Guest: Marilynn Hughes, performs an out-of-body travel experiment for a mother grieving the loss of her daughter. Play it: Download MP3 (49:45...
Tag: consciousness science
73. Skeptoid’s Brian Dunning Finds Global Consciousness Project Lacking
Guest: Brain Dunning, host of the popular Skeptoid Podcast, joins Alex Tsakiris to discuss how skeptics view the Global Consciousness Project. Play it: Download MP3 (33 min.) Read it: THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED Alex Tsakiris: Welcome to Skeptiko, where we explore controversial science with leading researchers, thinkers, and their critics. I'm your host, Alex Tsakiris, and on today's show, the Global Consciousness Project. We're going to come at this from a number of different angles. The way I got here is really I think the biggest part of this story, but more of that will come later. First let me tell you a little bit about what the Global Consciousness Project is.
...71. Michael Schmicker, Best Evidence of PSI
download skeptiko-2009-05-12-87881.mp3 Guest: Michael Schmicker, Author of, Best Evidence: An Investigative Reporter’s Three-Year Quest to Uncover the Best Scientific Evidence for ESP, Psychokinesis, Mental Healing, Ghosts and Poltergeists, Dowsing, Mediums, Near Death Experiences, Reincarnation, and Other Impossible Phenomena That Refuse to Disappear Read it: Alex: Welcome to Skeptiko where we explore controversial science with leading researchers and critics, I am your host Alex Tsakiris and today we have a great, delightful interview for me with Michael Schmicker the author of a couple of books that I am going to tell you about as we get into the interview - it´s pretty long, I am going to jump right in to it, here it goes. We are joined today by the author of a couple of very interesting books that we are going to talk about, the first Best Evidence, an investigative reporter´s three year quest to uncover the best scientific evidence for ESP, pyschokinesis, ghosts, poltergeists, dousing, mediums, near death experience, reincarnations and other impossible phenomena that refuse to disappear. Quite a long title but one that really tells what the book is about, the other book we are going to talk about is The Gift, ESP, the extraordinary experiences of ordinary people - a book he co-authored with Doctor Sally Rhine Feather who is the daughter of J.B Rhine the founder of the famous Rhine Research Center at Duke. So if all that is a way of introduction Mike Schmicker welcome to Skeptiko.
...68. Psychic Detective, Vicki Warren
Guest: Vicki Warren, Psychic Detective and author of Coffee, Doughnuts and God. Download MP3 (28:30min, 13MB)
65. Psychic Medium John Holland
Guest: John Holland, renown psychic medium and author of Power of the Soul. Also Noted: Greg Taylor exposes a little bit of irony in the certainty...
64. Near-Death Experience Research, Dr. Peter Fenwick
Guest: Dr. Peter Fenwick, neuropsychiatrist, world renown expert on end of life phenomena, including near-death experiences and deathbed visions....
63. Is the Dalai Lama an Atheist? Dr. Alan Wallace
Guest: Buddhist scholar and author of the upcoming Mind in the Balance, Dr. Alan Wallace discusses Buddhism and atheism. Download MP3 (44:31min,...
62. The Spiritual Brain, Denyse O’Leary
Guest: Christian science writer, and author of The Spiritual Brain,Denyse O’Leary, on the compatibility of Christian doctrine to new discoveries in...
61. Medium Experiment (Part 3), Michael Tymn
Guest: Michael Tymn author of the new book, The Articulate Dead,discusses the history of mediumship and the scientific research surrounding the...
58. Psychic Detectives and Police
Guest: Lt. Bill Hughes of the New Jersey State Police and Captain (retired) Jim Moore of the Parsippany New Jersey police department discuss their...
57. The Psychic Detective Challenge
Guest: Psychic detective Nancy Weber recounts her amazing work in the Amie Hoffman murder case. Download MP3 (20:56min, 10MB) On this episode of...
56. Dr. Jon Klimo on Channeling and Consciousness
Guest: Dr. Jon Klimo, discusses his 30 plus years of research into channeling and other unexplained aspects of human consciousness. Download MP3...
51. Dr. Julie Beischel Responds to Critics of Psychic Medium Research
On this episode of Skeptiko, Dr. Julie Beischel on how to conduct psychic medium research: “I think people fail to understand that proper...
49. Craig Hogan, Your Mind is Not Your Brain
skeptiko-2008-07-23-42588.mp3 Guest: R. Craig Hogan, author of Your Eternal Self claims studies unmistakably point to the finding that the mind...
44. Dr. Steve Novella on Psychic Medium Research Protocols
Description: Dr. Steven Novella from the Skeptics Guide to the Universe discusses his participation in an upcoming psychic medium demonstration. The...
39. Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris, Resist the Non-Living Universe Assumption
Guest: Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris, biologist, ecologist, futurist and author, examines why scientists should be skeptical of their assumption that the...
27. Medium Research and the Battle Between Science and Religion
Download Audio (MP3) (44:00min) Guest: Marcel Cairo, Los Angles Psychic and Medium, suggests the root cause of science's skepticism of the...
23. Buddhist Scholar and Meditation Researcher Says Skeptics Misinformed
Download Audio (MP3) (54:00min) Guest: Dr. B. Alan Wallace, Tibetan Buddhism scholar, explores his research into human consciousness, and how some...
20. Consciousness Researchers of a Different Mind
download: skeptiko-2007-06-25-87037.mp3 Guest: Dr. Edward Kelly and Dr. Emily Kelly explore evidence suggesting human consciousness is more than...
15. Your Mind is More Than Your Brain, Dr. Robert Almeder
Guest: Dr. Robert Almeder, reviews his work on the epistemology of science, and criticism of materialism as a way of explaining the relationship...
14. Media Overlooks The Spiritual Experience, NPR’s Steve Paulson
Guest: Steve Paulson examines his reporting on the intersection of science and religion, and the challenges mainstream media face:...
12. Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, Debunkers and Radical Skeptics
Guest: Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, explores psi phenomena, consciousness, intuition and how radical skeptics are ignoring advances in our understanding of...
9. The Universe Isn’t Pointless, Dr. Jean Burns
Guest: Dr. Jean Burns discusses her experiences on the front lines of the "psi wars", and the relationship between physics and consciousness...
6. Spiritual Growth Withstands Everyday Stress Says Dr. Charles Tart
Guest: Dr. Charles Tart explores his research findings and personal conclusions about spirituality, meditation and transpersonal psychology: “I...
4. Dr. Marilyn Schlitz, Skeptics Spit In My Face
Featured Interview: Dr. Marilyn Schlitz explains how controversial science research remains a taboo subject with many of her peers : “Where people...
1. Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, How Controversial Science is Debated
Featured Interview: Dr. Rupert Sheldrake. Is science news dominated by a few loud voices? On this first episode of Skeptiko we'll explore how...