19. No Evidence of Life After Death, David Lester, Ph.D.

Guest: David Lester, Ph.D. has achieved worldwide recognition as a leading authority on suicide. He is a researcher and prolific ...

18. Religion Must Not Cling to What We Know Isn’t True, Rabbi Rami Shapiro

Guest: Rabbi Rami Shapiro explores the difference between faith and belief, and explains why modern religion must remain grounded in ...

17. Dr. Rupert Sheldrake Asks: Can Dogs “Know”?

Guest: Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and Dr Richard Wiseman on whether dogs can "know" when their owners are coming home. With ...

16. Parapsychology Research Can Learn From Skeptics, Dr. Steven Novella

Guest: Dr. Stephen Novella on how collaboration between skeptics and researchers may pave the way for more conclusive findings: "… ...

15. Your Mind is More Than Your Brain, Dr. Robert Almeder

Guest: Dr. Robert Almeder, reviews his work on the epistemology of science, and criticism of materialism as a way of ...

14. Media Overlooks The Spiritual Experience, NPR’s Steve Paulson

Guest: Steve Paulson examines his reporting on the intersection of science and religion, and the challenges mainstream media face: "…going ...

13. Dr. Neal Grossman, Religion Afraid of Near-Death Experience Research

Guest: Dr. Neal Grossman explores near-death experience research, consciousness, academic paradigms and why many religious groups are unfriendly toward near-death ...

12. Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, Debunkers and Radical Skeptics

Guest: Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, explores psi phenomena, consciousness, intuition and how radical skeptics are ignoring advances in our understanding of ...

11. Dr. Richard Wiseman on Rupert Sheldrake’s DogsThatKnow

Guest:  Dr. Richard Wiseman discusses the skeptical community, paranormal research, quirky psychology, and what’s lacking in paranormal research. Play it: ...

10. Psi Research Lacks Good Data, Dr. James Alcock

Guest: explains why he remains skeptical of parapsychology research, and why parapsychologist don't garner attention from academia: "… if one ...