things so there’s all that if any kind
87:49 – 87:54 of information want to get a hold of me
87:51 – 87:55 through the the radio show you know
87:54 – 87:57 whistleblower you’ve got some kind of
87:55 – 87:58 information a case here you want to
87:57 – 88:00 expose were always interested in that
87:58 – 88:01 kind of stuff as well you can find me on
88:00 – 88:03 my website
88:01 – 88:06 Opperman report.com or you can email me
88:03 – 88:08 it’s an operand report at gmail.com or
88:06 – 88:10 if you have a p9 kind of stuff i prefer
88:08 – 88:12 it goes to Oppermann investigations at
88:10 – 88:14 gmail.com i got a website called email
88:12 – 88:16 revealer comm where we trace emails and
88:14 – 88:18 locate people identify people from their
88:16 – 88:20 email address and all kinds of digital
88:18 – 88:23 forensics you could find on there too as
88:20 – 88:25 well my members section and Opperman
88:23 – 88:27 reports comm all kinds of exclusive
88:25 – 88:30 stuff that you won’t find anywhere else
88:27 – 88:33 really some good stuff – Steve BAM ins
88:30 – 88:34 porn and meth house I did exclusive
88:33 – 88:37 reporting there in the McMartin
88:34 – 88:38 preschool case where we had via the the
88:37 – 88:41 scientists who did the
88:38 – 88:42 ground-penetrating radar radar exclusive
88:41 – 88:45 interview with him no one’s interviewed
88:42 – 88:47 him in 30 years and he’s an eyewitness
88:45 – 88:48 to a hand-dug room that was underneath
88:47 – 88:50 the garage next to the McMartin
88:48 – 88:52 preschool and just to put just to put a
88:50 – 88:55 headline on that because it’s super
88:52 – 88:57 important and I do hope despite me
88:55 – 88:59 hanging you here I can’t have you back
88:57 – 89:03 on to talk about some of this stuff
88:59 – 89:06 satanic ritual abuse is real the whole
89:03 – 89:08 thing that they’ve kind of spun this
89:06 – 89:11 story that it’s all false memory is the
89:08 – 89:13 real head fake on that you have that
89:11 – 89:16 thoroughly covered right am I getting
89:13 – 89:18 that right I would say so yeah it’s
89:16 – 89:20 definitely real there was more than eyes
89:18 – 89:21 Satanism out there you know and there’s
89:20 – 89:23 no doubt in my mind about that and
89:21 – 89:24 really high levels in high places and
89:23 – 89:27 very organized
89:24 – 89:30 so there’s members section you’re gonna
89:27 – 89:32 find tons of content there and and stuff
89:30 – 89:34 that people can get to right yeah if you
89:32 – 89:36 want to get a discount you can email me
89:34 – 89:38 I’ll give you a thirteen months for $65
89:36 – 89:41 great I hope people take you up on that
89:38 – 89:42 ed it’s been just awesome getting to
89:41 – 89:44 know your work
89:42 – 89:46 a huge fan going forward and I
89:44 – 89:50 appreciate you straightening me out
89:46 – 89:53 about Trump hmm I can finally get off
89:50 – 89:56 the fantasy world that I was in that
89:53 – 89:58 this guy might be somehow legit I guess
89:56 – 90:01 I knew in my heart of hearts he wasn’t
89:58 – 90:02 but that’s one I can put to bed yeah
90:01 – 90:04 there’s a lot of fantasy out there as a
90:02 – 90:06 matter of fact they just did a clip from
90:04 – 90:07 we’re cuddle Montalban saying welcome to
90:06 – 90:11 Fantasy Island I’m gonna be popping in
90:07 – 90:14 there when I started going through these
90:11 – 90:16 topics you know nice yeah thank you so
90:14 – 90:18 much I really enjoyed this thanks again
90:16 – 90:21 to Ed opperman for joining me today on
90:18 – 90:24 skeptic oh I have to stand by my
90:21 – 90:26 original claim at the beginning at opera
90:24 – 90:29 man is fantastic I’ve learned a lot from
90:26 – 90:31 a lot of the interviews that he’s done
90:29 – 90:33 there’s a ton of valuable information
90:31 – 90:37 that I just haven’t found anyplace else
90:33 – 90:39 at the same time as you heard in this
90:37 – 90:42 interview man we all have to check each
90:39 – 90:44 other and we all have to understand
90:42 – 90:46 where we’re coming from and our beliefs
90:44 – 90:49 and our limitations and our worldviews
90:46 – 90:51 and all that stuff is kind of laid bare
90:49 – 90:54 here in a way that I think is
90:51 – 90:56 interesting and is also challenging in a
90:54 – 90:58 lot of ways so it’s going to be
90:56 – 90:60 difficult to tee up just one question
90:58 – 91:02 from this interview because there’s many
90:60 – 91:06 and there’s also a lot of inside
91:02 – 91:08 baseball going on here I wanted to kind
91:06 – 91:11 of keep it rapid-fire and I want to
91:08 – 91:13 cover a lot of stuff with Ed but I
91:11 – 91:16 realized that I probably lost a lot of
91:13 – 91:18 people in the process because just like
91:16 – 91:21 everyone else there’s little corners of
91:18 – 91:23 this big ol map that I’ve dug into more
91:21 – 91:25 and maybe some other people haven’t dug
91:23 – 91:27 into more I don’t know so so if there is
91:25 – 91:29 that kind of inside baseball stuff going
91:27 – 91:32 on and you don’t know I mean please come
91:29 – 91:33 out of the skeptical forum join us over
91:32 – 91:36 there by the way it’s it’s really picked
91:33 – 91:38 up I really appreciate people coming
91:36 – 91:40 back so many of you have been there
91:38 – 91:42 before I’ve come back we have some new
91:40 – 91:44 software there that’s really nice it
91:42 – 91:48 seems to work smoother and it’s just
91:44 – 91:49 great to see the fantastic comments we
91:48 – 91:52 get it’s unbelievable it’s always been
91:49 – 91:53 one of the real strengths of this show
91:52 – 91:57 is the
91:53 – 91:59 brainpower that gets apply to the
91:57 – 92:02 skeptical forum after some of these
91:59 – 92:04 shows so if you do have questions or if
92:02 – 92:05 there is something that was unclear come
92:04 – 92:07 over there
92:05 – 92:08 put it down there and I’ll probably
92:07 – 92:11 respond to it or if not somebody else
92:08 – 92:13 will and and I’m sure that you’ll get
92:11 – 92:16 the answer that you’re looking for there
92:13 – 92:18 but since I usually tee up one question
92:16 – 92:19 from these interviews I don’t want to
92:18 – 92:23 break that trend and the one question
92:19 – 92:26 that I up is is it worth it trying to
92:23 – 92:29 find the truth when it comes to these
92:26 – 92:33 when it comes to these highly charged
92:29 – 92:37 public political expose kind of things
92:33 – 92:39 is this an area that we should just
92:37 – 92:41 avoid because we know it’s going to be
92:39 – 92:45 so fraught with misinformation
92:41 – 92:47 disinformation differing opinions that
92:45 – 92:50 are going to upset people should we just
92:47 – 92:51 bypass the whole thing completely or
92:50 – 92:54 some of these questions and some of
92:51 – 92:56 these facts about our leaders so
92:54 – 92:59 important that we should try and dig for
92:56 – 93:01 these answers so there are a couple of
92:59 – 93:04 questions and I guess I’d add one more I
93:01 – 93:08 said one question but it’s a bunch how
93:04 – 93:12 does this relate to your personal
93:08 – 93:15 spirituality to what extent can these
93:12 – 93:19 questions allow us to better understand
93:15 – 93:21 what we should do so there I’ll kind of
93:19 – 93:23 let it out let me know what you think
93:21 – 93:26 again preferred choice skeptical forum
93:23 – 93:29 but feel free just to email me find me
93:26 – 93:31 on Facebook or wherever love to hear
93:29 – 93:35 from you and check out the skeptical
93:31 – 93:37 website ske p TI k o all the previous
93:35 – 93:39 shows all there for free use them how
93:37 – 93:43 you like that’s it for this episode
93:39 – 93:45 until next time take care and bye for
93:43 – 93:49 now
93:45 – 93:49 [Music]
93:51 – 93:55 [Music]
93:58 – 94:02 [Music]
93:60 – 94:04 so thanks for watching this video and if
94:02 – 94:07 it wasn’t really a video but just an
94:04 – 94:09 audio stored as a video I apologize but
94:07 – 94:11 there’s more videos out there as well
94:09 – 94:12 but please check out the skeptical
94:11 – 94:14 website you can see it here we cover a
94:12 – 94:17 lot of different stuff you might be
94:14 – 94:20 interested in relating to controversial
94:17 – 94:23 science and spirituality a lot of shows
94:20 – 94:26 up there over 350 of them or so all free
94:23 – 94:28 all available for downloads so do check
94:26 – 94:37 it out
94:28 – 94:37 [Music]
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