Jimmy Falun Gong, Hitler’s Mind Control History |540|
Jimmy Falun Gong uncovers history linking Hitler to mind control through hypnosis.
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[00:00:00] Alex Tsakiris: On this episode of Skeptiko a show about hypnosis. History. And how Hitler became such a mesmerizing speaker.
(Hitler speech clip)
So in this episode, I have an interview coming up with Jimmy Fallon Gong. Yes. That is a pseudonym. But anyways, Jimmy, who is the host of a podcast called programmed to chill. Has done a terrific job of uncovering some super interesting, important history. That connects to a lot of the things that we talk about here on skeptical. so let me see if I can lay out a little bit of the backstory. Having to do with Hitler and world war one. So, yes, Hitler wasn’t world war one. He was this foot soldier, frontline kind of guy. And near the end of the war, he’s in the bunker. And they get hit by mustard gas. And miraculously, they get led out of the situation, but him and a couple of his comrades are blinded from the mustard, gas, common, horrible thing that happens. Now all the other guys get sent to the medical hospital, but Hitler is the one and only, and this is a really interesting part that our guests today, Jimmy Fallon gong has uncovered and revealed. I didn’t know any of this stuff. But Hitler gets sent to this mental hospital because when they examined him in the field, they realize he isn’t really blind. I mean,
He has what you might call hysterical blindness.
So as history turns out, he arrives at the mental hospital. And he undergoes hypnosis By a guy who is at this point probably one of the world leaders in hypnosis and happens to be having an ongoing kind of feud. one-upsmanship kind of thing with his other hypnotists, where he’s showing them how he to really do it and he has this hypnosis session with hitler That probably changes history forever here’s how jimmy describes it in his show
[00:02:06] Jimmy Falun Gong: On the 6th of November in 1918, Dr. Edmund Forster ordered Hitler to his consulting room . After examining the patients, eyes carefully Forster replaced the instruments in his case and blew out the candles. Your eyes have been terribly damaged. He told him regretfully, I should never have assumed that you appear Arion a good soldier a night of the iron cross first-class would liar.
Everyone has to accept their lot. The individual is powerless where fade is concerned. Miracles do not happen anymore. He paused before adding more optimistically, but that goes only for the average person. Miracles still happen frequently to chosen people. There have to be miracles and great people before whom nature bowels don’t.
You agree,
[00:02:57] Alex Tsakiris: Now as you’re about to hear in this interview, . We can’t be sure that this is verbatim exactly what happened, but we have a lot of good circumstantial evidence pointing for the fact that this is very, very close to what happened. Jimmy we’ll explain that later in this interview. And then of course you can listen to as many, many hours on the subject where he’s delved into it on his own podcast, but back to the story cause you get what’s going on. This is quite a feat that this hypnotist is about to pull off and he’s laid the hook. In here he’s gonna start reeling them in
[00:03:33] Jimmy Falun Gong: as you say, Dr. Hitler meekly agreed. I am no charlatan, no performer of miracles. Dr. Forster went on, I am a simple doctor, but maybe you yourself have the rare power that occurs only once every millennium to perform a miracle. Jesus did this Muhammad, the saints. I could show you the method by which you could see again, despite the fact that your eyes have been damaged by mustard gas with your symptoms, an ordinary person would be blind for life, but for a person with exceptional strength of willpower and spiritual energy, there are no limits, scientific assumptions do not apply to that person.
The spirit removes any such barrier in your case, the thick white layer in your cornea, but maybe you do not possess this power to perform miracles. How can I tell said Hitler?
[00:04:29] Alex Tsakiris: By the way, one of the reasons we suspect this is what happened is that, back then, people didn’t really recover from blindness caused by mustard gas, or if they did regain sight, , it was like regaining partial sight or clouded sight or something like that. Hitler comes out it, man, he’s got that stare. He can see perfectly well, which fits much better with the hysterical blindness kind of thing. Now, the implications for this.
Are much, much, much further than just the blindness thing, because it really shapes Hitler’s understanding of Mesmer’s of the mind of mind control, all that stuff folds into this experience. Potentially. Anyways, that’s something that we talk about. In this upcoming interview.
But the other thing we talk about that is related. Is this idea of retracing, our steps in history.
Here’s a clip from Jimmy on that point.
[00:05:27] Jimmy Falun Gong: I’m very fond of like this documentary it sounds pretty far afield from what we’re talking about, but it’s a room 2 37, and a creative, look at the Stanley Kubrick movie, the shining.
, the little boy Danny in the movie, the shining he’s lost in this like maze and he’s running away from his father. Who’s going to kill him if he finds him. And it’s only through tracing his steps backwards. And in walking backwards, he steps where he stepped. So his dad can’t see where he’s going anymore.
He’s he? And then he basically walks backwards out of the maze, following his own footsteps. And humanity is essentially lost in amaze of history where everywhere you turn there just massacres and horrible events. And if we turn around or if we just stop, we might get axed to death by like our maniac father, we have to be engaged with history. We have to trace it back if we ever want to make any progress in this maze
[00:06:33] Alex Tsakiris: , this is a super interesting interview. I really, really enjoyed it. I loved it so much that we broke the interview into two parts.
And part of the reason I did that is because in the second part, I’m not so nice.
, but that’s okay. You don’t always have to be nice. I wanted to leave this as a separate part, because I really wanted to focus in. On this important part of history and retracing, the steps of history.
Here goes.
[00:07:04] Alex Tsakiris: Welcome to skeptical where we explore controversial science and spirituality with leading researchers, thinkers and their critics. I’m your host, Alex Keras. And today I’m very excited to welcome Jimmy Falun gong from Gordito beach, California to skeptical.
Okay, wait a minute. Falun gong. Isn’t that crazy? Chinese called and Jimmy Fallon. What’s going on there and I’ve never heard of Gordito beach. I live here in California. Wait a minute. That’s that’s a reference to a fictional place from a Thomas Pynchon novel. What’s gone on here. Our guest is Jimmy Fallon gone.
I have up on the screen, his Twitter site, which is quite exceptional . I first heard about him from his really terrific podcast that we’re going to talk about program to chill, um, where he’s done an incredible job of DIYing to an exposing and allowing us to reorient ourselves to some really important history.
And, uh, it’s just such a great show and I’ve been glued to it for so many hours now that I was super excited and glad that he’s agreed to come on and talk with us here on skeptical. Jimmy, welcome to Skepta. Copex are joining me.
[00:08:31] Jimmy Falun Gong: Thank you so much for having me. I’m very excited to be here.
[00:08:34] Alex Tsakiris: You’re a bit of an enigma.
Any chance you can kind of let it down a little bit. Let us in what’s going on here? Who is Jimmy Fallon gong?
[00:08:46] Jimmy Falun Gong: For you. Absolutely. I’ll do my best to share a little bit. Um, I am certainly private. Uh, I think that I have, I keep, you know, I stay a little more guarded than maybe most of your guests, but that’s not because I’m mistrustful or anything.
I just, I’m not exactly worried about like, you know, anything coming to my employers or anything. It’s just, it keeps it easier. You know what I’m saying? Like I like simple keep it chill. So, but,
[00:09:24] Alex Tsakiris: but in terms of, I mean, I am curious a little bit about, you know, your background, where you’re coming from, your kind of professional, um, interests and, and who is this guy?
Who’s doing all this stuff.
[00:09:40] Jimmy Falun Gong: Yeah. So lifelong reader, pretty voracious reader. Um, professionally I’ll say that I work associated with finance and fraud. And, uh, in turn, I’m not associated with the felon gong. That was a stupid name that it came up with and I did not anticipate building a brand or anything.
So that’s why it’s so stupid. But, um,
[00:10:09] Alex Tsakiris: then you ought to maybe tell people who the Falun gong are. Cause, you know, especially given you kind of have some interesting political, your, this tinfoil left kind of thing that we’re going to kind of talk about. So, and Falun gong, I mean, that sends us all for a kind of head spinner who are the Falun gong.
[00:10:29] Jimmy Falun Gong: I know I should honestly contemplate changing it, but the felon gong or a cult, and I believe they were banned in China. Oh, yeah, they are the cult that runs the Shen Yoon dance troop that often does performances in cities across the country. And sometimes like in places like Seattle, you can see them out distributing literature as well.
[00:10:54] Alex Tsakiris: Yeah. So, so you’ll be approached by these people and you see these women in these ornate dresses around on a stage and let’s say, come see the presentation and stuff like that. And they are there, they’re a Mooney kind of thing. If you’ve ever, if you’ve ever dived into the history of the Moonies and the kind of thing, it’s kind of this crazy, crazy thing.
But the, the flip side of it is like you, you just mentioned kind of the Chinese government. I mean, it shows the worst of the worst of the Chinese government too, because the Chinese government says, oh, well, in order to maintain social order and protect the people we have to ban this group, you know, and it’s that, and the language they use is so I don’t know.
So crazy, crazy market. Stuff that it kind of sends you the other way. It’s like, well, they are called, but should we be banning them and you know, the whole thing. So I, I just thought it was kind of an interesting,
[00:11:51] Jimmy Falun Gong: yeah. And in some ways it’s like a weird pairing because Jimmy, like, I am a pretty normal person with an innocuous name and then there’s like this crazy side to it.
So, and then like the whole Marxist element of China, banning them there in that mix. There’s a lot of my interests all in one, I guess you could say
[00:12:13] Alex Tsakiris: exactly, exactly, but not exactly in the way that you would take it, but I don’t want to get down too many blind alleys before we have a chance to just tell people about some of the work that you’ve done and the work that attracted me.
What you’ve chosen to do on your podcast. You mean, you just kind of do these deep dive multi-part series, like who financed Hitler?
I don’t know you did five or six shows, hours each hours long, but it just provides such a depth that we’ve, I’ve never heard from someone else. And I guess I could read all the books that you’ve read and kind of synthesize all that stuff together, but you really put it together and just this kind of terrific way.
Tell us about that and tell us about in particular, , your method kind of what you’re trying to do there, what your goal is. And then also, w w why the world war II and the Hitler stuff, we’re all kind of drawn to it, but why are you drawn to it?
[00:13:12] Jimmy Falun Gong: Yeah, I mean, I think that, like a lot of people, you know, in the past couple of years, Nazis, you know, Weimar Germany was on the tip of a lot of people’s tongues and in some ways rightfully so, but in other ways, most people who mentioned it or talk about it, don’t really know the history or really know what they’re talking about.
And so I like to read a lot. And so I started reading about this period, not solely because of current events, but, you know, not, not because of it. And I started to pick up on these like weird little details that didn’t really. Like that seemed significant to me. Like for instance, the fact that Hitler he’s often framed as a failed artist, which he absolutely is right.
He was also a police spy. And when people tell the conventional history of Hitler, they don’t often mention that they might not even know it. You know? So like I talk about that. I talk about, especially when Hitler was hypnotized, that was a really big incident in his life. He specifically talks about it in mind, confident yet it’s not, well, he doesn’t exactly mentioned it in mind, conflict, shouldn’t say.
And so like, there are all of these weird little details about Hitler’s life that nobody talks about. So I thought that I would be the person to do that.
[00:14:37] Alex Tsakiris: And I think to your credit, Jimmy, it’s not even just talking about it, but you frame it up quite nicely in a very, not beat anyone over the head with it.
But as the story unfolds and you let it unfold, it kind of paints a different picture. And we’re going to connect the dots a little bit on to the points that you just made there. One is the hypnosis and then two is this spine for the police and becoming an intelligent asset. But, but really what it’s more about is that his connection to the military never really ends when we think it does, but let me play this clip.
From, I guess this is episode four, esoteric Nazi-ism re-examined part one and the hit gnosis of Hitler. I’ll play this and then you can tell people about it.
[00:15:30] Jimmy Falun Gong: Let’s talk about the interaction between Dr. Forster and Hitler before foster met Hitler. He knew that Hitler was busy raving about the Jews to the other patients. Forrester developed a plan for treatment by using a tremendous lie on the 6th of November in 1918, Dr. Edmund Forster ordered Hitler to his consulting room and guided him into an upright chair before a table on which stood to lit candles. After examining the patients, eyes carefully Forster replaced the instruments in his case and blew out the candles. Your eyes have been terribly damaged. He told him regretfully, I should never have assumed that you appear Arion a good soldier a night of the iron cross first-class would liar.
Everyone has to accept their lot. The individual is powerless where fade is concerned. Miracles do not happen anymore. He paused before adding more optimistically, but that goes only for the average person. Miracles still happen frequently to chosen people. There have to be miracles and great people before whom nature bowels don’t.
You agree, as you say, Dr. Hitler meekly agreed. I am no charlatan, no performer of miracles. Dr. Forster went on, I am a simple doctor, but maybe you yourself have the rare power that occurs only once every millennium to perform a miracle. Jesus did this Muhammad, the saints. I could show you the method by which you could see again, despite the fact that your eyes have been damaged by mustard gas with your symptoms, an ordinary person would be blind for life, but for a person with exceptional strength of willpower and spiritual energy, there are no limits, scientific assumptions do not apply to that person.
The spirit removes any such barrier in your case, the thick white layer in your cornea, but maybe you do not possess this power to perform miracles. How can I tell said Hitler?
[00:17:40] Alex Tsakiris: You know, I’ll cut it right there. , exceptional. So you have to go listen to this whole episode and the ones before it, and the ones that follow it. Cause you, you, at this point you gotta be hooked into what’s going on here. So first Jimmy, you’re very upfront with what this is, but you kind of let us go down a little path.
What is it that you’re reading there?
[00:18:02] Jimmy Falun Gong: So that is actually from a novel by, I think his name was Ernst device. And there’s a really interesting story about that because it was a novel published, I want to say in like the, the forties. And it basically tells the story because Hitler had psychosomatic blindness, and we know that it was psychosomatic because of basically people who went and blind from poison gas would permanently go blind.
They wouldn’t, no one went temporarily blind unless it was psychosomatic. And so. Hitler was treated in a mental institution and there’s a lot of documentation for which one. And that it was certainly because you like a lot of shell shock cases were Mo they called it malingering. Right? And so basically Hitler had the malingering psychosomatic blindness, and the way they would treat it is they would either like threatened them or they would just hypnotize them.
There really weren’t that many good ways to treat PTSD back then or, you know, related issues. And so basically there was a medical file that hit that Hitler was hidden hypnotized. And that medical file became really hot. Once Hitler became chancellor and people were murdered over, like, who had copies of this medical file and there’s a whole story for someone sneaking it out and then they gave it to this novelist to publish.
And so there’s this whole body of like, novels that tell more truth than you would think, right. Because they don’t have that burden of journalism, but then they can tell like a different, or almost occluded truth, which is so interesting.
[00:19:56] Alex Tsakiris: Yeah, me too. So you do an awesome job because, so that’s a fictionalized account.
We didn’t have someone in there rolling tape when Forrester was doing the session, but all the evidence that we do have, as you point out in the show suggests that this is exactly what did happen. And I thought, you know, a couple of, more of the details of this, cause this is such, this is worth all the time that you put into it and all , the work that you did and sharing it to people, because this is such an important event, as it turns out and you pointed out to be, but a couple of things I would add.
One Forester, the hypnotherapist and psychiatrist, who’s working with Hitler is tops like tops in the world. It just so happens that Hitler stumbles into his mental hospital, and this guy, because he is so good. And because the Germans are kind of leading this mesmerism hypnotism from a medical standpoint, he’s like kind of wants to use Hitler, who is a nobody, a complete, nobody, just some other PTSD soldier that shows up, you know, but he wants to show his colleagues that hypnosis really can work if you know how to do it.
And part of the way doing it is kind of this stage magic kind of stuff that he does to Hitler where like, you know, gosh, you know, like you said, he hears that he’s ranting on the juice and then he plays up this area and thanked him, you know, like, gosh, an Aerion strong man. Like you once in a while, you know, unbelievably powerful in meaningful when you put it into context.
And then as you add, this becomes much more than just a matter of his medical records. It becomes this secret that he doesn’t want out. Because like you just mentioned this not only affects Hitler in all these ways that we can’t even begin to estimate, but he becomes it’s part of the reason his speeches are being.
Coached by some of the world leaders in hypnotism and mesmerism and cry. He is totally on board with the thing, but it also connects him. And I want you to speak to this, Jimmy. It also connects him to the German military in German, military intelligence, or at least a faction of it. That is an ongoing relationship that leads to this spying that he does.
And he’s not the lone nut assassin that history has painted him out to be
[00:22:28] Jimmy Falun Gong: no, for sure. Because during world war one, I believe Hitler was a, like a Lance corporal, like not a particularly high in the military use, essentially a nobody.
And, but prior to that, he was a failed artist. So like nobody really knew who he was, no reason to care about him. But after world war II, Hitler essentially stays in the army as long as he can partially because there’s, you know, nothing waiting for him. He might as well stay partially because after world war one, there was essentially like a series of basically revolutions in Germany that very well could have had Germany go the way of like the Bolsheviks in Russia.
Right. And so Hitler found himself involved in this subterranean group of basically army officers who were fighting to keep Germany from going red basically. And so he was on their payroll before and after he quote unquote left the army, but he never appears to have actually stopped working with these groups of people.
And there’s all kinds of interesting incidents from his life like Hitler at different points before, like before his traditional, like, as parties rise to power, he would do things like buy weapons and hand them over to the police. He was involved in traveling like he was involved in the, um, oh shoot, what’s the name?
The, uh, fried core. Right. He knew all of the players in that he was not one of the top guys. He was, you know, lowered down on the totem pole, but like he was involved in all of these things. And so he was essentially a police snitch, I, my words, but like he was a asset for them. And. More or less because the army and the Navy were worried about Germany going red.
They started to fund these interesting political groups that would take aspects of communism or socialism, and then maybe tweak them. Right? So like that, of course is where the national socialism thing comes in. And so Hitler already being on their payroll already being someone they trust is chosen to head one of these groups of which there was a whole, a whole bunch of them.
Right. And that is the start. So essentially with Hitler, everybody thinks they know the story, but he was hypnotized. He was a police spy. He was funded at every single point by either the German army, the German Navy or German heavy industry. And so like all of a sudden you have a very different picture than what you might see on like television documentaries.
[00:25:28] Alex Tsakiris: And I think that’s one of the key points, because what you help in leading us towards is why is there a rewrite of that history? Because when you take those facts that you’re putting together, and then you contrast it with the kind of loan note assassin picture we get of Hitler. One of the questions, the deeper questions is why, why do we want to write it that way versus the other way?
Because a lot of the stuff you’re talking about from a political sense is really rather ordinary stuff. It’s not extraordinary that the Germans after world war one and after the just crushing craziness of the Versailles treaty realized that they, as a country had been backed into a corner and really had no future.
And that is a political reality and economic reality that they were facing. And there were, as you point out, there’s a number of different groups that are trying to jockey for position there, because something is going to change. And it’s not a clear path towards Hitler. As you point out fairly in the, in your show, the like the industrialists, for example, they’re doing what corporations do all the time.
They’re betting on every horse in the race, right. why do you think that history is written the way that it is given what you now know?
[00:26:53] Jimmy Falun Gong: Yeah. I mean, I think that personally putting everything on Hitler, it functions as like a scapegoat role, right? Because then if it’s uniquely Hitler’s fault, then we don’t have to blame German heavy industry. We don’t have to look at how the army and the Navy have always basically done this. And that is true for just about every country.
So like, and, and of course, high finance. So like if, basically if all of these groups have some degree of culpability, including British banks, then you know, that is such a more complicated story. We might draw some different conclusions from world war two, but if we can just say it was Hitler, he was uniquely evil, therefore story closed, low note.
Right. Then we don’t have to think about it very much. It’s almost reassuring in a way, but the truth of the matter is that a lot of people were very responsible for Hitler’s rise. And it isn’t just Hitler not to say that, you know, he isn’t guilty of.
[00:28:03] Alex Tsakiris: Uh, well, not to say that he isn’t like super duper guilty because, cause we don’t want to kind of Wade into the whole Hawks or kind of stuff because it’s ridiculous.
[00:28:15] Jimmy Falun Gong: Well, I will go firmly on the record and say that, yeah, it was not a hoax or anything like Hitler, certainly guilty of everything he’s been accused of doing. It’s just that his rise had a lot of players involved as well.
[00:28:32] Alex Tsakiris: Great. So then the level three kind of thing that is interesting is at what point does this become a tail wag dog kind of thing? Because he starts making some decisions at various points in the war that are completely kind of off the rails from a military, from a strategic, from a geopolitical standpoint.
And he kind of goes down this path that a lot of the people around him and particularly the industrialists and the politicians and the people in the army are bank. This is insane. What are we, how did this guy get this much power?
What are your thoughts?
[00:29:14] Jimmy Falun Gong: Well, I mean, for one thing, he was super high on amphetamines, so we have to take that into account.
And then, yeah, I mean, there were certainly decisions that Hitler made that I’ve still do not understand because they didn’t seem to work for anyone’s benefit, including his own. Like, there were things that just don’t make sense. Like one of the major things is that like British banks basically back roll, like.
Funded Hitler’s rise after, before, during and after a certain points. And, and Jimmy
expound on that expound on that, like you do in this show, because in a very subtle way, they do it in a way that is, allows them plausible deniability of it. Right. They guarantee loans.
That’s right. They had essentially like, like the highest banker in Britain met with like the highest banker in Germany and said, yeah, just pay off the Nazis.
That it’s fine. We’re w w we got it. And it was a verbal agreement, like, and they were meeting secretly, like, and then the, they structured certain debts to make it so that not like no money was actually going, they were just guaranteeing the guarantee of a guaranteed debt. So it was like structured to keep their name off of it and keep them far away, in fact.
But like, if you get into the weeds of it, yeah. Britain signed off on the Nazi parties, like having their debts covered. And I don’t know why they would do that because it almost immediately backfired. And they went to war with the United Kingdom. So like, clearly, if this was the plan, then it went sideways and you can draw a lot of conclusions from that.
But like, No matter what you should probably be critical of what the banks do, right. That I think that’s a fair lesson to learn.
[00:31:19] Alex Tsakiris: I mean, I guess that’s not the lesson that I take away from it because all these businesses. Interests have an interest. That’s why it’s a business interest, right. So, you know, how are they supposed to play it, I guess is the, is the question and it’s, it’s tough to know either way.
It’s like when you talk about the industrialist, I don’t really know what you’re supposed to do. If you’re like, I forget the guy in the region, who’s running the coal mines in the region between Germany and France, that France has completely created a slave labor situation, not letting them export the coal.
And this guy has even gone to the laborers, to his workers who are usually aligned. It’s like, look, we’re all screwed here. I’m screwed. As the owner of the company, you’re screwed as the employee, let’s not do it. Let’s not go along with the French.
So all these lines are very blurry when it, when money is involved. So I’m not sure that, you know, the line to the banks is like the banks, the banks is, it gets people crazy in the same way. It gets Henry Ford crazy. And he says, oh, the banks, well, those were all Jews. So now we hate you. It’s like, no, there’s no, there there’s like some reality to the.
Preponderance of people who happened to be Jewish and have been kind of ostracized and then found a way to connect and stay connected and that they are dominate certain industries. I mean, that’s just like that’s while the Greeks own all the coffee shops in Chicago, where I was brought up, that’s just how stuff is done.
But you know what I’m saying? I think it’s, it’s easy to kind of take that stuff too far. It’s like, oh, it’s the banks. Oh, it’s the industrialist. Well, I dunno.
[00:33:13] Jimmy Falun Gong: Yeah, because like at every point there’s a bunch of lessons from the Nazi party’s rise and none, no one thing is the answer, right? Cause it’s like Hitler was hypnotized.
That’s the whole thing. He was a police spy. That’s a thing. Henry Ford funded, the Nazis, British banks funded the Nazis, the German army and the German Navy did, uh, there’s a whole, uh, cult interest, like in the Nazis coming from like the two society with these really weird, like Rosicrucian, esoteric ideas floating in the mix.
There’s the element of them just copying Marxism, but then like making it amenable to capital in general. Like there’s so many things happening that there’s never one answer. I completely agree with you.
[00:34:07] Alex Tsakiris: So one of the great stories that you tell us about in your podcast program to chill, and I forget which episode this is, but I think it’d be pretty easy to find.
I think it’s like the first episode in the financing of the Nazis and it tells about Henry Ford and I didn’t know this history, but he kind of has this grandiosity about him. And he says, well, I’ll solve this world war one problem. I’ll just take a big boat, , put all of my friends on it, , and we’ll go negotiate this, which you know, in and of itself is not like a super bad idea because he is in a position to have influencers and maybe make some progress there, but it doesn’t turn out.
And the grandiosity of it is interesting because through that, it really, he kind of winds up in this weird anti-Semitic space. Like we’re talking about where he is convinced that there is this Jewish conspiracy against him connected to all these bankers who are trying to put them out of business, who are all Jewish.
I mean, let’s be for real, you know, but he makes the connection that this is somehow some, it is their Jewishness that is, you know, somehow attack.
[00:35:24] Jimmy Falun Gong: Like it’s interesting because he put himself out there. Like, I almost feel bad for him in that particular story, because he wanted to stop world war one.
That’s a good thing. Like he tried, he paid money to put his money where his mouth is and like, try to stop world war one. Like that’s admirable. I wish it would have worked. That would have been really cool, but it didn’t. And it was it’s, it’s really funny because like, I don’t know, there’s something about Americans.
Like we just, there’s a certain subset of us where we’re just like, if we could just get a businessman in there and you know, he’ll just solve all the problems. And every generation we keep, we have at least one guy where we think that will work, but like, it never does because it’s always a lot more complicated.
Henry Ford thought he could stop in a world war by just like talking it out. That is kind of delusional.
[00:36:19] Alex Tsakiris: Well, I say, I don’t know that, that that’s not the part that I would call out as delusional. And there’s just so many subtle things that we could go down so many rabbit holes, but I don’t want to skip over the fact that, , talking about that, a lot of the bankers who were really putting the financial squeeze on Ford happened to be Jewish.
That’s like a historical fact. So it’s like, when we talk about Ford’s anti-Semitism, we can’t then leave out that other part of the story and we don’t have to draw any conclusions about it. It just means that that’s who they were. I tell you that, you know, the other story that I was going to add to the kind of free ranging discussion we’re having here. Have you ever heard about
[00:37:06] Jimmy Falun Gong: Uh, is that the Henry Ford community?
[00:37:09] Alex Tsakiris: Yeah. So, so Henry Ford, again, the grandiosity, which kind of, I think is, is a better indicator of this guy’s head space and how he gets into, oh, it’s all about the Jews let’s give Hitler, hates the Jews. Let’s give Hitler money, kind of crazy line of logic. He went down to Brazil because he was gay being squeezed by, he felt by the rubber, , companies and they were, it was a monopoly.
And then the rubber collars were horrible. What they did to people, enslaving people and you know, all that stuff. So he says, Henry Ford, I got a better way. I’ll go down to Brazil. I’ll create my own community. And It’ll be of course, a rubber plantation that will service Ford motor company, but it’ll also be a whole new way of living.
We’ll teach these people, these natives, you know, all this stuff. And it’s kind of a classic example of, , go get a gone wild in that he goes, and he tells all the people, you got to work nine to five and the people go, dude, we live in the tropics. You can’t work during the middle of the day.
It just doesn’t work because Nope, gotta be in there nine to five. Got, you know, cause he was really into the schedule stuff and it, the production goes way, way down. The other thing he says is you have to build proper houses like this and all the people go, nah, you don’t want to build walls and stuff like that.
I mean, it’s really hot down here. We need, you know, the, the, the walls to be totally open. So when you do get that pre all this kind of common sense stuff, he’s like, Nope, Nope. There’s only one way to do it. And this is the way to do it. And the whole project is fails miserably. He loses millions of dollars.
Invent synthetic rubber and he’s kind of saves the day. But to me, that’s the parallel that I draw
[00:38:59] Jimmy Falun Gong: you know, what’s so interesting about that is just like stopping world war one. It shows Henry Ford had good intentions up to a point, because like you said, the rubber industry was so insanely like brutalizing that like literally any other type of production of that rubber would have been amazing.
Like the amount of people who died in the rubber trade during those years was just staggering. And so like, it really almost shows you that like Henry Ford did sort of have these quasi socialist sort of ideas, but then he fell into the classic socialism of fools, which is antisemitism.
[00:39:42] Alex Tsakiris: Well, yeah, well, I mean, that’s just, that’s just one way to connect it, you know, is the anti-Semitism I think it gets kind of too much play way too much play, but that’ll get into another discussion we may or may not have.
And that is, you know, what is this thunder God Jewish, religion thing all about to begin with? Why is that drag through history and kind of propped up? Well, it’s propped up because of Christianity. Well, how solid is Christianity? Really? How solid is the notion of the historical Jesus? How solid is the Bible and all the rest of that stuff.
Those are all topics we’ve explored in depth on this show. I don’t think it’s appropriate for what we’re talking about right now, but I think once you start to unravel it, I, it just puts a whole different spin on it. It’s like I don’t Jewish. I mean, it’s kind of a goofy, you know, obey all these rules spin around three times.
Don’t eat this net. It’s not anything from a contemporary standpoint, we’d say, well, wow, that’s they, they really got some insights into the divine nature of the human consciousness experience. You know, it’s not that any other religion would as well, or Falun gong or Moonies or Scientologists, but. We never bring that to the table when we talk about anti-Semitism, you know what I mean?
It’s just like, oh, it’s anti-Semitic and oh my God. That’s led to the Holocaust. Well, yeah, it did because crazy people can do crazy kind of stuff and they can do it for long periods of time. So I don’t know, that’s kind of a, kind of a ramp, but maybe you want to jump in there with kind of part of that, because I think it does parse this antisemitism anti Jewish thing a little bit differently.
[00:41:32] Jimmy Falun Gong: Yeah. I mean, in the case of the Nazis, like they would scapegoat the Jews and it really, a lot of the things they were complaining about were not actually the Jews fault. Like I know that is kind of an obvious statement, but like the, the, like the scapegoating function, it can really be any group. It can be pretty arbitrary sometimes, but like, it feels good to blame people for things.
And it’s all the, like, it’s more effective if you can blame them for some true things. Right. So like, but yeah, I mean, I agree. It doesn’t even necessarily have to correspond that closely with, you know, reality, honestly.
[00:42:12] Alex Tsakiris: Yeah. And that’s not exactly where I was going. So Jimmy you’re a Christian.
[00:42:17] Jimmy Falun Gong: Uh, yes, I was actually raised.
[00:42:21] Alex Tsakiris: Oh, you were raised Mormon. You know, I saw you have an episode on the farm with my buddy, Stephen Snyder. I haven’t listened to it yet. And you guys get into the Mormonism thing. Very interesting that you’re Mormon because I mean, do you think Mormonism as a cult?
[00:42:38] Jimmy Falun Gong: Uh, well, okay. You know how, like, sometimes you hear that soundbite that’s like every religion used to be a cult and a Colt, you know, eventually becomes a religion, which like I get what they mean in a certain sense, but like ancient Colts didn’t necessarily have this like weird confluence of like intelligence agencies and like, you know, funding them.
And like, they weren’t necessarily instrumentalized in all of the same ways. I mean, there were a few cases where you could sort of make that claim actually, but you know what I mean? Like when people say cults, they think Jonestown and then that’s not necessarily what they mean. Like when like a professor, professor of religion says it, you know what I’m saying?
[00:43:31] Alex Tsakiris: I do. I just think it’s, it’s kinda tricky because the. Professors of religion have kind of a different agenda in processing that. Right? Cause they can’t, they have to function inside of, uh, academia who has kind of has a hands-off position, vis-a-vis Christianity or an uncomfortable kind of, well, we can’t totally throw them under the bus.
I guess the point that I was kind of going towards before is it’s not so much that. Like the thing with the anti-Semitic thing and the scapegoating with Hitler, the one part, I think that is more obvious that people point out is that the only way they’re able to do that is because there are factions of antisemitism, prominent factions in every country in Europe, , I just did an interview with a guy named Scott shape, and he’s written this book on kind of conspiracy theories in academia, and he’s Orthodox Jew. He’s very, very successful guy, very successful banker in New York guys, probably worth a billion dollars.
I gave him a ton of credit for somebody who has that kind of financial means, but he’s still engaged in the same kind of dialogues that you and I are in digging through this stuff. And his book is an expos, a on kind of antisemitic and, uh, anti Zionist conspiracy theories. So like one of the really fascinating points about his story is his father. His father is in Lithuania and he’s 14 years old and the Nazis come in and suddenly all the neighbors, all the people he’s lived with for generations, his family has lived with regenerations go.
Yep. There he is. There’s the Jew. So they make it so easy for the Nazis because there’s this long-standing antisemitism. That’s just barely beneath the surface Scott’s dad is sent to Auschwitz. He should have died by all accounts. , it’s a horrific, horrific thing.
So this part of history that we just got to make sure we understand, they were tapping into this thing that had been repeated over and over and over again through history, 1492, the Spanish, you know, the same time they send.
Columbus off on those boats. They also send all the Jews too and say, get the hell out of our country. And I would roll that back all the way to early Christianity. I mean, the only reason Judaism stays around is kind of as the punchline to the joke of who killed Jesus. Well, it’s the Jews. I mean, yeah, it’s kind of, it’s kind of the Romans yet, but it’s really the Jews.
They are the antagonist in the story, which I think is a PSYOP. Now I don’t want to get into, we can get into all that at a later time, but I think that’s how history plays out. And that’s why we forget how deeply embedded this antisemitism is.
[00:46:33] Jimmy Falun Gong: I think that that’s, by and large the case, like they were putting, they were sort of forced into a bunch of different professions and then, you know, historically like doctors, dentists, jewelers, bankers, like there’s obviously these certain professions that they were sort of forced into and then they just stayed in those professions.
So, yeah, absolutely.
[00:46:58] Alex Tsakiris: Okay. So we’ve kind of drifted a little bit from program to chill. You’re excellent show. So bring us back. What are some of the other storylines? I don’t want to say storylines because , this is history, history, rediscovered, and history recalibrated.
What are some of the other, major threads or, or what you’re most proud of in terms of exploring on the show?
[00:47:22] Jimmy Falun Gong: Yeah, so I did a, it might not sound that enticing to listeners, but I did a 12 part series on Krupp steel, which was in that river valley where basically the Germans took all of the, or they made steel.
And I sort of like lay that out across like 400 years and like. Map it onto different major events in world history, mainly world war one and world war II. And there’s all kinds of interesting, interesting little subplots that, you know, go along that, um, I also have done a lot of work examining different authors and their intelligence connections, because if you are a fan of like JD Salinger, you know, IRA 11, William, Peter, bladdy Aldous, Huxley, you know, like you read George Orwell, like you read these authors and you think of their works and you don’t think of them as spies necessarily, but a lot of them were.
And so I sort of thread the needle on that. And there’s some really interesting things that can be gleaned from looking at their careers with an eye to intelligence.
[00:48:40] Alex Tsakiris: Absolutely. You do tune into the intelligence connection. You also connect it to business in a really smart way that not a lot of people do.
And that’s that, you know, our intelligence organizations, a lot of them started out as business internal intelligence, you know, by on our competition, make sure our competition isn’t spying on us. And then from a legal perspective, The first couple episodes with the Sullivan Cromwell and the Dulles brothers.
Great, great, great stuff. Talk a little bit about that as well.
[00:49:16] Jimmy Falun Gong: Oh yeah. I mean, I think that all the modern intelligence agencies seem to be tied in with banking and finance and that’s especially true for great Britain in the United States. So I did a couple episodes on Allen Dulles, John Foster Dulles, and the, the, uh, law firm that they worked for Sullivan and Cromwell and Sullivan and Cromwell was they’re still around.
They’re in fact, doing deals on mergers and acquisitions to this day that her, you know, have a global impact, but Sullivan and Cromwell started off as the law firm for different cliques of basically slave owners. And they never really stopped being what I would characterize as almost cartoonishly evil.
And that is the, uh, skullduggery that basically the intelligence agencies recruited a bunch of these wall street lawyers to do their spine. It’s just, it’s interesting.
[00:50:27] Alex Tsakiris: And along the way, you give us a much deeper insight into. the Dulles brothers. So as kind of a 10,000 foot view for those who aren’t familiar with it, who are they and why are they important?
Why do you say at some point they are probably two of the most important, , attorneys in, in history and American history of the last, I don’t know, at least a hundred years.
[00:50:54] Jimmy Falun Gong: Yeah. I mean, you’d really have to go to either the founding fathers or Lincoln or something to find someone like a lawyer who is more important to us history.
Uh, John Foster, well, the Dulles family, like they occupied important positions in various presidential administrations, but it was really John Foster Dulles and his brother Allen Dulles who achieved that high level because Allen Dulles was director of the CIA and John Foster Dulles. I’m pretty sure was secretary of state and together, like they controlled the covert and overt like foreign policy for the United States for like.
Decades, essentially, it’s just remarkable.
[00:51:45] Alex Tsakiris: Yeah. They certainly influenced it heavily. No doubt about it. , and, you know, we, so YouTube this long thing, and you haven’t even gotten up to the Kennedy assassination, which I can’t wait, you know, cause most people, when they think of Dulles, they think JFK and, uh, again, you’re just doing a marvelous job of filling in the backstory in a very important way.
At some point in one of the shows you kind of speak to where you’d like to see your show fit in, in terms of, uh, making a difference in terms of kind of changing the paradigm a little bit. How do you see that, Jimmy?
[00:52:27] Jimmy Falun Gong: Yeah. I mean, I think that with history, like we don’t really have a framework to understand the president if we don’t understand history.
And I think that a lot of times it’s benign, but a lot of times it’s, you know, bad, intense. The history that we’re fed is a, it’s a, like a, I wouldn’t say fake, but it’s like, we get almost like these, just so stories that just so happened to reinforce what certain, you know, groups want us to believe. And so, like we talked about the Hitler one where it’s like, if we can just write it off as Hitler was just this uniquely bad actor or someone likely Harvey Oswald, just a lone nut.
Okay. That’s an easy story, problem solved. But if we are really engaged with history and trust me, I understand it’s like, it can be exhausting, but like, if we’re engaged in history, then we can start to understand what’s happening right now. And I don’t mean that like a facile level. I mean, like if we really try our best to understand the ins and outs of something, like, you know, the periods of history like that I was looking at, then I’m like, I’m very fond of like this documentary that it sounds pretty far afield from what we’re talking about, but it’s a room 2 37, and a creative, like look at the Stanley Kubrick movie, the shining.
And in that they talk about, you know, the little boy Danny in the movie, the shining he’s lost in this like maze and he’s running away from his father. Who’s going to kill him if he finds him. And it’s only through tracing his steps backwards. And in walking backwards, he steps where he stepped. So his dad can’t see where he’s going anymore.
He’s he? And then he basically walks backwards out of the maze, following his own footsteps. And humanity is essentially lost in amaze of history where everywhere you turn there just massacres and horrible events. And if we turn around or if we just stop, we might get axed to death by like our maniac father, like, so.
We have to be engaged with history. We have to trace it back if we ever want to make any progress in this maze for humanity, essentially. So that is my personal philosophy on history. I guess you could say
[00:55:19] Alex Tsakiris: wonderful. I love how you connected it to that excellent movie of room 2 37, which I really enjoy too.
One of the things I thought was interesting is when they’re talking about the possibility that one of the themes that Kubrick is trying to get across to us in the movie, the shining is about the Holocaust of the native American people that was done in our country , but anyways, I was watching the movie with my wife and she’s like, oh, come on.
I think this is definitely a stretch. You know, they’re saying that when they shoot the scene and there’s the baking soda cans in the background, and they all have an Indian chief on it all come on. That’s just, you know, it’s just, what’s in the storeroom. And then the guy brings up the still shot of Kubrick actually, when they were doing the filming and he’s turning each can individually in order to bring the Indian right to the front and you go, oh shit, it really is kind of on that level.
Do you remember
[00:56:21] Jimmy Falun Gong: that part? Oh yeah, absolutely. Like, it’s so fun to watch. Like I’ve made different people in my life. Watch that movie just to see how they all process the information, because I’ve seen the full spectrum of like responses from like, this is the most insane schizophrenia movie I’ve ever seen to.
Like I’m completely sold on every theory. Right. And it’s so interesting.
[00:56:47] Alex Tsakiris: So, you know, back, if we can just trace back those steps. Not to pick up on the metaphorical thread that you laid out there. The thing about history that you’re revealing is what we normally hear kind of standard trope is if we don’t understand history, we’re doomed to repeat it.
And what I hear you saying is something quite different. And I hear you saying, if we don’t understand the pair of political nature of all history we’re given, we don’t even have a chance to process it little lone, repeat it. And I just wonder if there’s how that relates to you to more contemporary issues and what’s going on today.
[00:57:37] Jimmy Falun Gong: Oh yeah. I mean, I think it’s a, I try not to black bill or doom doom people with any of my analysis. And to a certain extent, I like to talk about things several decades old because for one thing, a lot of sources are in flux. It can be hard to process a more recent event, you know, very well. But I try not to talk too much about current events for those reasons, but.
I’ve said this before. I think that we are in a period of history where there have never been as many professional liars and people whose literal job it is to spread disinformation. Like we’ve never had this many people who full-time put out literally inaccurate information as their job. And that has such weird widespread implications for like, just consensus reality.
Like there are people whose job it is to just make things up about UFO’s. There are people whose job it is to, you know, take your pick almost with certain topics like somewhere there’s probably an intelligence agency, somewhere in the world, trying to influence you on something like, uh, I’m very fond of the metaphor that James Jesus Angleton head of counter-intelligence for the CIA used to say, which was that, you know, he would talk about a wilderness of mirrors and to a very large degree, I feel like we are all, all of us trapped in a wilderness of mirrors because.
W we’re constantly confronted with stories and people and heartaches that don’t correspond to reality and are people reacting to a fake story in the first place? You know what I’m saying? It’s very, it’s a very strange state of affairs. We find ourselves in.
[00:59:43] Alex Tsakiris: I agree with you on a number of fronts. One, I like you prefer history that has a little bit of a age to it, a little bit of crust to it because it does settle down and it gives us some distance from it.
Also emotionally, it’s kind of hard to even process that at the same time. The problem with that is, as it moves further and further into the sunset, it’s more prone to being rewritten and irrecoverably rewritten in a way that we can’t get back to it. No one talks about nine 11 anymore. It’s like, it’s gone.
It’s like, no one talks about building seven. What the heck happened with building seven. But you know, one of the points that, that I thought would be interesting to kind of talk about, and I don’t even know that I might even divide this interview into two sections because, or two shows
[01:00:39] Alex Tsakiris: Am. That’s what I did. I got two shows with Jimmy. The second one is coming up. We get into some really interesting stuff about the tin foil left and about worldview collide with regard to UFO’s and some other stuff that I just think is fantastic. And I haven’t.
Seen slash heard that conversation anywhere else. I was really appreciative of GME for engaging with it. So you’ll find that in part two, but there’s still some more to go. In part one, I returned to program to chill in his work with the Nazi history in how we’re to understand it. Here goes. Okay, Jimmy. Fantastic. I really, really appreciate the way you’ve kind of allowed us to go places and do the worldview collide kind of thing in an interesting way.
And I hope we’ve turned people onto your excellent show cause you really got to check out program to chill. I guarantee if you, if you are into history at all, like I am, you’re going to love this. Cause you’re going to discover a ton of stuff that you didn’t know before. Tell me this though. If we were going to connect what we know now about the Nazi operation, which it was, and its connection to government, big business, big money and big politics in Italy and in great Britain and other places.
But if we were going to particularly connected to big business, what are the corollaries with today? Who is the Siemens? So Nazi party, you know, you can look at a bear ID Farben or Siemens, or you could go through the list of all the people, all the companies that just gouged or that benefited tremendously from this operation.
That was the Nazi party. I think we are in the middle of. Such a great reset now today. And a lot of people have you said it made it particularly relevant because it feels like a forthright thing. So let’s go out and speculate a little bit, you know, who is Siemens today? Who is Bayer today? Uh, uh, you know, and, uh, what are your thoughts?
[01:02:52] Jimmy Falun Gong: Yeah, I mean, I think that if you look and it’s not exactly hidden knowledge, you look at who’s benefiting from COVID like obviously first and foremost, we’re thinking pharmaceutical companies. But if you look at certain firms that we’re funding, you know, work from home technologies, certain things, basically everything that has shot up in value over the past several years, because of COVID.
I think that it’s fair to question some of these things. Um, I think that we have also seen an increase and there’s almost a market increase in capital accumulation from the, before the pandemic. And you know, now, and basically this has always been the case, like the rich generally get rich quicker than, you know, the rest of us, but like there are specific policies being put in place that are squeezing the middle class, squeezing small business owners and.
Trust me. Like, I am not exactly crying for the small business owner, but I don’t think it’s healthy for America for those to dry up. You know what I’m saying? Like,
[01:04:11] Alex Tsakiris: oh, I mean, I, I know what you’re saying, but I am crying for the small business owner. That is the best chance.
Yeah. And it’s really the best chance that we have as a America in any sense of whatever that means. Continuing again, to me, it’s about class mobility and the consolidation of wealth at the super super elite level, which is really beyond even talking about it because it’s not wealth at that point. It’s really about control.
And it’s about social engineering. It’s not about money. Their goal is to limit class mobility. They don’t want, they want everyone on universal, basic income. What are you going to do when you’re on UBI, you are . And yet so many people on the left think that’s like the way out, just give me enough food, give me enough water.
It’s like, bro, you will have no chance in that thing. So I think it’s about class mobility, but w what kind of concerns me is that. To me. It seems obvious when Google is Siemens, you know, Twitter, to a certain extent, Twitter, I be what the media is so completely controlled towards one message. It’s ridiculous.
And oh, but now we’re going to get another voice because Trump has a billion dollars and he’s going to buy the other thing. Do you think Trump is truly an independent, , kind of voice there? I don’t. the idea that Google Facebook, Amazon Moderna, these are companies that for the most part are kind of supported or championed by people I see on the left are kind of the social wokeness kind of folks.
They don’t see the social wokeness folks. They don’t see Facebook as a threat. They don’t see a Witter as a threat. They see it as gosh, darn it. They’re doing the right thing because they’re not letting those crazy ideas out there. Those dangerous and crazy ideas. What an app. I mean, it’s a complete opposite.
That’s the parallel to me with the Nazi-ism.
[01:06:18] Jimmy Falun Gong: Yeah, absolutely. Like I agree with you on UBI. Like it’s the way it would be implemented would be to undercut people’s ability to. You know, rebel or basically pose any meaningful, you know, resistance to the people, implementing the policy in the first place.
And yeah, like there’s no reason to trust tech companies. They do not have people’s best interests in mind and to go one step further, like they were all basically AstroTurf by DARPA in the first place. So like, they were never a meaningful challenge. They’re just an extension of the soft power of essentially the Pentagon like network of businesses in the first place.
So it’s like, it’s all one big network. It’s like,
[01:07:11] Alex Tsakiris: I’d agree with that to a certain extent. I’m just reluctant to take that too far, because I think it’s like the MK ultra thing when you take it too far and you start seeing all of it as some organized, no, there were 150 MK ultra programs spreading through all these universities and there all these different people that have different spins on what it should be.
And I think the same thing with the DARPA and the Google. And like, if you’re, if you’re some guy at DARPA or if you’re some guy in some intelligence agency, of course you want to have an in with Google, you want to have an in with all these companies, but that doesn’t mean you control them completely any more than , the history that you reveal to a spot Hitler is very telling, right?
They had a connection with Hitler, but from what I learned from you. I think it’s also wrong to think that Hitler from the very beginning from the early 1920s is somehow a puppet of some agency. And is, you know, that he is totally doing this under the direction of some guys in a smoky, dark room in the back. What are
[01:08:16] Jimmy Falun Gong: your thoughts? Yeah. With something like Google, Facebook, you know, there, it’s almost like you’re throwing you like your job. Like DARPA is Johnny Appleseed, throwing seeds everywhere. And you know, some of them aren’t going to grow, you know, some of them will, and then you planted that seed and you will have a relationship there and they will never forget that, but they won’t always do what you say and vice versa.
Like it’s, yeah, it would be wrong to say that like DARPA controls Google, but like, you know, but like Google was essentially taking research done at universities and they basically privatized it and then they do, then they are basically beholden to those, you know, organizations and they share the data with government bureaucracies, you know, and so on.
And so on, same with Facebook, you know, specifically that Lifelog program. Like it’s almost more transparent there, but like, yeah, I agree. It’s not a one-to-one controlled.
[01:09:23] Alex Tsakiris: Jimmy what’s coming up for us on program to chill. There’s so many given what you’ve done so far, there’s so much more you could do.
Where are you going to take us?
[01:09:34] Jimmy Falun Gong: Well, I’m currently taking the listeners on a ride into Japan where you’re looking at Imperial Japan. So we’re talking like the colonization of Korea, Manchuria, China. We’re going to look at Japan’s bio weapons program. We’re going to look at their banking system. Uh, the yak is a different right-wing organizations, different cults that they’ve funded.
So it’s going to be a pretty wild ride.
[01:10:06] Alex Tsakiris: It’s I got to say it’s an absolutely great, great choice on your part, if you don’t mind me saying, because again, it takes us out of this cultural myopic framework that we always want to apply on things, And it’s like, when it, and this is your intent, because you said you tell us that it is, but when the same patterns start emerging again, you go, oh shit.
I mean, it’s really not just about the Nazis, you know?
[01:10:34] Jimmy Falun Gong: Yeah, exactly. Like Japan, like Americans sometimes think Japan functions differently for some reason, but like, it really isn’t that different from Germany in terms of like the political, like, like. Body politic and like the different, how the economy interacts with the politics.
And that is also true for America. Like the same industries tend to fund certain wings of politics and it’s like, it’s been pretty consistent over many decades. So it’s just really interesting to flush
[01:11:09] Alex Tsakiris: that out. Well, best of luck with that, you have a huge fan in me and I can’t wait for the next episode and where you’re going to go with that.
And when you get around to talking about the delis brothers and their involvement with JFK and the missile crisis, it’s something I can’t wait to hear folks. Make sure you check out program to chill, Jimmy Fallon gong. Hey Jimmy, any plans for any other media ventures, books, other, uh, things that you might be up to?
[01:11:42] Jimmy Falun Gong: Uh, not in the near future. I’ve thought about writing a book, but maybe, maybe one day I would like to, but nothing in the works right now.
[01:11:51] Alex Tsakiris: Great. Great. Well, uh, it’s been great having you on that. Spend a couple of hours. Maybe we’ll break it into two. Maybe I’ll leave it as one, but thanks so much for joining me on skeptical.
[01:12:01] Jimmy Falun Gong: Thank you very much.
[01:12:02] Alex Tsakiris: Thanks again to Jimmy Fallon gone for joining me today on Skeptiko. If you liked it, remember to stick around for part two, I think you’ll find it interesting. The one question I tee up from this interview is go do a little research and see if you think Jimmy’s right about the blindness thing. The Mesmer ism thing. . It’s a fact that you ought to be able to wrestle down to the ground one way or another. And it’s important regarding retracing this history. I think isn’t it. Isn’t an important.
Let me know your thoughts. Plenty more to come as always. Take care. And bye for now.
(music: Tomie’s Bubbles Candlegravity). [box]
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Graham Dunlop of Grimerica talks about the future of podcasting. In Skeptiko episode 649… more..Consciousness, Contact, and the Limits of Measurability |648|
Dr. Janis Whitlock seeks a deeper understanding of consciousness realms. In Skeptiko episode 648, from..Consciousness Converging: NDEs, Alien Contact, and Fake Transhumanism |647|
Exoacademian Darren King on the converging consciousness realms. In Skeptiko episode 647… multiple lines of..Andrew Paquette: Rigged! Mathematical Patterns Reveal Election Database Manipulation |646|
Painstaking analysis of algorithms designed to manage and obscure elections. In Skeptiko episode 646 Dr...Toby Walsh: AI Ethics and the Quest for Unbiased Truth |645|
The tension between AI safety and truth-seeking isn’t what you think it is. In Skeptiko..Alex Gomez-Marin: Science Has Died, Can We Resurrect it? |644|
Consciousness, precognition, near-death experience, and the future of science Dr. Alex Gomez-Marin is a world-class..Bernardo Kastrup on AI Consciousness |643|
Consciousness, AI, and the future of science: A spirited debate If we really are on..The Spiritual Journey of Compromise and Doubt |642|
Insights from Howard Storm In the realm of near-death experiences (NDEs) and Christianity, few voices..