Conner Habib, Progressives Disconnect From Spirituality |401|
Conner Habib is a sex workers’ rights advocate with a rigorously intellectual take on spirituality.

photo by: Skeptiko
Charlie Chaplin, The Great Emperor: “I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be an emperor. I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible. We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other’s happiness, not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and despise one another. In this world there’s room for everyone and the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone, the way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men’s souls”.
Alex Tsakiris: So, if you are materialistically focused and you’re disconnected from the spiritual compassionate part, we can all see that and point at that and go, “Oh, how terrible.” But when we see the atheist Heather Berg, USC disconnect, we’re unable to do the same and say, “Well, your compassion is disconnected from the deeper spiritual reality.”
“It cries out for universal brotherhood, for the unity of us all. Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world. Millions of despairing men, women and little children, victims of the system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people.”
Conner Habib: Ask ourselves consistently “Am I evil?” It’s almost like the opposite of, if you can ask yourself if you’re crazy, then you’re not crazy. If you can ask yourself if you’re evil, then you actually do have the potential to become evil, because if you never ask, then you’re just in this way of compulsive sleepwalking forces, like everybody else, and nothing you do is really evil, but also nothing you do is really good. Like, you’re not really acting out of intention at all, so you’re not really able to extend to love and compassion for a real and an intentional purpose, for a meaningful way to people. And that is the gift of the possibility of evil to us, that’s the gift of free will to us, is that, the separation, the ability to do evil means that if we look at that, we ask ourselves that, then we can do good in the world.
I have an interview coming up in a minute with Conner Habib, and you just heard both of us talking over the very great and famous Charlie Chaplin clip from the The Great Dictator. And while I almost feel like we can’t possibly do justice to a clip like that, I did want to set the stage for a discussion that I feel like has been going on in the background here on Skeptiko for a while, and that is the link or maybe better said, the disconnect between spirituality and progressive social thinking. I mean, when you listen to Charlie Chaplin, who the heck disagrees with any of that? But at the same time, does anything Charlie Chaplin is saying there, does any of that make any sense, if there isn’t a larger spiritual reality?
So, in this interview we talk about that. It takes us a little while to get there, there’s a lot of other things that Conner and I talk about. It was a great chat, a really interesting chat, and I appreciate having the opportunity to talk to Conner, since I’ve known him for quite some time and he’s never been on Skeptiko.
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Alex Tsakiris: Maybe we could get into that in a minute. There’s one other angle to it that really intrigued me and I want to see if we can have a little bit of a conversation about it, because again, you always bring the sex angle into this, which is something that I have to say, you’ve just made me kind of look there in a way that is cool, because I wasn’t looking there before.
Even the last time we talked, and you said, “Yeah, and look at the sexual angle as it relates to the paranormal,” and then you go, “Oh, shit man, what do you do with that? What do you do with the demon who raped me? What do you do with the positive angel who had intercourse with me?” And then you had a couple of other cultural touchpoints with that and I was like, “Wow, there is a lot there to pull apart.”
Then, the thing I’ve gotten interested in a lot lately, is the whole ET thing and some people are saying, “Well, there’s an ET, spiritual transformation kind of connection,” but then there’s also the ET sex thing, and again, if you look at it, like you were saying in the porn thing, or if you look at the porn literature, that’s a super popular topic. I mean you write about, “My encounter with Big Foot,” man, those things go through the roof, the same as, “My encounters with ET or the reptilian,” super-popular stuff.
So, what’s going on there, in terms of the whole spectrum of sex and the extended consciousness realm. Do you have any thoughts going in?
Conner Habib: Yeah, so that to me is so fascinating and it’s something I’m going to keep an eye out for, as I begin to do the research, but I’ve already, sort of looked into it.
So, here’s a really simple example. My friend Mona Eltahawy, who was on my show a couple of episodes back, she’s an Egyptian feminist, writer, she’s a Muslim and she’s, like really into sexual liberation and she brought up, when I told her what I was going to do, she was like, “Oh, well there are these women, Muslim women will sometimes say that they’ve been captured or possessed by Jinn or they’ve had sex with a Jinn, like a genie. So, therefore they can’t have sex with their husbands anymore.”
And we both kind of laughed for a second and then I said, “Well, isn’t it interesting that we laughed, and we just automatically assumed that what was happening there, was a way to sort of escape the power that’s in the home?” Maybe for some people it is, but like, why should we immediately disbelieve the person, or account after account after account of people that have had sexual encounters, either consensual or non-consensual, with supernatural entities, with ghosts, with demons or, if you want to make it not so supernatural or whatever, you can say with aliens, although I know they have a supernatural aspect?
So, when you get into accounts where people say that they’ve been raped by a supernatural entity, how do you handle that in the, sort of, ‘believe the victims’ me too” narrative, is an interesting question to me? The idea is that you believe the victims when they say, “Hey, I’ve been raped and maybe don’t have all of the evidence in place, but it’s important to believe me because a whole history of silence around assault victims has existed before this.”
What do you do with the people where the assaulter isn’t present, and you don’t believe that the assaulter exists? This is a really interesting question to me and it’s funny, to even bring that up, people think that you’re demeaning rape or sexual assault by bringing these other accounts in, but to me, that tangle of questions has so much that it can tell us.
Another example I brought up, this women, Ida Craddock, who, around the time of the World’s Fair, here in the US, she was teaching women how to experience sexual pleasure and she was hounded to death by Anthony Comstock, the guy who ran the Society Against Vice or whatever, the guy who was making sure that nobody was sending any information about sex or pregnancy or anything in the mail, because then he would arrest you.
So, she was hounded to death by him. Literally she killed herself because she was hounded so frequently by him and she said she was married to an angel and that she had had all of these sexual encounters with an angel and people like to dismiss that and say, “Oh well, she was just doing that so she could stay single and blah, blah, blah.” Maybe so, but that’s not the language that she used. She used language of saying, “No, I’m married to an angel. I have this whole sexual love, emotional relationship with this spiritual being.”
Of course, nuns are married to Christ. So, you have this whole connection of supernatural, paranormal, spiritual and also extraterrestrial events that are in the sexual realm that people don’t think of.
The reason why I’m not going there first, with my investigation, is because that’s something that needs to unfold and open up. People feel vulnerable about supernatural experiences and paranormal experiences and investigations, they feel vulnerable about their sexual encounters. So, I can’t depend on that all just showing up for me, just because I meet some strangers and say, “Hey, have you ever had sex with a ghost?” You can’t do that.
So, I’ve got to, sort of figure out, is this going to unfold naturally, and all of that? But that is a real concern for me, and this is something I’ll investigate in literature, even if people aren’t necessarily willing to talk about it.
Alex Tsakiris: You did a good job of grinding it back to what it’s really all about, which is this disconnection with the spiritual realities that we know are true, because no matter where you approach them, philosophically, scientifically, whatever, we’re forced to move past this crazy atheistic materialism that is the standard play for everybody.
So, I’d shift that discussion similarly as it goes into conspiracy, because that’s something I’ve been dragged into for the last couple of years and people really don’t like it when I go there and a lot of people are really, kind of, they’re just not able to go there. In the back of their mind, they think there’s some underlying truth, they suppose, to the fact that things aren’t really what they seem, that social engineering really is at play at every turn, but they don’t really want to go there, and they’d just as soon laugh it off, in the same way that you were talking about.
I love the story about the woman you were talking to, the genie raped her so she can’t have sex with her husband, and the first reaction is to laugh, “Ha, ha, ha, ha,” and then both eyes meet, and you were like, “Is there any potential reality to that at all?” I think the same thing goes on with the conspiracy stuff.
So, if we want to talk about it, feminism is a great place to jump into it, because I think it connects to a lot of the other social movement interests that you have. But I pass it along to you, because I think it’s so significant, so central to this Gloria Steinem thing, and I always bring up Joe Atwill, because I love Joe, he’s just a great guy, I think he’s so smart and he’s drilled into some of this stuff in some ways that other people haven’t, but Gloria Steinem is CIA.
Conner Habib: Right, right.
Alex Tsakiris: That’s not conspiracy theory, that’s like, a real feminist finally investigated her, and really drilled into it. They interviewed her and nailed her on it and she had to say, “Yeah, well, I was CIA, but hey, I had to be, because the feminist cause was too important,” and for a lot of people that was enough, that was like, “Oh yeah, it was too important and if that’s the only way she could do it, then hooray for that.” We all kind of get there, because it’s like, yeah, there was a huge problem there, in our society.
But then, when you fast forward, and I sent you this link and you go, “Oh, but she’s still at it,” and you have a Syrian background, and now she’s at it in the strangest CIA way again, where she’s protesting against the rights of women in Syria. It sounds good and then you take a step back and you go, “Yeah, but isn’t Syria more progressive than just about any other state that’s around it, any other Arab state that’s around it, and isn’t Syria engaged in this death spiral battle with ISIS who wants to burqa-ize every woman and just completely destroy their rights? Isn’t that a curious position for Gloria Steinem to take?
Then, taking it outside of that narrow context right there, what does that say to the extent to which social engineering is at play with all of this stuff, where we think we’re…?
Conner Habib: There’s so, so much of that going on and I think, if people don’t want to jump into, like huge conspiracy, take the first step, which is, have the thought… Okay, so here’s something that I think is progressive, whether it’s feminism or whether it’s some sort of identity politics or another, think about, how people who are not really great people, could use that against you. Just think about it. Take a moment and think about it, because they will, because people in power, with the institutions in power, in alignment with, as you’ve talked about on your show before, forces, spiritual forces that are engaged in our behaviors and our actions, they will use anything they can against us, and one of the best ways to do that is stuff that looks really nice on paper.
The feminist example is really personal to me, not because of the Syria thing, although that’s bad enough with Gloria Steinem, but because of being in communities of sex workers, right?
So, earlier this year, there was a bipartisan law, there was a law passed by bipartisan effort called the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act, or the Stop Enabling Sex Trafficking Act, FOSTA or SESTA, a combination of two versions of this bill and everybody voted for it in the senate, accept for two people, Ron Wyden and Rand Paul. The whole thing was like, “Well, we need to stop human trafficking, we need to stop sex trafficking, we need a bill.”
Great, I want to stop sex trafficking and human trafficking too, but as a sex worker I know that the law conflates human trafficking with consensual sex work, where sex workers are people who have decided to engage in it for a variety of reasons. So, that’s number one.
But, let’s take it more to the, sort of, Skeptiko angle here. The meat of the law was that the government can seize or shutdown any website for the behavior of its users. So, if on Craigslist someone advertised for prostitution, which the government conflates with sex trafficking, then the government can shut Craigslist down, even though Craigslist had no control over what the user did on its own site.
So, through this law, that looks like it’s helping victims of human trafficking, under the guise of a certain form of feminism, which was supported by Amy Schumer and Seth Meyers and all of these celebrities, who are just complete blockheads. Now, the government has carte blanche to shutdown any website with something that is beyond the website master’s control, or the owner of the website’s control and it’s so broadly defined that they can do it whenever they want, to any website whatsoever, which has had a massive effect on a lot of different sites in a lot of different avenues.
So, I’m using that as a really recent impression and example of how these kinds of things happen. They can sound like the best law in the world, and it will be backed-up by an amazing ideology of feminism, and yet, what’s actually happening there? What does that mean?
So, you get the same thing with the Gloria Steinem bullshit, or how about Betty Friedan, when she was like, “No feminists, we aren’t supporting Israel enough. There’s a lot of Israeli people that we need to support because the Palestinians, they’re really into Burqas and all of that kind of stuff.”
Now, I’m not going enmesh in the whole burqa, no burqa argument, or hijab, no hijab argument, but I am going to say, that was also calculated, and she pulled a lot of prominent feminists into that political realm.
So, these kinds of things are happening often and all the time, and to me, it’s like, you just have to keep that spinning in your head, “What could be here that might be used against me in this progressive cause?”
Rob Lowe, the celebrity on Twitter, said yesterday, as in this recording, he said, “I saw Jeremy Corbyn call Theresa May a stupid woman.” So, whatever the hell you think about Jeremy Corbyn or Theresa May, the entire UK news media seized on that because Jeremy Corbyn wasn’t a feminist enough because he called Theresa May a stupid woman.
Again, I don’t give a shit about what your feelings are about BREXIT or Theresa May, in this case, I do care, and I have my own opinions on it, but it’s like, that’s so easily positioned, people can seize these things.
So, that’s just the first level of things, then you bring it up to the level that you talk about on the show, which is like, there are people that are really calculatedly trying to make these decisions and bring these kinds of things out. Then, you take it up to the next level, if you really want to go there, and talk about, “Well, there are probably people behind them too,” and then take it up to the next level and talk about forces, spiritual forces, whatever you want to say.
But I think the doorway in, that any reasonable person can engage with is, “What might be here that we should think about?” The Russiagate thing is a very obvious example, that more and more people, I think, are picking up on, like, “Um, there might be some problems with this whole, Russia, Russia, Russia narrative interfering with the election.”
End 01:15:13
Start 01:26:09
Alex Tsakiris: Here’s the point. What interested me from the beginning about Pizzagate and about satanic ritual abuse and generally about sexual abuse of children, which often times doesn’t have anything to do with sex, it has to do with violence, and when I interviewed Bob Hamer, FBI agent for 20 years, who infiltrated NAMBLA, Man Boy Love Association’s phony political front, and the conversations that he heard these men having were not about sex or love, they were about violence, they were about, really horrible, horrific things that they wanted to do to children and ways that they wanted to harm them.
But I digress slightly, because what that was really about to me was the question of evil because there’s a moral ambiguity to Obama, who I’m sure you were referring to, drone striking weddings, because Obama was the drone strike king in history, more drone strikes than anyone else and he had a lot of children and he killed a lot of innocence and all of the rest of it and I say that slightly tongue in cheek because, of course, it happened and it’s happened since, but let’s let Obama sit on the throne there because he won that prize. But there’s a moral ambiguity to that, because we understand that we need to defend ourselves. So, Dalai Lama says, “Hey, if someone attacks you, it’s okay to defend yourself.” Gandhi says, “Hey, even though it’s turn the other cheek and peace and all of that, we do have a right to defend ourselves.”
So, well-meaning people can have differences about how far that defense extends and what we should allow ourselves, or our governments on our behalf, to engage in, in order to defend ourselves.
On the other hand, a lot of this sexual abuse and satanic stuff, strikes us as something that is of a different ilk. It is evil in a way that we don’t want to look at or fully come to grips with. It’s evil in a way that I don’t fully understand, but I’m open to wanting to explore because I think there’s something there that fits into this larger puzzle, in terms of why someone would engage in this kind of evil. Do you get what I’m saying?
Conner Habib: Yes. Okay, so first, I want to agree with you and then I want to turn something back to you, okay? The thing I want to agree with you on is, yes, there is definitely a distinction there and anything that looks like satanic ritual abuse will reveal something different about evil to us that I think is important.
But I would also just turn back to you and say, maybe the more pernicious and horrible evil is in the kind of violence that makes us think that there’s ambiguity about it, maybe that’s the thing that’s actually way more evil. Because let’s say somebody gets caught red-handed, skinning a child, as some of these accounts are, and hanging their skin on a tree, I think our society would condemn that, really, if they saw it in plain sight. We see images of people being burned alive and it’s public record and we talk about that as winning and as necessary and as ambiguous.
That, to me, that spirit, that thing that’s happening in that space is the thing that’s the real horrific instance of evil and it’s not because it’s more evil or less evil than killing and torturing a kid and satanic ritual abuse, there are distinctions there and I think it’s important to notice them. It’s just that we greet it, we greet it with an enthusiasm and that, to me, is really, really messed up and it’s something that we really need to look at and that is hidden from us, that’s a conspiracy all on its own, why we celebrate that kind of thing.
I don’t think it’s good to just, and I’m not saying you’re doing this, but I’m going to use a forceful word, I don’t think it’s good to retreat or hide in ambiguity or the idea of complex decisions, when it comes to that sort of thing. We have decided, unconsciously, but then have decided to go along with a culture that says that that’s okay and that’s ambiguous and we have decided so deeply, that we rarely even try to get ourselves out of situations like that or pull ourselves back from it or try to dial down the way that we do that in the world, the way that we export murder and torture across the entire planet. And a lot of nations do it, it’s not just us, but let’s take responsibility for the one we’re in.
Alex Tsakiris: I get you and it’s a point well taken and rather than, kind of defend myself, because you’ve got a point and there’s no question about it.
The one thing I would add to that though is, I was coming at it from, it clarifies evil, and that, I think, we agree.
Conner Habib: Yes.
Alex Tsakiris: A lot of my efforts, I guess, has been wanting to grab atheistic people by the shirt collar, whether they be Heather Berg at USC with her phony baloney job or some atheist who doesn’t even… I know, you’re going to get a lot of shit from Heather. She’s welcome to come on the show, it’s just ridiculous that someone would say those kinds of crazy things.
But anyways, to shake those people by the shirt collar and say, “There is a larger spiritual reality and you’ve got to swim in that pond before you can even begin to deal with some of this stuff.”
So, it’s almost like, you see one entry point and I see another entry point. I see the entry point as being provocative in saying, “Yes, satanic ritual abuse. Look there, it’s real and it goes all the way up in the White House and not just the Trump White House, but the Obama White House, the Bush White House and over and over and over again.” So, it’s like, that to me is the doorway to saying, well some people will say, “Oh, I do need to wake up to that,” versus I think it is harder for people to wake up to the drone strike, which is an extension of the firebombing of Tokyo, which is an extension of the holocaust of the Druids by the Romans, which is an extension of… We’ve seen all of that shit before.
Conner Habib: Yeah, and I don’t want to dismiss the ritual abuse stuff or other instances of human sacrifice and strange occult acts of black magic in high places as not interesting, they’re very interesting and I think that the way that you just said it, where you say it clarifies what evil is, that’s a really interesting way of looking at it.
I think people tend to think of evil as like, “Oh well, you know, everybody’s just wounded and they’re just acting out of their wounds,” no that’s bullshit and you and I both know that that’s bullshit, and I’ve heard you talk about it and say, “No, that’s bullshit.” It is total bullshit.
What’s happening when someone’s evil is that they’ve reached a state where they understand their wounds and they’re still deciding intentionally to align themselves with certain forces, in our cosmos and in our world, to… I think the way Mark Booth might have said it, I love using him as an example because he says so much and so eloquently, is that, as counterforces to the evolution of humanity. We can unpack evolution of humanity and counterforces and all of that kind of stuff, if you want, but essentially it means, I’m aligning myself with beings that want to undo love and compassion in the world and I’ve done that intentionally, and freedom and free will, and I’ve done that intentionally.
This is going to sound strange, but someone can murder somebody, and it won’t be evil, because they’re doing it because they’re crazy and they’re compulsive and they’re acting [unclear 01:34:48]. They might be in the sway of something that’s evil, but they themselves are outside of their own free will. Evil, I think, requires free will, because evil requires intention, otherwise it’s reflexive, it’s compulsive.
So, evil is rare but it’s horrific when it happens, and I think that both the satanic ritual abuse stuff and wars, at a certain point up the ladder, are acts of evil. Whether everybody involved in those acts are evil people and are doing evil themselves and not just, sort of, in the sway of something, as if they’re hypnotized or in a trance, that’s a different question.
0:05 – 0:11 I’m sorry I don’t want to be an emperor
0:08 – 0:13 I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone
0:11 – 0:15 I should like to help everyone if
0:13 – 0:17 possible we all want to help one another
0:15 – 0:19 human beings are like that we want to
0:17 – 0:20 live by each other’s happiness not by
0:19 – 0:22 each other’s misery
0:20 – 0:24 we don’t want to hate and despise one
0:22 – 0:25 another in this world is room for
0:24 – 0:29 everyone and the good earth is rich and
0:25 – 0:32 can provide for everyone the way of life
0:29 – 0:35 can be free and beautiful but we have
0:32 – 0:39 lost the way greed has poisoned men’s
0:35 – 0:42 souls so if you are materialistically
0:39 – 0:46 focused and you’re disconnected from the
0:42 – 0:49 spiritual compassionate part we can all
0:46 – 0:52 see that and point at that and go oh how
0:49 – 0:57 terrible but when we see the Atheist
0:52 – 0:59 Heather Berg us see disconnect were
0:57 – 1:03 unable to do – it’s the same and say
0:59 – 1:08 well your compassion is disconnected
1:03 – 1:10 from the deeper spiritual reality cries
1:08 – 1:12 out for universal brotherhood for the
1:10 – 1:14 unity of us all even now my voice is
1:12 – 1:16 reaching millions throughout the world
1:14 – 1:19 millions of despairing men women and
1:16 – 1:22 little children victims of a system that
1:19 – 1:25 makes men torture and imprison innocent
1:22 – 1:28 ask ourselves consistently am i evil
1:25 – 1:29 it’s it’s almost like the opposite of
1:28 – 1:32 gift you can ask yourself if you’re
1:29 – 1:34 crazy then you’re not crazy if you can
1:32 – 1:36 ask yourself if you’re evil then you
1:34 – 1:38 actually do have the potential to become
1:36 – 1:39 evil because if you never ask then
1:38 – 1:41 you’re just in this way of compulsive
1:39 – 1:43 sleepwalking forces like everybody else
1:41 – 1:45 and you know nothing you do is really
1:43 – 1:47 evil but also nothing you do is really
1:45 – 1:49 good like you’re not really acting out
1:47 – 1:51 of intention at all so you’re not really
1:49 – 1:54 able to extend to love and compassion
1:51 – 1:56 for real and an intentional purposeful
1:54 – 1:58 and meaningful way to people and that is
1:56 – 2:00 the gift of the possibility of evil to
1:58 – 2:03 us that’s the gift of free will to us is
2:00 – 2:06 that the separation the ability to do
2:03 – 2:07 evil means that if we look at that we
2:06 – 2:10 ask ourselves that that we can do good
2:07 – 2:13 in the world I have an interview coming
2:10 – 2:15 up in a minute with Connor Habib and you
2:13 – 2:19 just heard both of us talking over the
2:15 – 2:22 very great and famous Charlie Chaplin
2:19 – 2:24 clip from the Great Dictator and while I
2:22 – 2:28 almost feel like we can’t possibly do
2:24 – 2:30 justice to a clip like that I did want
2:28 – 2:32 to set the stage for a discussion that I
2:30 – 2:35 feel like has been going on in the
2:32 – 2:37 background here on skeptic Oh for a
2:35 – 2:41 while and that is the link or maybe
2:37 – 2:45 better said the disconnect between
2:41 – 2:46 spirituality and progressive social
2:45 – 2:49 thinking I mean when you listen to
2:46 – 2:52 Charlie Chaplin who the heck disagrees
2:49 – 2:56 with any of that but at the same time
2:52 – 2:59 does anything Charlie Chaplin is saying
2:56 – 3:03 there does any of that make any sense if
2:59 – 3:05 there isn’t a larger spiritual reality
3:03 – 3:07 so in this interview we talked about
3:05 – 3:09 that it takes us a little while to get
3:07 – 3:12 there there’s a lot other things that
3:09 – 3:13 Connor and I talked about it was a great
3:12 – 3:15 chat a really interesting chat and I
3:13 – 3:17 appreciate having the opportunity to
3:15 – 3:19 talk to Connor since I’ve known him for
3:17 – 3:23 quite some time and he’s never been on
3:19 – 3:25 skeptic oh hey one other note I do so
3:23 – 3:28 appreciate everyone connecting with me
3:25 – 3:29 it’s been awesome if you
3:28 – 3:32 haven’t heard I guess I’m putting out
3:29 – 3:35 the word there that I’m here and I’d
3:32 – 3:37 love to hear from you and while I’m at
3:35 – 3:39 it I guess I’d also put out the word
3:37 – 3:41 that let your friends know about skeptic
3:39 – 3:44 oh I know many of you have but they
3:41 – 3:48 probably forgot I’d love to grow this
3:44 – 3:51 community only as much as it’s supposed
3:48 – 3:52 to grow so as I just said that I take
3:51 – 3:55 that back
3:52 – 3:58 don’t tell anyone about skeptic oh that
3:55 – 4:00 isn’t supposed to know about it but if
3:58 – 4:02 you know someone who is supposed to know
4:00 – 4:06 about it who’s supposed to come in here
4:02 – 4:10 and join our dialogue please let them
4:06 – 4:11 know okay on to my interview with Connor
4:10 – 4:17 a beep
4:11 – 4:17 [Music]
4:19 – 4:22 [Music]
4:23 – 4:29 today we welcome Connor Habib to skeptic
4:26 – 4:32 Oh Connor is an author lecturer and host
4:29 – 4:35 of against everyone with Connor Habib
4:32 – 4:38 which you will find on YouTube and also
4:35 – 4:41 he has a download of it in podcast form
4:38 – 4:44 so Connor welcome to sceptical thanks
4:41 – 4:45 for joining me thanks Alex I should
4:44 – 4:48 correct you and you should start over
4:45 – 4:50 because it’s mostly a podcast now you
4:48 – 4:53 can only get the youtube if you are a
4:50 – 4:59 patreon patron I just changed that like
4:53 – 5:02 a week ago I’m not gonna because it’s
4:59 – 5:04 how you sucker people in I thought you
5:02 – 5:08 have the ten minutes there and then you
5:04 – 5:09 say hey oh yeah okay good alright I
5:08 – 5:11 should have I shouldn’t have stopped you
5:09 – 5:14 you know what you’re doing you’re better
5:11 – 5:16 at that fart than I am we can talk a
5:14 – 5:18 little bit about that it’s it’s you get
5:16 – 5:20 some really good guests on there and
5:18 – 5:22 it’s pretty amazing and I was on there
5:20 – 5:24 you were so nice to have me on there and
5:22 – 5:28 I really enjoyed it I think we had a
5:24 – 5:31 great conversation you are really quite
5:28 – 5:33 good at asking these questions and
5:31 – 5:35 bringing these dialogues in places where
5:33 – 5:38 a lot of people don’t go and that’s why
5:35 – 5:40 I was so excited to have you on but I
5:38 – 5:43 had to say you know when we set this up
5:40 – 5:46 I could have sworn that you had been on
5:43 – 5:48 sceptical before because we’ve known
5:46 – 5:50 each other for a long time and we’ve had
5:48 – 5:52 all these great conversations and then I
5:50 – 5:57 checked and you hadn’t and I felt like
5:52 – 6:01 wow what am i doing yeah well I’m glad
5:57 – 6:02 you notice that discrepancy because I’ve
6:01 – 6:04 been listening to show I mean I probably
6:02 – 6:07 listen almost every episode at this
6:04 – 6:08 point which by now is a lot and I’ve
6:07 – 6:12 been listening to it for years and years
6:08 – 6:14 and our first conversation was you know
6:12 – 6:17 when I had this sort of you know failed
6:14 – 6:18 attempt to start a podcast years ago
6:17 – 6:20 and I was a big skeptic of offend I
6:18 – 6:22 interviewed you and we just talked about
6:20 – 6:24 we talked about science we talked a lot
6:22 – 6:27 about Richard Dawkins it seems things
6:24 – 6:29 have come a long way since we got
6:27 – 6:31 instead of that conversation
6:29 – 6:33 and it seems like our concerns are not
6:31 – 6:34 the same well I mean we still are
6:33 – 6:37 concerned about that but we’ve kind of
6:34 – 6:40 moved past those that kind of focus you
6:37 – 6:42 know I do have to look back every now
6:40 – 6:46 and then and say wow you know maybe we
6:42 – 6:48 all have collectively accomplished
6:46 – 6:50 something in terms of moving the ball
6:48 – 6:53 forward a little bit in that you know it
6:50 – 6:57 just came up again today when not today
6:53 – 7:01 but recently someone sent me a link to
6:57 – 7:01 Bernardo Kastrup friend of the show hmm
7:01 – 7:05 a great writer
7:01 – 7:08 in he was kind of railing against some
7:05 – 7:10 skeptics and it just didn’t Bernardo was
7:08 – 7:13 totally in the right and it was just
7:10 – 7:15 irresponsible what had been done but you
7:13 – 7:18 know it didn’t have this quite the same
7:15 – 7:21 teeth to it on either side I mean it was
7:18 – 7:24 just so clearly that obvious that the
7:21 – 7:26 skeptics had no place to stand they
7:24 – 7:33 weren’t getting any traction with their
7:26 – 7:36 outraging or big stupid and it just did
7:33 – 7:40 feel like wow that that thing is over
7:36 – 7:43 yeah you know sometimes I wonder is it
7:40 – 7:45 over or are we just not paying attention
7:43 – 7:47 to it but it certainly is not looming as
7:45 – 7:49 large in the cultural conversation in an
7:47 – 7:53 urgent way anymore that is for sure and
7:49 – 7:55 I don’t know exactly why I mean well I
7:53 – 7:57 do know why for some reasons but I don’t
7:55 – 7:59 know the total reason why and then be
7:57 – 8:02 interesting to sort of think about
7:59 – 8:06 because I think people still do have
8:02 – 8:10 majorly dismissive attitudes towards
8:06 – 8:13 spirituality and the paranormal and the
8:10 – 8:16 occult and consciousness that’s not
8:13 – 8:18 locked into the brain or created by the
8:16 – 8:21 brain and all that I think a lot of
8:18 – 8:24 people are very still dismissive of that
8:21 – 8:27 but it’s not like the urgency of that
8:24 – 8:28 concern has sort of subsided in some way
8:27 – 8:31 and there’s been a little more wiggle
8:28 – 8:34 room I would say for sure to talk about
8:31 – 8:38 these things now maybe not quite as much
8:34 – 8:39 in a university setting or you know if
8:38 – 8:42 you want to some sort of progressive
8:39 – 8:45 political plea but I still
8:42 – 8:47 I do think like something shifted and
8:45 – 8:50 then you you definitely you definitely
8:47 – 8:53 assisted that I mean honestly I’m not
8:50 – 8:56 just saying this to to praise you at the
8:53 – 8:58 start of your episode before we get into
8:56 – 9:00 it but it’s like giving your boss a
8:58 – 9:03 drink before the meeting but I do think
9:00 – 9:07 that like you know having such an
9:03 – 9:09 intense document of how near-death
9:07 – 9:11 experiences do and do not work that’s
9:09 – 9:13 just available to the public you know
9:11 – 9:15 it’s a great service even though you’ve
9:13 – 9:17 moved beyond that I’m the content of
9:15 – 9:18 this show I think just having that
9:17 – 9:20 document is really important because you
9:18 – 9:22 just point people to it now you know
9:20 – 9:25 well that’s that’s nice of you to say
9:22 – 9:28 and I appreciate it I’d circle back to
9:25 – 9:30 what you said earlier about you know
9:28 – 9:31 what the difference is because I think
9:30 – 9:35 it’s kind of a little bit of an
9:31 – 9:36 interesting side digression conversation
9:35 – 9:38 to have here before we get into the meat
9:36 – 9:42 of what we’re going to talk about with
9:38 – 9:45 you and I but the way that I think I
9:42 – 9:48 noticed the shift has occurred is those
9:45 – 9:51 people have kind of switched places with
9:48 – 9:55 us in a little bit in that there’s
9:51 – 9:58 almost a little bit of reluctance or
9:55 – 10:02 trepidation on their part to speak of
9:58 – 10:05 you know that kind of well I just I’m
10:02 – 10:07 proud to be an atheist biological robot
10:05 – 10:09 meaningless users you know they’re kind
10:07 – 10:12 of like looking around like can i really
10:09 – 10:15 say this or am i going to be the one who
10:12 – 10:18 looks like I’m the odd person out I
10:15 – 10:21 think that’s really what I noticed is
10:18 – 10:24 that there’s a different tone to where
10:21 – 10:25 they say how they say it mmm that’s
10:24 – 10:28 interesting I have to think about that
10:25 – 10:30 more for sure because I I think that
10:28 – 10:33 people are I think you’re right like
10:30 – 10:35 they’re not forthcoming in saying it
10:33 – 10:37 like that like it’s not we don’t live in
10:35 – 10:41 this like Daniel Dennett playground
10:37 – 10:44 anymore but I do think when when others
10:41 – 10:46 bring up spirituality or that the mind
10:44 – 10:48 does not equal brain they’re still
10:46 – 10:51 pretty quickly quick to be vocal about
10:48 – 10:52 dismissing it so they might not
10:51 – 10:54 volunteer it but they’re still right
10:52 – 10:55 there to shut you down bring it up which
10:54 – 10:58 is a
10:55 – 11:00 problem I think you know well in a way
10:58 – 11:02 that kind of leads into the first thing
11:00 – 11:05 I wanted to talk to you about because we
11:02 – 11:08 just spoke a couple weeks ago and I was
11:05 – 11:11 really excited to hear about this new
11:08 – 11:14 journey that you’re launching into in
11:11 – 11:18 terms of getting a PhD in a very very
11:14 – 11:20 interesting a thesis area that is so
11:18 – 11:23 right up your alley and I have to say
11:20 – 11:24 before this talk you had to kind of make
11:23 – 11:26 sure that I wasn’t going to release this
11:24 – 11:31 beforehand because this is like breaking
11:26 – 11:34 news and they’re kind of her beep world
11:31 – 11:38 out there so before we even get into
11:34 – 11:41 that and talk about your soon-to-be PhD
11:38 – 11:45 thesis and the new venture that you’re
11:41 – 11:48 getting into let me back up tell folks a
11:45 – 11:54 little bit about who is Connor Habib
11:48 – 11:55 yeah ok gosh there’s there’s a lot there
11:54 – 11:57 because I feel like I’ve lived a lot of
11:55 – 12:00 different lives
11:57 – 12:04 some of them clumsier than others but I
12:00 – 12:05 feeI so yeah so I host this podcast
12:04 – 12:07 against everyone Connor bee that’s my
12:05 – 12:12 main thing right now and that came out
12:07 – 12:15 of wanting to have serious discussions
12:12 – 12:17 about complex spiritual and
12:15 – 12:19 philosophical and political ideas
12:17 – 12:21 because those are often shut down when
12:19 – 12:22 they start getting deep it’s like you
12:21 – 12:24 talk about on your show where you say
12:22 – 12:26 well there’s the level one discussion
12:24 – 12:28 the level 2 discussion the level 3 the
12:26 – 12:30 level 3 almost never happens because
12:28 – 12:32 people get like stuck in the level 1 and
12:30 – 12:34 I always wanted to have those levels 3
12:32 – 12:36 discussions but I wanted to share them
12:34 – 12:38 with people in like an engaging way that
12:36 – 12:40 was accessible so it wasn’t also like
12:38 – 12:41 just keeping people out and it was
12:40 – 12:43 inspiring them to have their own
12:41 – 12:46 conversations cuz I hate small talk it
12:43 – 12:48 drives me crazy I mean obviously I can
12:46 – 12:50 do it and I do it a little bit here and
12:48 – 12:55 there but I want to get into the meat of
12:50 – 12:57 things you know and so um so that’s you
12:55 – 12:59 know that’s my sort of main focus right
12:57 – 13:01 now is having this show which I have
12:59 – 13:03 journalist I mean some of the I guess
13:01 – 13:05 the shared guest really it would be you
13:03 – 13:07 and Gordon white have both been on the
13:05 – 13:08 show and I haven’t I’m really
13:07 – 13:11 a lot of scientists yet but I have
13:08 – 13:14 political journalists writers artists
13:11 – 13:18 comedians musicians all that and I think
13:14 – 13:22 um so for me it’s about exploring ideas
13:18 – 13:24 now that came out of like that was my
13:22 – 13:29 that’s my most recent venture that’s
13:24 – 13:32 emerging out of having been sex workers
13:29 – 13:33 rights advocate and activist for 10
13:32 – 13:37 years and also having been born
13:33 – 13:39 performer for almost ten years and all
13:37 – 13:44 those things sort of meshed together for
13:39 – 13:46 me because I I’ve done this thing my
13:44 – 13:49 whole life where I’ve tried to be an
13:46 – 13:51 outsider to the community that I entered
13:49 – 13:54 into in a way because I think it’s
13:51 – 13:58 useful so you know I went to school for
13:54 – 13:60 grad school for creative writing and I
13:58 – 14:01 was also studying the sciences so I was
13:60 – 14:03 in the humanities by studying organism
14:01 – 14:05 akin evolutionary biology with Lynn
14:03 – 14:07 margulies at University of Massachusetts
14:05 – 14:09 so humanities and Sciences but then I
14:07 – 14:11 was also a very spiritual person really
14:09 – 14:13 getting deeply into the work of rudosch
14:11 – 14:15 Steiner particularly who’s still sort of
14:13 – 14:18 my headquarters and I know just came up
14:15 – 14:23 on your mark booth episode quite a bit
14:18 – 14:26 and then from there also then started
14:23 – 14:27 doing porn and sex work so humanities
14:26 – 14:29 but in the sciences in the sciences but
14:27 – 14:32 in spirituality in spirituality but
14:29 – 14:35 doing sex work and so all that sort of
14:32 – 14:38 outside earnest has created a weird web
14:35 – 14:39 of connections which with I think it can
14:38 – 14:43 feel lonely and frustrating sometimes
14:39 – 14:44 but also has allowed me to sort of see
14:43 – 14:47 connections between things that maybe
14:44 – 14:49 other people don’t get to see sometimes
14:47 – 14:52 or at least lets me sort of try out
14:49 – 14:55 ideas publicly through my life that I
14:52 – 14:57 think other people you know either
14:55 – 15:00 haven’t or haven’t really thought of
14:57 – 15:03 before and I mean I thought I’m I feel
15:00 – 15:05 like I’m sound like I’m like bragging or
15:03 – 15:07 something but I think it’s just true
15:05 – 15:10 about my life it’s an unusual it’s an
15:07 – 15:12 unusual life pathway I would agree I
15:10 – 15:14 think you bring an interesting
15:12 – 15:17 perspective on that and I would have to
15:14 – 15:19 add to the part about the episodes
15:17 – 15:22 you’ve done of against everyone
15:19 – 15:24 one thing I really appreciate about what
15:22 – 15:26 you do and I love the way you said it
15:24 – 15:29 you know it’s like you hate small talk
15:26 – 15:32 and I can so relate to that I mean for
15:29 – 15:37 my whole life I was like why are people
15:32 – 15:38 talking about such meaningless stop when
15:37 – 15:41 you’re a kid you know and people were
15:38 – 15:45 like advising you you know I never talk
15:41 – 15:49 about religion or politics right why the
15:45 – 15:51 fuck not isn’t that a hit spirituality
15:49 – 15:52 isn’t that fundamentally like the most
15:51 – 15:54 and but we all know that’s the most
15:52 – 15:55 important question however we feel about
15:54 – 15:58 it whether we’re a theist or whether
15:55 – 16:00 we’re the most Orthodox fundamentalist
15:58 – 16:03 whatever you know isn’t that it and then
16:00 – 16:06 politics or you know however you want to
16:03 – 16:09 position your head in terms of deep
16:06 – 16:11 state conspiracy or Republican Democrat
16:09 – 16:13 it’s the forces that are most present
16:11 – 16:15 and pressing on you on your life you
16:13 – 16:17 know like that’s so telling that that
16:15 – 16:19 would be the advice at least that I got
16:17 – 16:22 and I’m sure you being a kid in
16:19 – 16:24 Pennsylvania with that kind of I’m an
16:22 – 16:26 adult man like so when I went to grad
16:24 – 16:28 school you know this is the place where
16:26 – 16:30 it’s supposed to be where people really
16:28 – 16:33 go to learn and investigate questions
16:30 – 16:37 about culture and I remember like twice
16:33 – 16:40 I got sort of gasps and like inaudible
16:37 – 16:42 gasp from the other students in in class
16:40 – 16:44 and one was when I said something about
16:42 – 16:46 sex and another was when I said
16:44 – 16:48 something about God and without going
16:46 – 16:50 into all the details of that story I’d
16:48 – 16:52 noticed I was like huh this is really
16:50 – 16:54 interesting that these two things are
16:52 – 16:56 off the table but I know that all the
16:54 – 16:59 grad students for sure are thinking
16:56 – 17:02 about sex all the time and I know and I
16:59 – 17:04 know that also like God and religion has
17:02 – 17:06 had a role in their lives so what’s the
17:04 – 17:08 problem here we’re not even allowed to
17:06 – 17:12 really discuss it or go into it at all
17:08 – 17:14 and I think that you know what you
17:12 – 17:17 pulled on to is like politics and also
17:14 – 17:19 money you know these taboos like you
17:17 – 17:22 know as you point out again and again
17:19 – 17:25 like the taboos are constructed by our
17:22 – 17:27 culture and people and institutions and
17:25 – 17:29 forces of power in one way or another
17:27 – 17:33 over time
17:29 – 17:35 and so those are there for a reason it’s
17:33 – 17:38 not just some incidental thing like
17:35 – 17:40 don’t talk about politics what you like
17:38 – 17:42 don’t talk about sex don’t talk about
17:40 – 17:44 and so that’s part of why I want to have
17:42 – 17:46 those conversations is like it’s sort of
17:44 – 17:48 it’s sort of a counter you know I call
17:46 – 17:51 the counter cultural podcast but it’s
17:48 – 17:53 really sort of a counter power podcast
17:51 – 17:55 and somewhat it’s like maybe if we talk
17:53 – 17:56 about these things out loud and really
17:55 – 17:58 go into them it’ll aspire other people
17:56 – 18:00 to do that instead of just being like oh
17:58 – 18:02 you don’t really think deeply about
18:00 – 18:05 things or that’s depressing or that’s
18:02 – 18:07 not polite or you know whatever way they
18:05 – 18:09 use to evade it and keep in lockstep
18:07 – 18:11 with the kinds of conversations people
18:09 – 18:14 in institutions in power want us to be
18:11 – 18:16 having which are about bullshit yeah
18:14 – 18:18 that’s great and I just really commend
18:16 – 18:21 you because it’s really brave the way
18:18 – 18:23 you do tackle some of this stuff and you
18:21 – 18:25 know when I first encountered you and we
18:23 – 18:28 were just kind of talking like like you
18:25 – 18:30 said you interviewed me about skeptic oh
18:28 – 18:32 and it was a really interesting
18:30 – 18:33 interview you were on your game you’re
18:32 – 18:35 talking about all the right stuff and
18:33 – 18:38 then you know you kind of lay this whole
18:35 – 18:42 hey I’m interested in you know the sex
18:38 – 18:47 angle and by the way I’m a gay porn star
18:42 – 18:50 it’s like that is so jarring and it was
18:47 – 18:53 jarring to me – I can’t like pretend it
18:50 – 18:57 wasn’t but what was so cool is that I
18:53 – 18:59 got a chance to know you on this kind of
18:57 – 19:02 intellectual level even if it was just a
18:59 – 19:03 little bit and I was like how brave for
19:02 – 19:05 this person to kind of put themselves
19:03 – 19:07 out there and go no you know I just want
19:05 – 19:10 to talk about Rudolf Steiner and how
19:07 – 19:12 that relates to you know your ideas in
19:10 – 19:14 terms of extended consciousness and
19:12 – 19:18 runners and then by the way this is also
19:14 – 19:21 a part of who I am and I’m okay with it
19:18 – 19:23 and I’m okay with integrating it or I’m
19:21 – 19:25 still working on integrating it because
19:23 – 19:29 we’re all working on integrating all the
19:25 – 19:32 parts of us so I’ve always admired the
19:29 – 19:35 the bravery that you have in just kind
19:32 – 19:37 of putting it out there and saying let’s
19:35 – 19:41 see how these things fit and I think it
19:37 – 19:42 fits it backs up perfectly what you’re
19:41 – 19:44 saying
19:42 – 19:48 and in a way with that just being kind
19:44 – 19:53 of a little bit of a admiration society
19:48 – 19:55 it kind of leads into this ph.d program
19:53 – 19:57 that you’re getting involved with and
19:55 – 19:60 the thesis and I want to say thesis
19:57 – 20:02 because you’re not that far along but
19:60 – 20:05 what you described to me I thought was
20:02 – 20:09 so skeptical if you would you know so
20:05 – 20:11 perfect in in so as soon as I heard it I
20:09 – 20:13 was like wow how has no one done that
20:11 – 20:16 before why isn’t anyone explored that
20:13 – 20:21 which of course is the perfect you know
20:16 – 20:22 ground for a PhD so tell us let’s relive
20:21 – 20:24 that conversation we were having and
20:22 – 20:26 tell us what you’re thinking about in
20:24 – 20:28 terms of what interests you and tell us
20:26 – 20:31 about the ph.d program in general
20:28 – 20:33 because I want to help you you know make
20:31 – 20:35 that happen and I hope other skeptical
20:33 – 20:37 listeners can get behind your patreon
20:35 – 20:39 thing and help you make that happen
20:37 – 20:43 because it’s research it needs to happen
20:39 – 20:46 yeah thank you so okay so the very short
20:43 – 20:50 version of it is that I’m gonna get a
20:46 – 20:53 I’m you know PhD studying for little
20:50 – 20:57 beads a long time probably five years or
20:53 – 21:00 more doing research on how people are
20:57 – 21:04 stigmatized shamed and ridiculed in the
21:00 – 21:05 media by their families and you know in
21:04 – 21:09 other ways
21:05 – 21:13 for having paranormal and occult
21:09 – 21:17 experiences or being paranormal or in
21:13 – 21:19 called investigators so in one of the
21:17 – 21:22 ways in one of the things that sort of
21:19 – 21:25 like is strange about this is that even
21:22 – 21:27 though we know when someone has a
21:25 – 21:29 sustained paranormal experience so when
21:27 – 21:30 I say sustained I mean you know when
21:29 – 21:32 someone just says oh I was like thinking
21:30 – 21:34 about somebody calling me and then they
21:32 – 21:36 called we can talk about that in laughs
21:34 – 21:38 or if someone says oh I saw UFO once
21:36 – 21:40 even if that happens we can talk about
21:38 – 21:42 it in sort of a light-hearted way but if
21:40 – 21:44 someone has a sustained experience if
21:42 – 21:46 they’re encountering something again and
21:44 – 21:47 again and they need help or they’re
21:46 – 21:49 trying to interpret or understand the
21:47 – 21:51 experience then it enters into a whole
21:49 – 21:53 different dimension so first of all
21:51 – 21:55 that’s interesting to me why these sort
21:53 – 21:58 of levels of stigma and shaming have
21:55 – 22:01 but when the thing that’s interesting
21:58 – 22:03 about is that we consume narratives
22:01 – 22:06 about the paranormal and the occult and
22:03 – 22:08 the sort of strangely spiritual all the
22:06 – 22:12 time they’re hugely popular in the form
22:08 – 22:14 of horror movies and in Hoorn narratives
22:12 – 22:16 and so we flocked to those even if a
22:14 – 22:19 horror movie is bad it usually makes
22:16 – 22:21 money because people are really into it
22:19 – 22:23 and yet it’s also critically panned
22:21 – 22:26 right so this is something I noticed
22:23 – 22:27 from being from making porn this is one
22:26 – 22:30 of the association’s I made which was
22:27 – 22:33 like porn is wildly popular yet it is
22:30 – 22:36 never I mean except you know for a brief
22:33 – 22:38 moment really in like the 70s like
22:36 – 22:40 considered an art and art form think
22:38 – 22:43 really taken seriously and talked about
22:40 – 22:45 in a culturally critical thoughtful
22:43 – 22:48 investigative way whether you know good
22:45 – 22:51 or bad is just sort of dismissed you
22:48 – 22:55 know from from the get-go as an art form
22:51 – 22:56 and Portland horror movies experienced
22:55 – 22:58 the same issue where it’s just like
22:56 – 22:59 they’re critically panned and they’re
22:58 – 23:01 laughed at and yet they’re wildly
22:59 – 23:03 popular so to me I thought but has this
23:01 – 23:05 some word symptom
23:03 – 23:07 this almost seems like a strange symptom
23:05 – 23:09 of like repression we’re like their
23:07 – 23:12 depression is like rising to the surface
23:09 – 23:13 because we’re keeping these experiences
23:12 – 23:15 to ourselves
23:13 – 23:17 because we know that there’ll be
23:15 – 23:20 repercussions if we talk about them and
23:17 – 23:22 yet as a culture we celebrate
23:20 – 23:25 fictionalized accounts of these
23:22 – 23:28 experiences so those were sort of the
23:25 – 23:31 two parts that got me interested in this
23:28 – 23:35 big long-term project which will be an
23:31 – 23:38 anthropological project PhD in in
23:35 – 23:41 Ireland so that’s the other part I
23:38 – 23:44 wanted to be somewhere where questions
23:41 – 23:48 of belief and science were in a sort of
23:44 – 23:50 strange place because of the way the
23:48 – 23:53 religious landscape and this sort of
23:50 – 23:58 more materialistic landscape are still
23:53 – 24:00 evolving and unfolding there so yeah I’m
23:58 – 24:02 really I’m really excited to do this
24:00 – 24:04 project I haven’t started yet
24:02 – 24:06 I mean I’ve obviously done some pre
24:04 – 24:08 research and you know written out in my
24:06 – 24:12 research a project outline and all that
24:08 – 24:15 sort of stuff but and I’ve had a lot of
24:12 – 24:17 conversations about it with people who
24:15 – 24:19 have had paranormal experiences and I’ve
24:17 – 24:22 taken notes and also talked to some
24:19 – 24:24 investigators about it and I can talk a
24:22 – 24:26 little bit more if you want about you
24:24 – 24:27 know one of the conversations I had with
24:26 – 24:30 an investigator about it and where this
24:27 – 24:31 sort of came from if you want to maybe
24:30 – 24:33 we could get into that in a minute
24:31 – 24:36 there’s one other angle to it that
24:33 – 24:37 really intrigued me and I want to see if
24:36 – 24:38 we can have a little bit of a
24:37 – 24:41 conversation about it
24:38 – 24:43 because again you know you always bring
24:41 – 24:45 the sixth angle into this you know it’s
24:43 – 24:47 not something that I have to say you
24:45 – 24:50 know you’ve just made me kind of look
24:47 – 24:52 there in a way that is cool because I
24:50 – 24:54 wasn’t looking there before even the
24:52 – 24:57 last time we talked and you said yeah
24:54 – 25:00 and look at the sexual angle as it
24:57 – 25:02 relates to the paranormal then you go oh
25:00 – 25:06 shit what do you do with that what do
25:02 – 25:07 you do with the demon who raped me you
25:06 – 25:11 know right what do you do with the
25:07 – 25:14 positive angel who had intercourse with
25:11 – 25:18 me you know I mean suddenly and then you
25:14 – 25:20 had a couple of other cultural touch
25:18 – 25:22 points with that and I was like wow
25:20 – 25:23 there is a lot there to pull apart and
25:22 – 25:26 then you know the thing I’ve gotten
25:23 – 25:29 interested in a lot lately is the whole
25:26 – 25:32 et thing and some people are saying well
25:29 – 25:35 there’s an et spiritual transformation
25:32 – 25:39 kind of connection but then there’s also
25:35 – 25:40 the et sex thing you know and again if
25:39 – 25:43 you look it like you were saying in the
25:40 – 25:46 porn thing or if you look at the porn
25:43 – 25:48 literature you know that’s a super
25:46 – 25:51 popular topic I mean you’ve write about
25:48 – 25:54 how my encounter with Bigfoot man those
25:51 – 25:57 things go through the roof say Mikey T
25:54 – 25:60 or the reptilian super popular stuff so
25:57 – 26:05 you know what’s going on there in terms
25:60 – 26:07 of the whole spectrum of sex and the
26:05 – 26:11 extended consciousness realm do you have
26:07 – 26:13 any thoughts going in yeah so that to me
26:11 – 26:15 is so fascinating and it’s something I’m
26:13 – 26:17 gonna keep an eye on you know for as I
26:15 – 26:19 begin to do the research but I’ve
26:17 – 26:20 already sort of looked into it so for
26:19 – 26:22 instance
26:20 – 26:25 okay so here’s a really simple example
26:22 – 26:29 so my friend Mona Eltahawy who is on my
26:25 – 26:33 show a couple episodes back she’s an
26:29 – 26:35 Egyptian feminist writer she’s Muslim
26:33 – 26:37 and she’s like really into sexual
26:35 – 26:38 liberation and she brought up when I
26:37 – 26:40 told her what I was gonna do she’s like
26:38 – 26:42 oh well there are these you know women
26:40 – 26:45 Muslim women will sometimes say that
26:42 – 26:47 they’ve been captured or possessed by a
26:45 – 26:49 jinn or they’ve had sex with a jinn like
26:47 – 26:51 a genie and so therefore they can’t have
26:49 – 26:53 sex with their husbands anymore and we
26:51 – 26:54 both kind of laughed for a second and
26:53 – 26:56 then I said well isn’t it interesting
26:54 – 26:59 that we laughed and we just
26:56 – 27:01 automatically assumed that like what was
26:59 – 27:03 happening there was a way to sort of
27:01 – 27:06 escape the power that’s in the home you
27:03 – 27:08 know like maybe for some people it is
27:06 – 27:10 but like why should we immediately
27:08 – 27:14 disbelieve the person or you know
27:10 – 27:16 account after account after account of
27:14 – 27:20 people that have had sexual encounters
27:16 – 27:22 with or been it either consensual or
27:20 – 27:24 non-consensual with you know
27:22 – 27:27 supernatural entities with ghosts with
27:24 – 27:30 demons or you know how if you want to
27:27 – 27:33 make it not so supernatural or whatever
27:30 – 27:35 you could say you know with aliens
27:33 – 27:38 although I know they have a supernatural
27:35 – 27:39 aspect but so when you get into accounts
27:38 – 27:41 where people say that they’ve been raped
27:39 – 27:43 by a supernatural entity how do you
27:41 – 27:46 handle that in the sort of believe the
27:43 – 27:48 victims me too narrative is an
27:46 – 27:50 interesting question to me these are the
27:48 – 27:53 ideas that you believe the victims you
27:50 – 27:55 know when they say hey I have I’ve been
27:53 – 27:57 raped and you know maybe you don’t have
27:55 – 28:01 the all the evidence in place but it’s
27:57 – 28:03 important to believe me because a whole
28:01 – 28:06 history of silence around assault
28:03 – 28:07 victims has existed before this what do
28:06 – 28:09 you do with the people where the
28:07 – 28:11 assaulter isn’t present and you don’t
28:09 – 28:13 believe that the assaulter exists this
28:11 – 28:15 is a really interesting question to me
28:13 – 28:17 and it’s not and it’s funny because even
28:15 – 28:19 to bring that up people think that
28:17 – 28:21 you’re demeaning rape or sexual assault
28:19 – 28:25 by bringing these other accounts in but
28:21 – 28:28 to me that’s that tangle of questions is
28:25 – 28:31 so has so much that I can tell us you
28:28 – 28:33 know and I think you know other things
28:31 – 28:34 did you know another example I brought
28:33 – 28:36 up this woman
28:34 – 28:38 idak Roddick who around the time of the
28:36 – 28:41 World’s Fair here in the US she was
28:38 – 28:44 teaching women how to experience sexual
28:41 – 28:47 pleasure and she was hounded to death by
28:44 – 28:50 Anthony Comstock the guy who who ran the
28:47 – 28:52 society what does the society against
28:50 – 28:55 Vice or whatever the guy who is just you
28:52 – 28:57 know like making sure that nobody was
28:55 – 28:59 sending any information about sex or a
28:57 – 29:01 pregnancy or anything in the mail cuz
28:59 – 29:01 that’s that and you would arrest you see
29:01 – 29:02 here
29:01 – 29:04 she was hounded to death by him
29:02 – 29:06 literally she she killed herself because
29:04 – 29:09 she was hounded so frequently by him and
29:06 – 29:10 she said she was married to an angel and
29:09 – 29:12 that she had had all these sexual
29:10 – 29:14 encounter with an angel and people like
29:12 – 29:16 to dismiss that and say oh well she was
29:14 – 29:19 just doing that so she could stay single
29:16 – 29:20 and blah blah well maybe so but that’s
29:19 – 29:23 not the language that she knew she use
29:20 – 29:25 language of saying no I’m married to an
29:23 – 29:27 angel I have this whole sexual love
29:25 – 29:30 emotional relationship with this
29:27 – 29:32 spiritual mean and so and then of course
29:30 – 29:36 you know nuns are married to Christ so
29:32 – 29:39 you have like this whole connection of
29:36 – 29:43 supernatural paranormal spiritual and
29:39 – 29:45 also extraterrestrial events that are in
29:43 – 29:48 the sexual realm that people don’t think
29:45 – 29:51 of so I’m not the reason I’m I’m not
29:48 – 29:53 going there first with my investigation
29:51 – 29:55 is because that’s something that needs
29:53 – 29:56 to unfold and open up people feel
29:55 – 29:58 vulnerable about supernatural
29:56 – 30:00 experiences and paranormal experiences
29:58 – 30:03 and investigations they feel vulnerable
30:00 – 30:07 about their sexual you know encounters
30:03 – 30:09 and so you know I can’t depend on that
30:07 – 30:11 all just like showing up for me just
30:09 – 30:13 because I meet some strangers and say
30:11 – 30:16 hey have you ever had sex with a ghost
30:13 – 30:19 you know you can’t do that so I got a
30:16 – 30:21 sort of figure out is this gonna unfold
30:19 – 30:23 naturally and and all that but that is a
30:21 – 30:25 real concern for me and there’s
30:23 – 30:26 something I’ll investigate in literature
30:25 – 30:29 even if you know people aren’t
30:26 – 30:31 necessarily willing to talk about it you
30:29 – 30:34 know great yeah I’m interested to see
30:31 – 30:36 how that unfolds because I think if
30:34 – 30:39 you’ve already put that intention out
30:36 – 30:45 there to me it just seems like fertile
30:39 – 30:47 ground in in some ways in it is so so
30:45 – 30:52 interesting in so
30:47 – 30:54 unexplored taboo you know stigmatized on
30:52 – 30:56 top of stigma you know the stigma
30:54 – 30:58 paranormal and then the added stigma of
30:56 – 31:01 the sexual so it’s a very very
30:58 – 31:03 interesting stuff so tell people more
31:01 – 31:05 maybe about the particular you’re gonna
31:03 – 31:08 need a little bit of help getting to
31:05 – 31:11 Ireland to do this thing it’s quite an
31:08 – 31:15 undertaking but often you’re often doing
31:11 – 31:18 it right yeah I’m often to knit so I’m
31:15 – 31:21 starting it in 2019 we’re recording in
31:18 – 31:24 2018 murukku I’m starting in 2019 and
31:21 – 31:27 you know I mean that the the first year
31:24 – 31:30 is really a bunch of courses and then I
31:27 – 31:31 start doing the ethnographic work the
31:30 – 31:36 fieldwork and that sort of stuff and
31:31 – 31:38 that is that to me all that yes all that
31:36 – 31:40 I need help with so please support me on
31:38 – 31:43 my patreon if you like this conversation
31:40 – 31:44 do you like my show I haven’t paid as
31:43 – 31:47 forward slash carne or beef
31:44 – 31:48 and you get all kinds of cool stuff just
31:47 – 31:51 for sort of contributing to the mission
31:48 – 31:52 there of I mean these deep discussions
31:51 – 31:56 and conversations and accessible
31:52 – 32:01 language but yeah I mean I think that
31:56 – 32:04 that work that begins that work that
32:01 – 32:07 begins this coming year yeah it’s a it’s
32:04 – 32:09 a it’s a long project and it requires a
32:07 – 32:11 lot a lot of work I mean that’s how
32:09 – 32:14 anthropology goes because you don’t know
32:11 – 32:16 if you’re gonna be able to secure all
32:14 – 32:19 the contacts that you want it moves and
32:16 – 32:21 shifts because it’s the only academic
32:19 – 32:22 discipline first of all so I’m the only
32:21 – 32:24 academic this one is it takes the occult
32:22 – 32:27 and the spiritual seriously I mean
32:24 – 32:28 really seriously on its own terms when
32:27 – 32:31 it’s at its best and it doesn’t always
32:28 – 32:34 do that but the other thing is it’s a
32:31 – 32:37 it’s a discipline based on friendship
32:34 – 32:39 you try you become friends with people
32:37 – 32:41 really you become friends with people
32:39 – 32:43 you don’t just fake it you know and some
32:41 – 32:45 some anthropologists are bad friends but
32:43 – 32:46 you become friends with people so you
32:45 – 32:48 can learn about their relationships and
32:46 – 32:50 yourself and the things that unfold in
32:48 – 32:54 those relationships and listening and
32:50 – 32:55 talking and so you don’t become friends
32:54 – 32:57 but I mean some people become friends
32:55 – 32:59 instantly but you don’t become friends
32:57 – 33:01 with people instantly so it’s a it’s
32:59 – 33:03 it’s gonna be a long
33:01 – 33:06 work that I definitely need some
33:03 – 33:08 assistance with this is this is I think
33:06 – 33:10 really interesting stuff and I think
33:08 – 33:13 there’s a lot of people will share my
33:10 – 33:15 interest in saying wow that’s really
33:13 – 33:18 something that’s gonna bear fruit and we
33:15 – 33:21 want to keep an eye on it but I have an
33:18 – 33:25 opportunity here as a gay arab porn star
33:21 – 33:30 i you have kind of a neoliberal ghetto
33:25 – 33:34 pass that i can’t resist taking
33:30 – 33:38 advantage of and engaging in maybe a
33:34 – 33:41 conversation on the on politics and
33:38 – 33:43 about some of the cultural things that
33:41 – 33:45 are going on that are really completely
33:43 – 33:48 different than what we’re just talking
33:45 – 33:51 about with regard to your PhD and in a
33:48 – 33:54 lot of ways don’t hit directly with your
33:51 – 33:57 against everyone podcasts but in a way
33:54 – 34:00 kind of do as well and that’s because
33:57 – 34:03 there is this unbelievable divide right
34:00 – 34:05 now and i think a lot of people are kind
34:03 – 34:07 of talking about it from the outside and
34:05 – 34:08 pointing at it and going wow what’s with
34:07 – 34:10 with this you know they’re it’s
34:08 – 34:12 impossible to have public discourse and
34:10 – 34:16 you know this group seems to be totally
34:12 – 34:18 off in some lala land and there’s no
34:16 – 34:20 getting together and so I thought we
34:18 – 34:22 might pull that apart and it’s
34:20 – 34:24 interesting because when we started to
34:22 – 34:26 have that conversation one of the things
34:24 – 34:29 that you said that again I really loved
34:26 – 34:32 I mean it’s so Conor in a perfect kind
34:29 – 34:34 of way in this you said well going into
34:32 – 34:37 it Alex both you and I realize that it’s
34:34 – 34:40 kind of all bullshit anyway cuz we’re
34:37 – 34:41 playing a consensus reality game and we
34:40 – 34:44 understand that in some way we don’t
34:41 – 34:45 fully understand consciousness is
34:44 – 34:48 fundamental and we’re creating this
34:45 – 34:51 reality and all this other stuff is kind
34:48 – 34:53 of a game outside of the game okay so
34:51 – 34:54 yeah so what that’s a good way to set it
34:53 – 34:58 because foundationally you’re saying
34:54 – 35:02 that we actually were on the same page
34:58 – 35:05 so now we can get into the particulars
35:02 – 35:08 yeah and fundamentally on the same page
35:05 – 35:09 and really you know and I don’t want to
35:08 – 35:11 kind of drive that point into the ground
35:09 – 35:13 but it’s like you’ve really got to be
35:11 – 35:14 grounded in that I mean I think you
35:13 – 35:15 really have to be grounded you know
35:14 – 35:18 you’re a
35:15 – 35:21 Rudolph Steinem you know and I’m not so
35:18 – 35:23 much but I’d sure appreciate where
35:21 – 35:26 you’re coming from in that in terms of
35:23 – 35:28 that being your foundation that being
35:26 – 35:31 your base and spirituality being your
35:28 – 35:34 foundation and base and you know Who am
35:31 – 35:36 I why am I here being the fundamental
35:34 – 35:37 questions you have to get back to so
35:36 – 35:40 you’re not going to get pulled too far
35:37 – 35:41 with any kind of political bullshit
35:40 – 35:43 because at the end of the day it’s all
35:41 – 35:45 political bullshit and we will never
35:43 – 35:48 know we’re not ruling the world and
35:45 – 35:50 we’re not have all the answers to how
35:48 – 35:53 all this stuff is supposed to happen so
35:50 – 35:55 there’s a humility that I think you can
35:53 – 35:58 enter that conversation with and
35:55 – 35:60 hopefully I can – right yeah I mean in
35:58 – 36:01 some way so it’s good that you’re
35:60 – 36:03 setting the stage this way because
36:01 – 36:06 really at the sort of bottom of all my
36:03 – 36:07 politics is like you know you really we
36:06 – 36:09 really need to ask ourselves the
36:07 – 36:12 question of what it means to be human
36:09 – 36:14 what it means to be a human being and
36:12 – 36:16 what exactly is happening here you have
36:14 – 36:18 to ask yourself phenomenological
36:16 – 36:24 questions questions about the experience
36:18 – 36:26 of being and then your your and then
36:24 – 36:30 your politics can stem and grow out of
36:26 – 36:31 there right but the thing is like part
36:30 – 36:33 of my experience of being human is that
36:31 – 36:36 I have become unmoored from that
36:33 – 36:40 sometimes you know and so it’s like yes
36:36 – 36:42 I make that happen but where I fail
36:40 – 36:43 where I can’t see those connections or I
36:42 – 36:45 just haven’t done the work yet or I
36:43 – 36:48 don’t have time I tried to have some
36:45 – 36:52 sort of ethical cohesion or sort of
36:48 – 36:56 philosophical like like some sort of
36:52 – 36:59 like intelligent intelligent philosophy
36:56 – 37:00 around things where the gaps are or just
36:59 – 37:05 say I don’t know you know like I don’t
37:00 – 37:09 know but yeah great so with that let me
37:05 – 37:12 jump into it from one angle which is you
37:09 – 37:14 know as you described in if people get
37:12 – 37:19 to know your work you don’t mind playing
37:14 – 37:22 the role of the provocateur and that’s
37:19 – 37:25 cool because I am right there with you
37:22 – 37:32 man I’m kind of you know you don’t say
37:25 – 37:33 about almost but there’s there’s
37:32 – 37:34 something good about that there’s
37:33 – 37:37 something about that that I certainly
37:34 – 37:40 respect so I guess I’m gonna kind of
37:37 – 37:43 push you a little bit and ask how much
37:40 – 37:46 of some of these stances that you’re
37:43 – 37:50 taking is you being a provocateur and as
37:46 – 37:54 opposed to you kind of trying to dive
37:50 – 37:58 deep into the underlying realities be
37:54 – 37:59 they political or conspiratorial or
37:58 – 38:03 however you want to look at it I mean
37:59 – 38:06 you sometimes pitch a lot of this commie
38:03 – 38:09 work is wrong work is bad kind of stuff
38:06 – 38:12 money is terrible I mean come on
38:09 – 38:14 that’s not that’s not all I mean because
38:12 – 38:16 at the same time you’re it’s like I just
38:14 – 38:18 listened to an interview or I read an
38:16 – 38:26 interview you did with what’s-her-name
38:18 – 38:29 Heather Berg yeah at USC I mean at USC
38:26 – 38:32 which is like this elite private school
38:29 – 38:35 just dripping with money and she’s you
38:32 – 38:38 know fighting for the working-class sex
38:35 – 38:40 worker you know I mean it just doesn’t
38:38 – 38:43 ring true on so many levels
38:40 – 38:45 and I think you bring true a little bit
38:43 – 38:47 more because there are some and justices
38:45 – 38:50 that have been done but I mean let’s
38:47 – 38:53 really pull apart the the money thing
38:50 – 38:54 let’s pull apart the work thing and I’ll
38:53 – 38:60 let you start
38:54 – 39:03 and then I’ll attack you viciously okay
38:60 – 39:05 so yeah I mean it so what you’re
39:03 – 39:08 referring to so I wrote and I
39:05 – 39:10 co-authored an article I mean basic it’s
39:08 – 39:12 a conversation between me and dr.
39:10 – 39:16 Heather Berg at USC called the problem
39:12 – 39:19 with sex workers work and in it like we
39:16 – 39:23 just the main focus of that is pulling
39:19 – 39:26 apart why work is why work sucks I do
39:23 – 39:29 believe that so let me walk back for a
39:26 – 39:31 second a lot of the stuff I say is
39:29 – 39:34 provocative the thing that I actually do
39:31 – 39:37 more than provoke though is I agree more
39:34 – 39:38 than I agree so on my show I try not to
39:37 – 39:40 diss
39:38 – 39:42 agree with people because I I don’t I
39:40 – 39:44 want to see what it’s not that I think
39:42 – 39:46 that nobody should ever disagree or that
39:44 – 39:49 that doesn’t give anything in the world
39:46 – 39:50 or debate doesn’t give anything but for
39:49 – 39:52 me it’s not so valuable for me I’d
39:50 – 39:55 rather see what happens on my show
39:52 – 39:58 particularly happy to disagree with you
39:55 – 39:60 here but on my show particularly when we
39:58 – 40:02 try to resonate with each other and see
39:60 – 40:03 what happens you know what can emerge
40:02 – 40:05 from finding the things that we’re
40:03 – 40:08 curious and interested about so I do
40:05 – 40:09 that more than I provide more than I
40:08 – 40:11 provoke on my show so a lot of stuff I
40:09 – 40:14 say that might sound provocative I do
40:11 – 40:16 believe him I do think that work is
40:14 – 40:18 nonsense I did an episode of my show
40:16 – 40:23 that was just a solo episode called work
40:18 – 40:27 and die which is about how you know work
40:23 – 40:28 work really kills I have the statistic
40:27 – 40:29 on the show and I can’t remember it
40:28 – 40:32 right now but the thousands and
40:29 – 40:34 thousands of people that like going to
40:32 – 40:35 work kills whether it’s on the job on
40:34 – 40:38 the weight of the job being depressed
40:35 – 40:39 you know because the job stressed out
40:38 – 40:42 having health problems because the job
40:39 – 40:44 or not having a job and searching for a
40:42 – 40:46 job and killing yourself because you
40:44 – 40:47 can’t find one whatever like there are
40:46 – 40:51 all these statistics done by different
40:47 – 40:53 labor groups and the the idea being that
40:51 – 40:54 not that we shouldn’t apply ourselves
40:53 – 40:57 with effort to things that we are
40:54 – 41:01 interested in but the demand from our
40:57 – 41:03 culture it from our government that says
41:01 – 41:07 work or starve to death
41:03 – 41:08 work or you know or or watch your family
41:07 – 41:11 die because they don’t have insurance
41:08 – 41:15 work or this work or that you know that
41:11 – 41:17 to me is what I’m defining as work is a
41:15 – 41:19 demand that you have to do things in a
41:17 – 41:22 certain way to make money which I don’t
41:19 – 41:25 I I don’t think that the solution to
41:22 – 41:27 that is right there for us I think that
41:25 – 41:30 we would have to take a lot of steps to
41:27 – 41:33 get there but my ultimate goal would be
41:30 – 41:35 that we don’t need to have jobs anymore
41:33 – 41:38 that we can start to reorganize our
41:35 – 41:40 culture in a way that is friendly to
41:38 – 41:43 actually not having the same kind of
41:40 – 41:45 economic system that makes those demands
41:43 – 41:47 yeah that’s fine it’s just completely
41:45 – 41:51 out of touch with reality
41:47 – 41:54 [Laughter]
41:51 – 41:56 we can’t break it down I guess my
41:54 – 41:60 problem with that is it does seem to
41:56 – 42:02 stand in contrast with the fact that the
41:60 – 42:06 phony-baloney lifestyle that we’ve
42:02 – 42:11 created in the West which is the most
42:06 – 42:13 prosperous life in recorded history has
42:11 – 42:17 allowed people greater flexibility and
42:13 – 42:20 greater freedom from the work or star of
42:17 – 42:22 reality than at any time in history you
42:20 – 42:24 know I like all these goofy reality TV
42:22 – 42:26 shows and I wonder watching all these
42:24 – 42:29 survivor shows a lot of times you know
42:26 – 42:31 but if you watch like alone which was I
42:29 – 42:34 love that show because it encompass both
42:31 – 42:35 the need that we have really to be in a
42:34 – 42:37 community and that when we’re putting
42:35 – 42:40 owned and made to survive on our own
42:37 – 42:43 it’s not just the survival lack of food
42:40 – 42:45 that gets us but it’s the lack of being
42:43 – 42:48 with other people and how we need that
42:45 – 42:50 but I digress slightly because what the
42:48 – 42:54 show ultimately reveals is that work or
42:50 – 42:58 starve is the reality that most people
42:54 – 43:00 have faced throughout time and also the
42:58 – 43:05 reality that most people on this planet
43:00 – 43:07 face right now so they’re just I want to
43:05 – 43:10 get too provocative but just to hear you
43:07 – 43:13 kind of talk when Heather talked about
43:10 – 43:16 you know how we shouldn’t work and work
43:13 – 43:18 should there is a worker stiver starve
43:16 – 43:20 reality that’s always been in place
43:18 – 43:22 aren’t you jumping a little bit far
43:20 – 43:25 ahead of the game it’s easier now to
43:22 – 43:29 avoid the work or starve reality than
43:25 – 43:31 ever before move to Portland get a dog
43:29 – 43:32 walk the streets and we’ll give you
43:31 – 43:35 another 400 hours a month just to have a
43:32 – 43:38 dog I mean there you go it’s it’s not
43:35 – 43:43 hard yeah so it’s not so so a few things
43:38 – 43:46 one is that when I say you know when
43:43 – 43:47 we’re comparing say certain indigenous
43:46 – 43:49 cultures that didn’t have the same
43:47 – 43:50 economic structure where it’s like okay
43:49 – 43:53 but if you don’t go and hunt and gather
43:50 – 43:55 you know or do you know minimal
43:53 – 43:58 agriculture like you’ll die because
43:55 – 44:02 you’ll starve what I’m talking about is
43:58 – 44:04 a system that’s set up by an outside
44:02 – 44:08 human constructed force
44:04 – 44:10 that same you know if you don’t if you
44:08 – 44:13 don’t engage in a wage and labor
44:10 – 44:15 relationship in a specific way you’re in
44:13 – 44:18 a lot of trouble right so like even just
44:15 – 44:22 thinking about how hard it’s been for me
44:18 – 44:24 to get to where I am so I I mean great I
44:22 – 44:27 have a patient on I spend a lot of time
44:24 – 44:30 in my day reading and writing and that’s
44:27 – 44:33 awesome and yet like I’ve had a lot of
44:30 – 44:35 time in my life where it was like am I
44:33 – 44:40 going to make rent am I going to do this
44:35 – 44:43 am I going to be able to that’s
44:40 – 44:46 competitive it’s a highly competitive
44:43 – 44:48 environment the fact that we’ve removed
44:46 – 44:50 that lower that lowest layer of
44:48 – 44:52 competitiveness I don’t know if that’s
44:50 – 44:54 good or bad and we can have an argument
44:52 – 44:57 about that but you’ve never had to
44:54 – 45:00 endure that kind of work or starve
44:57 – 45:03 reality that so many people face I’m not
45:00 – 45:05 saying boohoo poor me I’m seeing I want
45:03 – 45:07 that too I want that to be easier for
45:05 – 45:09 everybody else so like I don’t mind
45:07 – 45:10 taking that on obviously if I didn’t I
45:09 – 45:13 wouldn’t do it but I want everybody else
45:10 – 45:14 to have an easier time with it so while
45:13 – 45:16 I agree with you that some of the things
45:14 – 45:19 that have developed in our culture are
45:16 – 45:21 beneficial to giving us more time more
45:19 – 45:23 space more creativity I just want to be
45:21 – 45:25 better I just wanted to be better than
45:23 – 45:28 this even for everybody so it’s not a
45:25 – 45:31 question for me because I’m not I would
45:28 – 45:33 not identify myself as like a socialist
45:31 – 45:35 or Marxist whereas Heather would and I
45:33 – 45:37 think Heather’s really brilliant but I’m
45:35 – 45:40 not I don’t we don’t see eye to eye on
45:37 – 45:43 everything I wouldn’t say that we need
45:40 – 45:46 to get to like a perfect socialist or
45:43 – 45:48 Marxist like economic structure that
45:46 – 45:50 somehow takes care of everybody in some
45:48 – 45:53 glorious like Marxist thing where
45:50 – 45:55 everybody works in this sort of
45:53 – 45:57 collective solidarity way that feeds
45:55 – 45:59 back into this socialist system I don’t
45:57 – 45:60 that’s not I don’t care about that I
45:59 – 46:02 just wanted to be better for everybody
45:60 – 46:05 and I think there are lots of options
46:02 – 46:06 for it to be better so something I feel
46:05 – 46:08 much more alive with this is there’s
46:06 – 46:11 this guy named Fridtjof Bergman who in
46:08 – 46:14 Detroit he was noticing like okay
46:11 – 46:16 everybody is like unemployed here so
46:14 – 46:18 instead of talking about how can we get
46:16 – 46:20 them better jobs like let’s talk about
46:18 – 46:22 what can we do actually to sort of give
46:20 – 46:26 you value and meaning to your day and
46:22 – 46:28 also reconstruct the culture and an
46:26 – 46:30 environment that you live in without
46:28 – 46:33 just sort of jumping back into the
46:30 – 46:36 easiest you know default place which is
46:33 – 46:38 like get a job in a bank and you know
46:36 – 46:40 work 60 hours a week and all that kind
46:38 – 46:42 he was like no no we we have an
46:40 – 46:44 opportunity here for me that’s the
46:42 – 46:46 interesting project is like what other
46:44 – 46:49 options are available to us that are
46:46 – 46:51 better for people I I don’t I agree with
46:49 – 46:54 you that it’s out of touch with the
46:51 – 46:56 reality which is why it’s an important
46:54 – 46:59 project to me because a lot of times the
46:56 – 47:01 reality is really really difficult for a
46:59 – 47:03 lot of people you know and for me
47:01 – 47:04 personally of course I find it difficult
47:03 – 47:06 but I’m not going to complain about that
47:04 – 47:09 all the time I just want to make it
47:06 – 47:10 easier for people I want people to to
47:09 – 47:12 thrive I want people that have more
47:10 – 47:16 ability to like do all kinds of other
47:12 – 47:18 creative things I do too and I hear that
47:16 – 47:20 I hear where you’re coming from and I
47:18 – 47:23 guess what that stirs up for me is I
47:20 – 47:28 spent a lot of time in my life trying to
47:23 – 47:30 manifest that wealth you know and I was
47:28 – 47:34 able to do it but I spent a ton of time
47:30 – 47:39 investigating how to do it and I read
47:34 – 47:42 every self-help money-oriented get rich
47:39 – 47:45 the not get rich quick but get rich by
47:42 – 47:47 changing the fundamental workings of
47:45 – 47:49 your brains in your belief system and
47:47 – 47:52 all the rest of that and it really
47:49 – 47:54 educated me in kind of the you know one
47:52 – 47:56 of the classic books in this field is
47:54 – 47:60 the Rich Dad Poor Dad kind of thing
47:56 – 48:02 mm-hmm the whole philosophy behind Rich
47:60 – 48:05 Dad Poor Dad is a guy who grows up with
48:02 – 48:09 a poor dad a dad who’s intellectually
48:05 – 48:12 very smart has an advanced degree but is
48:09 – 48:15 like barely getting by and the neighbor
48:12 – 48:19 if the friend is the Rich Dad who’s
48:15 – 48:22 figured it out and the kid goes to
48:19 – 48:24 school and he goes hey I want to
48:22 – 48:26 manifest some of that wealth and he
48:24 – 48:29 started copying the the patterns and the
48:26 – 48:31 behaviors and really the belief system
48:29 – 48:35 of the Rich Dad
48:31 – 48:37 and I guess that’s what I’ve tried to do
48:35 – 48:41 as well I mean if you want to manifest
48:37 – 48:44 wealth go look at successful people and
48:41 – 48:47 talk to them not about what they do talk
48:44 – 48:49 to them about what they believe talk to
48:47 – 48:52 them about how they see the world and
48:49 – 48:55 you will find that you can manifest all
48:52 – 48:58 the things that you want not only money
48:55 – 49:01 but health happiness better
48:58 – 49:04 relationships all those things and that
49:01 – 49:07 to me is so ingrained in me as just a
49:04 – 49:12 reality of how the world works that it
49:07 – 49:17 pains me to see people take this kind of
49:12 – 49:20 radically just misguided idea that money
49:17 – 49:23 is the problem I mean you are such a
49:20 – 49:25 highly competitive guy to reach where
49:23 – 49:27 you are in terms of your ph.d program
49:25 – 49:29 that’s very competitive for you to
49:27 – 49:31 succeed in that world is gonna be very
49:29 – 49:33 competitive and then I say people like
49:31 – 49:35 you who jump over into this other realm
49:33 – 49:36 and start talking about work and start
49:35 – 49:39 talking about money you want to go oh no
49:36 – 49:40 I don’t want to compete there I want to
49:39 – 49:42 just you know kind of pretend like
49:40 – 49:45 everything should be different you know
49:42 – 49:47 that the whole thing should be oriented
49:45 – 49:50 at a different way and it’s not man it’s
49:47 – 49:52 work or starve it’s competition it’s you
49:50 – 49:54 rise to the top or you fall to the
49:52 – 49:57 bottom and we’ve already made the bottom
49:54 – 49:58 not that bad like I say moved org and
49:57 – 50:00 get a dog and you get in order dollars a
49:58 – 50:02 month I mean move – there are some
50:00 – 50:04 countries that are better than this one
50:02 – 50:07 at that I think right but that’s not
50:04 – 50:09 good cuz it’s not good but go ahead well
50:07 – 50:12 no all I’m saying is that that like the
50:09 – 50:16 where the bottom is could be raised a
50:12 – 50:18 bit more but what I’m but what well this
50:16 – 50:20 is mine it’s a minor point compared to
50:18 – 50:24 what I’m about to say so let’s leave it
50:20 – 50:27 there for a second so the thing that the
50:24 – 50:29 the thing that you’re saying okay I
50:27 – 50:31 agree with a lot of what you’re saying
50:29 – 50:32 which is like talk to successful people
50:31 – 50:34 about their mindset all that sort of
50:32 – 50:36 stuff I think that that’s really
50:34 – 50:39 important and I think one of the hugest
50:36 – 50:41 feelings of leftist politics the in fact
50:39 – 50:42 the failing I would say is that it’s
50:41 – 50:44 left it
50:42 – 50:47 that is that spirituality does not exist
50:44 – 50:48 there by and large it’s it’s absence or
50:47 – 50:50 a conscious engagement with spirituality
50:48 – 50:54 doesn’t exist there by and large and so
50:50 – 50:56 all this sort of New Age self-help stuff
50:54 – 50:57 you know that I still have a hard time
50:56 – 50:60 even talking about with that laughing at
50:57 – 51:04 it because of my own like in ingrained
50:60 – 51:06 stigma is like I I think that that stuff
51:04 – 51:08 is so important and in fact a huge
51:06 – 51:09 turnaround moment in my life was when I
51:08 – 51:10 was like you know I should probably
51:09 – 51:13 start listening to these people right
51:10 – 51:16 but if we accept that as part of how the
51:13 – 51:18 world works which I do now if that were
51:16 – 51:20 available to everybody it surely would
51:18 – 51:22 change the economic system so like if
51:20 – 51:25 everybody was thinking in this sort of
51:22 – 51:26 wealth consciousness self-help like out
51:25 – 51:29 it’s just not that’s just not that’s not
51:26 – 51:33 how it works Conor again how can you go
51:29 – 51:36 from being having this kind of expansive
51:33 – 51:37 world view of how everything can be
51:36 – 51:40 better if we raise everyone’s
51:37 – 51:43 consciousness if we all start thinking
51:40 – 51:46 in a more fruitful productive way and
51:43 – 51:49 then switch gears and get back into the
51:46 – 51:51 scarcity model of saying oh yeah but if
51:49 – 51:54 everyone did that it’s like that’s not
51:51 – 51:56 how it works just manifest more for
51:54 – 51:59 yourself in your life and help other
51:56 – 52:03 people manifest more and everything will
51:59 – 52:04 take care of itself well see but I agree
52:03 – 52:05 with that statement you just made but I
52:04 – 52:08 don’t think it was what you were saying
52:05 – 52:10 before what is it and maybe it’s because
52:08 – 52:11 I misunderstand what you’re saying or
52:10 – 52:14 maybe because we have an actual
52:11 – 52:17 disagreement here I think that first of
52:14 – 52:18 all a lot of people are wounded by the
52:17 – 52:22 way we talk about things in this culture
52:18 – 52:24 right so and some of its personal
52:22 – 52:27 responsibility and some of its a genuine
52:24 – 52:29 cultural wound where that kind of stuff
52:27 – 52:31 doesn’t feel as readily accessible to
52:29 – 52:33 people for all sorts of reasons like
52:31 – 52:37 this kind of this mindset this attitude
52:33 – 52:39 this abundance wealth stuff that for a
52:37 – 52:42 lot of reasons is prohibitive for people
52:39 – 52:43 now I’m not saying I’m not saying that
52:42 – 52:44 they can’t get there and I think that
52:43 – 52:46 that’s actually a really shitty
52:44 – 52:48 statement to say that they couldn’t ever
52:46 – 52:51 possibly imagine that I think that that
52:48 – 52:53 actually is really wrong but I’m seeing
52:51 – 52:55 that there’s a lot of reasons why that
52:53 – 52:58 people have a hard time embracing that
52:55 – 53:00 I understand how that works well it’s
52:58 – 53:04 not like I think I think that I think
53:00 – 53:06 it’s actually the same so but what so I
53:04 – 53:07 just want to acknowledge that that it’s
53:06 – 53:09 more difficult for some people than
53:07 – 53:11 others to be able to access that so like
53:09 – 53:14 I don’t want to acknowledge that I don’t
53:11 – 53:16 want to go there because in the same way
53:14 – 53:17 I’m interested in how you respond I’m
53:16 – 53:19 sorry to be peppering you with questions
53:17 – 53:22 and that’s okay people hate when I do
53:19 – 53:25 this but I do it anyway I’m fine with it
53:22 – 53:28 I drew I drew you into the spiritual
53:25 – 53:30 kind of thing and you jumped right on
53:28 – 53:31 there which i think is awesome and
53:30 – 53:34 that’s where we meet and have this kind
53:31 – 53:37 of synergy so it’s like you know if we
53:34 – 53:40 were to say what you were just saying
53:37 – 53:44 and then said substituted their
53:40 – 53:47 fundamentalist Christian or radical
53:44 – 53:49 Muslim or fundamentalist Muslim or
53:47 – 53:51 whatever you want to say people would
53:49 – 53:55 take offense and say oh you’re saying
53:51 – 53:57 that Muslims are unable to access this
53:55 – 54:00 greater spiritual reality that is
53:57 – 54:03 outside of their narrowly confined
54:00 – 54:05 cultural kind of let me make sure you
54:03 – 54:07 get my point because it’s like I don’t
54:05 – 54:08 think there’s much of a difference and I
54:07 – 54:10 that’s my point
54:08 – 54:12 I think culturally we kind of
54:10 – 54:14 compartmentalized and have these
54:12 – 54:17 different silos and say oh yeah you know
54:14 – 54:20 someone someone hasn’t been exposed to
54:17 – 54:23 which there’s an undoubtedly there’s a
54:20 – 54:25 reality of the fact that and I’ve worked
54:23 – 54:29 just a little bit with kids who are
54:25 – 54:32 homeless kids and you know talk to them
54:29 – 54:35 about money and about and it’s crazy to
54:32 – 54:37 hear the kind of belief systems that
54:35 – 54:39 they have because that’s all they’ve
54:37 – 54:42 ever experienced so there’s a reality to
54:39 – 54:45 what you’re saying no doubt but the
54:42 – 54:47 ability to expose people to that and to
54:45 – 54:49 change that reality and change that
54:47 – 54:52 belief system it isn’t this monumental
54:49 – 54:55 problem and it certainly isn’t framed up
54:52 – 54:56 as the problem what you guys are doing
54:55 – 54:58 is framing up the problem is completely
54:56 – 55:01 different and I think what what helps it
54:58 – 55:03 and is interesting to you and I is when
55:01 – 55:05 we do the same thing we would never say
55:03 – 55:07 that about someone who’s stuck in a
55:05 – 55:09 belief system that’s very limiting in
55:07 – 55:11 terms of being a fundamentalist
55:09 – 55:13 Christian or fundamentalist Muslim we’d
55:11 – 55:16 never say oh wow you know that’s a
55:13 – 55:21 belief system problem and that’s what we
55:16 – 55:24 need to attack well okay I’m I might say
55:21 – 55:26 that I don’t know but I mean I was more
55:24 – 55:27 talking about like so when you’re
55:26 – 55:28 talking about the homeless kids or
55:27 – 55:31 whatever I’m talking more about somebody
55:28 – 55:33 who has three jobs because they’ve grown
55:31 – 55:36 up in a culture that’s like made them
55:33 – 55:39 think that they have to have like you
55:36 – 55:40 know three five ten you know most people
55:39 – 55:43 don’t have time jobs but people that are
55:40 – 55:45 like working their asses off like 80
55:43 – 55:48 hours a week and like they don’t have
55:45 – 55:50 the psychic space to which you rest in
55:48 – 55:54 the same way that when someone’s really
55:50 – 55:56 anxious yes perhaps the problem perhaps
55:54 – 55:57 the problem is solvable by saying well
55:56 – 55:59 don’t be anxious anymore
55:57 – 56:01 but if you say that to someone who’s in
55:59 – 56:03 the middle of a panic attack it usually
56:01 – 56:06 isn’t very effective so all I’m saying
56:03 – 56:08 is that there are ways to communicate to
56:06 – 56:10 different kinds of people who are in
56:08 – 56:12 different kinds of life situations these
56:10 – 56:14 kinds of lessons and I think that we
56:12 – 56:18 need to develop those a bit more so some
56:14 – 56:20 part of my project actually is talking
56:18 – 56:22 to like let’s break it down to a
56:20 – 56:24 spiritual level like and say that these
56:22 – 56:26 are in some ways spiritual principles
56:24 – 56:27 when we’re talking well in a lot of ways
56:26 – 56:30 spiritual principles we’re talking about
56:27 – 56:31 you know wealth and abundance and
56:30 – 56:32 understanding money differently and
56:31 – 56:35 seeing the world differently and all
56:32 – 56:38 that kind of stuff I am trying to talk
56:35 – 56:40 to people that are have all kinds of
56:38 – 56:42 obstacles and and ways of prohibiting
56:40 – 56:46 those conversations from entering their
56:42 – 56:48 communities ie Marxist left this all
56:46 – 56:50 that what I find is that a lot of them
56:48 – 56:52 are actually really interested in these
56:50 – 56:55 caught in these conversations but have
56:52 – 56:57 felt for whatever reason that they can’t
56:55 – 56:59 let it in or they can’t embrace it and I
56:57 – 57:01 know that from my own experience as
56:59 – 57:04 being someone who laughed at this shit
57:01 – 57:08 his entire life until finally like three
57:04 – 57:10 years ago I was like you know you have a
57:08 – 57:12 lot going on for you your that you know
57:10 – 57:15 poor dad in the in the book that you
57:12 – 57:17 talked about like you went to school
57:15 – 57:19 you’ve studied with some of the greatest
57:17 – 57:22 thinkers in the world you have a lot of
57:19 – 57:24 really fascinating interesting friends
57:22 – 57:26 you have a degree of public respect but
57:24 – 57:28 you have never had your money in order
57:26 – 57:30 in your life why is that and so when I
57:28 – 57:32 finally dug down I was like maybe listen
57:30 – 57:35 to the people to talk about how to do
57:32 – 57:39 that a little bit more it did change my
57:35 – 57:41 life and I and and I still struggle with
57:39 – 57:43 it I think that there are unconscious
57:41 – 57:45 obstacles that are in my way I think
57:43 – 57:47 that I haven’t been as open as I need to
57:45 – 57:50 be so I’m taking some you know personal
57:47 – 57:52 responsibility and all that and in what
57:50 – 57:58 I’m presenting is well here but I just
57:52 – 57:59 think like yes go to put in another way
57:58 – 58:01 it’s like yeah we can talk to some of
57:59 – 58:03 these people that have been really
58:01 – 58:05 successful and then some of them they’re
58:03 – 58:07 really successful but they don’t give a
58:05 – 58:09 shit about helping anybody else at all
58:07 – 58:11 right I mean you talk about these people
58:09 – 58:12 all the time on your show there are
58:11 – 58:14 plenty of successful powerful rich
58:12 – 58:16 people who really don’t give a shit
58:14 – 58:18 about grinding everybody else sound into
58:16 – 58:20 the ground so there’s another component
58:18 – 58:22 there that has to do with compassion and
58:20 – 58:25 morality that’s not just about success
58:22 – 58:27 that I think is really important to
58:25 – 58:28 bring these conversations so for me when
58:27 – 58:31 I see somebody who’s struggling and
58:28 – 58:33 struggling with being able to allow a
58:31 – 58:35 spiritual concept of money or any
58:33 – 58:38 spiritual concept at all for that matter
58:35 – 58:42 into their lives I want to have the
58:38 – 58:43 compassion that helps them to to realize
58:42 – 58:44 that and understand that does that make
58:43 – 58:46 sense
58:44 – 58:47 I hope that seems on topic to you
58:46 – 58:49 because I realized I went a lot of
58:47 – 58:51 different directions there no it seems
58:49 – 58:53 totally on topic and I would relate it
58:51 – 58:55 back to you I hope people are following
58:53 – 58:58 this conversation or enjoying this
58:55 – 59:01 conversation as much as I am because I
58:58 – 59:04 would rewind to the point where you
59:01 – 59:09 talked about the inability of the
59:04 – 59:12 neoliberal eyes left to connect with the
59:09 – 59:15 spiritual part of that because I think
59:12 – 59:19 you draw it a good point so if you are
59:15 – 59:22 money focused materialistically focused
59:19 – 59:25 on manifesting that for yourself and
59:22 – 59:28 you’re disconnected from the spiritual
59:25 – 59:31 compassionate part we can all see that
59:28 – 59:36 and point at that and go oh how terrible
59:31 – 59:40 but when we see the Atheist Heather Berg
59:36 – 59:44 USC disconnect were unable to do the
59:40 – 59:48 same were unable to do the same and say
59:44 – 59:51 well your compassion is disconnected
59:48 – 59:52 from the deeper spiritual reality that’s
59:51 – 59:55 number one
59:52 – 59:58 and you are therefore disconnected from
59:55 – 60:01 this other reality which is the
59:58 – 60:05 spirituality of manifesting in your life
60:01 – 60:09 so it’s like she’s on shaky ground on
60:05 – 60:13 both sides because she’s occupying this
60:09 – 60:16 kind of secular atheistic work is this
60:13 – 60:19 detached from any kind of larger
60:16 – 60:22 spiritual context and then she’s also
60:19 – 60:24 detached from the reality of manifesting
60:22 – 60:28 and that’s the frustrating part for
60:24 – 60:30 someone like me yeah well I think that
60:28 – 60:34 that I think it’s a really good point
60:30 – 60:36 I’m cringing a little bit because others
60:34 – 60:37 is awesome and she’s a good friend of
60:36 – 60:40 mutton and I think she’s really smart
60:37 – 60:42 but but I understand you’re using her as
60:40 – 60:44 an example as emblematic of a certain
60:42 – 60:47 kind of thinking I think I think that
60:44 – 60:52 like the I think that yeah again it’s
60:47 – 60:54 like the the Marxist labor focus flaw
60:52 – 60:56 and I wouldn’t call those people neo
60:54 – 60:58 liberals but I do also think Nia
60:56 – 61:00 liberals have the same troubles in a lot
60:58 – 61:02 of ways with could is that it’s not
61:00 – 61:04 connected to spirituality for the most
61:02 – 61:07 part I mean there are some Marxist that
61:04 – 61:09 are doing it but I think that that’s one
61:07 – 61:12 of the major flaws well I am interested
61:09 – 61:15 in by the way just as a side note when I
61:12 – 61:16 talk about politics or when I talk about
61:15 – 61:18 politics with mark says when I talk
61:16 – 61:21 about it with socialists well I think
61:18 – 61:23 that they do really good is talk about
61:21 – 61:29 the rights dimension really well so they
61:23 – 61:31 talk about tactics and how and and why
61:29 – 61:34 human rights matter for everybody that
61:31 – 61:37 to me is like the gift of that kind of
61:34 – 61:39 thinking because I think that like we
61:37 – 61:40 need to talk about rights and we need to
61:39 – 61:43 talk about culture and we need to talk
61:40 – 61:47 about economics all in really coherent
61:43 – 61:50 and thoughtful ways and so I think that
61:47 – 61:52 the Marxist talk about the rights
61:50 – 61:53 aspect really really well so something
61:52 – 61:55 they’re really good at talking about is
61:53 – 61:57 like it doesn’t really matter if you
61:55 – 62:02 like somebody or like the class that
61:57 – 62:04 they’re in or whatever but you do but
62:02 – 62:06 you do need to grant them the same kinds
62:04 – 62:08 of human rights as everybody else and
62:06 – 62:10 their focuses I think is a little off in
62:08 – 62:13 that they locate it so squarely in labor
62:10 – 62:14 and labor rights but I do think that
62:13 – 62:16 that’s something that they’re really
62:14 – 62:18 good at and have developed a lot over
62:16 – 62:19 time so that’s why I’m interested in
62:18 – 62:21 them I don’t expect them to get the
62:19 – 62:23 spiritual principles right and therefore
62:21 – 62:25 there there are other perspectives are
62:23 – 62:26 gonna be skewed and not necessarily up
62:25 – 62:28 to snuff but that’s why I try to have
62:26 – 62:31 those conversations with them about them
62:28 – 62:33 and like I said I find that they’re all
62:31 – 62:35 actually rather interested in them and
62:33 – 62:37 sometimes I encounter somebody who’s
62:35 – 62:39 just like now that’s bullshit not stupid
62:37 – 62:41 and you know I just roll with it because
62:39 – 62:43 I’m like okay this is what a lot of
62:41 – 62:46 people say this isn’t you know you’re
62:43 – 62:48 weird dumb atheist arguments are not
62:46 – 62:50 there they’re nothing new to me and
62:48 – 62:51 they’re not like hurting my feelings or
62:50 – 62:55 whatever I just think that they’re wrong
62:51 – 62:56 and you know but I do find that they’re
62:55 – 62:58 they’re interested in those questions
62:56 – 62:60 they’re just developing that aspect of
62:58 – 63:04 themselves and so I’m just what I’m
62:60 – 63:06 willing to I’m willing to allow people
63:04 – 63:09 to like be in a in a developmental
63:06 – 63:12 process you know that’s that’s all so I
63:09 – 63:14 don’t mind when someone is like working
63:12 – 63:17 on the rights fear of our lives and
63:14 – 63:18 tactics and labor laws and all that kind
63:17 – 63:21 of stuff to improve the lives of others
63:18 – 63:24 as long as they’re willing to engage in
63:21 – 63:26 a curious conversation about the
63:24 – 63:29 spiritual stuff because I find that that
63:26 – 63:31 develops in them you know I what I just
63:29 – 63:33 want to say one thing real quickly about
63:31 – 63:35 my my sister I don’t really talk about
63:33 – 63:37 my family that much publicly just
63:35 – 63:38 because people give me so much shit
63:37 – 63:42 online and in the world that I don’t
63:38 – 63:44 feel like letting them you know get and
63:42 – 63:48 publicizing them too much so then they
63:44 – 63:51 get shit but like you know years ago my
63:48 – 63:53 sister you know she married a Catholic
63:51 – 63:54 so of course they were you know someone
63:53 – 63:56 was raised Catholic so of course they
63:54 – 63:58 were like staunch atheist and I told
63:56 – 63:60 them about Rudolph’s turn in
63:58 – 64:03 anthroposophy there’s a long time ago I
63:60 – 64:05 sort of put I brought it up and
64:03 – 64:09 she laughed at me I mean laughed in my
64:05 – 64:10 face and she brought her husband in and
64:09 – 64:13 he came in the room and he laughed at me
64:10 – 64:17 – he was like what that’s crazy and
64:13 – 64:19 stupid years later she works for an
64:17 – 64:24 anthropological organisation now and he
64:19 – 64:26 does – so meaning like I think that that
64:24 – 64:28 process it can happen in really super
64:26 – 64:30 and I never pushed them again you know
64:28 – 64:33 and now and I always send to myself now
64:30 – 64:36 who’s laughing you know but I don’t I
64:33 – 64:38 think that that process can be very slow
64:36 – 64:40 but I do think that these conversations
64:38 – 64:42 are really really important and I think
64:40 – 64:45 that like when they happen with a spirit
64:42 – 64:47 in a spirit of okay what does this Labor
64:45 – 64:49 Studies person saying that’s resonating
64:47 – 64:50 with me what can I give back to the
64:49 – 64:52 conversation that maybe they haven’t
64:50 – 64:54 thought about you know I think that
64:52 – 64:56 that’s really helpful I mean I really
64:54 – 64:58 knows I’m like taking skeptic Oh down a
64:56 – 64:60 route of like if we all just like have
64:58 – 65:01 really sweet conversations with each
64:60 – 65:04 other everything will be fun and I don’t
65:01 – 65:06 think that’s true either I just want I
65:04 – 65:09 just want to bring that to you I think
65:06 – 65:12 that’s great it’s true and it’s
65:09 – 65:16 consistent with who you are and what you
65:12 – 65:20 do on your show because it’s hard to do
65:16 – 65:23 that and maintain intellectual integrity
65:20 – 65:25 I admire that so I appreciate you
65:23 – 65:27 engaging in that dialogue so let me then
65:25 – 65:30 switch to kind of one other because I
65:27 – 65:32 think I didn’t really know where we were
65:30 – 65:33 gonna go and I guess I kind of ranted a
65:32 – 65:37 little bit there and you did a good job
65:33 – 65:39 of kind of grinding it back to what it’s
65:37 – 65:42 really all about which is this
65:39 – 65:46 disconnection with these spiritual
65:42 – 65:48 realities that we know are true because
65:46 – 65:51 no matter where you approach them
65:48 – 65:55 philosophically scientifically whatever
65:51 – 65:58 we’re forced to move past this crazy
65:55 – 66:01 atheistic materialism that is the
65:58 – 66:05 standard play for everybody so I shift
66:01 – 66:08 that discussion similarly as it goes
66:05 – 66:09 into conspiracy because that’s something
66:08 – 66:12 I’ve been dragged into for the last
66:09 – 66:15 couple years and people really don’t
66:12 – 66:19 like when I go there and
66:15 – 66:21 kind of they’re just not able to go
66:19 – 66:24 there in the back of their mind they
66:21 – 66:27 think there’s some underlying truth they
66:24 – 66:31 suppose to the fact that things aren’t
66:27 – 66:33 really what they seem that social
66:31 – 66:36 engineering really is at play at every
66:33 – 66:39 turn but they don’t really want to go
66:36 – 66:41 there and they just assume laugh it off
66:39 – 66:43 in the same way that you were talking
66:41 – 66:46 about I love the story about the woman
66:43 – 66:47 you were talking to the genie raped her
66:46 – 66:49 so she can’t have sex with resident in
66:47 – 66:52 the first reaction is to laugh ha ha ha
66:49 – 66:55 ha and then both eyes meet you’re like
66:52 – 66:58 is there any potential reality to that
66:55 – 67:01 at all and I think the same thing goes
66:58 – 67:04 on with the conspiracy stuff so if we
67:01 – 67:06 want to talk about you know feminism is
67:04 – 67:09 a great place to jump into it because I
67:06 – 67:12 think it connects to a lot of the other
67:09 – 67:14 social movement interests that you have
67:12 – 67:17 but I passed along to you because I
67:14 – 67:19 think it’s so significant so central to
67:17 – 67:21 this you know the Gloria Steinem thing
67:19 – 67:24 and I always bring up Joe at well
67:21 – 67:27 because I love Joe he’s just a great guy
67:24 – 67:28 I think he’s so smart and he’s drilled
67:27 – 67:31 into some of this stuff in some ways
67:28 – 67:34 that other people haven’t but Gloria
67:31 – 67:36 Steinem is CIA you know right and that’s
67:34 – 67:39 right not that’s like that conspiracy
67:36 – 67:42 theory that’s like a real feminist
67:39 – 67:44 finally investigated her and really
67:42 – 67:47 drilled into it and interviewed her and
67:44 – 67:52 nailed her on it and she had to say yeah
67:47 – 67:54 well I was CIA but hey I had to be
67:52 – 67:56 because you know the feminist cause was
67:54 – 67:58 too important and you know and a lot of
67:56 – 68:00 people that was that was enough you know
67:58 – 68:03 that was like oh yeah it was too
68:00 – 68:06 important and if that’s the only way she
68:03 – 68:08 could do it then hurray for that and and
68:06 – 68:10 we all kind of get there cuz it’s like
68:08 – 68:13 yeah there was a huge problem there in
68:10 – 68:15 our society but then when you
68:13 – 68:17 fast-forward and I sent you this link
68:15 – 68:17 and you go I had oh but she’s still at
68:17 – 68:19 it
68:17 – 68:22 and now she’s at it you know you have a
68:19 – 68:26 Syrian background now she’s at it in the
68:22 – 68:28 strangest CIA way again
68:26 – 68:32 where she’s protesting
68:28 – 68:35 against the rights of women in Syria you
68:32 – 68:36 know and it’s like it sounds good and
68:35 – 68:39 then you take a step back and you go
68:36 – 68:42 yeah but is it Syria I’m more
68:39 – 68:44 progressive than just about any other
68:42 – 68:46 state that’s around at any other Arab
68:44 – 68:50 state that’s around it and isn’t Syria
68:46 – 68:53 engaged in this death spiral battle with
68:50 – 68:56 Isis who wants to burqa eyes every woman
68:53 – 68:60 and just completely destroy their rights
68:56 – 69:02 isn’t that a curious position for Gloria
68:60 – 69:05 Steinem to take and then taking it
69:02 – 69:05 outside of that narrow context right
69:05 – 69:08 there
69:05 – 69:12 what does that say to the extent to
69:08 – 69:15 which social engineering right is at
69:12 – 69:19 play with all this stuff where we think
69:15 – 69:23 we’re there so so much of that going on
69:19 – 69:26 and I think that like if people don’t
69:23 – 69:30 want if people don’t want to jump in too
69:26 – 69:36 grand like huge conspiracy and take the
69:30 – 69:37 first step which is have a thought okay
69:36 – 69:40 so here’s something that I think is
69:37 – 69:43 progressive whether it’s feminism or
69:40 – 69:44 whether it’s you know something like
69:43 – 69:46 some sort of fights
69:44 – 69:52 some sort of identity politics or
69:46 – 69:54 another think about how people who are
69:52 – 69:57 not really great people could use that
69:54 – 69:59 against you just think about it take a
69:57 – 70:02 moment and think about it because they
69:59 – 70:05 will because people and people in power
70:02 – 70:07 and with the institutions in power in
70:05 – 70:09 alignment with as you talked about on
70:07 – 70:12 your show before forces including
70:09 – 70:15 spiritual forces that are you know
70:12 – 70:19 engaged in our behaviors and our actions
70:15 – 70:21 they will use anything they can against
70:19 – 70:23 us and one of the best ways to do that
70:21 – 70:26 is stuff that looks really nice on paper
70:23 – 70:29 on the feminist example is really
70:26 – 70:30 personal to me not because of the Syria
70:29 – 70:33 thing although that’s bad enough with
70:30 – 70:36 Gloria Steinem but because of being in
70:33 – 70:39 communities of sex workers right so
70:36 – 70:41 earlier this year there was a bipartisan
70:39 – 70:43 law but there’s a
70:41 – 70:45 there was a law passed by bipartisan
70:43 – 70:47 effort called the fight on line sex
70:45 – 70:49 trafficking Act or the stop enabling sex
70:47 – 70:51 trafficking and foster our sista the
70:49 – 70:54 sort of combined combination of two
70:51 – 70:57 versions of this bill and everybody
70:54 – 70:58 voted against it except for everybody
70:57 – 71:00 voted for it in the Senate for example
70:58 – 71:03 except for two people Ron Wyden and Rand
71:00 – 71:04 Paul and the whole thing was like well
71:03 – 71:06 we need to stop human trafficking we
71:04 – 71:08 need to stop sex trafficking we need to
71:06 – 71:10 both look great I want to stop sex
71:08 – 71:14 trafficking and human trafficking too
71:10 – 71:16 but as a sex worker I know that the law
71:14 – 71:19 conflates human trafficking with
71:16 – 71:21 consensual sex work okay or sex work
71:19 – 71:22 that people have decided to engage in
71:21 – 71:25 for a variety of reasons
71:22 – 71:27 so that’s number one but let’s take it
71:25 – 71:31 more to this sort of skeptic Oh angle
71:27 – 71:35 here the meet of the law was that the
71:31 – 71:39 government can seize or shut down any
71:35 – 71:41 website for the behavior of its users so
71:39 – 71:45 if on Craigslist
71:41 – 71:47 someone advertised for prostitution
71:45 – 71:49 which the government completes with sex
71:47 – 71:51 trafficking then the government can shut
71:49 – 71:54 Craigslist down even though Craigslist
71:51 – 71:57 had no control over what the user did on
71:54 – 71:59 its own site so through this law that
71:57 – 72:01 looks like it’s helping victims of human
71:59 – 72:03 trafficking under the guise of a certain
72:01 – 72:06 form of feminism which was supported by
72:03 – 72:08 like Amy Schumer and Seth Meyers and all
72:06 – 72:13 these celebrities were just complete
72:08 – 72:16 Blockheads now the government has carte
72:13 – 72:18 blanche to shut down any web site with
72:16 – 72:21 something that is beyond that website
72:18 – 72:23 you the web site masters control or the
72:21 – 72:26 owners of web sites control and that
72:23 – 72:27 they can they can it is so broadly
72:26 – 72:29 defined that they can do it whenever
72:27 – 72:31 they want to any web site whatsoever
72:29 – 72:33 which has had a massive effect on like a
72:31 – 72:36 lot of different sites in a lot of
72:33 – 72:39 different avenues so I’m using that as a
72:36 – 72:41 really recent impression example of how
72:39 – 72:43 these kinds of things happen it can
72:41 – 72:45 sound like the best law in the world
72:43 – 72:50 right and it’ll be backed up by an
72:45 – 72:52 amazing ideology of feminism and yet
72:50 – 72:54 what is it what’s actually happening
72:52 – 72:54 there what does that mean and so you get
72:54 – 72:56 the scene
72:54 – 72:59 thing with the Gloria Steinem bullshit
72:56 – 73:02 or how about like Betty Ford an you know
72:59 – 73:05 when she was like you know sometimes we
73:02 – 73:08 aren’t supporting Israel enough we a lot
73:05 – 73:09 of Israeli people that a lot of Israeli
73:08 – 73:12 women that we need to support because
73:09 – 73:14 the Palestinians well they’re really
73:12 – 73:16 into burkas and all that kind of stuff
73:14 – 73:19 no I’m not gonna get in gnashed in the
73:16 – 73:21 whole burqa no burka argument alright he
73:19 – 73:24 you know a job no hijab in the argument
73:21 – 73:26 but I am going to say like that was also
73:24 – 73:29 calculated and she pulled a lot of
73:26 – 73:31 prominent feminists into that into that
73:29 – 73:35 political realm so these kinds of things
73:31 – 73:38 are happening often and all the time and
73:35 – 73:41 that and it to me it’s like you just
73:38 – 73:44 have to keep that spinning in your head
73:41 – 73:47 hmm what could be what could be here
73:44 – 73:49 that might be used against me in this
73:47 – 73:54 progressive Club cause you did sound
73:49 – 73:56 like yesterday it was like Rob Lowe the
73:54 – 73:59 celebrity on Twitter said the yesterday
73:56 – 74:02 as of this recording said I saw Jeremy
73:59 – 74:05 Corbyn called Theresa May a stupid woman
74:02 – 74:08 and so whatever the hell you think about
74:05 – 74:11 Jeremy Corbyn or Theresa May the entire
74:08 – 74:13 like UK news media seized on that
74:11 – 74:15 because Jeremy Corbyn wasn’t a feminist
74:13 – 74:17 enough because he called Theresa May a
74:15 – 74:18 stupid woman again I don’t give a shit
74:17 – 74:20 about what your feelings are about
74:18 – 74:23 brexit or or a true some a in this case
74:20 – 74:27 I mean I do care but and I have my own
74:23 – 74:29 opinions on it but it’s like that it’s
74:27 – 74:31 so easily positioned people can seize
74:29 – 74:33 these things so that’s the that’s just
74:31 – 74:34 the first level of things then you bring
74:33 – 74:37 it up to the level that you talk about
74:34 – 74:40 on the show which is like there aren’t
74:37 – 74:42 people that are really calculatedly like
74:40 – 74:44 trying to make these decisions and bring
74:42 – 74:45 these kinds of things out and then you
74:44 – 74:47 take it up to the next level if you
74:45 – 74:48 really want to go there and talk about
74:47 – 74:50 well there are probably people behind
74:48 – 74:52 them too and then take it up to the next
74:50 – 74:55 level and talk about forces spiritual
74:52 – 74:58 forces whatever you want to say but I
74:55 – 75:01 think the doorway in is like that any
74:58 – 75:04 reasonable person can engage with is mmm
75:01 – 75:05 what might be what might be here that we
75:04 – 75:07 should think about I don’t think a
75:05 – 75:10 Russia gate thing is a very
75:07 – 75:12 obvious example that more and more
75:10 – 75:14 people I think are picking up on like
75:12 – 75:15 there might be some there might be some
75:14 – 75:18 problems with this whole like Russia
75:15 – 75:18 Russia Russia narrative interfering with
75:18 – 75:21 the election
75:18 – 75:24 I’ve been slow to come around to the
75:21 – 75:29 Trump bashing kind of thing because
75:24 – 75:33 Trump so represents this possibility
75:29 – 75:37 this dream that someone outside of the
75:33 – 75:39 system really can be outside of the
75:37 – 75:42 system and not write a counterfeit
75:39 – 75:46 which if you look deeply as I have just
75:42 – 75:49 recently into the crazy sexual shit
75:46 – 75:51 quote-unquote modeling agency where he’s
75:49 – 75:54 bringing over twelve to fifteen year old
75:51 – 75:58 girls and applying for these special
75:54 – 76:01 visas then his association with Epstein
75:58 – 76:04 which is much deeper and much more
76:01 – 76:07 well-established than anyone wants to
76:04 – 76:10 acknowledge in the media he’s right in
76:07 – 76:12 the middle of that whole sex thing and
76:10 – 76:15 it could be different for him than the
76:12 – 76:17 pedo thing that’s going on or different
76:15 – 76:19 than the pizza gate thing or different
76:17 – 76:21 than the satanic ritual abuse thing
76:19 – 76:24 which is something else we could pull
76:21 – 76:26 apart because you know you take satanic
76:24 – 76:29 ritual abuse and look at how that’s
76:26 – 76:31 processed through the society as I throw
76:29 – 76:33 those words out there’s a lot of people
76:31 – 76:35 out there I know who are going do you
76:33 – 76:37 mean the satanic panic right you mean
76:35 – 76:38 the thing that didn’t really happen
76:37 – 76:41 right
76:38 – 76:44 no go three layers deeper and you’ll see
76:41 – 76:48 that the children showed up with STDs
76:44 – 76:50 these preschool children show up with
76:48 – 76:51 STDs all the ones at the preschool or a
76:50 – 76:53 large number of them at the preschool
76:51 – 76:56 how does that happen
76:53 – 76:60 they show up with terrors anal tears and
76:56 – 77:00 other sexual injuries how does that
76:60 – 77:04 happen
77:00 – 77:08 so again but the narrative that needed
77:04 – 77:11 to happen was satanic panic there’s no
77:08 – 77:15 such thing as satanic ritual sexual
77:11 – 77:18 abuse disregard the fact that we have it
77:15 – 77:20 documented here and here and here and
77:18 – 77:21 with this cop and with that Detective
77:20 – 77:25 and all of
77:21 – 77:28 the place it becomes a rewrite of
77:25 – 77:32 reality and the reason I go there to the
77:28 – 77:35 satanic ritual abuse thing is because it
77:32 – 77:39 does launch us as you described kind of
77:35 – 77:42 three layers deep right yeah yeah well I
77:39 – 77:44 mean this the satanic panic and satanic
77:42 – 77:46 ritual abuse thing it’s worse than you
77:44 – 77:49 say because actually both those things
77:46 – 77:51 are true which is that some of it was
77:49 – 77:55 bullshit and some of it’s not and so
77:51 – 77:57 they used the stuff that’s bullshit to
77:55 – 78:03 convince us that this stuff that’s real
77:57 – 78:05 is not real and then and then the stuff
78:03 – 78:08 that’s bullshit ends up hurting a lot of
78:05 – 78:11 innocent people and it allows them to
78:08 – 78:13 control narratives about the occult and
78:11 – 78:15 the paranormal and spirituality in our
78:13 – 78:18 culture that any investigation of magic
78:15 – 78:20 or the occult or spirituality is like
78:18 – 78:23 going to be satanic and all that kind of
78:20 – 78:25 stuff so it’s leveraged in so many ways
78:23 – 78:28 and it and I think that the problem that
78:25 – 78:30 people have is like they’ll go to one
78:28 – 78:32 side or the other they’ll be like I was
78:30 – 78:34 all bullshit well sure a lot of it was
78:32 – 78:36 bullshit you know I’m sure that most
78:34 – 78:37 kids who play Dungeons and Dragons in
78:36 – 78:41 the 80s we’re not fucked up by it right
78:37 – 78:43 like some of them were right or like
78:41 – 78:45 some of that some of the abuse stuff
78:43 – 78:47 some of those abuse narratives were
78:45 – 78:51 bullshit and they ended up putting
78:47 – 78:54 innocent people in jail and some of it
78:51 – 78:55 was real legitimate cover-up stuff and
78:54 – 78:57 when you look into it and you hear
78:55 – 78:59 people talking about it it’s like well
78:57 – 79:04 some of that shit was definitely going
78:59 – 79:06 on so is is going on yes sorry yeah is
79:04 – 79:07 going on I mean I don’t think you I
79:06 – 79:09 don’t think you have to stretch too far
79:07 – 79:12 back into history to just be like well
79:09 – 79:16 we have a lot of evidence that you know
79:12 – 79:19 throughout history people you know in
79:16 – 79:23 government’s and of hot in high status
79:19 – 79:25 did like used have done you know really
79:23 – 79:27 violent sexual rituals within it with
79:25 – 79:29 people who did not ask to be involved in
79:27 – 79:31 those violent sexual rituals I don’t
79:29 – 79:33 think anybody would dispute that to the
79:31 – 79:35 idea that somehow it doesn’t exist in
79:33 – 79:38 our time is so naive
79:35 – 79:40 I just want to say that like the picture
79:38 – 79:42 is really complicated so what people do
79:40 – 79:44 is they go to one side or the other
79:42 – 79:46 they’re like oh it’s all real no it is
79:44 – 79:48 all all that satanic ritual abuse stuff
79:46 – 79:49 that’s the grand narrative of our
79:48 – 79:52 culture or they say oh no it’s all
79:49 – 79:55 stupid and it takes a lot more effort
79:52 – 79:57 than that unfortunately I’m with you and
79:55 – 80:01 I think you make a great point but let’s
79:57 – 80:05 go down the path of it’s the grand
80:01 – 80:07 political social engineering narrative
80:05 – 80:11 of our time thing for a minute because I
80:07 – 80:15 really don’t think that gets enough play
80:11 – 80:19 if Trump is our current sexual blackmail
80:15 – 80:23 Roy Cohen kind of figure which if people
80:19 – 80:25 don’t know who row Cohen is you know
80:23 – 80:30 just go investigate but admitted that
80:25 – 80:32 sexual blackmail was his political tool
80:30 – 80:34 of choice and it has been for a lot of
80:32 – 80:38 people and J Edgar Hoover was
80:34 – 80:40 politically blackmailed for his gayness
80:38 – 80:42 and his desire to dress up in women’s
80:40 – 80:44 clothing and that’s why he ran around
80:42 – 80:48 for the longest time saying ridiculous
80:44 – 80:50 things like mafia what mafia well you
80:48 – 80:52 say that when they have all the photos
80:50 – 80:55 of you you know you’ll say whatever they
80:52 – 80:57 want but you know if you look it then
80:55 – 80:59 and you start diving into this I’m just
80:57 – 81:00 going to throw out some kind of things
80:59 – 81:02 here and then people will have to
81:00 – 81:04 investigate on their own but some people
81:02 – 81:07 know if you look at the Franklin scandal
81:04 – 81:10 tightly linked to the Republican Party
81:07 – 81:13 and then it was also the call-boy
81:10 – 81:15 scandal related in Washington it’s it’s
81:13 – 81:19 hard to know and then of course pizza
81:15 – 81:22 gate and that has all these direct links
81:19 – 81:26 not only to child abuse and child
81:22 – 81:30 trafficking but to occulted and satanic
81:26 – 81:31 kind of practices and I hear you and
81:30 – 81:34 that a lot of people don’t know where to
81:31 – 81:38 draw the line but it seems much more
81:34 – 81:41 common to me and especially people in
81:38 – 81:42 the occult and magic community that they
81:41 – 81:46 don’t even want a tiptoe into those
81:42 – 81:49 waters I mean Podesta Dennis hazard we
81:46 – 81:52 have the emails why is put
81:49 – 81:54 talking to Dennis hazard like this what
81:52 – 81:58 do they have in common what they have in
81:54 – 82:00 common is pedophilia because hazard is a
81:58 – 82:02 convicted pedophile that the judge who
82:00 – 82:05 sentenced him said you know you’re one
82:02 – 82:07 of the worst examples of this kind of
82:05 – 82:10 horrific stuff that we’ve seen and then
82:07 – 82:12 if you look at Podesta and all we have
82:10 – 82:14 is circumstantial stuff but I mean
82:12 – 82:17 anyone who’s objective about looking at
82:14 – 82:19 that it takes you places that you don’t
82:17 – 82:23 want to go so if I can spin all that
82:19 – 82:26 back how is this not the main political
82:23 – 82:28 narrative of I don’t want to say our
82:26 – 82:32 time because we don’t know how far back
82:28 – 82:34 it stretches but it just seems to be so
82:32 – 82:36 much more prominent than anyone’s
82:34 – 82:38 willing to really acknowledge and
82:36 – 82:41 especially in your world where I’m kind
82:38 – 82:44 of attacking you and the neoliberal
82:41 – 82:47 level they are so detached from this
82:44 – 82:52 again because their inability to deal
82:47 – 82:54 with the greater and spiritual reality
82:52 – 82:58 that exists completely shuts them down
82:54 – 82:59 from this they just can’t go there yeah
82:58 – 83:02 I mean they’re they’re completely
82:59 – 83:04 incapable I mean one of the reasons why
83:02 – 83:06 is because what we talked about at the
83:04 – 83:08 top of the show we are controlled and
83:06 – 83:13 shamed into not having conversations
83:08 – 83:14 about sex – not having conversations
83:13 – 83:17 about politics they’re not having
83:14 – 83:21 conversations about spirituality or even
83:17 – 83:23 philosophy at this point so all of those
83:21 – 83:25 things are difficult for us to talk
83:23 – 83:27 about for various reasons which you know
83:25 – 83:31 we probably don’t have time to go into
83:27 – 83:33 all the reasons why but so we’re first
83:31 – 83:34 of all completely unequip to even talk
83:33 – 83:36 about it so even if we got over that
83:34 – 83:39 first hurdle of deciding to think about
83:36 – 83:40 it and go into it a very few of us even
83:39 – 83:41 have the language to have that
83:40 – 83:45 discussion so most people are inept when
83:41 – 83:46 it comes to it but I also think I always
83:45 – 83:49 come back to you know when we talk about
83:46 – 83:51 pizza gate for example I actually don’t
83:49 – 83:52 know all the particulars of the pizza
83:51 – 83:55 gate I don’t know all the particulars
83:52 – 83:57 about Podesta’s emails and all that kind
83:55 – 83:60 of thing so in some ways I fail to meet
83:57 – 84:02 the demand that you would maybe have of
83:60 – 84:06 me here
84:02 – 84:09 what I do have is like okay well I care
84:06 – 84:12 about I actually genuinely care about
84:09 – 84:17 when as much as I can without just
84:12 – 84:19 losing my mind when we drone strike
84:17 – 84:23 villages in Pakistan and kill children
84:19 – 84:26 right so what when I why I bring that up
84:23 – 84:30 is like there’s a cognitive dissonance
84:26 – 84:32 about who’s being harmed where how we
84:30 – 84:35 harm people all that kind of stuff to me
84:32 – 84:36 although I have not investigated the
84:35 – 84:40 particulars of a lot of these child
84:36 – 84:42 abuse scandals would have surprised me
84:40 – 84:46 that a government that is willing to
84:42 – 84:50 murder kids with bombs and guns you know
84:46 – 84:54 in foreign wars would do crazy shit like
84:50 – 84:56 that in this country no and and so I
84:54 – 84:58 feel like my ethical and moral compass
84:56 – 85:01 is in the right place which is at least
84:58 – 85:03 part of what’s needed for this because I
85:01 – 85:06 think also there’s a way in which people
85:03 – 85:09 go down these conspiracy rabbit holes
85:06 – 85:12 which I think sometimes really produce
85:09 – 85:15 worthwhile information and perspectives
85:12 – 85:16 for us but they go down them as a way to
85:15 – 85:18 distract themselves from the moral
85:16 – 85:20 dimension of the thing that’s happening
85:18 – 85:22 all over the world in the first place
85:20 – 85:25 and that also I think is just as
85:22 – 85:28 concerning for me where it becomes this
85:25 – 85:29 like whodunit put all the strings on the
85:28 – 85:33 board and connect everything together
85:29 – 85:35 you know in information game that loses
85:33 – 85:37 its moral core where you look outward
85:35 – 85:39 into the world where you don’t even have
85:37 – 85:42 to do any of that work and see yeah
85:39 – 85:44 governments and corporations murder and
85:42 – 85:46 torture children there’s no question
85:44 – 85:48 about that at all and I should be really
85:46 – 85:52 concerned of that on a worldwide scale
85:48 – 85:54 now it’s both those things are still
85:52 – 85:57 leaving out the whole dimension of this
85:54 – 85:60 sort of spiritual aspect of well what
85:57 – 86:03 does it mean that we might kill people
85:60 – 86:08 kill kids torture kids sexually abuse
86:03 – 86:10 kids for a sexual spiritual ritual in
86:08 – 86:12 the world what does that mean and what
86:10 – 86:14 does that reveal to us I hear you but
86:12 – 86:15 you you’re kind of not answering the
86:14 – 86:17 question
86:15 – 86:20 here’s the point what interested me from
86:17 – 86:24 the beginning about pizza gate and about
86:20 – 86:26 satanic ritual abuse and generally about
86:24 – 86:28 sexual abuse of children which
86:26 – 86:31 oftentimes doesn’t have anything to do
86:28 – 86:34 with sex it has to do with violence and
86:31 – 86:38 when I interviewed Bob hammer FBI agent
86:34 – 86:40 20 years who infiltrated NAMBLA man-boy
86:38 – 86:43 love Association phony political front
86:40 – 86:46 and the conversations that he heard
86:43 – 86:50 these men having were not about sex
86:46 – 86:52 or love they were about violence the her
86:50 – 86:54 pod really horrible horrific things that
86:52 – 86:56 they wanted to do to children in ways
86:54 – 86:58 that they wanted to harm them but I
86:56 – 87:01 digress slightly because what that was
86:58 – 87:06 really about to me was the question of
87:01 – 87:09 evil because there’s a moral ambiguity
87:06 – 87:13 to Obama who as I’m sure you were
87:09 – 87:15 referring to drone striking weddings you
87:13 – 87:18 know cuz Obama was the the drone strike
87:15 – 87:20 King in history more drone strikes than
87:18 – 87:23 anyone else and he had a lot of children
87:20 – 87:25 and he killed a lot of innocents all the
87:23 – 87:26 rest of that and I say that slightly
87:25 – 87:28 tongue-in-cheek because of course it
87:26 – 87:32 happened before and it’s happened since
87:28 – 87:34 but let’s let Obama sit on the throne
87:32 – 87:37 there cuz he won that prize but there’s
87:34 – 87:41 a moral ambiguity to that because we
87:37 – 87:42 understand that we need to defend
87:41 – 87:45 ourselves
87:42 – 87:47 so the Dalai Lama says hey if someone
87:45 – 87:49 attacks you it’s okay to deceptive end
87:47 – 87:50 yourself Gandhi says hey even though
87:49 – 87:52 it’s you know turn the other cheek and
87:50 – 87:53 peace and all that we do have a right to
87:52 – 87:57 defend ourselves
87:53 – 88:01 so well-meaning people can have
87:57 – 88:05 differences about how far that defense
88:01 – 88:08 extends and what we should allow
88:05 – 88:10 ourselves or in our governments on our
88:08 – 88:14 behalf to engage in in order to defend
88:10 – 88:17 ourselves the other hand a lot of this
88:14 – 88:19 sexual abuse and satanic stuff strikes
88:17 – 88:20 us as something that is of a different
88:19 – 88:23 ilk
88:20 – 88:25 it is evil in a way that we don’t want
88:23 – 88:28 to look at or fully come to grips with
88:25 – 88:29 it’s evil in a way that I don’t fully
88:28 – 88:33 understand
88:29 – 88:35 but I’m open to wanting to explore
88:33 – 88:38 because I think there’s something there
88:35 – 88:41 that fits into this larger puzzle in
88:38 – 88:44 terms of why someone would engage in
88:41 – 88:47 this kind of evil do you get what I’m
88:44 – 88:49 saying yes okay so first I want to agree
88:47 – 88:52 with you and then I want to turn
88:49 – 88:54 something back to you okay the thing I
88:52 – 88:56 want to agree with you on is yes there’s
88:54 – 88:59 definitely a distinction there and
88:56 – 89:02 anything that looks like satanic ritual
88:59 – 89:04 abuse will reveal something different
89:02 – 89:06 about evil to us that I think is
89:04 – 89:10 important but I would also just turn
89:06 – 89:14 back to you and say maybe like the more
89:10 – 89:16 pernicious and horrible evil is in is in
89:14 – 89:19 the kind of violence that makes us think
89:16 – 89:21 that there’s ambiguity about it maybe
89:19 – 89:23 that’s the thing that’s actually way
89:21 – 89:27 more evil because let’s say somebody
89:23 – 89:29 gets caught like red-handed skinning the
89:27 – 89:31 child and as some of these accounts are
89:29 – 89:34 and like hanging their skin on a tree I
89:31 – 89:37 think our society would condemn that you
89:34 – 89:41 know you know really if they saw it in
89:37 – 89:44 plain sight we see images of people
89:41 – 89:47 being burned alive and it’s public
89:44 – 89:50 record and we talk about that as winning
89:47 – 89:54 and you know and as necessary and as
89:50 – 89:56 ambiguous that to me that spirit that
89:54 – 89:59 thing that’s happening in that space is
89:56 – 90:02 the thing that’s the real real horrific
89:59 – 90:05 instance of evil and it’s not it’s not
90:02 – 90:07 because it’s more evil or less evil than
90:05 – 90:09 you know killing and torturing the kid
90:07 – 90:10 and satanic ritual abuse there are
90:09 – 90:12 distinctions there and I think it’s
90:10 – 90:15 important to notice them it’s just that
90:12 – 90:18 we greeted we greet it with an
90:15 – 90:20 enthusiasm and that to me is really
90:18 – 90:22 really messed up and it’s something that
90:20 – 90:24 we really need to look at and that is
90:22 – 90:30 hidden from us that’s a that’s a
90:24 – 90:33 conspiracy all on its own why we why we
90:30 – 90:36 celebrate that kind of thing and I don’t
90:33 – 90:38 think it’s good to just I’m not saying
90:36 – 90:41 you’re doing this but I’m gonna use a
90:38 – 90:42 forceful word I don’t think it’s good to
90:41 – 90:45 retreat or hide in and
90:42 – 90:47 duty or the idea of complex decisions
90:45 – 90:51 when it comes to that sort of thing
90:47 – 90:53 we have decided unconsciously but then
90:51 – 90:55 I’ve decided to go along with a culture
90:53 – 90:58 that says that that’s okay and that’s
90:55 – 91:00 ambiguous and we have decided so deeply
90:58 – 91:03 that we rarely even try to get ourselves
91:00 – 91:05 out of situations like that or pull
91:03 – 91:07 ourselves back from it or try to dial
91:05 – 91:10 down the way that we do that in the
91:07 – 91:13 world the way that we export murder and
91:10 – 91:15 torture across the entire planet
91:13 – 91:18 a lot of nations do it it’s not just us
91:15 – 91:20 but let’s take responsibility for the
91:18 – 91:21 one we’re in I get you that’s a point
91:20 – 91:24 well taken
91:21 – 91:26 and rather than kind of defend myself
91:24 – 91:28 because you got a point well there’s no
91:26 – 91:31 question about it the one thing I would
91:28 – 91:35 add to that though is where I was coming
91:31 – 91:39 at it from was it clarifies on that I
91:35 – 91:42 think we we agree yes because you know a
91:39 – 91:45 lot of my efforts I guess has been kind
91:42 – 91:47 of wanting to grab atheistic people by
91:45 – 91:50 the shirt collar you know whether they
91:47 – 91:52 be Heather Berg at USC with a
91:50 – 91:55 phony-baloney job or you know some
91:52 – 91:57 atheist who doesn’t even I know you’re
91:55 – 92:01 gonna get a lot of shit from Heather
91:57 – 92:03 she’s welcome to come it’s just
92:01 – 92:06 ridiculous that someone would would say
92:03 – 92:07 those kind of crazy things but it
92:06 – 92:11 anyways to shake those people by the
92:07 – 92:14 Chur color and say there is a larger
92:11 – 92:16 spiritual reality that you got to swim
92:14 – 92:20 in that pond before you can even begin
92:16 – 92:22 to deal with some of this stuff so it’s
92:20 – 92:25 almost like you know you see one entry
92:22 – 92:28 point and I see another entry point I
92:25 – 92:31 see the entry point as being provocative
92:28 – 92:34 and saying yes tannic ritual abuse look
92:31 – 92:36 there is real and it goes all the way up
92:34 – 92:39 in the White House and not just the
92:36 – 92:42 Trump White House but the Obama White
92:39 – 92:44 House the Bush White House and you know
92:42 – 92:47 over and over and over again so it’s
92:44 – 92:49 like that to me is the doorway to saying
92:47 – 92:52 for some people will say oh I do need to
92:49 – 92:54 wake up to that versus I think it is
92:52 – 92:56 harder for people to wake up to the
92:54 – 92:60 drone strike which is
92:56 – 93:03 an extension of the firebombing of Tokyo
92:60 – 93:05 which is an extension of Holocaust of
93:03 – 93:08 the Druids by the Romans which is an
93:05 – 93:11 extension of we’ve seen all that shit
93:08 – 93:13 yeah I mean I think and I think like
93:11 – 93:17 just like I don’t want to dismiss the
93:13 – 93:20 ritual abuse stuff or or other other
93:17 – 93:24 instances of human sacrifice and strange
93:20 – 93:26 occult acts of black magic in high
93:24 – 93:28 places as not interested they’re very
93:26 – 93:30 interesting and I think that the way you
93:28 – 93:33 just said it where you say it clarifies
93:30 – 93:36 what evil is that’s a really interesting
93:33 – 93:38 way of looking at it because I think you
93:36 – 93:40 know people tend to think of evil as
93:38 – 93:42 like oh well you know everybody’s just
93:40 – 93:44 wounded and they’re just acting out of
93:42 – 93:45 the wound like no that’s bullshit and
93:44 – 93:47 you and I both know that that’s bullshit
93:45 – 93:48 because and I’ve heard you talk about it
93:47 – 93:51 and call people out on that and say like
93:48 – 93:53 no that’s bullshit it is total bullshit
93:51 – 93:56 what’s happening when someone’s evil is
93:53 – 94:01 that they are they’ve reached a state
93:56 – 94:04 where they understand their wounds and
94:01 – 94:07 they’re still deciding intentionally to
94:04 – 94:11 align themselves with certain forces in
94:07 – 94:13 our cosmos and in our world – I think
94:11 – 94:15 the way mark booth might have said it I
94:13 – 94:18 love using him as an example because he
94:15 – 94:20 says so much and so eloquently is that
94:18 – 94:24 as counter forces to the evolution of
94:20 – 94:26 humanity and we could unpack evolution
94:24 – 94:28 of humanity and counter forces and all
94:26 – 94:32 that kind of stuff if you want but this
94:28 – 94:35 essentially it means like I’m aligned
94:32 – 94:37 myself with beings that want to undo
94:35 – 94:40 love and compassion in the world and
94:37 – 94:42 I’ve done that intentionally I’ve done
94:40 – 94:45 and freedom and free will and I’ve done
94:42 – 94:47 that intentionally someone someone can I
94:45 – 94:49 mean this is gonna sound strange but
94:47 – 94:51 someone can murder somebody and it won’t
94:49 – 94:54 be evil because they’re doing it because
94:51 – 94:56 they’re crazy and they’re compulsive and
94:54 – 94:58 they’re acting on when they might be in
94:56 – 94:60 the sway of something that’s evil but
94:58 – 95:02 they themselves are outside of their own
94:60 – 95:06 free will evil I think requires free
95:02 – 95:09 will because evil requires intention
95:06 – 95:10 otherwise it’s reflexive it’s compulsive
95:09 – 95:13 so you
95:10 – 95:15 is rare but it’s horrific when it
95:13 – 95:18 happens and I think that both the
95:15 – 95:20 satanic ritual abuse stuff end wars at a
95:18 – 95:23 certain point up the ladder are acts of
95:20 – 95:26 evil whether everybody involved in those
95:23 – 95:28 acts are evil people are doing evil
95:26 – 95:30 themselves and not just sort of in the
95:28 – 95:32 sway of something as if they’re
95:30 – 95:34 hypnotized or in a trance is that’s a
95:32 – 95:37 different question I think you put your
95:34 – 95:39 finger on something and I like how you
95:37 – 95:41 reference marks thing because I gave
95:39 – 95:44 mark a pretty hard time about his kind
95:41 – 95:46 of very Christian worldview and I have a
95:44 – 95:49 lot of respect for him I think he’s
95:46 – 95:51 brilliant in so many ways and I love
95:49 – 95:53 what you said about mark and a
95:51 – 95:56 counterrevolutionary thing and I guess
95:53 – 96:01 let me tip my hand a little bit in that
95:56 – 96:04 I think that is so accessible to all of
96:01 – 96:06 us in a very personal way if we’re
96:04 – 96:08 really honest what are your thoughts on
96:06 – 96:09 that I want to say that one of the
96:08 – 96:14 urgent questions ahead of us is to all
96:09 – 96:16 ask ourselves consistently am i evil is
96:14 – 96:18 to keep that question in mind because
96:16 – 96:20 you’re right it can become that it’s not
96:18 – 96:22 it’s almost like the opposite of being
96:20 – 96:23 when people say he’s crazy it’s like if
96:22 – 96:26 you can ask yourself if you’re crazy
96:23 – 96:27 then you’re not crazy if you can ask
96:26 – 96:29 yourself if you’re evil
96:27 – 96:31 then you actually do have the potential
96:29 – 96:33 to become evil because if you never ask
96:31 – 96:35 then you’re just in this way of
96:33 – 96:37 compulsive sleepwalking forces like
96:35 – 96:38 everybody else and you know nothing you
96:37 – 96:41 do is really evil but also nothing you
96:38 – 96:43 do is really good like you’re not really
96:41 – 96:45 acting out of intention at all so you’re
96:43 – 96:47 not really able to extend to love and
96:45 – 96:49 compassion for real and an intentional
96:47 – 96:51 purposeful and meaningful way to people
96:49 – 96:53 so you have to ask yourself am i evil to
96:51 – 96:55 be able to extend it and that is the
96:53 – 96:57 gift of the possibility of evil to us
96:55 – 96:60 that’s the gift of free will to us is
96:57 – 97:03 that the separation the ability to do
96:60 – 97:04 evil means that if we look at that we
97:03 – 97:07 ask ourselves that that we can do good
97:04 – 97:09 in the world if that makes sense so I
97:07 – 97:13 think that I think that it takes a lot
97:09 – 97:15 of work to do evil in the sense of yes
97:13 – 97:17 it’s available to all of us but so you
97:15 – 97:20 do evil okay so you’re an evil person
97:17 – 97:23 you do lots of horrible black magic in
97:20 – 97:24 this world and I define almost all evil
97:23 – 97:26 as
97:24 – 97:29 black magic honestly so I did not I’m
97:26 – 97:31 bored with spiritual people are cultists
97:29 – 97:33 are like oh who cares black magic white
97:31 – 97:35 magic gray magic cuz I’ll just you know
97:33 – 97:37 whatever no I’m not down with that and
97:35 – 97:39 there are lots of reasons for that but I
97:37 – 97:41 think it’s like yes if you do black
97:39 – 97:44 magic in this lifetime you’re doing evil
97:41 – 97:46 okay so you die so then you die and you
97:44 – 97:48 have a life in between this life in the
97:46 – 97:51 next life and then you’re reborn again
97:48 – 97:53 and so then you probably won’t do evil
97:51 – 97:55 in the next lifetime so okay so you did
97:53 – 97:56 evil on this one you know the way the
97:55 – 97:58 universe works is we have freewill and
97:56 – 98:01 these experiences are available to us at
97:58 – 98:03 one way or another there’s a really
98:01 – 98:04 curious almost hidden little thing that
98:03 – 98:06 Rudolf Steiner says somewhere and I
98:04 – 98:08 don’t exactly even remember where it is
98:06 – 98:10 but he says if you do evil in one
98:08 – 98:13 lifetime okay that sucks you shouldn’t
98:10 – 98:15 do it but everybody who’s been a great
98:13 – 98:17 spiritual master as at some point been a
98:15 – 98:19 black magician in a in a past lifetime
98:17 – 98:22 why because they need to understand the
98:19 – 98:24 totality of human experience so they
98:22 – 98:26 have to go through that trial so even
98:24 – 98:28 the people who have become mass actually
98:26 – 98:32 disclose said that and cipriotti healer
98:28 – 98:33 but he but he said you know so look
98:32 – 98:35 because they need to experience the
98:33 – 98:38 totality of existence to understand the
98:35 – 98:40 real depths of humanity so on a sort of
98:38 – 98:41 cosmic scale it’s that that idea that I
98:40 – 98:43 was talking about before like you have
98:41 – 98:45 to ask yourself if you’re evil to be
98:43 – 98:47 able to do good we have to do evil to do
98:45 – 98:50 great good in another lifetime I’m not
98:47 – 98:52 proposing anybody do evil but I’m just
98:50 – 98:54 saying we go through these lifetimes
98:52 – 98:57 Rudolf Steiner said this very curious
98:54 – 98:60 thing somewhere where he said if you do
98:57 – 99:03 evil in one lifetime fine if you do it
98:60 – 99:05 in 13 lifetimes in a row I don’t know
99:03 – 99:08 where he came up with that number but he
99:05 – 99:11 said your soul will be obliterated now
99:08 – 99:14 in my understanding of spirituality our
99:11 – 99:17 being is that we are all our own
99:14 – 99:21 universes and we’re becoming our own
99:17 – 99:23 universes so if you do evil 13 lifetimes
99:21 – 99:25 in a row and you obliterate your soul
99:23 – 99:28 you’ve made a black hole out of yourself
99:25 – 99:30 and a black hole sucks everything into
99:28 – 99:31 it and that is really counter to
99:30 – 99:33 humanity you’ve done something really
99:31 – 99:35 grievous you’ve done something really
99:33 – 99:36 horrible you’ve aligned yourself with
99:35 – 99:38 forces in the
99:36 – 99:41 universe that really are trying to make
99:38 – 99:44 you a sink that pulls everything into
99:41 – 99:47 nothingness so that is what happens with
99:44 – 99:49 evil as far as I’m concerned there’s a
99:47 – 99:50 lot there that we can go into but I know
99:49 – 99:52 we’re getting to the end of the episode
99:50 – 99:56 so you just let people sit with that I
99:52 – 99:58 guess sit with it they shall get our
99:56 – 100:00 guest has been Connor Habib Connor it’s
99:58 – 100:03 been absolutely great entering into this
100:00 – 100:05 dialogue with you I think it’s so rare
100:03 – 100:08 I’ve never had a chance to talk with
100:05 – 100:09 anyone in this way on skeptic oh so it’s
100:08 – 100:13 a great gift
100:09 – 100:16 check out Connors podcast slash video
100:13 – 100:19 vidcast against everyone with Connor
100:16 – 100:21 Abebe and how else can people reach you
100:19 – 100:24 and follow your progress towards your
100:21 – 100:27 very interesting ah PhD work we were
100:24 – 100:29 talking yeah so um so one of the best
100:27 – 100:30 ways to interact with me because I
100:29 – 100:33 really interact with people in there is
100:30 – 100:36 through my patreon and even if you just
100:33 – 100:38 pledge $1 a month but or you can pledge
100:36 – 100:40 more I respond to everybody on there and
100:38 – 100:40 that’s
100:43 – 100:50 and you know if if I still nevertheless
100:48 – 100:52 appreciate everybody if you want to
100:50 – 100:55 follow me on twitter just at seal in an
100:52 – 100:58 erh ABI be at Connor be on Twitter and
100:55 – 101:01 also you know by subscribing to the
100:58 – 101:03 podcast great Connor well that’s our
101:01 – 101:05 luck and let’s stay in touch right yeah
101:03 – 101:07 we will
101:05 – 101:09 thanks again to Connor herby for joining
101:07 – 101:12 me today on skeptic oh the one question
101:09 – 101:14 I tee up from this interview is the
101:12 – 101:17 question i teed up at the beginning and
101:14 – 101:20 that is is there a disconnect between
101:17 – 101:23 progressive social causes that we all
101:20 – 101:26 identify with and believe in universal
101:23 – 101:31 love and harmony and freedom and justice
101:26 – 101:34 is there a disconnect between that and
101:31 – 101:37 spirituality in that do any of those
101:34 – 101:42 things make sense in an atheistic
101:37 – 101:44 biological robot paradigm so that’s the
101:42 – 101:46 question I’d love to hear your thoughts
101:44 – 101:49 join me on the skeptical forum or just
101:46 – 101:52 send me an email or reach me on Facebook
101:49 – 101:56 any way you want is good for me I’m here
101:52 – 101:58 at skeptic Oh calm as k EP tik Oh calm
101:56 – 102:02 where I make available all these shows
101:58 – 102:04 for free for download to use in any way
102:02 – 102:07 you like so that’s going to do it for
102:04 – 102:09 this episode I have some good ones in
102:07 – 102:11 the can a little bit slow and getting
102:09 – 102:12 them out that’s why I’m increasing and
102:11 – 102:14 kind of doing every week because I wind
102:12 – 102:16 up doing more interviews and then I
102:14 – 102:17 can’t get them out in time so they’re
102:16 – 102:19 gonna be coming every week for a while
102:17 – 102:21 and then back to every other week but
102:19 – 102:24 anyways there’s some good ones coming up
102:21 – 102:27 stick around for all of that until next
102:24 – 102:32 time take care bye for now
102:27 – 102:32 [Music]
102:34 – 102:38 [Music]
102:41 – 102:46 [Music]
102:43 – 102:47 so thanks for watching this video if it
102:46 – 102:50 wasn’t really a video but just an audio
102:47 – 102:52 stored as a video I apologize but
102:50 – 102:54 there’s more videos out there as well
102:52 – 102:55 but please check out the skeptic Oh
102:54 – 102:57 website you can see it here we cover a
102:55 – 102:60 lot of different stuff you might be
102:57 – 103:03 interested in relating to controversial
102:60 – 103:06 science and spirituality a lot of shows
103:03 – 103:09 up there over 350 of them or so all free
103:06 – 103:11 all available for downloads so do check
103:09 – 103:20 it out
103:11 – 103:20 [Music]
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