This acclaimed scientist gives a friendlier face to atheistic neuroscience |331|


Neuroscientist, Professor George Paxinos defends atheists who love life.


photo by: Skeptiko

George George Paxinos is a heavyweight. With over 45 books on the structure of the brain of humans and experimental animals his groundbreaking work has been cited more than almost any other in science, but that’s not why I wanted to talk to George. This is why I wanted to talk about: Why psychology lost its soul: everything comes from the brain.

I went into this expecting a debate with a hard-core dogmatic, atheist/materialist, but found myself in a warm, if sometimes pointed, conversation with a learned scientist and lover of life. And while George may not know much but Consciousness Science, the philosophy of the mind, or Near-death Experience science, his willingness to engage is in science’s big picture questions is refreshing.


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