32. Dog Trainer and Animal Communications Expert Skeptical of Human to Canine Telepathy

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Guest: Dr. Jill Morstad, highly regarded dog trainer and animal communications Expert, examines whether dogs can know when their owners are coming home by telepathic means. Morstad is skeptical, but remains open to exploring the unexplained limits of animal communication: “…I know this with my own dogs, if I pull a suitcase out and pack to go to a veterinary conference, the dogs don’t get up. They don’t notice. But, if I pull that suitcase out with the express intention of taking those dogs to an obedience trial — they are all over me.”

• Dog trainer and animal communication expert, Dr. Jill Morstad

Highly Regarded Dog Trainer and Animal Communications Expert, Dr. Jill Morstad, Skeptical of Human to Canine Telepathy

In-depth interview with animal communication expert and dog trainer, Dr. Jill Morstad, examines whether dogs can know when their owners are coming home by telepathic means. Morstad remains skeptical and looks to non-psychic factors to explain the phenomena.

Del Mar, CA, November 13, 2007 – Join host Alex Tsakiris when he interviews dog trainer and animal communication expert Dr. Jill Morstad. During the 40-minute interview Morstad explains that while she’s skeptical of animal telepathy, she’s open to exploring the unexplained limits of animal communication:

“…I know this with my own dogs, if I pull a suitcase out and pack to go to a veterinary conference, the dogs don’t get up. They don’t notice. But, if I pull that suitcase out with the express intention of taking those dogs to an obedience trial — they are all over me.”

Morstad also explains how animal communication breaks down and leads to behavior problems. She advises dog owners on how to examine and improve the quality of their communication with the animals they care for.

Dr. Jill Morstad is part of a group of researchers at OpenSourceScience.net interested in replicating the “dogs that know” research of Dr. Rupert Sheldrake. This research examines whether dogs can telepathically anticipate when their owner’s are coming home. Despite overwhelming scientific and anecdotal evidence that this phenomena exists, many scientists remain skeptical. Researchers hope to overcome this skepticism with their new findings.

Jill Morstad has been teaching people to train their dogs since 1985. Morstad has taught professional communications at the university-level since 1990, and as president of Prairie Skies, Inc. She is a frequent speaker on issues related to language, dog ownership and public policy. She offers accredited courses for continuing veterinary medical education.