Dianne Collins, Quantum Think |588|
Dianne Collins, Quantum Think system… quantum physics… personal empowerment… metaphor stretching?
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[00:00:00] Alex Tsakiris: welcome to Skeptiko, where we explore controversial science and spirituality. Today we welcome Diane Collins to Skeptiko to talk about her book. Do You Quantum? And her quantum thinking system. We’re gonna talk about that. You can find that@quantumthink.com, which, you know, I just found Diane kind of redirects to diane collins.com, but either way you will find it and you will find Diane, it’s pleasure to have you here.
[00:00:29] Alex Tsakiris: Thanks for joining me on
[00:00:30] Dianne Collins: Skeptiko. Thank you Alex. I was looking forward to it.
[00:00:36] Alex Tsakiris: I am too because, , you know, I did read the book and there’s so many things in the book that I really like, especially on a personal level and I definitely resonate with, uh, from a spirituality standpoint. And we had this very nice email exchange back and forth.
[00:00:52] Alex Tsakiris: You originally contacted me, I think, because you found my interview with, uh, Dr. Doug Matzke, quantum Doug on, , quantum computers and Extended Consciousness. So we had this email exchange. Back and forth. Right. And, and then, so we’re gonna talk about quantum think, but I’m gonna keep coming back to this angle that I told you in the initial email, which is, are you stretching the metaphor a little bit when it comes to quantum physics and what the implications of that are for consciousness and spirituality.
[00:01:28] Alex Tsakiris: So that’s gonna continue to be in the back of my head, but let’s talk about this really interesting book that I think a lot of people have enjoyed it’s, uh, bestseller award winner. And I think a lot of people would enjoy getting your take on it. So tell us, tell us what it means to quit. Do you, do you quantum think,
[00:01:49] Dianne Collins: Diane?
[00:01:50] Dianne Collins: Well, I do wanna address what you’re talking about. You know, this idea of, , By the way, that title, do you quantum think is to remind people? Are you quantum thinking right now? And let’s just say that my work is not about science. Quantum think is, I called it a system of thinking, 21 principles, which I call distinctions in thinking that is based in the, uh, the merging of science and spirituality in, you know, beyond scientific materialism, which I know that you have spoken about with so many of your guests and kind of where the context, where you come from.
[00:02:42] Dianne Collins: So what’s the difference of quantum? Think who am I, you know, if I, I’m not a scientist, I don’t pretend to be, um, Although I am scientifically minded and study the science quite extensively, well, quantum, what I discovered is that though we imagine, we think freely and independently, we all like to think of ourselves that way.
[00:03:11] Dianne Collins: Actually we don’t. And that we’re in a universe of systems and that thinking takes place as a system later, I learned that David Bone, the late grade quantum physicist, also, uh, thought of thinking that way and that the system is based in the assumptions, beliefs, ideas of the prevailing worldview and.
[00:03:40] Dianne Collins: This came across to me. I was in a conversation, uh, with a, my friend and I call him my mentor in quantum physics, self-appointed Dr. Fred Allen Wolf. And we were in a conversation about this and he wrote the book, taking the Quantum Leap around 1982, I believe it was. ,
[00:04:03] Alex Tsakiris: we should mention, he wrote a very nice forward to your book.
[00:04:06] Alex Tsakiris: Do you Quantum Think
[00:04:07] Dianne Collins: as well? Yes, he did. And at first he was like, you know, I went to the physics of, of Consciousness, uh, conference at the Casey Foundation years ago because he was gonna be there. And Peter Russell and I did hear Jim Tucker, by the way, speaking and give his whole presentation about, uh, reincarnation and the, uh, proofs of it.
[00:04:31] Dianne Collins: But anyway, I. , I digress. So I said to Fred, well listen, Fred, I want you to write before for my book. He goes, well, I don’t know. I said, what do you mean you don’t know? He goes, well, you better write a good book. So then I sent it to him when I had the manuscript and um, he said, I don’t know if I have time.
[00:04:56] Dianne Collins: Anyway, half a day later he wrote it. So I was very, I’m very appreciative and, um, I think he’s one of the really great thinkers and minds on the planet at this time. And he’s written like about 15 books. But anyway, this was the book that he was trying to explain to lay people the difference between scientific materialism and the quantum age from Einstein and forward.
[00:05:29] Dianne Collins: So we were going to, we were working actually, My dream was always to create a television series that would elevate consciousness as you watch, because that has been my lifelong quest. How do the, the interest and evolution of consciousness, how do we have it happen? Not just know the wisdom or, you know, figure it out or know all the principles, but how do we actually live it?
[00:05:58] Dianne Collins: So that’s what my work is about. My work is about having us go from knowing it conceptually to actually living it, to get to have the results of it. So if you wanna hear, I’ll just finish the little story on Fred. And so I was introduced, let’s just say I connected with this independent TV producer at the time, and he was very interested in, uh, what I was doing, like trying to combine quantum.
[00:06:31] Dianne Collins: Ideas with spiritual wisdom and bring it to like a higher level so that it would become mainstream. And this was many years ago. And at the time I was writing all these different, uh, TV projects on paper. And uh, he said, well, do you mind if I interview? He was a great interviewer. He said, you mind if I interview some of these physicists?
[00:06:56] Dianne Collins: I said, be my guest. And one of them was Fred. And anyway, so the three of us got together at his, this producer’s house in Connecticut. And that’s how the whole thing was just, we were there for a week and he taught me that scientists, when they make a discovery, they invent language to name it mox. Plunk, right?
[00:07:25] Dianne Collins: Quantum. When you discover energy doesn’t move in a smooth, continuous, Fashion, but bursts and packets of energy called, well, it came to be called leaps, he called it jumps, I think. But anyway, and my revelation was, wait a minute, it’s not one thought at a time. It’s not one terminology, it’s the whole system.
[00:07:53] Dianne Collins: And so I was getting frustrated, Alex, and I thought, what? You know, I had been studying spiritual. Different lineages from east to west. I was a philosophy, you know, that was my topic in school because at the time they didn’t have evolution of consciousness studies. And so I picked what I thought was the closest, and I studied psychology and all these other things and went into transformational seminars and, you know, sweat lodges and you know, you name it.
[00:08:27] Dianne Collins: And I was on, you know, seeking, how do we get this rather, uh, not to make anyone wrong, but low consciousness world to go to the next level. And so I thought, well, if I could, what if I could put this all together, you know? And I read Fritz off Copper at the time, um, and I thought, oh, here, this is good. I could use.
[00:08:58] Dianne Collins: Science to con instead of talking about spirituality and all these esoteric kind of, uh, very controversial because of religion topics. I could use this science. Science is God in our culture. I think on your show too, I have to tell you something scientifically also about quantum thing. But anyway, that’s what happened.
[00:09:24] Dianne Collins: I thought, what if I could put this all together and instead of, you know, get people very quickly, okay, here are the quantum principles in as I know them, how do they apply to thinking? That’s my work. How do the principles of science shape the way we think? And not just one at a time, but a whole system.
[00:09:52] Dianne Collins: And that’s what quantum think the system of thinking. Is so it’s comprised of how do I get this reemergence science and spirituality, as you know, were never separate, but they got distinguished separately. I don’t know in the 17th century maybe to, to, uh, dissociate from the church and clergy, whatever.
[00:10:18] Dianne Collins: But the point being, how do we show that the quantum science is now verifying what the spiritual wisdom common to all mastery traditions, the universal wisdom has been. And not only just show it and talk about it and explain it, and everybody’s done that, you know, now it’s like, you know, quantum this, quantum that, when I first was doing it many more than two decades ago, , uh, everyone was like, what?
[00:10:56] Dianne Collins: Quantum What? and now it’s quantum everything. And that’s why I think you’re saying, aren’t you stretching the metaphor?
[00:11:02] Alex Tsakiris: I’m saying you’re stretching the metaphor cuz look, if you go back and listen to the interview with Doug, right? Right. Doug Mansky is brilliant guy and he’s a PhD in quantum physics.
[00:11:13] Alex Tsakiris: He knows what he’s talking about. And you’ve talked to some people who know what they’re talking about. But what’s particularly interesting about Doug is he also has his computer science background. But the, the whole thing. Is you’re kind of burying in there. Uh, you’re, you’re trying to gloss over everything With that, everyone kind of agrees and there are these quantum principles, the, the, the whole tension in quantum physics, which I think is super interesting and relevant to spirituality, and that’s the tension between Mox Plank who sees the double slit experiment and says, oh, I get it. Consciousness is fundamental. And the other Nobel Prize winner, Richard Fineman, who says, shut up and calculate, and what a lot of people don’t appreciate about quantum physics, but Doug did when he came on the show, is that the precision of the equations are like, unbelievably, uh, precise, but unbelievable, right?
[00:12:08] Alex Tsakiris: So, yeah. Hey, well, but they’re difficult to explain to somebody. I mean, you, it’s not like you can go out and use these, uh, equations, you know, plug ’em into your Excel spreadsheet. Extremely, extremely complex. So the, the, the fineman question is still relevant, and there’s some people who are not convinced, right?
[00:12:28] Alex Tsakiris: So Fineman is shut up and calculate, which means. Go build the iPhone, go build the satellites, go build the other ones, right? But don’t engage in this mystic bullshit about, uh, you know, spooky action as a, at a distance, which is what Einstein didn’t like. So, right, to be the mystic, to be mox plank and say consciousness is fundamental, that is a different path.
[00:12:52] Alex Tsakiris: And that’s why I sent you the interview with like, uh, Bernardo Castro. So if you wanna talk about the difference between, I don’t know, uh, idealism and, uh, materialism, you know, then that’s another real discussion. But it does kind of peeve me like I told you from the beginning to kind of just paper this over that.
[00:13:12] Alex Tsakiris: Oh, this is quantum stuff guys. And it relates to, like in your book, I love Kahil. Extremely, uh, meaningful to me. What the hell does kahil LeBron have to do with quantum physics? I, I don’t see
[00:13:27] Dianne Collins: any connection. Let me push back on what you’re saying right now, a little bit, okay? Because first of all, I’m not talking about science, okay?
[00:13:39] Dianne Collins: And I was a little concerned about this. I said, you know, Fred, do I have to be, where are, you know, where’s my three PhDs? But he said, no, because that isn’t what you’re doing. So I, uh, perhaps I haven’t said it clearly to get it across to Alex, and a lot of people have told me after they read my book, you know, this is the missing, the missing piece, the missing link, because what I’m talking about, I’m not questioning.
[00:14:10] Dianne Collins: Quantum physics, does it prove or disprove, , materialism? Well, actually I think it does.
[00:14:16] Alex Tsakiris: I think it does too, but I think it does too. That’s the issue. Lemme
[00:14:19] Dianne Collins: finish. That is the issue. No, no, you’re, I want you to really hear what I’m saying and as we have, one of the practices in quantum think is to listen from not knowing, which means, you know, you have, like, you, you have such a breadth of knowledge, by the way, breath breadth.
[00:14:41] Dianne Collins: Uh, that I have like tremendous respect. I mean, I just love your thinking, uh, and the jets at which you investigate and wanna talk about these things. So let me just say that as an acknowledgement, but I, what I’m saying is that this whole, uh, I’ll call it a vortex, vortex of thought. Okay, is derived the way we think is derived from the assumptions of the prevailing worldview.
[00:15:20] Dianne Collins: Now, why I heard Dean Raden say it on one of your interview the other day. I’ve been listening to a lot of your stuff that you know on when interviewed about quantum science and you know, what, does consciousness have any, any, anything to do with it? That only 20 or 22%? I forget exactly what he said. Why?
[00:15:41] Dianne Collins: And that’s really increased. Why do such a small number of scientists, including, and I agree with what you say about Neil Degrass because they are not quantum thinkers. And what does that mean? They are looking. Even the people who are the quiet quantum scientists, I’m gonna say something, you know, let’s not get a bunch of comments like she’s an idiot because I’m not.
[00:16:10] Dianne Collins: But Ethan, I call it looking new worldview from an old worldview. Until you literally take a literal quantum leap in consciousness and look and live from the principles, not act them to see, you know, what are they proving or disproving. That’s not my work. That’s the work of science. I’ve already accepted that quantum science, quantum mechanics in so many names, quantum theory.
[00:16:43] Dianne Collins: I don’t know all the mathematics, but I do know the success of the equation. That these are principles that we need to proactively. Start to look and think from. So, because why do we, why do why? Lemme just say why. Because we’re thinking for the most part, from the assumptions of the scientific materialism,
[00:17:14] Alex Tsakiris: okay. But I kept trying to engage with you in the email and I kept all these over and over again and I kept feeling like we’re kind of talking past each other and I feel like we’re kind of talking past each other again. All right. That’s good. I’m glad you brought up Dr. Dean Raden. Dean Rain is fantastic.
[00:17:29] Alex Tsakiris: Wrote, right, wrote the book The Conscious Universe, and really kind of kicked off this whole thing when he did, because he showed experimentally, particularly with parapsychology as it relates to quantum physics, right? So he did the double slit experiment, right? The double slit experimenter. And remember, that’s what we’re really talking about when it comes down to experimentally and waves or particles.
[00:17:50] Alex Tsakiris: And he said, well screw all that. We have the means now to, I can create a little photon beam right on my desk here, and I’ll put a meditator in the other room and let’s see if he can. Affect the photon beam, which is a recreation of the experiment that they did way back a hundred years ago, right? He, mm-hmm.
[00:18:07] Alex Tsakiris: but he says, boom, here it is. You know, let’s end any debate about whether consciousness is real, whether consciousness is an illusion, and a debate about whether consciousness can affect this physical world. But here is the point, Diane, if you listen to my interview with Dean, he is now trying to create people with a hive mind so that they, this to me is not a spiritually enlightened view. It’s this No, it isn’t. Is ahu this, so, so that is the, but here’s the point then. Yeah. So how are we, how are we gonna mix these things together? So on one hand, we just got done saying, oh, Dean Brad, he’s enlightened.
[00:18:44] Alex Tsakiris: He understands consciousness. He’s totally
[00:18:46] Dianne Collins: post materialism. No, I didn’t say he was, I did not say he was enlightened. He’s post
[00:18:50] Alex Tsakiris: materialism. He’s post materialism.
[00:18:53] Dianne Collins: I see. Definitely. And it doesn’t have to be a label. What I see and why I think we’re, I don’t know whether he actually got, what I was saying is that if we’re still thinking from one of the, uh, things, one of the ways that we’ve been conditioned by scientific materialism as a system is to, uh, manipulate.
[00:19:18] Dianne Collins: Okay. So the push pull. and cause and effect, which, okay, it’s not trading in one for another. It’s an expansion. And I think, I don’t remember who I was, but that’s not Raden. No, no, that’s, but what I’m saying about Gene Raden, when I heard that and you asked me, you know, let’s discuss this. And I think it’s very important because, um, with everything that’s happening in technology, and I try to stay up on it, my husband and I are partners in business and in all things.
[00:19:51] Dianne Collins: And for the last five years we’ve been attending Peter g Monte’s, uh, High tech entrepreneurial, not that we we’re not in tech, but we go to his conference every year. It’s from the time we’re recording this in a few weeks. And I’m very interested because he’s having a whole day on ai. And the thing about Peter Diamandas is he gets the most cutting edge people in technology in, um, how technology is being used.
[00:20:24] Dianne Collins: You know, he knows the highest level people, and I’m not gonna name drop, but he knows them. And in, uh, medicine and longevity and all these things. So I w I have been aware of this for a long time before chat, G p C and everything where it’s becoming now more publicly known and we we’re always have been, uh, I thought about it in a hive mind, right, because we’re already.
[00:20:54] Dianne Collins: Giving, uh, I heard Elon Musk mention it the other day. I said, well, yeah, that’s hive mind because we’re already giving all of our information to Google, you know, Twitter, all the, all the platforms, and this is making a different type of collective mind, this technology. But getting back to the problem at hand with technology, which comes back to quantum thinking, which I will lead it back to, is that the ethics question.
[00:21:25] Dianne Collins: So you can have all the advanced technology, you can have all the advanced weaponry, you know, from, you know, the whatever, the revolution from the 17th century up until drones and all these things that if you don’t have enlightened, awakened beings who can think beyond their automatic beliefs. and conditioning of the culture and whatever thing they were brought up in.
[00:21:57] Alex Tsakiris: How would you decide that?
[00:21:59] Dianne Collins: Well, that’s a whole nother thing in the ethics.
[00:22:01] Dianne Collins: But one thing, the other point of it is, are you going to anybody who happens to be depressed and we know there’s a great youth depression and anxiety going on and you know, with all the changes in the world and that it changes. Okay, well, craziness. But the point being that would not, in my view, I can only give a view.
[00:22:25] Dianne Collins: Right. That would not be a good use of what he’s doing because that does not get to the source. And this is part of the problem that’s going on now, and even in a lot of the conversations that I’ve listened to with your. Absolutely, you know, brilliant, knowledgeable, accomplished, credentialed guests. , it’s looking at, you know, we have to make a, a, a distinction between a contextual conversation, a content.
[00:22:57] Dianne Collins: Are we pushing the pieces around on the chess board? Are we getting a new game? So in this case, we have to, if you’re only dealing with effects, okay. If he fixes somebody’s, uh, depression temporarily, we don’t know how long it would be because he gave the d n a jab and that re re, you know, redid your, your, uh, brain chemistry that is not getting to the source of the problem.
[00:23:25] Dianne Collins: Why in this culture are opinion experiencing such a great deal and growing of anxiety and depression?
[00:23:37] Alex Tsakiris: Bringing it back to quantum. Physics, bringing it back to why we’re introducing Quantum into this whole thing.
[00:23:45] Alex Tsakiris: That’s my pushback with you. That’s what peeves me, and you can tell that it does. Is Dean Braden is the ultimate guy for quantum physics in a way, even though he’s not a quantum physicist, because he took that double slit experiment and he set it up in his lab in a way that’s undeniably affirming the fact that this is about consciousness.
[00:24:05] Alex Tsakiris: Okay? This isn’t about measurement. Hold on. This isn’t about observer effect bullshit. It’s like, bam. It’s, it’s exactly what Max Plank said all along. Braden proves that experimentally, and he’s a good scientist in terms of proving stuff, but the problem that we’re. And where your book falls apart because it doesn’t hold to one line or another.
[00:24:26] Alex Tsakiris: It doesn’t hold to either science and try and be scientifically rigorous. Or it doesn’t ju just give up on science and just say, okay, this is how I feel. It’s so wisdom traditions, doesn’t this make sense to you? Which I can stomach, but I can’t take it. When we try and tie that back to, uh, science, and I think that’s why Rayen is such a perfect example.
[00:24:47] Dianne Collins: Right, and that’s exactly my point, which I’m completely aligned with you on. The fact that he can prove the science okay definitively in whatever ways he’s done it over the years.
[00:25:01] Dianne Collins: And, you know, I appreciate all that he is done, does not make him an enlightened thinker. It does not make him, you know, like I ha use the line, I did an Instagram. Uh, can you think beyond your own beliefs? So in, you know what, my book is not for that. And by the way, my book is not just, oh, let me write a book about, you know, quantum thinking and make it up.
[00:25:25] Dianne Collins: My book is based on real life. If you wanna call it anecdotal, fine. It doesn’t matter. The point is, is that my husband, Alan Collins, master Klonopin coach, we have. Delivering and presenting quantum thinking in major corporations, in agencies of the United States government, , believe it or not, and I’ll tell you one story about it cuz that’s where the science came, but, and it’s, the point is, in getting back to the word efficacy, it’s working.
[00:26:04] Dianne Collins: And so if I say, can you go from the insidious either or automatic mechanical, scientific, you know, classical mechanical worldview. In many ways we became mechanical too. And that has to do with a, a phase of evolution that we’re in. That’s another topic. If you can look at that. In many ways we’re mechanical too.
[00:26:35] Dianne Collins: So we have our clients go beyond the either or. They go beyond their automatic conclusions and assumptions and, oh, you know, here’s a new idea. No, we can’t do that because we tried it. Or you know, Dean Raton did that. You’re doing it right now, by the way. We call it a least faction pathway, the way the energy goes, because it’s been that route before the thought or the emotion, and we don’t give it any meaning.
[00:27:02] Dianne Collins: It’s just like, I call it a vestige of classical mechanical world thinking. So when you can see that, when you can see the limits of your own thinking, then you go beyond it. So we have for 20 plus years, been working with leaders in these mostly. Uh, major corporations. We’ve also worked with entrepreneurs and whatever, and it’s working in people’s lives.
[00:27:33] Dianne Collins: That’s what I, that’s my work. My work is not to prove, is Dean Li, is Dean enlightened or not? I mean, I have my opinions, obviously, I call it doing new world view work from an old worldview. Like if he was the quantum thinking, he’d be saying what I’m saying right now, Alex, which is if you wanna manipulate someone’s brain chemistry using d n a editing to get rid of depression, you’re not getting rid of depression.
[00:28:05] Dianne Collins: All you’re doing is you’re getting, you’re shifting the. of that depressed state, which is, you know, you can’t say that’s bad, but it doesn’t get to the source. And that’s where we need to be looking in this society. What is going on now? Whether it’s, you know, the bringing of AI to make it, you know, everybody’s gonna have their own personal AI, Jarvis robot or whatever.
[00:28:32] Dianne Collins: What’s wrong with that? Nothing. But we have to know how to use it. Because if you have an, basically a lower evolved from a, you know, and I don’t wanna judge because I have to look at myself, you know, where do, where do I question my own beliefs? And I do it all the time, you know, because I’ve got my husband saying, well, you know, uh, you sound arrogant, you know, miss Notit all, but it’s that I have to question myself too, Alex.
[00:29:03] Dianne Collins: But we need to, as a society, and this is really what I’m. My main interest is I, and I’m doing, I’m trying to do it now, finally getting to where I’m working on with a producer on a pitch bible of a sitcom series. That EDU is about these topics. So you can do it through entertainment, I think, in a very big way.
[00:29:32] Dianne Collins: You know, and you look at all the old shows, r g Bunker and all those. And so I, I’m working on that now, but it’s like, if we look in society and you look at, you know, uh, Bernard Castro, I really enjoyed the conversation and, you know, being a philosophy major. I really appreciated, you know, when he was talking about idealism and really trying to, do you think the Netherlands is going underwater?
[00:30:01] Dianne Collins: Do I think the nev Well, you know, that’s a big topic also because, How does Quantum think? I don’t have sort through that. Well, I do, you know, the, uh, work of Greg Braden? Do you know Greg Braden? Did you ever have him on A little bit? I have not had him on, no. Okay. You should have him on because, uh, he is one of my favorite scientists, uh, consciousness, thinkers.
[00:30:28] Dianne Collins: I call the consciousness crowd. But he is a geologist by, you know, as a scientist and he also worked in high tech, and, and he’s been, I’m not gonna get into Greg Braden, but he is a genius in his own right. And he, I listened to something that he was talking about climate change, a few of his things on YouTube.
[00:30:56] Dianne Collins: And he’s saying that, for example, the CO2 levels, uh, The World Economic Forum, they, they have limited information. So if you’re quantum thinking, you’re looking from the big picture, you’re looking from how the, the universe is holographic. Oh, isn’t that a great idea? And are we all projecting, you know, reality and there’s not, you know, there’s nothing material.
[00:31:22] Dianne Collins: Well, yeah, I love that idea too. It’s, you know, titillating and it’s, I think true, you know, it’s a big holographic projection. And, and we’re also living, it’s a boat then we’re also living in the material outflow of all this. So what he, so you look from the whole system. So what he’s saying is, if you look not.
[00:31:50] Dianne Collins: Over, you know, the past are the CO2 levels. I don’t wanna misquote him. Are they higher? Yes. But he looks at the totality of the cycles.
[00:32:03] Alex Tsakiris: How’s Quantum think gonna help us with this?
[00:32:05] Dianne Collins: , I’m gonna tell you how it helps, because you don’t just accept what the, uh, mainstream media tells you about it from a, from an uninformed place.
[00:32:20] Dianne Collins: Because you’re thinking, well, wait a minute, how else can I think about this? Are there other factors you wanna be able to look from the whole? So when you hear a scientist who’s talking about looking at the bigger picture and he does say that, yes, the CO2 levels in, you know, the history. Recent history of human beings is higher.
[00:32:44] Dianne Collins: However, is that going to cause a danger? So it, it’s, it’s being quantum thinking helps because you go past just accepting whatever you heard or read in the news and even if it sounded from, you know, a very high brow,
[00:33:03] Alex Tsakiris: , which is awesome. And I like, there’s like a, I said at the beginning, you know, there’s so many things about, do you quantum think that I definitely agree with my rub, is that you kind of mixed in the quantum stuff, but, okay, tell
[00:33:17] Dianne Collins: me a little bit about that
[00:33:18] Alex Tsakiris: I just explained to you that, you know, it doesn’t help us understand Dean Raden, who is definitely post materialist, how can he be thinking that this transhumanist. Kind of agenda is a good idea because he looks at the war in Ukraine and says, aren’t people just crazy?
[00:33:35] Alex Tsakiris: And he looks at it from a very narrow political lens and he goes, okay, what we need to do is jab everybody. So we have a hive mind, like s and bees, and we all kind of think alike. Uh, the, the quantum thinking, quantum mechanics, quantum physics doesn’t prevent us from faulty thinking like that. And I would suggest that , your quantum think if you take quantum out of it, especially, does address it in the ways that you’re talking about, which is refreshing.
[00:34:01] Alex Tsakiris: And it’s very. Again, I think people will, will find value in the book and will find it rewarding if it didn’t have the kind of quantum part in it there. But the second thing, like about , the second thing about like Bernardo and the sea level rise is it’s like, you know, you can go the route that you said, but a more direct route is to say, you know, those people in the Netherlands,, they’ve been pretty sensitive to that sea level for a long time. They’ve been measuring it very accurately for a hundred years because they live below sea level. Whole country is below sea level, so they’ve measured it. It has not gone up very much. It’s gone up a tiny bit in the last hundred years.
[00:34:41] Alex Tsakiris: The point is there’s multiple ways that someone could approach those questions. None of them have a darn thing to do with quantum physics.
[00:34:49] Dianne Collins: Well, okay, fine, but you know what, and by the way I was referencing, I said that’s what we’re talking about. We’re, when I, what I was referencing specifically to be precise is not, oh, he’s talking about C rise and I’m talking about co2.
[00:35:05] Dianne Collins: It’s the I what you said afterwards, which is that we need to be able to have a larger perspective on these things. and to not just accept whatever somebody says or believes to be true or looking in a very narrow, uh, either timeframe or a narrow view of reality. Now, getting back to the quantum physics in quantum think is that you can use it, you know, I say just think of it as metaphor because it’s just easier to deal with it that way.
[00:35:41] Dianne Collins: But you have to remember this, what I was saying earlier is that I saw at a very young age that how are we gonna get out of this mess, Ali is, you know, or, or I say it’s in my TV show with the main character. I think I landed on the wrong planet because I looked at this planet and I thought, something’s wrong with this picture.
[00:36:05] Dianne Collins: We’re manufacturing weapons to kill each other in mass. And then, you know, calling it casualties of war. I mean, the whole thing is such a low level. Consciousness that it’s like, that’s my whole life. You know why I came in this incarnation, you know, let me, let me contribute to how do we get ourselves beyond this?
[00:36:28] Dianne Collins: So when I saw that people would respond to scientific principles, and I’m not saying that this is the physics. I’m saying this is how classical, mechanical, scientific materialism principles have shaped our thinking. And this is how we can recondition or not recondition, but go beyond that, have that okay.
[00:37:01] Dianne Collins: Taught us to be analytical. We categorized, we organized it and all that. We needed it at that point in evolution and coming out of agrarian culture, you know, into an industrialized, but now we’re looking at. , what can we learn? How can we learn to think from quantum principles? My work is not about the physics, it’s about looking at the principles that come from physics and how we can use them.
[00:37:31] Dianne Collins: So for example, the principle of non-locality, as an example. If you take the idea or let, let’s just take even the idea of let’s go even somewhere else, uh, and we can get to non-locality. If you take the idea of consciousness is. The primacy of life is fundamental and not materialism. In fact, materialism is, you know, we know it’s, it’s an illusion, but it’s a working illusion.
[00:38:03] Dianne Collins: okay? So if you take that and then you look at, well, what are we learning in school? You know, do we know how to master our minds? Are we in, you know, following what all the great masters, if you’re ever in their presence, which I’m sure you have, where people say, you know, they’re, I’ve been in the presence of several of them.
[00:38:25] Dianne Collins: You feel the energy of it. It’s that, you know, shk in Sanskrit where y you are getting that. Um, it’s not , I can’t think of the word for it, but you’re getting that energy of an enlightened master. Are we following in that? No, we’re not. Well, why not? Well, one reason is, is that in conventional education, mind is not part of education mind, meaning what I call the five natural faculties of mind, which have to do with consciousness.
[00:39:01] Dianne Collins: We do study the material, the brain, brain connections, okay? So the electrical, but we’re not studying the power of. Intuition, how does that work? Subtle energy, are we, we are energy transformers. How do we transmute, transform energy? How do we, what about resonance that, the power of sound and vibration that actually has been proven to bring things into materiality.
[00:39:32] Dianne Collins: How, but what about on an everyday, you know, I’m the bridge of the everyday, like, why should I care? I ask that in my book as, you know, how does this work in my life? Why do I care about the principle resonance, which has to do with sympathetic vibration? So in science, so like, how do I apply that? What could a science if I can’t apply it and appreciate it, obviously in many of the artifacts and, you know, um, whatever is getting invented.
[00:40:01] Dianne Collins: And it’s all innovative and it’s fantastic. It’s genius beyond genius. But how about me in my everyday life? Okay, so if we’re not learning in conventional education, kids are not learning about meditation. That’s the fifth na, uh, what I call the five natural faculties of mine. That meditation is not only a practice, it is a natural faculty of consciousness.
[00:40:28] Dianne Collins: So in quantum, think it’s the final distinction in the 21 system. It’s called, I call the zero point state. Okay? So zero point energy when energy is at rest, not always totally as we know. And zero point state for human beings for consciousness when our mind is at rest, and that’s when we’re powerful. So how do I use the quantum principles?
[00:40:53] Dianne Collins: Like, okay, old worldview, as I lovingly call it. My, I’m, I’m powerful when my mind is busy, new worldview, I’m powerful when my mind. Is still, and you, what happens when you quantum think is you learn to make these distinctions so that you are a conscious choice and it is a mastery practice. So it’s not about, you know, control, like what Dean is doing and his experimentation, trying to control your mind through outer means.
[00:41:25] Dianne Collins: It’s about being in command or as the masters say, it’s not just so you had an awareness, you had a mystical experience. I’ve had 10 mystical experience. It’s that you become established in that state of heightened awakened awareness.
[00:41:45] Alex Tsakiris: I apologize. I don’t know why we froze as far as whether Did I hear the whole part, what I heard, which was awesome. Okay. And what we can end with is, what I thought was really beautiful is old worldview.
[00:42:01] Alex Tsakiris: I’m powerful when I’m thinking, when my mind is active Quantum think Diane’s quantum think system. I’m powerful when my mind is still. I think that’s, I think that’s quite profound. Tell us in the time we have left, , what it means for someone to engage with this. You know, you got the book, they can read the book, and then you guys, what do you do beyond that?
[00:42:26] Alex Tsakiris: Coaching, training, that kind of stuff? Well,
[00:42:28] Dianne Collins: , my husband is mostly doing that. We do, we do, we call Strategic Quantum and Consulting, and he is like a master, you know, gifted coach. The coaches coach, they call him. So he’s always, he’s coaching and consulting, uh, companies, occasionally individuals, you know, he likes to work with very high level forward thinking, uh, people and people who are highlight what we call high leverage points, where they’re gonna make a difference, you know, in, in a, in a big, big scale way.
[00:43:01] Dianne Collins: And those are our clients. And then I have, what I love my, uh, masterclass, it’s called. Interesting. Well, you know, master’s, my Master Your Life. It’s on Thinketh. I have to fix up the websites and my website is ancient history in the look of it. So don’t take that. But you know, I’m working on these, these infrastructures.
[00:43:23] Dianne Collins: So I have the book I have, which is one 10 Awards. So far I have the uh, masterclass Mastermind Master Your Life, which is quantum think applied to five natural faculties of mind Relation, mastering relation, high quality relationships, money, your relationship with money, not mastering money, your relationship with money and living your purpose, mastering Living your Purpose.
[00:43:49] Dianne Collins: So have that. We have another quantum think.net is our audio program where you. Very quick quantum thinking. In the 10, uh, core quantum think distinctions, it is, you know, I said it 25 years ago. You know, we’re in a time of evolution. Everybody’s saying it now, unlike any we’ve ever witnessed or known, which, what must evolve now is human consciousness itself. And the irony of an evolution in consciousness is that it must be chosen consciously.
[00:44:23] Dianne Collins: So the the where does evolution, it’s not out there. It’s that we are the collaborators, we’re the co-creators of it with. , whatever that great mystery is of that infinite intelligence, source creator, whatever you wanna call it. Some people like God, uh, I’ll take any, any, all of the above is fine with me because there’s something mysterious and there’s something so powerful that we, we cannot fathom it.
[00:44:53] Dianne Collins: And that’s probably why there are so many names for the aspects of God. And, but it doesn’t, the point being what, who are we in the matter? What is our role in the matter? And this is what it means to quantum fig.
[00:45:09] Alex Tsakiris: Diane, it’s been great. Thanks for joining
[00:45:11] Dianne Collins: me. Okay. Thank you, Alex.
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