Al Borealis – Part 2 – Technology and Consciousness |390|
Al From Forum Borealis joins me for a conversation about technology and consciousness.
photo by: Skeptiko
(machine generated transcript… very hit or miss :))
0:00 – 0:07 on this episode of Skeptiko oh I think
0:03 – 0:10 the shaman thing may be wrong they may
0:07 – 0:15 be looking at a very underdeveloped
0:10 – 0:17 sense of manipulating aspects of
0:15 – 0:19 consciousness when we look at ancient
0:17 – 0:20 agriculture we say wow they did pretty
0:19 – 0:22 good they had that little stick and they
0:20 – 0:25 drove it in the ground and then they
0:22 – 0:27 stuck a fishin in the with every corn
0:25 – 0:31 seed and it grew hey good for them right
0:27 – 0:34 now we get a hundred times that by doing
0:31 – 0:36 all this kind of manipulation some of it
0:34 – 0:38 good some of it bad but we figured out
0:36 – 0:40 how to do that at a whole different
0:38 – 0:42 level oh I think we’re under impressed
0:40 – 0:44 of course there’s something you fail to
0:42 – 0:47 see in that reasoning look they were
0:44 – 0:48 having archaea consciousness or magical
0:47 – 0:50 mythical depends when we’re talking
0:48 – 0:52 about so that means that they were
0:50 – 0:55 dealing with the same things but they
0:52 – 0:58 were expressing and experiencing
0:55 – 0:60 differently look I said people had a
0:58 – 1:02 different kind of consciousness before
0:60 – 1:05 that means that what they perceive it
1:02 – 1:08 was also different people in nature like
1:05 – 1:11 Oz Norwegians we know the wages are very
1:08 – 1:13 artistic or I should say agnostic we’re
1:11 – 1:17 probably the most secular one of the
1:13 – 1:19 most secular in the world right now but
1:17 – 1:21 all the Weejun when they go to the
1:19 – 1:25 mountains when they go to the forests
1:21 – 1:28 they become extremely humble and they
1:25 – 1:30 connect with something now we prefer the
1:28 – 1:32 technical way to explain it rather than
1:30 – 1:34 the mythical because we lost from that
1:32 – 1:38 part of consciousness but it’s still
1:34 – 1:42 there and we still know about it I’m
1:38 – 1:46 leaning towards the idea that the
1:42 – 1:50 consciousness soul connection is not
1:46 – 1:53 what we think it is it’s not as special
1:50 – 1:58 it’s not as unique it’s more malleable
1:53 – 2:00 than maybe we’ve thought stay with us
1:58 – 2:08 for skeptiko
2:00 – 2:12 [Music]
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Read Excerpts:
2:08 – 2:14 well as promised this week I have a
2:12 – 2:18 little bonus episode of skeptiko and
2:14 – 2:20 that is part two of my interview with al
2:18 – 2:22 borealis from forum borealis you know
2:20 – 2:25 after I finished the show that I just
2:22 – 2:28 published last week I felt like it was
2:25 – 2:30 good but I felt like we hadn’t really
2:28 – 2:32 nailed some stuff down so I called up Al
2:30 – 2:35 he was nice enough to say yeah let’s
2:32 – 2:36 jump right back into it and this
2:35 – 2:39 hour-and-a-half
2:36 – 2:41 discussion is what we wound up with I’m
2:39 – 2:45 quite pleased with the topics that we
2:41 – 2:48 got into and if you like them stick
2:45 – 2:51 around because there’s a lot more coming
2:48 – 2:54 down the pike of this it’s a topic that
2:51 – 2:57 I am keenly interested in and that is
2:54 – 3:02 this attempt to understand more broadly
2:57 – 3:07 the connection between consciousness
3:02 – 3:11 non-human intelligence /et technology
3:07 – 3:14 and spirituality that’s where everything
3:11 – 3:17 is taking me and that’s where I’m
3:14 – 3:22 heading stick around for this interview
3:17 – 3:25 coming up without from forum borealis we
3:22 – 3:27 didn’t go as deep if I can pick up on
3:25 – 3:28 that because you know the thing that
3:27 – 3:31 really got me is that’s one of the
3:28 – 3:33 things I really love about your show you
3:31 – 3:35 go deep you find a way to go deep and I
3:33 – 3:37 kind of felt like I’m glad you’re taking
3:35 – 3:39 on all the blame yourself that’s good
3:37 – 3:42 because I felt kind of the blame was on
3:39 – 3:44 my part for not driving us deeper so I
3:42 – 3:47 wanted to dive deep into some stuff
3:44 – 3:52 really stir up some controversy if you
3:47 – 3:54 will because if we don’t you know
3:52 – 3:57 disagreement we do actually we did
3:54 – 3:60 disagree a lot we start after all the
3:57 – 4:03 bromance in the first half an hour
3:60 – 4:05 that’s a but after that when we started
4:03 – 4:08 to touch issues I think we actually
4:05 – 4:10 disagreed on most things I always always
4:08 – 4:12 my plan when I’m gonna share this you
4:10 – 4:16 will know whether goodness right I’m
4:12 – 4:18 going to say mourning out adults in the
4:16 – 4:23 room this is how you
4:18 – 4:25 disagreements exactly and and you know I
4:23 – 4:27 just can’t agree more with the
4:25 – 4:29 disagreement part because to me that’s
4:27 – 4:31 where all the action really happens and
4:29 – 4:34 I think aback about so many guests that
4:31 – 4:39 I’ve had that I really like in respect
4:34 – 4:40 and I want to push them to some kind of
4:39 – 4:41 closure you know like we were talking
4:40 – 4:43 about Peter lavinda
4:41 – 4:46 I really have a lot of respect for Peter
4:43 – 4:49 Levin I think he’s being totally fake on
4:46 – 4:51 this disclosure thing and I’d like to
4:49 – 4:53 get to the bottom of that and we try to
4:51 – 4:56 so I don’t know how much more we want to
4:53 – 4:59 dig into that well we can go deeper into
4:56 – 5:01 that we can do that I’d say the same
4:59 – 5:03 thing with Joseph Ferrell who I just
5:01 – 5:05 have so much respect for and he’s
5:03 – 5:07 brought so many great things forward and
5:05 – 5:09 yet here’s the guy who’s still talking
5:07 – 5:12 about you know Nazis making spaceships
5:09 – 5:14 and landing in the New Mexico desert
5:12 – 5:16 it’s preposterous it just doesn’t stand
5:14 – 5:19 up to the thousands and thousands of
5:16 – 5:22 hours that people have researched into
5:19 – 5:25 Roswell and all the all the testimony
5:22 – 5:28 from all the people it’s just it just I
5:25 – 5:30 can’t quite close the loop on that how
5:28 – 5:32 can this guy do that and maybe he can do
5:30 – 5:34 that because we all have blind spots by
5:32 – 5:38 the way a conservative is not a liberal
5:34 – 5:40 like Peter I interesting and that’s
5:38 – 5:41 interesting too so how are we going to
5:40 – 5:42 get down there but you know where I
5:41 – 5:45 wanted to start I want to pull us back
5:42 – 5:48 to this level because we talked about so
5:45 – 5:52 many things and and we got into some
5:48 – 5:55 depth but I always like to return to my
5:52 – 5:59 roots if you will in skeptic oh and that
5:55 – 6:01 is an asking the big question who are we
5:59 – 6:05 why are we here because if all this
6:01 – 6:06 chatter and conspiracy and kind of
6:05 – 6:08 philosophizing
6:06 – 6:11 if it doesn’t get us closer to answering
6:08 – 6:13 those questions to me we haven’t really
6:11 – 6:16 done anything I want to say one more
6:13 – 6:20 thing before we begin what I really
6:16 – 6:23 enjoyed in pre-shot we did that I posted
6:20 – 6:29 to my folks I call it the mother of all
6:23 – 6:32 rants I I really enjoyed how we went
6:29 – 6:35 philosophical spiritual you know
6:32 – 6:37 and we went to places where we didn’t
6:35 – 6:39 explore enough we opened some doors and
6:37 – 6:42 I expected we were going to touch that
6:39 – 6:45 like UFO specular but this isn’t very
6:42 – 6:47 skeptical maybe but it’s more like
6:45 – 6:49 speculation philosophizing you know what
6:47 – 6:52 could the UFOs be stuff like that
6:49 – 6:55 remember we talked about AI and can they
6:52 – 6:58 how I Jack can they note those things
6:55 – 6:60 people think are very excited to you
6:58 – 7:03 know if it sounds like we know what
6:60 – 7:05 we’re talking about if I have my way
7:03 – 7:11 we’re gonna get right back we’re gonna
7:05 – 7:14 get right back into that but it did one
7:11 – 7:19 l’amanda for real thing and i can defend
7:14 – 7:21 it more like that there’s no way to
7:19 – 7:24 defend that but it’ll be fun it’ll be
7:21 – 7:27 fun to try but yeah let me pull you back
7:24 – 7:30 up there though I think we all I know I
7:27 – 7:33 do want to some in some ways skirt that
7:30 – 7:37 question you know what is it really all
7:33 – 7:38 about who are we really why are we here
7:37 – 7:40 the when you wake up three o’clock in
7:38 – 7:44 the morning and you can’t sleep is the
7:40 – 7:58 big life questions you know who do you
7:44 – 8:01 really think you are you know oh my god
7:58 – 8:04 I’m not sure it’s possible in this form
8:01 – 8:06 it actually I mean it’s it’s what I did
8:04 – 8:08 vote in my life to it’s that question
8:06 – 8:12 you know Q Vardis
8:08 – 8:15 I can only say good northeast out on you
8:12 – 8:18 you should understand that you can only
8:15 – 8:20 say what jinora the– South Toronado I
8:18 – 8:23 think I’m not pronouncing it right this
8:20 – 8:26 ancient Greek you should understand that
8:23 – 8:29 you know what it said over the Oracle in
8:26 – 8:33 Delphic knowing thyself and the others
8:29 – 8:36 shall know the goats and cosmos when you
8:33 – 8:37 say gods in cosmos great that’s a great
8:36 – 8:39 place to start
8:37 – 8:42 what do you mean what does that mean to
8:39 – 8:45 you what is your conception of your
8:42 – 8:49 relationship to the gods
8:45 – 8:51 and the cosmos well this is cold you
8:49 – 8:56 know I know it’s not it’s yeah but it’s
8:51 – 9:01 you know it’s also the audience it’s
8:56 – 9:02 it’s you know in astrology they talk
9:01 – 9:05 about energies and they use these
9:02 – 9:09 symbols to represent that energy which
9:05 – 9:10 they call you know Mercury and Venus and
9:09 – 9:15 all that stuff and that’s the gods too
9:10 – 9:17 so for me it’s about exploring the
9:15 – 9:20 meaning of life it’s not finding the
9:17 – 9:22 meaning of life it’s looking for the
9:20 – 9:25 meaning of life it’s like Gandhi said
9:22 – 9:29 the way stick over see there you just
9:25 – 9:30 kind of made it hard for me you I was
9:29 – 9:33 building up I thought I had a great
9:30 – 9:36 point to just nail you on and then you
9:33 – 9:38 switched over to Gandhi and slipped
9:36 – 9:40 right through my fingers you know
9:38 – 9:42 thought the last time we’re talking
9:40 – 9:44 talking you were telling me about you
9:42 – 9:46 know there’s something about where you
9:44 – 9:49 live you know the far northern reaches
9:46 – 9:50 of Norway and there’s a shamanic
9:49 – 9:53 connection there’s an animistic
9:50 – 9:56 connection that’s you’re closer to and
9:53 – 9:56 more grounded to whether you want to or
9:56 – 10:02 not
9:56 – 10:04 and I get that at the same time you know
10:02 – 10:08 the reason I keep returning to the et
10:04 – 10:11 thing is the et thing is the first thing
10:08 – 10:14 that I can say that I’ve really
10:11 – 10:20 encountered that totally makes me step
10:14 – 10:24 back and say is all that superseded by
10:20 – 10:26 this technological consciousness is it
10:24 – 10:30 possible do we have to seriously
10:26 – 10:35 consider that spirituality as we know it
10:30 – 10:42 is in some way subservient some way a
10:35 – 10:45 lesser than this advanced technology /
10:42 – 10:49 consciousness that we may be seeing and
10:45 – 10:51 I got to tell you you know anyone is
10:49 – 10:54 listen to skeptical knows that I have
10:51 – 10:56 kind of poo-poo the advanced technology
10:54 – 10:57 you never think you’d hear me saying
10:56 – 10:59 about the AI stuff and that
10:57 – 11:02 partially because you know that was my
10:59 – 11:05 thing man I mean I went back to get a
11:02 – 11:08 PhD in information systems but me and my
11:05 – 11:11 Norwegian friend we were both from
11:08 – 11:13 consulting firms we said screw this we
11:11 – 11:15 want to do AI so we were kind of doing
11:13 – 11:18 an AI degree and we were going over the
11:15 – 11:19 COG psych department and we were doing
11:18 – 11:22 all this stuff and then I eventually
11:19 – 11:25 before I finished my PhD I left and
11:22 – 11:29 started an AI company mine path
11:25 – 11:32 technologies now granted this was back
11:29 – 11:35 in the smoke and mirrors expert system
11:32 – 11:39 days of artificial intelligence way back
11:35 – 11:42 and I didn’t I did I to me it was just a
11:39 – 11:44 way to take advantage of a market trend
11:42 – 11:46 I didn’t really believe it and I guess
11:44 – 11:49 I’ve always had that kind of skewed view
11:46 – 11:51 of it a little bit like AI yeah that’s
11:49 – 11:54 just something we used to sell people
11:51 – 11:58 software sell people the next technology
11:54 – 12:03 thing that’s a lot around the curve but
11:58 – 12:06 I’m starting to wonder if I might have
12:03 – 12:10 missed the boat and there might be
12:06 – 12:14 something on that horizon that merges
12:10 – 12:17 with consciousness in a way that we’re
12:14 – 12:20 getting a glimpse of through et through
12:17 – 12:23 abduction accounts through all these
12:20 – 12:25 accounts that also have with them
12:23 – 12:28 there’s this whole mind control aspect
12:25 – 12:31 to them consciousness control aspect to
12:28 – 12:33 them and returning to the Peter Levin de
12:31 – 12:36 thing again that’s the thing that just
12:33 – 12:39 looks totally freakin fake I mean
12:36 – 12:44 there’s a depth to this whole thing that
12:39 – 12:47 is just so massive so monumental and
12:44 – 12:48 then to hear Peter say well we had to
12:47 – 12:51 figure it out because no one’s figured
12:48 – 12:53 it out till now so we decided to go to
12:51 – 12:58 their friends at the CIA
12:53 – 12:60 I mean bullshit it’s so much more than
12:58 – 13:02 that we know it’s so much more than that
12:60 – 13:05 we snow it’s so much deeper than that if
13:02 – 13:07 that’s the level of your curiosity if
13:05 – 13:11 that’s where it stops if it stops at
13:07 – 13:14 free energy and what the CIA knows
13:11 – 13:15 then you’re playing me man I don’t know
13:14 – 13:18 what the game is I don’t know what
13:15 – 13:20 you’re selling me calm down you’re look
13:18 – 13:24 you know you’re gaping over too much I
13:20 – 13:26 mean we can discuss it all but you need
13:24 – 13:28 Lisa Butte you’re throwing in a lot of
13:26 – 13:30 balls at at the same time I prefer one
13:28 – 13:32 at the time and I think I’ll start with
13:30 – 13:35 the a I think because that’s incredibly
13:32 – 13:38 interesting you and we touched it very
13:35 – 13:40 briefly when in the pre shot that I
13:38 – 13:44 uploaded to my members we remember we
13:40 – 13:45 you touch it there of course let’s take
13:44 – 13:50 that interesting stuff you know you know
13:45 – 13:53 the saying small minds talk about people
13:50 – 13:56 average mind talk about Evans great mind
13:53 – 13:58 talk about ideas you pitched one people
13:56 – 14:04 thing and one idea thing I want to start
13:58 – 14:07 with our idea thing big snob no but it’s
14:04 – 14:09 so interesting cause we have two
14:07 – 14:13 seemingly contradictory points we have
14:09 – 14:16 at one hand over the view that cliff I
14:13 – 14:19 took and that you usually have had and I
14:16 – 14:22 also I’m inclined to namely that garbage
14:19 – 14:25 in garbage out because think about it
14:22 – 14:27 it’s about letting low vibration control
14:25 – 14:30 high vibration remember I said to you
14:27 – 14:34 that the darkness is a reflection of the
14:30 – 14:37 light the darkness can’t create only the
14:34 – 14:39 higher the above is the is the strongest
14:37 – 14:42 but I adventurous into this problem
14:39 – 14:44 because on the other hand let me put up
14:42 – 14:47 one thing there the other point is what
14:44 – 14:50 if they are hijacking our consciousness
14:47 – 14:53 if they’re hijacking our biology if
14:50 – 14:56 these UFO things are some kind of creepy
14:53 – 14:58 transhumanism thing right now
14:56 – 15:02 there is a solution to that that doesn’t
14:58 – 15:02 compromise or I don’t know what to call
15:02 – 15:04 it
15:02 – 15:07 spiritual standpoint you human
15:04 – 15:10 standpoint our anti materials standpoint
15:07 – 15:11 and that’s actually the reverse the
15:10 – 15:13 reverse of what you’re thinking there
15:11 – 15:18 and what do I mean by that I’m saying
15:13 – 15:21 what if the spirit is hijacking the
15:18 – 15:23 matter instead of the opposite what if
15:21 – 15:25 it is and I even alluded to that when I
15:23 – 15:28 said that the
15:25 – 15:32 the deemed a murex revenge if we create
15:28 – 15:35 very complex machines and we even try to
15:32 – 15:39 connect them to biology you you still
15:35 – 15:42 can’t get a soul in that machine but you
15:39 – 15:46 can get a vehicle that a higher force
15:42 – 15:49 can use like a spirit because I wasn’t
15:46 – 15:50 pleased with cliffs answer because of
15:49 – 15:55 the Davis axe machine or the oil I chose
15:50 – 15:57 EDM demon dam on Ike’s machine because
15:55 – 15:59 he was saying no no no he was rejecting
15:57 – 16:03 that you could do that that you could
15:59 – 16:05 ever create an amalgam of man and
16:03 – 16:06 machine because of the nature of
16:05 – 16:08 consciousness and I agree with them
16:06 – 16:11 because the consciousness isn’t material
16:08 – 16:13 I said to you in my first interview with
16:11 – 16:18 you that there’s basically three
16:13 – 16:21 different kinds of energy creating this
16:18 – 16:23 existence seed 3 different strata us
16:21 – 16:25 it’s it’s a life force it’s a
16:23 – 16:27 consciousness and it’s what we call
16:25 – 16:30 matter which is also energy right but
16:27 – 16:34 the solution is an ascetic life look
16:30 – 16:37 what about ok so the machine can take
16:34 – 16:42 over the human but can let’s say a
16:37 – 16:48 disconnect spirit influenced in some way
16:42 – 16:48 and I mean many people have already
16:48 – 16:53 concepts about that they even think
16:50 – 16:56 their own computer is hijacked or
16:53 – 16:59 possessed or have some kind of soul so
16:56 – 17:01 it’s not far-fetched let me back up
16:59 – 17:05 owl and say that this is I’m playing
17:01 – 17:07 around with a different viewpoint that I
17:05 – 17:09 usually take I’m a yogi man I mean
17:07 – 17:12 that’s my standpoint I’m a yogi the
17:09 – 17:15 consciousness this is all just play here
17:12 – 17:17 you know the whole thing I mean that has
17:15 – 17:22 always been my perspective is that the
17:17 – 17:25 UFO of the ET the astral traveler the
17:22 – 17:26 NDE it’s all in the middle you know so
17:25 – 17:29 it’s it’s it’s really not that
17:26 – 17:31 significant in the grander scheme you
17:29 – 17:34 things because there’s something above
17:31 – 17:36 it consciousness is more and it’s
17:34 – 17:38 unified and and so at one level we don’t
17:36 – 17:41 have to worry about it but to the
17:38 – 17:43 extent that we do I want to go back and
17:41 – 17:46 challenge so I’m I don’t want to
17:43 – 17:50 I feel forced to go back and re-examine
17:46 – 17:54 some of my beliefs about soul about
17:50 – 17:57 consciousness about whether we are
17:54 – 18:01 unique whether that is whether
17:57 – 18:05 consciousness it can be transferred from
18:01 – 18:07 one being to another and how that might
18:05 – 18:09 happen you know I think the last time we
18:07 – 18:10 got together or other time before we’re
18:09 – 18:13 talking about the head transplant the
18:10 – 18:15 guy in Italy I mean that question is
18:13 – 18:19 going to be answered in the next 12
18:15 – 18:20 months there’s going to be some new data
18:19 – 18:23 on the table that’s going to be
18:20 – 18:26 undeniable but if you just also just go
18:23 – 18:28 back through the accounts of abduction
18:26 – 18:33 they’ll tell you that they that the ET
18:28 – 18:36 is somehow able to move this soul thing
18:33 – 18:39 around and move it from one person to
18:36 – 18:41 another and the tricky thing about that
18:39 – 18:44 is you can dismiss that as just some
18:41 – 18:47 more crazy stories until you start going
18:44 – 18:48 and talking to astral travelers and
18:47 – 18:50 they’ll tell you the same thing you know
18:48 – 18:53 I was out of my body and I couldn’t get
18:50 – 18:55 back in I was out of my body and someone
18:53 – 18:57 stepped into my body I mean these are
18:55 – 18:59 the accounts and again you can start you
18:57 – 19:01 can do that but that’s not you look
18:59 – 19:04 people who on earth have been relating
19:01 – 19:06 to that point time immemorial so that
19:04 – 19:08 there’s a known and there’s a docent
19:06 – 19:10 answer to that but the other thing
19:08 – 19:12 you’re taking up that’s interesting but
19:10 – 19:13 I was interrupting you go on in your
19:12 – 19:16 reasoning oh no I’ll stop and I’ll tell
19:13 – 19:20 me so so what do you make of that from
19:16 – 19:23 an astral traveler standpoint to me that
19:20 – 19:25 is too close to what we’re hearing in
19:23 – 19:27 the abduction accounts to just kind of
19:25 – 19:29 go oh well that’s something different we
19:27 – 19:32 understand that Oh
19:29 – 19:34 the problem here is soul the soul is as
19:32 – 19:36 meaningless a world as the road good you
19:34 – 19:37 said what does it mean to me doesn’t
19:36 – 19:39 matter what it demeans to me because if
19:37 – 19:41 we’re gonna communicate about this we
19:39 – 19:44 need objective terms terms that we both
19:41 – 19:45 can relate to that we have some kind of
19:44 – 19:49 resemblance
19:45 – 19:51 idea about so if you look at the term
19:49 – 19:54 ology I mean most people when they say
19:51 – 19:60 so they really mean the idea the I&S the
19:54 – 20:03 me right but if you think in materialist
19:60 – 20:06 concepts you think that the soul is just
20:03 – 20:08 uh it doesn’t really exist but
20:06 – 20:12 consciousness do as a byproduct of
20:08 – 20:14 matter so then they can think yeah you
20:12 – 20:15 can transfer it from one person to
20:14 – 20:18 another they think it’s just data they
20:15 – 20:21 think it’s like the information that you
20:18 – 20:23 have absorbed in your life and that can
20:21 – 20:25 be stored in a computer you see this in
20:23 – 20:27 all these movies and on TV series right
20:25 – 20:30 you store it in a computer and like we
20:27 – 20:31 can kind of put that aside right that’s
20:30 – 20:33 bullshit
20:31 – 20:35 talking about that so so a newborn
20:33 – 20:38 infant has no experience you can’t
20:35 – 20:41 upload information from a newborn infant
20:38 – 20:43 but doesn’t it have a soul right so
20:41 – 20:45 that’s the question now you know the
20:43 – 20:49 concept that a Sheldrake and many others
20:45 – 20:54 flaunt that it’s more like we live in a
20:49 – 20:59 field of energy and we know we do it in
20:54 – 21:04 terms of physics in terms of dense
20:59 – 21:07 matter because we have I mean everything
21:04 – 21:08 is just a huge sea of energy even
21:07 – 21:11 so-called there’s no such thing as
21:08 – 21:14 vacuum as you know there’s no vacuum but
21:11 – 21:19 there are forms that are manifested when
21:14 – 21:23 energy has taken certain patterns and
21:19 – 21:28 frequencies and or you know binding
21:23 – 21:30 themselves and building up to stuff we
21:28 – 21:33 can perceive remember it’s all about or
21:30 – 21:37 perception we have five senses and we
21:33 – 21:40 know that we can only perceive small
21:37 – 21:43 segments of the entire range of
21:40 – 21:47 operations in this sea of vibrations and
21:43 – 21:50 that’s just physical then you have the
21:47 – 21:53 life force and I venture to you life
21:50 – 21:56 force is like matter it’s a sea of
21:53 – 21:58 energy it’s not limited
21:56 – 22:01 the manifestation but then you can say
21:58 – 22:03 yeah but why isn’t something alive three
22:01 – 22:06 three meters away from me well why isn’t
22:03 – 22:09 something material manifested three
22:06 – 22:14 meters away from you it’s because the in
22:09 – 22:16 that space out of space-time there’s no
22:14 – 22:18 vehicle there that needs it but if you
22:16 – 22:20 walk over these those three meters
22:18 – 22:25 you’re still alive there’s not gonna be
22:20 – 22:28 anywhere in this universe where you will
22:25 – 22:30 physically walk and the matter will
22:28 – 22:32 cease to exist because it’s like a
22:30 – 22:35 vacuum of matter there so you’ll take
22:32 – 22:38 this structure you have and you’ll move
22:35 – 22:41 like waves and you wherever you go
22:38 – 22:43 you’re still in this sea of matter and
22:41 – 22:45 remember you’re losing atoms all the
22:43 – 22:47 time and you’re gaining atoms all the
22:45 – 22:52 time it’s not like a fixed structure
22:47 – 22:54 even though our senses are what’s called
22:52 – 22:57 a cone to think that it’s the same thing
22:54 – 23:01 perhaps I’ll suggest with lifeforce
22:57 – 23:03 so you wherever you go there is a strut
23:01 – 23:04 of life force and the same thing with
23:03 – 23:07 consciousness that may be easier to
23:04 – 23:10 swallow it’s the old concept where that
23:07 – 23:12 our bodies are more like antennas that’s
23:10 – 23:15 receiving the consciousness so if you
23:12 – 23:17 have if you make a perfect structure but
23:15 – 23:20 you can’t create life you can’t create
23:17 – 23:23 consciousness that you can make
23:20 – 23:25 conditions you can ruin conditions so it
23:23 – 23:29 can’t manifest I mean that’s how people
23:25 – 23:31 don’t write or you can do the opposite
23:29 – 23:34 you can create and so far we only be
23:31 – 23:36 able to do this with screwing each other
23:34 – 23:43 and reproducing the matter that way good
23:36 – 23:46 template do we know that 24 hours from
23:43 – 23:48 now okay and so Gordon will tell you
23:46 – 23:53 that in his study of the magic
23:48 – 23:57 traditions a well understood documented
23:53 – 23:59 in those circles that this spirit energy
23:57 – 24:01 consciousness in some form of
23:59 – 24:03 consciousness so whenever we say spirit
24:01 – 24:05 you know or some spirit or ghost or
24:03 – 24:08 whatever in some form or another that’s
24:05 – 24:13 consciousness that that
24:08 – 24:15 has been imbued into objects right so I
24:13 – 24:17 can put it into that necklace I can put
24:15 – 24:20 it into that statue I can put it in it
24:17 – 24:23 so this is a practice that people who
24:20 – 24:26 practice various forms of magic have
24:23 – 24:27 talked about for a hundred years so here
24:26 – 24:29 I’m gonna return you then to the
24:27 – 24:32 question because I think I I like the
24:29 – 24:36 way I kind of jolted you a little bit is
24:32 – 24:39 there a continuum that were not fully
24:36 – 24:43 considering or understanding between
24:39 – 24:47 shamanism and the manipulation of
24:43 – 24:48 consciousness as technology so I’m not
24:47 – 24:51 going to go on too long with that but
24:48 – 24:53 let me just fine-tune that when we look
24:51 – 24:55 at shamanism when we look at those
24:53 – 24:58 magical practices that I’m just talking
24:55 – 25:01 about are what we’re really looking at
24:58 – 25:05 is a crude form of manipulating
25:01 – 25:08 consciousness as opposed to are we
25:05 – 25:12 looking at advanced technologies that
25:08 – 25:16 can manipulate that same consciousness
25:12 – 25:19 when we look at some forms of the ET
25:16 – 25:21 encounter and can we have this
25:19 – 25:23 discussion without talking about
25:21 – 25:26 materialism because all those people are
25:23 – 25:29 on the outside looking in we’ll never
25:26 – 25:31 get it it’s just a big boy conversation
25:29 – 25:34 over here cows just forget it
25:31 – 25:36 Neil deGrasse Tyson forget it he’s an
25:34 – 25:40 actor he’s not a scientist by the way
25:36 – 25:42 he’s an actor but anyway yeah so so yeah
25:40 – 25:43 we can be but let’s not waste time on
25:42 – 25:46 that I agree let’s let’s take the deep
25:43 – 25:48 rule but I was going somewhere with this
25:46 – 25:51 train of thought of mining was so great
25:48 – 25:53 I was really having a revelation and I
25:51 – 25:56 just can’t for the life of me remember
25:53 – 25:57 what it was that you said but anyway I
25:56 – 25:59 was going to approximately the same
25:57 – 26:02 place because yeah we can manipulate
25:59 – 26:04 many consciousness can be manipulated
26:02 – 26:05 that’s especially the vehicles of the
26:04 – 26:07 consciousness can be manipulated and
26:05 – 26:10 thereby the expression of it you can
26:07 – 26:12 dumb people down physically so that even
26:10 – 26:14 geniuses can’t express themselves and
26:12 – 26:16 yeah it’s all to do with the vibrations
26:14 – 26:20 of course if you have very refined
26:16 – 26:25 technology even for superseding what we
26:20 – 26:28 today officially in the white world yeah
26:25 – 26:30 I mean you can go back to Tesla already
26:28 – 26:34 you can go hundred years back and
26:30 – 26:36 there’s still a scientific case to be
26:34 – 26:40 made even though we can’t prove that
26:36 – 26:43 it’s been done it’s completely feasible
26:40 – 26:46 within the mainstream paradigm of
26:43 – 26:48 science of what we know that
26:46 – 26:52 consciousness can be manipulated and it
26:48 – 26:55 can be probably boosted in some way it
26:52 – 26:59 can be slowed down it’s all to do with
26:55 – 27:02 frequencies because remember our senses
26:59 – 27:04 can only perceive I said at four minutes
27:02 – 27:07 ago but let me explain that because many
27:04 – 27:09 people don’t get that when I see I see
27:07 – 27:13 a limited range of mission it doesn’t
27:09 – 27:16 mean that what I can’t see is not
27:13 – 27:18 existing I mean that primitive notion I
27:16 – 27:19 only believe what I see well what if
27:18 – 27:23 you’re blind
27:19 – 27:26 you’re a complete nerd know a list so we
27:23 – 27:28 can’t see we can only see and I even
27:26 – 27:31 have the I have charts for this I know
27:28 – 27:35 exactly the frequencies we can perceive
27:31 – 27:38 smell is vibration sound is vibration
27:35 – 27:42 even touch the tactile sense is
27:38 – 27:45 vibration taste is vibration everything
27:42 – 27:52 is vibration but the see of vibration is
27:45 – 27:55 so enormous you know if you go above the
27:52 – 27:59 violet or below the red you come to
27:55 – 28:01 infrared and ultraviolet and we know
27:59 – 28:03 about those realities because we have
28:01 – 28:06 developed tools machines that can
28:03 – 28:09 perceive into those realities so we have
28:06 – 28:11 uncovered some aspects that we can’t
28:09 – 28:15 directly perceive by our biological
28:11 – 28:19 bodies but with machines with technology
28:15 – 28:23 we can interpret interpret vibrations
28:19 – 28:25 that are beyond our limited senses it’s
28:23 – 28:27 like we are punished in cosmos by being
28:25 – 28:30 placed on this earth and just being able
28:27 – 28:32 to perceive some aspects of reality but
28:30 – 28:35 it doesn’t mean that
28:32 – 28:38 there’s nothing there and I think the
28:35 – 28:42 key to your force even if there even if
28:38 – 28:44 they’re just technological still the key
28:42 – 28:46 to them is to think in terms of
28:44 – 28:49 vibrations and frequencies like Tesla
28:46 – 28:51 suggested already hundred years ago
28:49 – 28:53 because when they seem to be going to be
28:51 – 28:56 just disappearing oh they must be going
28:53 – 28:58 very quick well maybe they do but the
28:56 – 29:00 first thing they do is to raise the
28:58 – 29:04 vibrations they have to do that because
29:00 – 29:08 otherwise they are slowed down by the
29:04 – 29:11 polarity a matter all particles are
29:08 – 29:14 polar they have a plus and a minus and
29:11 – 29:20 and I have a third so-called neutral so
29:14 – 29:23 you cannot buy plus light and all that
29:20 – 29:25 stuff as long as you’re slow down it’s
29:23 – 29:28 like an anchor but as soon as you race
29:25 – 29:31 those frequencies you come up when you
29:28 – 29:34 come up to the limit of light you know
29:31 – 29:36 photons are the only known duel
29:34 – 29:39 particles then you can start talking
29:36 – 29:41 about these incredible speeds that are
29:39 – 29:43 faster than light and that’s why they
29:41 – 29:45 seem to be becoming invisible but we
29:43 – 29:48 know now there’s so much research we
29:45 – 29:52 know now that has many many many
29:48 – 29:57 so-called UFOs unknown objects
29:52 – 29:58 in these vibration frequencies that we
29:57 – 30:01 can’t proceed directly because we have
29:58 – 30:03 them on tape you can you can use night
30:01 – 30:06 vision googles you probably know all
30:03 – 30:09 about that the Ricci stuff when we go
30:06 – 30:12 below the vision range and we see stuff
30:09 – 30:14 when we go above and far beyond it so we
30:12 – 30:17 know they’re operating in these trotters
30:14 – 30:20 whether the technological or not now
30:17 – 30:24 who’s to say there’s no biological
30:20 – 30:27 creatures beings that also move in these
30:24 – 30:30 vibration fields I mean there’s no rule
30:27 – 30:34 in cosmos assess that every creature
30:30 – 30:37 have to be punished to our prison our
30:34 – 30:40 perception person in fact only here on
30:37 – 30:43 earth we know that it’s possible bats
30:40 – 30:46 for instance even cats you know how dogs
30:43 – 30:48 hear stuff that we can’t hear it’s basic
30:46 – 30:50 all living creatures have different
30:48 – 30:52 range of perception and I’m not even
30:50 – 30:54 introducing the dimension problem
30:52 – 30:57 because yeah we’re three-dimensional
30:54 – 30:60 creatures right and what about beings
30:57 – 31:02 who are in more dimensions than that so
30:60 – 31:04 you see there’s a lot of possibilities
31:02 – 31:07 here you don’t have to invoke a oh oh I
31:04 – 31:11 totally reject the idea that we can with
31:07 – 31:14 matter machines create consciousness
31:11 – 31:17 like I said maybe we can create
31:14 – 31:19 something that some kind of
31:17 – 31:21 consciousness can use to hijack and
31:19 – 31:23 manifest it through but that doesn’t
31:21 – 31:23 mean we’ve created it you see what I
31:23 – 31:26 mean
31:23 – 31:30 so my suggestion to that problem if so
31:26 – 31:32 many screwing around with us for our
31:30 – 31:36 consciousness or whatever then it’s
31:32 – 31:40 probably even more sinister than I I it
31:36 – 31:42 may be to put it practically agnostic
31:40 – 31:44 terms the Revenge of the dimeric return
31:42 – 31:46 of the demo they say you know how they
31:44 – 31:48 say in New Age and who and you followed
31:46 – 31:52 you know that they say oh they’ve
31:48 – 31:54 created a rift I’m not going to blame
31:52 – 31:58 them but I’m saying for some reason or
31:54 – 32:01 another we now know that there are maybe
31:58 – 32:02 they’ve always been there but we know
32:01 – 32:03 they’re there we know there’s something
32:02 – 32:05 there
32:03 – 32:07 and it ain’t
32:05 – 32:10 that said of course I believe we too are
32:07 – 32:13 a part of this game I mean human beings
32:10 – 32:15 but we know there are stuff there and so
32:13 – 32:18 Gordon is right when he makes a case for
32:15 – 32:21 that the ancients were related to
32:18 – 32:23 energies that cannot be immediately
32:21 – 32:29 perceived but we can know about them
32:23 – 32:32 indirectly oh by all the means oh ok I
32:29 – 32:35 think I think the shaman thing may be
32:32 – 32:38 wrong and I say wrong to be provocative
32:35 – 32:41 because it’s not really wrong they may
32:38 – 32:47 be looking at a very underdeveloped
32:41 – 32:50 sense of manipulating certain aspects of
32:47 – 32:51 consciousness in the same way that cargo
32:50 – 32:53 coats
32:51 – 32:55 well not cargo cults when we look at
32:53 – 32:56 ancient agriculture we say wow they did
32:55 – 32:58 pretty good they had that little stick
32:56 – 33:01 and they drove it in the ground and then
32:58 – 33:03 they stuck a fish in in the with every
33:01 – 33:06 corn seed and it grew Hey good for them
33:03 – 33:09 you know right now we get a we get a
33:06 – 33:11 hundred times that by doing all this
33:09 – 33:14 kind of manipulation some of it good
33:11 – 33:17 some of it bad but we figured out how to
33:14 – 33:20 do that at a whole different level so
33:17 – 33:23 the fact that that these ancient people
33:20 – 33:27 figured out a way to perform these
33:23 – 33:29 tricks manipulate this other dimension
33:27 – 33:31 we’ll just keep calling it consciousness
33:29 – 33:34 for lack of a better word maybe we’re
33:31 – 33:36 over impressed by that oh I think we’re
33:34 – 33:37 under impressed of course of course you
33:36 – 33:40 fail to see there’s something you fail
33:37 – 33:42 to see in that reasoning look they were
33:40 – 33:44 having archaic consciousness or magical
33:42 – 33:46 mythical depends when we’re talking
33:44 – 33:48 about so that means that they were
33:46 – 33:51 dealing with the same things but they
33:48 – 33:54 were expressing and experiencing
33:51 – 33:55 differently look I said people had a
33:54 – 33:58 different kind of consciousness before
33:55 – 34:02 that means that what they perceive it
33:58 – 34:05 was also different if you kill all
34:02 – 34:07 technology on earth you just try to
34:05 – 34:08 imagine like a meditation exercise or
34:07 – 34:12 something yeah it’s almost impossible
34:08 – 34:15 people in nature like or Norwegians we
34:12 – 34:17 know we know the wages are very artistic
34:15 – 34:19 or I should say agnostic
34:17 – 34:22 we’re probably the most secular one of
34:19 – 34:25 the most secular in the world right now
34:22 – 34:27 but all the Weejun when they go to the
34:25 – 34:31 mountains when they go to the forests
34:27 – 34:34 they become extremely humble and they
34:31 – 34:36 connect with something now we prefer the
34:34 – 34:38 technical way to explain it rather than
34:36 – 34:41 the mythical because we lost from that
34:38 – 34:43 part of consciousness but it’s still
34:41 – 34:45 there and we still know about it it’s a
34:43 – 34:48 reality so if you go back to such a
34:45 – 34:49 world where it’s just completely quiet I
34:48 – 34:52 lived
34:49 – 34:54 I’ve lived in complete isolation I’ve
34:52 – 34:56 lived in places where you had to drive a
34:54 – 34:58 car for half an hour to get to the
34:56 – 35:00 closest groceries I was surrounded by
34:58 – 35:03 wild beasts and creatures that’s it it
35:00 – 35:03 was completely dark it was completely
35:03 – 35:06 quiet
35:03 – 35:08 and it was completely lonesome the three
35:06 – 35:12 big fierce people are right silence
35:08 – 35:15 darkness and loneliness I conquered them
35:12 – 35:19 and I have to say if that was the world
35:15 – 35:22 all I know I had to I had electricity
35:19 – 35:25 yeah what if I didn’t even have that the
35:22 – 35:28 stores are very powerful but I think you
35:25 – 35:30 forced into other frequencies with your
35:28 – 35:33 consciousness under such circumstances
35:30 – 35:35 or the other way around the modern
35:33 – 35:37 technology the modern society has forced
35:35 – 35:40 us into the so-called technical
35:37 – 35:43 consciousness and so we stopped relating
35:40 – 35:47 to those other possibilities in reality
35:43 – 35:50 except via matter via machines via
35:47 – 35:53 technology which is really a bypass the
35:50 – 35:56 Shaymin he had a direct connection and
35:53 – 35:60 if you entertain the notion that it’s
35:56 – 36:03 possible to develop yourself to grow as
35:60 – 36:05 a human being you know you don’t have to
36:03 – 36:06 adopt you know the Hitler idea and the
36:05 – 36:08 Nietzsche idea that you become a
36:06 – 36:10 Superman and you’re gonna rule the
36:08 – 36:12 others but ancient old idea of becoming
36:10 – 36:14 a god
36:12 – 36:16 I mean you can see it in all religions
36:14 – 36:18 all religious talk about it they say
36:16 – 36:20 that the and you asked me for the
36:18 – 36:23 meaning of life well it is to go that
36:20 – 36:25 part it is to grow it is to become more
36:23 – 36:27 than you are and if you become a god if
36:25 – 36:29 you become a higher kind of being that
36:27 – 36:33 we meant to be like an embryo that’s
36:29 – 36:36 supposed to develop then maybe we too
36:33 – 36:39 can attain what these so called UFOs
36:36 – 36:41 does you know the Tibetan say just you
36:39 – 36:44 know people levitating whatever you have
36:41 – 36:47 these notions that man can you know
36:44 – 36:50 Enoch in the Bible or he was raised to
36:47 – 36:53 Metatron and he could rule he was the
36:50 – 36:55 first human being to reach that level
36:53 – 36:57 where he could rule for us the right
36:55 – 37:03 hand of God you know the Gnostics they
36:57 – 37:05 said that the angels were really not as
37:03 – 37:07 developed as humans being although they
37:05 – 37:10 were at a higher level because it’s all
37:07 – 37:14 about the fall if you imagine a circle
37:10 – 37:16 and you say that the divine the god the
37:14 – 37:18 the supreme is on top and the matter is
37:16 – 37:22 a bottom and we are now at the bottom
37:18 – 37:25 that’s where we are operating with our
37:22 – 37:28 consciousness well it’s a circle so you
37:25 – 37:31 can get back to top but the difference
37:28 – 37:34 between someone who are between the top
37:31 – 37:36 and bottom like the angels is that they
37:34 – 37:38 haven’t fallen that’s why the depicted
37:36 – 37:40 where their feet never touching the
37:38 – 37:42 ground it’s a symbol that they don’t no
37:40 – 37:43 matter they don’t know the suffering the
37:42 – 37:46 darkness all the stuff that we’re
37:43 – 37:48 dealing with the limitations so they’re
37:46 – 37:50 yeah the more advanced than us in a way
37:48 – 37:52 in the fact that they’re living at the
37:50 – 37:54 higher level but they’re not more
37:52 – 37:56 advanced in terms of soul maturity and
37:54 – 37:59 experience because experience is what
37:56 – 38:02 really develops you know hang on hang on
37:59 – 38:04 no no no you misunderstand me I’m trying
38:02 – 38:06 to paint an analogy for you and I’m
38:04 – 38:09 almost done let me just complete it then
38:06 – 38:11 you have the other side we’re at the
38:09 – 38:13 same level of the angels all the soul is
38:11 – 38:16 a circle where you put the human beings
38:13 – 38:18 who have ascended who have grown now the
38:16 – 38:20 difference between them and the angels
38:18 – 38:22 although they are the same level on the
38:20 – 38:24 circle in a
38:22 – 38:28 between top and bottom is that the
38:24 – 38:31 humans no darkness they know the earth
38:28 – 38:34 the matter they have that experience
38:31 – 38:37 this is the central subject in many
38:34 – 38:40 esoteric and spiritual traditions
38:37 – 38:42 including the Gnostics and so that’s
38:40 – 38:46 what happened with in the Bible with you
38:42 – 38:46 know the God said yeah you’ll become
38:46 – 38:49 Metatron
38:46 – 38:51 that’s an angel name and the other
38:49 – 38:54 angels got jealous and they revolted and
38:51 – 38:57 not everyone but you know Lucifer and
38:54 – 38:60 all these people because they how could
38:57 – 39:04 a lowly human being be raised up to
38:60 – 39:07 their level and that’s what I could
39:04 – 39:10 stomach they were arrogant and then they
39:07 – 39:12 fell which was obviously a choice they
39:10 – 39:16 made because they wanted okay you want
39:12 – 39:18 to know the human condition down with
39:16 – 39:22 you and so that’s the war in heaven and
39:18 – 39:24 when Michael took the fire angel took
39:22 – 39:26 lose the first place
39:24 – 39:28 now why am I talking about this because
39:26 – 39:30 it’s a perfect analogy of what we’re
39:28 – 39:32 talking about here this is expressed in
39:30 – 39:36 mythical consciousness but it may have
39:32 – 39:39 it may express scientific realities
39:36 – 39:42 again you’re saying we’re not going to
39:39 – 39:44 discuss this at the basic level right so
39:42 – 39:50 I’m assuming that people who listen to
39:44 – 39:53 this can follow this kind of idea we’re
39:50 – 39:55 discussing here its its symbols but it’s
39:53 – 39:58 expressing something that may be real so
39:55 – 40:01 we’re talking about advanced creatures
39:58 – 40:04 that may manifest in the phenomenon we
40:01 – 40:06 call UFOs then we may be talking about
40:04 – 40:09 creatures host who’s either at a lower
40:06 – 40:11 level than us because they don’t know
40:09 – 40:12 how it is to be here or we may be
40:11 – 40:14 talking about creatures that are at a
40:12 – 40:17 higher level because they have been
40:14 – 40:20 through this kind of experience but
40:17 – 40:23 because remember every spiritual
40:20 – 40:25 relation agree that mankind is in touch
40:23 – 40:28 with a source we have this sense of self
40:25 – 40:31 they say the grace what
40:28 – 40:34 they say it’s like robots soulless
40:31 – 40:37 creatures and and a I would be
40:34 – 40:39 completely soulless creatures and so
40:37 – 40:41 they’re not in touch with the source
40:39 – 40:44 they’re nothing they don’t have the
40:41 – 40:47 possibility to advance like me know what
40:44 – 40:52 human being have and so if if that’s
40:47 – 40:56 true that humans beings can grow beyond
40:52 – 40:57 their condition then yeah there would be
40:56 – 40:59 forces that would be interested in
40:57 – 41:02 keeping us down because it’s all about
40:59 – 41:04 liberation and if you if you grow if you
41:02 – 41:06 become liberated then you’re a threat to
41:04 – 41:08 those who try to control and those who
41:06 – 41:11 try try to control are obviously not
41:08 – 41:12 enlightened creatures whoever they are
41:11 – 41:14 even if they’re not even human beings
41:12 – 41:17 because the nature of control is
41:14 – 41:22 actually the opposite of love power and
41:17 – 41:24 love are kind of opposites oh yeah so
41:22 – 41:29 I’m saying that we have that possibility
41:24 – 41:32 to grow and who knows what levels we can
41:29 – 41:34 reach or I think if we can raise
41:32 – 41:37 ourselves to higher vibration we can do
41:34 – 41:48 the same as UFOs we can influence matter
41:37 – 41:50 okay so enjoy talking to you and having
41:48 – 41:52 these kind of discussions where we can
41:50 – 41:53 really dive deep and that was the point
41:52 – 41:56 of all this
41:53 – 41:59 so I’ve jotted down a couple of data
41:56 – 41:60 points that I think I’ve put on the
41:59 – 42:02 table already
41:60 – 42:04 and I want to make sure you come back
42:02 – 42:07 and address because I like the data
42:04 – 42:10 point idea I like the litmus test if you
42:07 – 42:13 will the test that divides us puts us on
42:10 – 42:16 one side or another so one I’d say is
42:13 – 42:18 the head transplant oh yeah operation
42:16 – 42:20 that our friend in Italy is going to
42:18 – 42:24 perform that is going to tell us
42:20 – 42:27 something beyond all the you know no
42:24 – 42:30 regulation no it’s a head it’s not a
42:27 – 42:32 brain transplantation is it the entire
42:30 – 42:35 well is it is it a head or a brain both
42:32 – 42:37 the whole thing well I had is more than
42:35 – 42:38 a brain my friend but
42:37 – 42:42 I said it’s the whole thing it’s both
42:38 – 42:43 okay but if he takes a brain out of one
42:42 – 42:46 perfect person I push it in another
42:43 – 42:48 person’s I had it’s a head it’s a head
42:46 – 42:50 with the brain yeah but if he only does
42:48 – 42:54 it with a brain you know the front gets
42:50 – 42:57 done I know but I’m saying if he didn’t
42:54 – 43:01 do the head if he only did a brain and
42:57 – 43:03 he and or someone did it and the person
43:01 – 43:05 woke up and were the same person well
43:03 – 43:07 how could we know but said it was the
43:05 – 43:08 same person and seemed like be it being
43:07 – 43:11 in the same person at least we know that
43:08 – 43:14 consciousness is and he had no
43:11 – 43:18 expression problems then we know that
43:14 – 43:21 consciousness is basically connected to
43:18 – 43:24 the brain but you know we know already
43:21 – 43:26 that consciousness is also interacting
43:24 – 43:28 with the heart and with the gut and with
43:26 – 43:30 the whole spine thing I think it will
43:28 – 43:33 fail unless it takes the whole goddamn
43:30 – 43:36 spine I think he needs all the way now
43:33 – 43:38 if it’s the head you have the pinpoint
43:36 – 43:41 Neil you put you call it picture every
43:38 – 43:45 gland we call it a doofus and a
43:41 – 43:47 hypothesis and yeah yeah there’s many
43:45 – 43:49 more things than just the brain and the
43:47 – 43:52 brain in itself is also you know in in
43:49 – 43:54 different parts so okay what do you
43:52 – 43:56 think is gonna happen now I’m gonna
43:54 – 43:58 record we’ll have a little pool yeah
43:56 – 43:60 what do you think is gonna happen when
43:58 – 44:01 that when he moves the head from one
43:60 – 44:03 person to the next
44:01 – 44:05 well I think they will have to do it
44:03 – 44:07 many times before they will succeed but
44:05 – 44:10 they would be incredibly look they claim
44:07 – 44:12 to have done it with animals yeah yeah
44:10 – 44:14 but they can’t know if the animal is the
44:12 – 44:17 same creature because if you do it and
44:14 – 44:20 if you can connect the head to a system
44:17 – 44:23 that already has a heart and I got then
44:20 – 44:26 well it’s a very interesting thing you
44:23 – 44:29 know people who get organs from other
44:26 – 44:31 people they can feel stuff that they
44:29 – 44:33 couldn’t they experienced stuff that
44:31 – 44:34 they couldn’t experience before right
44:33 – 44:37 you know what I mean and and some people
44:34 – 44:40 have is reported to have had personality
44:37 – 44:43 changes you know coined people becoming
44:40 – 44:46 evil stuff like that
44:43 – 44:48 it’s incredible they’re interesting
44:46 – 44:50 because you’re altering the vehicle for
44:48 – 44:51 the consciousness but if there’s
44:50 – 44:53 consciousness everywhere
44:51 – 44:56 and you create optimal conditions for
44:53 – 44:59 them to express themselves I think it
44:56 – 45:02 could be feasible to get it sounds like
44:59 – 45:05 you’re kind of coming around to some of
45:02 – 45:07 my when you start saying when we change
45:05 – 45:09 the conditions for consciousness we
45:07 – 45:12 change the vehicles for consciousness
45:09 – 45:15 where somehow seem to be changing the
45:12 – 45:17 way the consciousness manifests I’m not
45:15 – 45:22 saying I understand that I’m just saying
45:17 – 45:24 as we start taking a broader picture of
45:22 – 45:27 the data and start putting it together
45:24 – 45:29 I don’t know I’m really on the cusp of
45:27 – 45:31 this I this is new territory for me it’s
45:29 – 45:33 both exciting but it also feels
45:31 – 45:35 threatening to me because this this goes
45:33 – 45:38 against a lot of the things that I’ve
45:35 – 45:40 said you know no no Sarah no no of
45:38 – 45:43 course the big question is if there is
45:40 – 45:46 it’s the sole idea and now I’m talking
45:43 – 45:48 about it as an i as a me question is
45:46 – 45:51 which me is manifesting we don’t know
45:48 – 45:54 and as we loosen our grip on that you’d
45:51 – 45:55 be the possibilities become more and
45:54 – 45:57 more okay I’m gonna throw out another
45:55 – 45:58 data point so the other data point I’ve
45:57 – 46:00 already thrown out that maybe we’ve
45:58 – 46:03 hammered enough for now is the whole
46:00 – 46:06 shaman thing and the assumptions we’re
46:03 – 46:09 making about how the shaman or the
46:06 – 46:12 magician is interacting with in
46:09 – 46:14 manipulating consciousness or the field
46:12 – 46:17 or whatever we want to call it and I’m
46:14 – 46:20 just throwing out the possibility that
46:17 – 46:22 what we’re seeing there is a very crude
46:20 – 46:26 manipulation that could be refined
46:22 – 46:30 greatly with technology and that maybe
46:26 – 46:32 there are people entities whatever that
46:30 – 46:34 have used that as a starting point and
46:32 – 46:36 said oh yeah that’s that’s a nice quaint
46:34 – 46:39 little thing over there we have that
46:36 – 46:41 times a hundred and we have it not only
46:39 – 46:44 we’ve not only mastered it but we’ve
46:41 – 46:46 added a technological component to it
46:44 – 46:48 where we can turn this knob and turn
46:46 – 46:51 that knob and okay but if you are in
46:48 – 46:54 touch with the source of all energy then
46:51 – 46:58 you can manifest energy then you can
46:54 – 47:02 create energy forms if you are dependent
46:58 – 47:05 on technology then it’s like like I said
47:02 – 47:07 to you in our pre-shot it’s
47:05 – 47:10 manipulating it’s a lower trying to
47:07 – 47:12 imitate the higher I don’t leave maybe
47:10 – 47:14 do we really know that no but I’m saying
47:12 – 47:17 it’s more effective it’s more effective
47:14 – 47:19 to become a creature with a with
47:17 – 47:22 consciousness
47:19 – 47:26 that’s so much larger than human can
47:22 – 47:28 fathom that they can manifest who’s to
47:26 – 47:32 say that these so-called spirits if they
47:28 – 47:33 are higher creatures can’t manifest and
47:32 – 47:36 now we’re going into Jack Valley
47:33 – 47:38 territory right maybe they you know okay
47:36 – 47:41 you believe in Virgin Mary
47:38 – 47:45 now I’m manifesting to us Virgin Mary
47:41 – 47:47 whatever you be you you’re an ape man
47:45 – 47:49 now I’m manifesting to you something
47:47 – 47:51 that they can relate to okay we’re in a
47:49 – 47:53 technological age okay I’m manifesting
47:51 – 47:56 like a spacecraft you know I think
47:53 – 47:59 people misinterpret that and I think
47:56 – 48:02 they way jump too far and say okay like
47:59 – 48:04 that somehow answers the question and I
48:02 – 48:06 don’t say that you’re necessarily saying
48:04 – 48:10 that but I’m not sure what to really do
48:06 – 48:12 with that insight so instead I’m gonna
48:10 – 48:14 hit you with a couple other data points
48:12 – 48:16 and see what you think you missed a
48:14 – 48:19 point though no I
48:16 – 48:21 well I the point is just that if it
48:19 – 48:24 appears to be technological it doesn’t
48:21 – 48:27 mean that it’s technology that is King
48:24 – 48:30 here it means that in fact it may be
48:27 – 48:32 spirit that this king and we are just
48:30 – 48:34 perceiving it as something we can relate
48:32 – 48:37 to at all level and then we think okay
48:34 – 48:39 we make better technology then we can do
48:37 – 48:42 this and maybe we can improve ourselves
48:39 – 48:45 maybe it’s a good inspirational tool you
48:42 – 48:45 know if technologies here’s the counter
48:45 – 48:48 to that
48:45 – 48:51 l/s go talk to whitley strieber go talk
48:48 – 48:53 to hundreds and hundreds of abductees
48:51 – 48:56 and they’ll tell you all about screen
48:53 – 48:59 memory they’ll tell you how ET
48:56 – 49:01 completely created an alternative
48:59 – 49:05 reality in their mind completely
49:01 – 49:08 presented implanted thoughts that that
49:05 – 49:10 all fit together and all this stuff so
49:08 – 49:12 again I don’t get that what do you mean
49:10 – 49:14 what are they saying I think the point
49:12 – 49:15 that you were making and I hear people
49:14 – 49:18 make a lot of time with the shock delay
49:15 – 49:18 stuff is that you know the Virgin Mary
49:18 – 49:20 can
49:18 – 49:23 presented as the Virgin Mary blah blah
49:20 – 49:26 blah the ferry can present as a ferry
49:23 – 49:29 you know so therefore we don’t know what
49:26 – 49:32 it is why when we switch over to the et
49:29 – 49:34 world and we go inside the abduction
49:32 – 49:37 scenario these people are going yeah
49:34 – 49:39 it’s really it’s really messed up but
49:37 – 49:42 they created these memories in my mind
49:39 – 49:44 and then I went through ten years of
49:42 – 49:47 hell and depression and alcoholism and
49:44 – 49:49 finally wound up in regressive
49:47 – 49:52 hypnotherapy and I remember where they
49:49 – 49:54 put these screen memories in me and they
49:52 – 49:56 manipulated and did it in this way so we
49:54 – 49:58 can go back to saying well have they
49:56 – 50:00 mastered it or not quite mastered it is
49:58 – 50:04 the shaman further along than they are
50:00 – 50:07 whatever but again I just don’t think we
50:04 – 50:08 are you’re taking their interpretation
50:07 – 50:11 at face value
50:08 – 50:14 you’re literally believing we don’t need
50:11 – 50:15 to completely accept it but we need to
50:14 – 50:17 have that as a data point because the
50:15 – 50:19 counter to that is so many people take
50:17 – 50:21 the valet stuff and all of a sudden
50:19 – 50:23 they’re off talking about fairies as if
50:21 – 50:25 this somehow offers some kind of
50:23 – 50:29 explanation for things if we’re gonna
50:25 – 50:31 try and nail down the data the abduction
50:29 – 50:33 accounts give us a much better data set
50:31 – 50:37 to work with the only other alternative
50:33 – 50:39 what people other than you know the like
50:37 – 50:41 we set the Neil deGrasse Tyson stuff but
50:39 – 50:43 that’s out the window so we drove that
50:41 – 50:48 out the window hypnosis is a very
50:43 – 50:50 dubious – – you know great you’ve just
50:48 – 50:51 walked into my next data point okay I
50:50 – 50:53 want you to consider this I wanted to
50:51 – 50:56 tell me what you think so Darren Darren
50:53 – 50:57 brown I you know I had a chance to book
50:56 – 50:59 him a few years ago and I didn’t and I
50:57 – 51:01 wish I would have because now he’s he’s
50:59 – 51:04 too big and I’d never get him and I
51:01 – 51:06 don’t understand why he’s a freaking
51:04 – 51:08 atheist which is completely stupid in
51:06 – 51:10 mind but he’s an agnostic yeah but he
51:08 – 51:12 said acts Christian that’s why he sees a
51:10 – 51:14 victim of his experience I know what
51:12 – 51:17 that is – you know and he’s and he’s
51:14 – 51:19 from the UK so he could never you think
51:17 – 51:22 more broadly than just black or white
51:19 – 51:23 and stuff but the guy is incredible I
51:22 – 51:25 don’t want to put him down the guy is
51:23 – 51:29 absolutely incredible
51:25 – 51:31 he’s a mesmerizing and his ability to
51:29 – 51:32 manipulate consciousness at this low
51:31 – 51:34 level
51:32 – 51:35 right so now we have to kind of put our
51:34 – 51:37 feet back on the ground we’re not
51:35 – 51:39 talking about fairies and ETS
51:37 – 51:40 we’re talking about the Manchurian
51:39 – 51:43 Candidate but I don’t know if people
51:40 – 51:45 have ever seen it but Darren brown
51:43 – 51:47 creates a Manchurian Candidate right in
51:45 – 51:50 front of your eyes and he doesn’t in he
51:47 – 51:51 gives you the recipe he says okay the
51:50 – 51:53 first thing you have to do is you have
51:51 – 51:54 to start with a hundred people because
51:53 – 51:57 you’re only gonna want to select out the
51:54 – 51:59 people who are most subjective throw the
51:57 – 52:00 rest of them out throw 95 from Mount
51:59 – 52:04 take the five that are most suggestible
52:00 – 52:07 BAM you got cirhonk cirhonk exactly
52:04 – 52:08 sirhan sirhan exactly so if those guys
52:07 – 52:12 at MK ULTRA we’re doing all this stuff
52:08 – 52:14 but it’s just a small part of it but the
52:12 – 52:16 point is Darren brown we can all cock a
52:14 – 52:19 watch it right now go watch it he
52:16 – 52:20 creates the Manchurian Candidate he puts
52:19 – 52:23 him in twice in two different show
52:20 – 52:25 sectioning just two different shows and
52:23 – 52:28 and again so let’s put our feet back on
52:25 – 52:30 the ground and look at that that data
52:28 – 52:32 points oh okay that’s not sold you know
52:30 – 52:37 oh that’s this part of the mind isn’t
52:32 – 52:40 that hey we have no idea how that can
52:37 – 52:44 happen why that happens we have no sense
52:40 – 52:48 for if this guy is able to manipulate
52:44 – 52:52 consciousness in this way are there
52:48 – 52:57 beings individuals a eyes that have
52:52 – 53:00 similarly fit not a ice but yeah there
52:57 – 53:03 are probably beings human or otherwise
53:00 – 53:07 who can do the same in fact it’s not
53:03 – 53:09 just probable it’s it’s well I’ll be
53:07 – 53:11 professional I said probable I’ll not be
53:09 – 53:14 black and white here but yeah everything
53:11 – 53:16 points to that of course I mean I can I
53:14 – 53:18 can manipulate my cat now if I want to
53:16 – 53:20 and I’m a greater consciousness and my
53:18 – 53:22 cat I hope great so you know what I’m
53:20 – 53:24 gonna throw in my next data point right
53:22 – 53:26 there without even talking about this
53:24 – 53:28 one so um you know a few years ago I
53:26 – 53:31 when I really first got into psychics
53:28 – 53:33 and again my journey on skeptic Oh was I
53:31 – 53:35 didn’t know if any of this stuff was
53:33 – 53:37 true I didn’t know if any of it was true
53:35 – 53:39 so I kind of just took an open mind I
53:37 – 53:41 kind of had an inkling that you know
53:39 – 53:44 it’s just gotta be something to it
53:41 – 53:47 because people don’t lie on such a mass
53:44 – 53:48 scale in a grandiose way that don’t have
53:47 – 53:50 any interest you know why would all
53:48 – 53:52 these psychics be lying and more
53:50 – 53:54 importantly why would all these people
53:52 – 53:56 who visit and beeline with one thing I
53:54 – 53:57 got into and all that was animal
53:56 – 53:60 communication I don’t know if you’ve
53:57 – 54:02 ever done it but or looked into it but
53:60 – 54:05 the evidence is overwhelming that some
54:02 – 54:07 people have this ability unexplained
54:05 – 54:08 ability to communicate with animals and
54:07 – 54:10 get more talking about Sheldrick
54:08 – 54:13 Sheldrick totally nailed it
54:10 – 54:16 scientifically with dog hair oh just
54:13 – 54:18 creepy – oh the parrot is just too much
54:16 – 54:19 but now so I’m listen to this this
54:18 – 54:21 animal communicator the other day I’m
54:19 – 54:22 one of these podcast and here’s the
54:21 – 54:25 story it’s a great one it’s about your
54:22 – 54:28 kin ya know she goes I’m going I go over
54:25 – 54:30 to dinner with some friends I’m an
54:28 – 54:33 animal communicator but I don’t lead
54:30 – 54:35 with that because it’s I never know
54:33 – 54:36 where it’s gonna go with people but I
54:35 – 54:38 walk into their house and we’re getting
54:36 – 54:41 ready for dinner and the cat comes over
54:38 – 54:42 and the cats communicating to me and he
54:41 – 54:45 does not look when cat or she goes when
54:42 – 54:46 cats communicate I get different kinds
54:45 – 54:48 of message sometimes I see images
54:46 – 54:50 sometimes I have feelings this and that
54:48 – 54:54 in this case I just get this strong
54:50 – 54:58 image it’s a circle with a square in it
54:54 – 54:60 a circle one yellow square a circle with
54:58 – 55:02 a yellow square and I can’t get over and
54:60 – 55:04 I can’t make anything of it but it’s
55:02 – 55:06 really bugging me what’s going on and
55:04 – 55:08 then right before dinner
55:06 – 55:12 my host comes out with a little plate
55:08 – 55:15 with a tab of butter on it it puts it
55:12 – 55:21 down for the cat yeah and my apron is to
55:15 – 55:22 get food yeah that’s great at that Wow
55:21 – 55:25 you know she doesn’t say anything but
55:22 – 55:29 she so that’s what I saw in my head and
55:25 – 55:31 she was is it typical for your cat to
55:29 – 55:32 eat butter and she goes well it’s a
55:31 – 55:35 special treat sometimes when we have
55:32 – 55:38 visitors come over all right give her
55:35 – 55:40 that special treat of a tab of butter
55:38 – 55:42 and she said okay now everything made
55:40 – 55:47 sense there the point being the data
55:42 – 55:51 point being the consciousness of animals
55:47 – 55:54 is in this realm in this hierarchy if AI
55:51 – 55:56 if we’re going to create AI if we’re
55:54 – 55:58 gonna create artificial intelligence
55:56 – 56:01 that can somehow
55:58 – 56:03 take on consciousness it’s not gonna
56:01 – 56:05 take it on in human form it’s gonna take
56:03 – 56:09 it on and you know it’s gonna have the
56:05 – 56:10 consciousness of a ant at the beginning
56:09 – 56:12 and then the consciousness and then it’s
56:10 – 56:14 gonna build up to the consciousness of a
56:12 – 56:15 cat but I think sometimes when we try
56:14 – 56:18 and tackle this problem and pull it
56:15 – 56:21 apart now you just met a leap you have
56:18 – 56:26 to walk me through that leap how is
56:21 – 56:29 something that’s lacking the life strata
56:26 – 56:32 and consciousness strata how can it
56:29 – 56:34 develop consciousness if it’s my don’t
56:32 – 56:36 know I don’t know as I’m telling you I’m
56:34 – 56:38 not comfortable with the things that I’m
56:36 – 56:39 saying look like I said consciousness
56:38 – 56:43 can hijack it
56:39 – 56:46 but that’s created already yeah we know
56:43 – 56:49 that chill and you know yeah I think we
56:46 – 56:54 know that I think we’ve seen examples
56:49 – 56:56 well I mean we can’t go to the skeptics
56:54 – 56:57 with this and hit them in the head with
56:56 – 57:02 it but but I think we’ve seen examples
56:57 – 57:06 of mind over matter or matter being
57:02 – 57:08 manipulated by by consciousness yeah I
57:06 – 57:10 think that’s possible in fact I think we
57:08 – 57:13 can make tools in the transhumanism
57:10 – 57:15 thing that I’m totally against but I
57:13 – 57:17 think they can reach levels where and
57:15 – 57:19 they have already actually to a certain
57:17 – 57:21 extent where our consciousness can
57:19 – 57:24 manipulate this matter right that’s why
57:21 – 57:27 they think that consciousness is
57:24 – 57:29 resonant innate with it they think it’s
57:27 – 57:33 like at the same level just because you
57:29 – 57:36 know if you’re completely numb paralyzed
57:33 – 57:39 do you have a the illness so you can
57:36 – 57:41 spine problem something they can make it
57:39 – 57:43 so that you can you know put on the
57:41 – 57:46 light so whatever right and they put
57:43 – 57:49 chips in us yeah we can interact with
57:46 – 57:51 consciousness I don’t know with matter
57:49 – 57:55 doesn’t mean that matter is sentient
57:51 – 57:56 alive right that’s the big problem
57:55 – 57:58 that’s what we’re really discussing
57:56 – 58:01 we’re not disagreeing about all the
57:58 – 58:04 other aspects that matter and technology
58:01 – 58:07 can boost our possibilities that we can
58:04 – 58:09 make our consciousness or all the types
58:07 – 58:10 of consciousness influence it I’m all
58:09 – 58:12 with that
58:10 – 58:14 but they’re really interesting
58:12 – 58:17 philosophical thing here is the
58:14 – 58:21 transplantation thing what do you think
58:17 – 58:24 will happen with that had I really don’t
58:21 – 58:30 know I’m leaning towards the idea that
58:24 – 58:34 the consciousness soul connection is not
58:30 – 58:38 what we think it is it’s not as special
58:34 – 58:42 it’s not as unique it’s more malleable
58:38 – 58:46 it’s more flexible than maybe we’ve
58:42 – 58:49 we’ve thought and one data points for me
58:46 – 58:52 is there are accounts again abduction
58:49 – 58:55 accounts ET abduction accounts where
58:52 – 58:58 they keep saying ET how do you know it’s
58:55 – 58:59 ET you know that that’s an interesting I
58:58 – 59:02 don’t know if we even want to go down
58:59 – 59:04 that that alley I want to finish this
59:02 – 59:06 because okay I’m gonna throw two more
59:04 – 59:07 data points up one is a very loose data
59:06 – 59:10 point because I can’t really nail it
59:07 – 59:12 down but there’s accounts of ET
59:10 – 59:15 abduction where they seem to be able to
59:12 – 59:18 manipulate consciousness from one being
59:15 – 59:20 to another move it from one being to
59:18 – 59:22 another and that they do Darren brown
59:20 – 59:24 could probably do that thing and make a
59:22 – 59:27 person believe that’s what he’s
59:24 – 59:30 experienced well if Darren brown can do
59:27 – 59:32 it you can bet that military and the
59:30 – 59:34 Intel can do it in fact let me plug a
59:32 – 59:35 book that just came out by Joseph
59:34 – 59:38 Ferrell I haven’t read it yet but it’s
59:35 – 59:41 supposed to be great it’s all about mind
59:38 – 59:42 control his latest book is about these
59:41 – 59:45 things we’re talking about now but
59:42 – 59:47 anyway go on here’s the distinction I
59:45 – 59:50 guess I’d make with that is that it’s
59:47 – 59:52 one thing to say that some person is
59:50 – 59:55 tricked into doing it and they’re still
59:52 – 59:58 alive I mean because as we just touched
59:55 – 60:01 on earlier you know if you go over and
59:58 – 60:05 the astral travel kind of out of body
60:01 – 60:07 experience people they’ll they’ll tell
60:05 – 60:09 you this stuff happens they’ll tell you
60:07 – 60:12 people who leave their body and for some
60:09 – 60:15 way or for sometime can’t get back into
60:12 – 60:19 their body well again that suggests a
60:15 – 60:21 physical property to this consciousness
60:19 – 60:23 that somehow stays together is somehow
60:21 – 60:25 leaving innocent somehow
60:23 – 60:27 kind of coming back and they’ll also
60:25 – 60:29 tell you about something called step ins
60:27 – 60:31 you know where some other consciousness
60:29 – 60:33 yes or whatever you want to call this is
60:31 – 60:36 old the ancient Egyptians had a whole
60:33 – 60:42 technology extremely details about this
60:36 – 60:45 so my point is are we not fully fully
60:42 – 60:48 embracing that possibility when we look
60:45 – 60:51 at ET when these accounts are right in
60:48 – 60:53 our face and we’re kind of seeing them
60:51 – 60:55 for something other than what they are
60:53 – 60:57 so here’s the last data point and then
60:55 – 60:59 we’ll talk about Peter lavinda
60:57 – 61:00 and that’s Rick Strassman it’s a data
60:59 – 61:03 point we’ve already talked about so Rick
61:00 – 61:06 Strassman is at the University of New
61:03 – 61:07 Mexico he gets the go-ahead to study DMT
61:06 – 61:10 in these patients he gives these
61:07 – 61:12 patients DMT and bam they show up in
61:10 – 61:15 this alternative dimension and there is
61:12 – 61:18 ET and saying hey glad you’re here we’ve
61:15 – 61:21 been waiting for you so now what what we
61:18 – 61:23 have to pull that back into the the
61:21 – 61:25 Darren brown and the cat and the shaman
61:23 – 61:27 and the head transplant and we have to
61:25 – 61:30 put all these data points together and
61:27 – 61:32 say what the hell are we talking about
61:30 – 61:35 in that with this consciousness in what
61:32 – 61:37 ways is it being manipulated in what
61:35 – 61:41 ways is it being mechanized is it being
61:37 – 61:44 programmed is it being manipulated what
61:41 – 61:45 is the flexibility of it all these
61:44 – 61:48 things I think need to be re-examined
61:45 – 61:51 and re-examined in a way that I think
61:48 – 61:56 we’re intentionally being misdirected
61:51 – 61:58 away from when we look at the current
61:56 – 62:04 disclosure as it is that’s coming out
61:58 – 62:07 with ET right so what’s the question
62:04 – 62:10 here sorry
62:07 – 62:13 so Levin does up to his eyeballs in it
62:10 – 62:16 anyone is talking about ET you know it
62:13 – 62:18 blows me away it’s just human nature
62:16 – 62:20 it’s this is the big boy discussion and
62:18 – 62:22 out in the Kitty room they’re talking
62:20 – 62:25 about UFOs because there’s a lot of
62:22 – 62:28 people in the Kitty room who will accept
62:25 – 62:30 UFOs but won’t accept DT though yeah I
62:28 – 62:33 know you eat UFOs but no there’s nothing
62:30 – 62:35 then if they get to et though then well
62:33 – 62:36 okay I’ll accept DT but I won’t accept
62:35 – 62:39 abduction
62:36 – 62:41 like that can’t be that’s ridiculous
62:39 – 62:43 that can’t be happening well that again
62:41 – 62:48 you’re at the kiddie table if you think
62:43 – 62:51 that Thirsty’s craft that are in our
62:48 – 62:53 space interacting with us and that
62:51 – 62:56 they’re piloted and do you think that
62:53 – 62:59 you can just step over all the evidence
62:56 – 63:01 that we’ve had this serious engagement
62:59 – 63:05 with them at the highest levels of our
63:01 – 63:07 government and for the longest time then
63:05 – 63:11 you’re just there at the kiddie table so
63:07 – 63:14 anyone who doesn’t lead with that or
63:11 – 63:17 doesn’t quickly go there the way that
63:14 – 63:20 Peter Levin des and Tom DeLonge don’t
63:17 – 63:23 seem to want to go there they want to
63:20 – 63:24 kind of chunk it down into it’s just
63:23 – 63:28 that we saw this stuff on the radar
63:24 – 63:32 isn’t that cool it’s like what are you
63:28 – 63:36 trying to feed me here why is the story
63:32 – 63:39 being dumbed down by the way there’s
63:36 – 63:42 people who accept aliens but not UFOs so
63:39 – 63:45 the other way around works too for that
63:42 – 63:47 well it’s in no way they say oh the
63:45 – 63:49 universe is teeming with life’s but then
63:47 – 63:51 you confront them in UFOs and they say
63:49 – 63:52 no no they could never get here and blah
63:51 – 63:57 blah but yeah right
63:52 – 63:59 but anyway LaVonda so have you read this
63:57 – 64:03 book I mean he entertains many different
63:59 – 64:06 aspects the threat trilogy the first one
64:03 – 64:09 that come out is God’s there he ties it
64:06 – 64:11 into stuff we touched already you know
64:09 – 64:14 discussions but he looks at the
64:11 – 64:16 mythological aspect an ancient aspect
64:14 – 64:19 and all that not ancient aliens but like
64:16 – 64:23 Cora go cold son many different things
64:19 – 64:25 he also discusses the AI and could it be
64:23 – 64:27 creatures whatever and the creature
64:25 – 64:29 thing there’s a case to be made for that
64:27 – 64:32 I’ll get back to that but then he’s
64:29 – 64:37 having this book coming out now which is
64:32 – 64:40 called man and that’s about technology
64:37 – 64:43 and more contemporary times and the
64:40 – 64:45 third one is called wharfs I’m not sure
64:43 – 64:48 what that will deal with so he needs
64:45 – 64:50 they need three thick books to try to
64:48 – 64:53 touch the philosophical aspect
64:50 – 64:56 of all this so I won’t say there are key
64:53 – 64:59 detailing anything you are probably
64:56 – 65:02 referring to the you know the the little
64:59 – 65:04 attempts are made to disclose tough you
65:02 – 65:07 know Louie Alessandro and all that stuff
65:04 – 65:10 and they’re not even suggesting any
65:07 – 65:15 fixed thing either either they’re just
65:10 – 65:17 saying like this is a real phenomenon
65:15 – 65:20 classified or not classified doesn’t
65:17 – 65:21 matter here it is it’s something real we
65:20 – 65:23 have to relate to it we have to
65:21 – 65:27 understand it I don’t see what the
65:23 – 65:30 problem with that is I feel like many
65:27 – 65:32 people who criticize it or angry because
65:30 – 65:33 they’re not offering a big answer that
65:32 – 65:36 they’re entertaining all these different
65:33 – 65:39 notion as if they’re really you know
65:36 – 65:41 what a part of me is inclined to believe
65:39 – 65:43 that even the government’s may be
65:41 – 65:45 clueless about what’s really going on
65:43 – 65:48 and they may think they know or they may
65:45 – 65:50 know parts of it and they certainly know
65:48 – 65:52 more than I mean what I do know or I
65:50 – 65:56 don’t know they’re not disclosing so we
65:52 – 65:58 agree about that but the stuff that’s
65:56 – 66:01 beyond us and it’s not us because I
65:58 – 66:04 think actually I think most of the UFO
66:01 – 66:07 and abduction things are very
66:04 – 66:10 terrestrial yes you know that’s why when
66:07 – 66:14 you say most of his terrestrial yeah
66:10 – 66:18 again aren’t you stepping over just a
66:14 – 66:22 ton of data I mean even the the remote
66:18 – 66:26 viewers when they were asked at s RI to
66:22 – 66:28 go and look they you know the help put
66:26 – 66:31 off and his whole crew and all those
66:28 – 66:33 guys I mean they went and remote viewed
66:31 – 66:35 the moon and they said yeah there’s et
66:33 – 66:36 and they reviewed the remote viewed the
66:35 – 66:38 back side of the moon and they said wow
66:36 – 66:40 there’s all this stuff going on why
66:38 – 66:42 would you think they’re terrestrial
66:40 – 66:44 since we there seems to be the story the
66:42 – 66:47 myth passed down through all these
66:44 – 66:50 cultures is that these beings are
66:47 – 66:51 reporting li coming from the stars why
66:50 – 66:53 do we discount that
66:51 – 66:57 why do you discount them well I’m not
66:53 – 67:02 exactly discounting that there may be
66:57 – 67:04 creatures from the stars but most of the
67:02 – 67:07 stuff that report
67:04 – 67:09 I mean we know there is a classified
67:07 – 67:13 space program I mean it’s not a
67:09 – 67:16 discussion so why is it that always in
67:13 – 67:21 this field it’s always the aliens if we
67:16 – 67:23 have vehicles that we are using however
67:21 – 67:25 advanced error I mean just you know
67:23 – 67:28 stuff they’re using now the had like
67:25 – 67:31 20-30 years ago but then it was
67:28 – 67:33 classified so there is always going to
67:31 – 67:35 be classified stuff but when they are
67:33 – 67:38 playing along with that why is that
67:35 – 67:39 never the explanation why is that never
67:38 – 67:41 the answer
67:39 – 67:43 why is it always a lien it looks to me
67:41 – 67:45 that the alien thing is created by the
67:43 – 67:48 military intelligence complex and you
67:45 – 67:51 see Pharrell’s great book about Roswell
67:48 – 67:53 is is a case for that I don’t think that
67:51 – 67:57 holds up I mean every account I’ve heard
67:53 – 67:60 of that kind of black-budget off planet
67:57 – 68:02 technology always traces back to aliens
67:60 – 68:04 even the people that trace it back to
68:02 – 68:06 the Third Reich and the Nazis and all
68:04 – 68:09 that kind of stuff it was alien inspired
68:06 – 68:11 so it’s like now yeah but there’s no
68:09 – 68:14 data for that yeah that that came from
68:11 – 68:16 this there’s no data there’s no data to
68:14 – 68:20 contradict it either I mean yes there is
68:16 – 68:23 no no there is no no I beg to differ
68:20 – 68:28 there is a human trace of terrestrial
68:23 – 68:31 int technology starting with the 20s and
68:28 – 68:33 the 30s that you can make a case for a
68:31 – 68:36 natural human development in technology
68:33 – 68:38 technology reaching stuff like
68:36 – 68:40 anti-gravity I’m not saying necessarily
68:38 – 68:42 offworld that they’re going to Sirius
68:40 – 68:45 and Orion but at least that they can
68:42 – 68:47 reach Moss Moss on the moon and at least
68:45 – 68:50 play around in our atmosphere there’s a
68:47 – 68:52 terrestrial trace technological natural
68:50 – 68:55 development you can point to you don’t
68:52 – 68:57 need aliens for that and I don’t hate to
68:55 – 69:00 sound like a skeptic we have to we can’t
68:57 – 69:04 just disregard their kind of tools
69:00 – 69:07 either and so if you don’t need aliens
69:04 – 69:09 you know Occam’s razor then it doesn’t
69:07 – 69:13 mean there’s no aliens but it also means
69:09 – 69:15 that you can’t rush to you can discount
69:13 – 69:18 the the terrestrial explanation now the
69:15 – 69:21 fact that people believe it
69:18 – 69:23 was seeded from aliens that’s completely
69:21 – 69:26 void when it comes to evidence because
69:23 – 69:29 oh if you if you trace those stories
69:26 – 69:32 you’ll see that it always and up with
69:29 – 69:34 propaganda sources like that the Nazis
69:32 – 69:37 had that this technology is a matter of
69:34 – 69:40 or at least there’s traces of their
69:37 – 69:42 having played around with the virgin
69:40 – 69:45 versions of this is a matter of fact but
69:42 – 69:47 that they get got it from aliens is a
69:45 – 69:50 matter of propaganda it can be traced to
69:47 – 69:53 neo-nazi sources and it can be traced to
69:50 – 69:56 Intel sources and for us big point in
69:53 – 69:59 his Roswell book is that and they do
69:56 – 70:02 this all the time by the way is that if
69:59 – 70:05 you have a phenomenon that you want to
70:02 – 70:10 conceal the smart way to go about it is
70:05 – 70:12 to create dualism and antagonism you
70:10 – 70:17 know before you even go there is it
70:12 – 70:20 isn’t all this put to bed with December
70:17 – 70:24 2017 and the disclosure that we’re
70:20 – 70:26 talking about with Peter Levin de and
70:24 – 70:28 the end no because they don’t offer
70:26 – 70:30 explanations they just say this thing is
70:28 – 70:32 real and we want to find out about it
70:30 – 70:35 it’s time to grow up
70:32 – 70:37 deal with it you know they’re like I
70:35 – 70:41 said in the video so you’re gonna pack
70:37 – 70:44 every sighting you’re gonna pack no no
70:41 – 70:46 that really well if you see that’s the
70:44 – 70:48 problem I think if you’re not gonna pack
70:46 – 70:51 everything back into there if you’re not
70:48 – 70:54 gonna pack the Phoenix lights if you’re
70:51 – 70:58 not going to pack Roswell and Rendlesham
70:54 – 70:60 forest and the thousands and thousands
70:58 – 71:03 of well documented sightings and all the
70:60 – 71:04 sightings over the nuclear sites and and
71:03 – 71:07 all those accounts unless you’re gonna
71:04 – 71:10 pack all of those back into a
71:07 – 71:13 terrestrial explanation then I think
71:10 – 71:16 your Occam’s razor thing cuts the other
71:13 – 71:18 way okay let me introduce a completely
71:16 – 71:21 different viewpoint down have you seen
71:18 – 71:24 David’s readers and evidence the case
71:21 – 71:26 for NASA UFOs no but I’ve kind of
71:24 – 71:28 brushed against it well you should have
71:26 – 71:30 you need to check it out I can send you
71:28 – 71:32 the links it’s into it’s two episodes or
71:30 – 71:36 I should share part one
71:32 – 71:39 – both of them are 2 hours he a he
71:36 – 71:42 explains how this technology actually is
71:39 – 71:43 feasible so that’s interesting but
71:42 – 71:46 that’s not the point the point is the
71:43 – 71:48 food that she’s using it’s incredibly
71:46 – 71:50 mind-blowing because when you see and
71:48 – 71:52 now we’re not we’re not talking about
71:50 – 71:56 stuff in our atmosphere talk about stuff
71:52 – 71:60 right outside the globe beyond our skies
71:56 – 72:03 but still close to the earth you know
71:60 – 72:06 straight over the stratosphere and
72:03 – 72:10 between here and the moon there’s so
72:06 – 72:12 much stuff going on there that NASA has
72:10 – 72:15 on tape and you know just because this
72:12 – 72:18 was leaked they put in a new rule
72:15 – 72:20 because it was NASA TV and it was back
72:18 – 72:22 in a day and because of this stuff they
72:20 – 72:24 put in a new rule that says it’s going
72:22 – 72:27 to be 15 minutes delay they stopped
72:24 – 72:29 sending direct after this but when you
72:27 – 72:30 watch that it’s like watching in a
72:29 – 72:32 microscope
72:30 – 72:34 it’s like watching creatures in a sea
72:32 – 72:36 it’s like it’s teeming with life forms
72:34 – 72:39 and these looks like life forms they
72:36 – 72:41 don’t look like technology at all they
72:39 – 72:43 all look like grappa stones you know
72:41 – 72:46 pac-man you know they’re and they’re
72:43 – 72:49 vibrating and you just watch the stuff
72:46 – 72:51 and see its explanations it’s amazing
72:49 – 72:54 stuff and you can’t get go away from
72:51 – 72:57 there you know even if they even if we
72:54 – 72:60 had our white space program and
72:57 – 73:02 everybody in earth was slaving to you
72:60 – 73:04 know make them produce this we couldn’t
73:02 – 73:08 get to that level thousands and
73:04 – 73:10 thousands all the time and I saw huge
73:08 – 73:14 some of them they’re so big it’s
73:10 – 73:18 infallible so we have to recognize that
73:14 – 73:22 the probably is creatures different life
73:18 – 73:25 forms that are exist in the universe
73:22 – 73:27 maybe they’re flying in space whatever
73:25 – 73:30 maybe there there are fissures in space
73:27 – 73:33 we have to recognize that there may be
73:30 – 73:35 creatures life forms that are operating
73:33 – 73:39 beyond our senses that we can relate to
73:35 – 73:42 when we tweak and improve our technology
73:39 – 73:44 to uncover what’s going on in these
73:42 – 73:45 especially the electromagnetic fields
73:44 – 73:47 that
73:45 – 73:51 we can sense directly we may have to
73:47 – 73:55 recognize that there are even physical
73:51 – 73:58 stuff I mean machines coming from other
73:55 – 74:01 places in the university I mean I can’t
73:58 – 74:04 reject it and we may also recognize that
74:01 – 74:06 there are great kind of consciousnesses
74:04 – 74:08 that can manifest through this Asante to
74:06 – 74:11 say a dimensional creature and we have
74:08 – 74:15 to recognize that we are playing around
74:11 – 74:18 with stuff in on earth and maybe beyond
74:15 – 74:21 so there is a complex mix of different
74:18 – 74:23 phenomenons that may be going on so
74:21 – 74:28 that’s why you can’t explain everything
74:23 – 74:30 as one thing I reject that but I think
74:28 – 74:32 most of the traditional UFO sites I
74:30 – 74:34 didn’t say encounters I didn’t say
74:32 – 74:38 abductions are saying when we see
74:34 – 74:41 technology apparently in the sky it it
74:38 – 74:43 usually I think that’s that’s human but
74:41 – 74:45 again the number it’s a numbers game and
74:43 – 74:47 ballet has proven a long time ago that
74:45 – 74:51 everything can’t be alien and everything
74:47 – 74:53 can’t be human so so I’m entertaining
74:51 – 74:55 the notion but I have to start with so
74:53 – 74:59 Marin and and the leap for me is to
74:55 – 75:05 accept and have a paradigm where I’m
74:59 – 75:08 operating as if there are grace or these
75:05 – 75:12 what they called reptiles yeah or all
75:08 – 75:15 those memes to me look more like modern
75:12 – 75:18 myths modern fairy tales disinfo or mace
75:15 – 75:21 info my point is I think consciousness
75:18 – 75:23 is manipulating matter and technology I
75:21 – 75:25 think it’s the and these incredible
75:23 – 75:27 so-called aliens these very advanced
75:25 – 75:32 beings that that are playing with us as
75:27 – 75:34 we are ants and they are humans I think
75:32 – 75:37 it’s much more likely that we’re talking
75:34 – 75:41 about some kind of consciousness that
75:37 – 75:42 2:02 them we are ants purely
75:41 – 75:44 philosophically I’m entertaining this
75:42 – 75:48 I’m not saying I insist that’s how it is
75:44 – 75:50 but I think that’s more likely than some
75:48 – 75:53 kind of machine who became sentient and
75:50 – 75:55 then turned on us I don’t disagree with
75:53 – 75:58 that necessarily in a lot of ways that
75:55 – 76:00 just rings very very true to me
75:58 – 76:03 just say that the thing I would leave
76:00 – 76:06 open is the possibility that that
76:03 – 76:10 advancement to that other level may
76:06 – 76:14 include aspects of technology that we
76:10 – 76:17 haven’t fully taken in so AI might be
76:14 – 76:18 part of that advancement in the same way
76:17 – 76:21 you know there’s one other thing we have
76:18 – 76:23 to talk about because the champ in chess
76:21 – 76:26 is still right there in Norway you know
76:23 – 76:30 Magnus and I think anyone who needs
76:26 – 76:32 favourite sevens yes yes and an awesome
76:30 – 76:34 guy you know I mean such a great person
76:32 – 76:36 to carry that mantle forward because he
76:34 – 76:39 just seems and I watched a great
76:36 – 76:41 biography on him and I think his dad
76:39 – 76:43 deserves a lot of credit for realizing
76:41 – 76:45 that he had this savant but developing
76:43 – 76:49 him as a full person rather than that
76:45 – 76:51 but he’s a marvelous ambassador for a
76:49 – 76:55 game that in my lifetime has been
76:51 – 76:58 reduced to checkers you know yeah
76:55 – 77:00 because when I was a kid it was the true
76:58 – 77:02 measure of intelligence and don’t worry
77:00 – 77:05 about computers computers could never
77:02 – 77:09 you know kind of and now it’s like a
77:05 – 77:12 joke and then the joke is doubled when
77:09 – 77:14 alpha zero comes along and yeah but no
77:12 – 77:15 you sound like a skeptic because they
77:14 – 77:17 believe that the only form of
77:15 – 77:20 intelligence is this kind of
77:17 – 77:22 intelligence and and who yeah of course
77:20 – 77:25 they can do calculations better than us
77:22 – 77:28 here’s my point if we’re both heading
77:25 – 77:34 towards agreement that we may look more
77:28 – 77:38 like ants than like gods in the overall
77:34 – 77:41 scheme of things then maybe we have to
77:38 – 77:44 accept the possibility that the ones
77:41 – 77:47 higher than us have mastered the
77:44 – 77:50 interface to technology far more
77:47 – 77:52 smoothly than we have and whatever their
77:50 – 77:54 relationship is with consciousness soul
77:52 – 77:56 all the rest of that we’ll leave that as
77:54 – 77:58 a big question mark but maybe they’ve
77:56 – 78:01 figured out the relationship between
77:58 – 78:02 technology and mass because we seem to
78:01 – 78:04 be on the verge of that there’s no
78:02 – 78:06 question yeah we already are with
78:04 – 78:08 alright with our iPhone and the rest of
78:06 – 78:11 that so you know where that’s going to
78:08 – 78:11 be in a 20 30 40 years doesn’t take too
78:11 – 78:13 much of
78:11 – 78:18 extrapolation so I’ll just leave it at
78:13 – 78:20 that oh okay well who’s to say
78:18 – 78:23 technology isn’t just a transitionary
78:20 – 78:25 face in evolution good point
78:23 – 78:27 look look you know we talked about
78:25 – 78:29 reincarnation right and if we open to
78:27 – 78:32 that phenomenon because all religions
78:29 – 78:37 and all original religions say it
78:32 – 78:40 science is indicating it now let’s say
78:37 – 78:42 it’s true then you also have to
78:40 – 78:45 entertain another notion that follows
78:42 – 78:46 that and which is also going back all
78:45 – 78:50 over the world in all cultures and
78:46 – 78:54 that’s that the human vehicle it’s not
78:50 – 78:56 like the human physical human is really
78:54 – 78:59 the development thing here they say that
78:56 – 79:03 our bodies our life on Earth is like a
78:59 – 79:06 school earth is a school and our bodies
79:03 – 79:09 a lifetime is like being in a cloth so
79:06 – 79:12 the real development is these souls or
79:09 – 79:15 these eyes these meece who go through
79:12 – 79:18 this reincarnation cycle and eventually
79:15 – 79:21 transcends the need to manifest here in
79:18 – 79:23 a body that’s the whole rationale in
79:21 – 79:25 many religions like spirituality is like
79:23 – 79:27 Buddhism are they saying break out of
79:25 – 79:29 this cycle it’s not that we want to
79:27 – 79:32 reconnect is that we have we are we are
79:29 – 79:35 heading for greater kinds of existence
79:32 – 79:39 so if that is true then it’s remember in
79:35 – 79:40 a school the school doesn’t move our
79:39 – 79:43 children school is still a children
79:40 – 79:45 school 20 years 30 years from when you
79:43 – 79:48 graduated it’s still there
79:45 – 79:51 it’s that pupils who’s moving on it’s
79:48 – 79:53 those that it’s there who are developing
79:51 – 79:57 and in this case in this analogy that’s
79:53 – 79:60 the souls so maybe we can become
79:57 – 80:03 creatures like that maybe we can become
79:60 – 80:05 extremely advanced creatures and if we
80:03 – 80:07 do that if we go through all the
80:05 – 80:11 necessary experience we have to have in
80:07 – 80:14 this existence this where existence
80:11 – 80:16 where we find ourselves in if we are God
80:14 – 80:19 experiencing itself through all these
80:16 – 80:22 different forms then in order to develop
80:19 – 80:25 we have to you know make
80:22 – 80:26 you have to take the degrees and we’re
80:25 – 80:29 going to be tested and we have to prove
80:26 – 80:33 ourselves and I believe that you can’t
80:29 – 80:35 be like a mass murdering psychopath and
80:33 – 80:39 become like extremely advanced I think
80:35 – 80:43 with extremely advanced development also
80:39 – 80:47 comes certain traits that make sure that
80:43 – 80:48 the person won’t step on the until if
80:47 – 80:51 you see what I mean and if they
80:48 – 80:55 interfere it’s for reasons we can’t
80:51 – 80:59 begin to understand but probably has
80:55 – 81:02 some kind of higher rationale to it
80:59 – 81:03 which isn’t and I mean this is in line
81:02 – 81:05 with what Peter levander says too he
81:03 – 81:08 says even if they appear to be sinister
81:05 – 81:10 we can’t know the motives or you know
81:08 – 81:11 what’s what they are why they are doing
81:10 – 81:14 what they are doing
81:11 – 81:17 because one thing we know Alex and that
81:14 – 81:21 is that if something whatever it is
81:17 – 81:24 consciousness machine aliens whatever he
81:21 – 81:27 or the humans if they are more advanced
81:24 – 81:30 than us which they are if they exist
81:27 – 81:33 which they do we just don’t know exactly
81:30 – 81:36 how it won’t store who’s existing what
81:33 – 81:37 what it is but we know the phenomenon is
81:36 – 81:40 there and it’s real and it’s more
81:37 – 81:43 advanced then the he could they could
81:40 – 81:45 finish yourself in an instant if they
81:43 – 81:47 wanted they could enslave us tomorrow if
81:45 – 81:49 they wanted they could evaporate us they
81:47 – 81:53 could terraform the planet they could do
81:49 – 81:56 all those dark fantasies that we in a
81:53 – 82:01 very human condition are projecting upon
81:56 – 82:03 them and they haven’t done it why well
82:01 – 82:05 my friend you’re on fire there at the
82:03 – 82:08 end I really like the way you’re putting
82:05 – 82:09 some of those things together and some
82:08 – 82:11 of the questions you’re pulling out
82:09 – 82:14 there or really I think profound let me
82:11 – 82:17 ask you this how do you plan to explore
82:14 – 82:20 those on forum borealis where are you
82:17 – 82:23 heading in the next year with some of
82:20 – 82:25 those topics we’ve done yeah we might
82:23 – 82:27 have different serious and I have to
82:25 – 82:28 give attention to different areas so for
82:27 – 82:32 the next year we’re going to do a lot of
82:28 – 82:33 spirituality deep spirituality and not
82:32 – 82:35 the run-of-the-mill it’s very hard to
82:33 – 82:36 get people on when
82:35 – 82:38 haven’t done so much yet so have to
82:36 – 82:40 build that slowly up because they get
82:38 – 82:42 terrified when they see some stuff we’ve
82:40 – 82:45 done and I think that we’ll lose
82:42 – 82:47 credibility they come on you probably
82:45 – 82:50 know that phenomenon so you have to
82:47 – 82:52 build the credibility slowly you have to
82:50 – 82:54 get the right people on and you have to
82:52 – 82:55 show them those with it but if we manage
82:54 – 82:58 that we’re going to get some great
82:55 – 82:60 people or next year and that some of
82:58 – 83:03 that stuff you know there’s no soil or
82:60 – 83:05 sea right so we will touch some of that
83:03 – 83:06 stuff I’ll also do a lot of politics so
83:05 – 83:09 I’m gonna go in a completely different
83:06 – 83:11 direction there too and it’s the same
83:09 – 83:13 problem there oh I can’t go on look
83:11 – 83:16 they’re having all these weird stuff
83:13 – 83:19 things so I have to build credibility
83:16 – 83:21 there to have a great program about
83:19 – 83:24 Syria coming up so I’m gonna stay with
83:21 – 83:27 one foot in the objective social reality
83:24 – 83:30 and then I’m gonna have one foot in you
83:27 – 83:32 know in the seventh heaven but we will
83:30 – 83:35 also continue with our classified space
83:32 – 83:37 program serious gonna have Mike the rat
83:35 – 83:38 on always keep bragging about him he’s
83:37 – 83:39 great you should probably talk with him
83:38 – 83:42 yourself
83:39 – 83:45 so so we but I won’t do so much you then
83:42 – 83:47 a pure youthful thing I will do I told
83:45 – 83:49 you about its the Hester doll phenomenon
83:47 – 83:50 and it’s so incredibly interesting to
83:49 – 83:53 see how that was covered in the
83:50 – 83:55 mainstream because they can’t deny it up
83:53 – 83:58 here everybody knows it’s a real thing
83:55 – 83:59 you have people camping there everybody
83:58 – 84:01 either have camera there are 24 hours
83:59 – 84:04 there’s so much footage out there from
84:01 – 84:07 it but I remember one of the mainstream
84:04 – 84:11 newspapers called VG a couple of years
84:07 – 84:16 ago came out with headlines now the UFO
84:11 – 84:19 riddle is cracked really okay so I look
84:16 – 84:21 up okay so yeah now we know everything
84:19 – 84:25 okay what no it’s an energy phenomenon
84:21 – 84:27 and it may actually be the key to you
84:25 – 84:30 know we can exploit it we can take
84:27 – 84:31 advantage of this maybe it can be key to
84:30 – 84:35 future energy that we haven’t seen yet
84:31 – 84:37 and we can tap into it and we can use it
84:35 – 84:38 and it was this incredible stupid
84:37 – 84:40 materialists take on it but the big
84:38 – 84:43 interesting thing was that they didn’t
84:40 – 84:45 real explain anything they just they
84:43 – 84:46 just replaced one world one riddle with
84:45 – 84:48 another
84:46 – 84:50 you know what I mean these are
84:48 – 84:52 journalists the materialist and people
84:50 – 84:54 worry oh okay now we know people just
84:52 – 84:55 need meap’s that’s it and I don’t okay
84:54 – 84:59 move on
84:55 – 84:60 so yeah they know it’s energy but they
84:59 – 85:04 still don’t know shit
84:60 – 85:06 so they haven’t proven that it’s
85:04 – 85:09 spacecrafts because these things may not
85:06 – 85:11 be so these may just be look if we’re
85:09 – 85:14 living in a universe that has so many
85:11 – 85:17 dimensions and aspects and all stuff
85:14 – 85:21 it’s it’s nothing either all right is in
85:17 – 85:24 both and and if we like going here with
85:21 – 85:26 our heads up in our asses everything
85:24 – 85:28 above our heads will look like yeah they
85:26 – 85:32 will be called UFO so you I actually
85:28 – 85:34 enjoy the new term it’s not that new no
85:32 – 85:36 but and what what is it unexplained
85:34 – 85:38 aerial phenomenon ISM much better term
85:36 – 85:40 it’s a much better term unidentified
85:38 – 85:43 flying object is a military term and is
85:40 – 85:47 a very materialist term object that
85:43 – 85:48 already there they say it’s physical no
85:47 – 85:50 not always
85:48 – 85:52 sometimes it’s energy sometimes it’s to
85:50 – 85:56 do with consciousness like the spiritual
85:52 – 85:58 traditions and it’s so suspicious that
85:56 – 85:59 all these people have encounters that
85:58 – 86:02 it’s always the spiritual component
85:59 – 86:05 component to it and then you have to go
86:02 – 86:08 back to the egg and a chicken right and
86:05 – 86:11 you you are entertaining maybe it’s the
86:08 – 86:12 machines creating the consciousness
86:11 – 86:13 effects what if it’s the other way
86:12 – 86:16 around
86:13 – 86:18 like I’ve said yeah I’m just saying that
86:16 – 86:20 the Machine yeah yeah what both both has
86:18 – 86:23 to be acknowledged as realities
86:20 – 86:26 potential realities I’m just saying what
86:23 – 86:28 I do really dismiss is that we can
86:26 – 86:32 create life and consciousness from
86:28 – 86:35 putting together so what some boards
86:32 – 86:37 some screws right and I guess my final
86:35 – 86:40 counter to that is I think we get hung
86:37 – 86:43 up on the word create right so if we
86:40 – 86:48 accept the idea that consciousness is
86:43 – 86:53 always is is all there is and the real
86:48 – 86:56 issue is how its manipulated translated
86:53 – 86:58 transformed made more complex or less
86:56 – 86:59 complex again just more different forms
86:58 – 87:02 of manipulation
86:59 – 87:05 then I think it frees us up to consider
87:02 – 87:07 a lot other possibilities yeah I see
87:05 – 87:10 what you mean so we create conditions
87:07 – 87:13 that yes capture that energy field that
87:10 – 87:16 we create conditions that can capture
87:13 – 87:19 certain aspects of consciousness
87:16 – 87:21 manifesting in a certain way what if
87:19 – 87:23 that’s it well then they don’t have an
87:21 – 87:26 oi that’s even more terrible because
87:23 – 87:30 human beings can manipulate that to gain
87:26 – 87:31 stuff yes and tap into our us that’s
87:30 – 87:36 that’s really that’s really a
87:31 – 87:38 Frankenstein 3d 4d 5d because if that’s
87:36 – 87:41 real if that’s possible it’s it’s like
87:38 – 87:43 really dismantling a human being but
87:41 – 87:45 making him stay alive as much as
87:43 – 87:48 possible you take it you remove all his
87:45 – 87:50 senses so he can’t sense anything but
87:48 – 87:53 he’s still alive like if you could put a
87:50 – 87:55 brain and a spine and a heart in some
87:53 – 87:59 kind of laboratory and keeping it alive
87:55 – 88:02 that’s it imagine the poor existence
87:59 – 88:03 right and tap it’s like matrix what did
88:02 – 88:06 i do there they were using the human
88:03 – 88:09 beings as energy sources matrix is as
88:06 – 88:11 you probably know based upon the whole
88:09 – 88:15 thing is ripped from grossest ISM right
88:11 – 88:17 and they didn’t even hide it all through
88:15 – 88:19 the me go through the film but it’s
88:17 – 88:23 great because it’s it’s kind of what
88:19 – 88:26 we’re talking about yeah I can see how
88:23 – 88:28 they can because if there’s no oil money
88:26 – 88:32 because if there’s an oil manifesting on
88:28 – 88:34 me then it can’t be a virgin it has to
88:32 – 88:36 be something that’s already in existence
88:34 – 88:39 somewhere in some dimension in some
88:36 – 88:42 frequency in some level and that’s bad
88:39 – 88:43 too because then you can have creatures
88:42 – 88:46 who’s not supposed to interact with us
88:43 – 88:48 who get access you know The Alchemist
88:46 – 88:50 warned up against this they say the
88:48 – 88:51 difference between alchemy and what
88:50 – 88:53 these people are doing is that the
88:51 – 88:55 alchemists were respecting nature they
88:53 – 88:59 were always imitating nature they try to
88:55 – 89:01 help accelerate natural processes to
88:59 – 89:03 speed it up to transmute it to make it
89:01 – 89:07 higher more potent whatever if it was
89:03 – 89:10 plants minerals human beings biology
89:07 – 89:11 soul whatever but they warned against
89:10 – 89:13 tampering with me
89:11 – 89:15 saying different things that doesn’t
89:13 – 89:17 belong together like putting I had
89:15 – 89:19 therefore monkey on a human body to put
89:17 – 89:21 it like that that’s like mixing the
89:19 – 89:23 different kingdoms and that’s exactly
89:21 – 89:25 what these people are doing it’s in
89:23 – 89:27 terms of ancient in magical
89:25 – 89:30 consciousness what they are doing is
89:27 – 89:32 called black magic maybe the scientists
89:30 – 89:34 I mean and I understand why people would
89:32 – 89:36 go there you know I started out this
89:34 – 89:40 interview with the big question always
89:36 – 89:42 for me You Know Who am I why am I here
89:40 – 89:44 and I also told you that I’m kind of
89:42 – 89:47 influenced by this kind of yogic
89:44 – 89:50 philosophy and the non-dual philosophy
89:47 – 89:51 is well and there’s one teacher that I
89:50 – 89:54 ran across with my friend I always
89:51 – 89:56 mentioned Rick Archer at Buddha at the
89:54 – 89:58 gas pump who does such a fabulous job I
89:56 – 89:60 actually forget which guest this was
89:58 – 90:02 because it’s a shame because he’s really
89:60 – 90:04 one of my favorites but one of his
90:02 – 90:10 taglines for a meditation a mantra
90:04 – 90:14 meditation is Who am I who have I become
90:10 – 90:19 and what I love about that is it
90:14 – 90:23 instantly transfers us from that i mode
90:19 – 90:27 that consciousness being all a part of
90:23 – 90:29 me too who have I become through that
90:27 – 90:31 through the decisions that I’ve made
90:29 – 90:34 through that monkey mind that I have
90:31 – 90:38 that says this is this this is me this
90:34 – 90:41 is who have I become and if I were to be
90:38 – 90:44 able to turn back the clock and rewind
90:41 – 90:48 the kid the film and go all the way back
90:44 – 90:51 who was I at the very beginning before I
90:48 – 90:55 made all those decisions to me there’s
90:51 – 90:58 something in that deep spiritual
90:55 – 91:02 philosophical question that gets closer
90:58 – 91:06 to although an answer to these kind of
91:02 – 91:09 weird black magic eat evil et things
91:06 – 91:11 that I think is satisfying in a way that
91:09 – 91:14 that I don’t quite understand but I know
91:11 – 91:19 that et doesn’t really scare me because
91:14 – 91:21 before I became all of these things I
91:19 – 91:23 was something before that
91:21 – 91:26 yeah you know what I love with the
91:23 – 91:29 skeptical shows because you’ve been
91:26 – 91:31 going so long right longer than most of
91:29 – 91:34 us and you can kind of see your
91:31 – 91:37 development you’ll be taking us on a
91:34 – 91:39 very open and honest journey because
91:37 – 91:42 you’re doing it I mean if it’s a passion
91:39 – 91:44 for you it’s a genuine thing and you can
91:42 – 91:46 see and if you have I mean those who
91:44 – 91:48 have followed that journey maybe it’s
91:46 – 91:49 not that apparent to them because
91:48 – 91:52 they’ve been you know following all the
91:49 – 91:54 steps but if you come in at some point
91:52 – 91:56 in your journey and you start going back
91:54 – 91:59 and listening to the shows and see how
91:56 – 92:03 stuff is developing you can see these
91:59 – 92:09 phases you’re going through in your
92:03 – 92:11 merciless quest I mean I so admire your
92:09 – 92:13 pioneer spirit you really want to go to
92:11 – 92:15 the bottom of stuff and that takes you
92:13 – 92:18 everywhere and anywhere and you have no
92:15 – 92:21 qualms your no taboos you and you are no
92:18 – 92:23 holy cows you have favorites at some
92:21 – 92:25 point and then you completely turn
92:23 – 92:28 around move on but but but it’s all
92:25 – 92:30 about nobodies necessity right and
92:28 – 92:34 that’s your such a gross agnostic man
92:30 – 92:36 and that like I said when you ask me why
92:34 – 92:38 are we here that’s it that’s the trick
92:36 – 92:40 that’s the journey and you are growing
92:38 – 92:43 from it because even though you can’t
92:40 – 92:45 say are now I’m at a place where I’m
92:43 – 92:47 certain and I am or maybe you less
92:45 – 92:49 certain know them but before you begin
92:47 – 92:51 but that’s yeah but that’s that’s a
92:49 – 92:53 cliche right the more I know the less I
92:51 – 92:56 know that’s great it means that you are
92:53 – 92:59 actually it’s still a progress let me
92:56 – 93:02 use a picture an image from spiritual
92:59 – 93:04 from esoteric it’s about you know
93:02 – 93:06 everybody want to reach the Sun and so
93:04 – 93:09 you have to walk up the mountain let’s
93:06 – 93:11 just start with dismissing those poor
93:09 – 93:12 suckers who are lost in the forest they
93:11 – 93:13 don’t even know there is a mountain
93:12 – 93:14 right
93:13 – 93:17 they can’t see the forest for the trees
93:14 – 93:20 but underneath the poor people who are
93:17 – 93:23 lost in the sea that can t that’s insane
93:20 – 93:24 people they are they can’t even relate
93:23 – 93:27 to this reality the ordinary reality
93:24 – 93:31 they are under the water so either
93:27 – 93:33 people are there you know and the people
93:31 – 93:34 in the forest they know that those
93:33 – 93:38 people are under this
93:34 – 93:40 they are lost and they think people
93:38 – 93:43 going up in a mountain or the same ilk
93:40 – 93:46 because the people in the moment or in a
93:43 – 93:49 different reality from the forest people
93:46 – 93:51 and and I can’t distinguish what but
93:49 – 93:53 it’s all in you know if you can’t
93:51 – 93:55 survive if you can’t cope in this world
93:53 – 93:58 then you probably are another water but
93:55 – 94:00 anyway enough about that you hear about
93:58 – 94:03 this mountain it can bring you to the
94:00 – 94:05 Sun and eventually you find the mountain
94:03 – 94:08 and you start climbing remember and
94:05 – 94:10 people tend to forget this there are a
94:08 – 94:13 million paths of that mountain when you
94:10 – 94:15 wait at the foot of the mountain and as
94:13 – 94:18 so yeah so pasa better than others ohm
94:15 – 94:21 lead nowhere so you know lead to you
94:18 – 94:24 fall down some are very long and
94:21 – 94:28 tiresome and boring but the higher up
94:24 – 94:31 you come the more the path dwindle into
94:28 – 94:34 fewer eventually there’s just four paths
94:31 – 94:37 but the higher optical you more you can
94:34 – 94:39 see what you’ve if you if you keep
94:37 – 94:41 looking at the Sun you seem like you
94:39 – 94:43 never clear getting closer right but if
94:41 – 94:46 you turn around and see where you begun
94:43 – 94:48 from you can easily get that great
94:46 – 94:50 survey a great picture and we can we can
94:48 – 94:52 still relate to the forest reality
94:50 – 94:55 because we it’s still in our view even
94:52 – 94:56 though we’re up in the mountain so we we
94:55 – 94:58 are mastering all these different
94:56 – 95:00 realities that’s what’s happening when
94:58 – 95:04 we go on this quest and the higher up
95:00 – 95:06 you come the more you can dismiss of
95:04 – 95:08 course the different paws and and the
95:06 – 95:12 more you can see the similarities and
95:08 – 95:16 see through apparent contradictions are
95:12 – 95:18 not really real it’s just it’s just four
95:16 – 95:20 different angles at the end and if you
95:18 – 95:23 ever get to the top of the mountain or
95:20 – 95:26 up mountain there may be more mountains
95:23 – 95:28 further ahead you fused all those
95:26 – 95:30 different viewpoints at least to warn
95:28 – 95:33 you’re still not at the Sun though
95:30 – 95:36 you’re closer to the Sun but you have a
95:33 – 95:38 much more clearer view and that for the
95:36 – 95:40 people and you steel yourself you still
95:38 – 95:43 have this quest but for the people in
95:40 – 95:48 the forest you’re a good and good and
95:43 – 95:50 good hood is what I aspire to and
95:48 – 95:53 good mood is what I think we’re destined
95:50 – 95:57 to okay and I think eventually we’ll
95:53 – 96:00 just not manifest us monkeys anymore if
95:57 – 96:02 we can get there that is such an awesome
96:00 – 96:08 story
96:02 – 96:10 Norwegians man your credit entire loser
96:08 – 96:16 people it’s just not fair man you just
96:10 – 96:18 tuned in well I’m glad it resonate that
96:16 – 96:31 it seems your Greeks are getting it too
96:18 – 96:35 so I really do love the way that your
96:31 – 96:37 show dives deep and I felt like the last
96:35 – 96:39 time we spoke we did a good job but we
96:37 – 96:42 scratched the surface and in a lot of
96:39 – 96:45 ways you’re kind of motivating me to go
96:42 – 96:47 forward in a new way a land that is 12
96:45 – 96:50 really dig deep because I think that’s
96:47 – 96:52 where I need to go more and more in the
96:50 – 96:55 future because I’m less and less
96:52 – 96:59 satisfied by you know just
96:55 – 97:00 deconstructing some silly materialist
96:59 – 97:02 atheist I don’t care what kind of
97:00 – 97:05 credentials he has if people don’t know
97:02 – 97:09 at this point that those fools are just
97:05 – 97:11 can be exposed in a 45-minute interview
97:09 – 97:13 like I’ve done well then I don’t need to
97:11 – 97:15 prove that anymore no you can’t do any
97:13 – 97:18 more for them yeah you’ve done so much
97:15 – 97:20 in that area already I’ve totally
97:18 – 97:25 supported but if you’re gonna adopt that
97:20 – 97:27 model I suggest that you try you know
97:25 – 97:29 you can release three-hour shows but you
97:27 – 97:32 can authorize shopping them up because
97:29 – 97:36 it’s not about it’s not about how much
97:32 – 97:38 time a program Lost’s it’s about the
97:36 – 97:40 conversation when it’s happening you
97:38 – 97:43 know you know we’ve been going for one
97:40 – 97:46 and a half hour right now if we were
97:43 – 97:48 going half hour and then next week
97:46 – 97:50 another half hour and then next week
97:48 – 97:51 another half hour it would still be one
97:50 – 97:53 and a half hour but it wouldn’t be the
97:51 – 97:56 same thing we didn’t go so deep but if
97:53 – 97:58 we sit down for two hours three hours
97:56 – 97:60 then we go deep and then you can show up
97:58 – 98:01 it up in three different episode if they
97:60 – 98:03 can’t handle
98:01 – 98:06 you know what I mean you know that
98:03 – 98:10 that’s an interesting point I’m almost
98:06 – 98:13 thinking of going another direction with
98:10 – 98:15 the same kind of idea because what I’ve
98:13 – 98:18 encountered also is that I’ll talk to
98:15 – 98:22 someone and because my nature is I’m
98:18 – 98:24 going to find points of you know
98:22 – 98:28 exploration conflict disagreement
98:24 – 98:31 further further grist for the mill I
98:28 – 98:34 think the sceptical name is appropriate
98:31 – 98:36 inquiry to perpetuate doubt I’m always a
98:34 – 98:37 little bit of the skeptic a little bit
98:36 – 98:39 of the doubter I like to kind of
98:37 – 98:41 challenge different ideas where I think
98:39 – 98:43 I’m gonna go is I’m gonna have I’m gonna
98:41 – 98:46 see if I can do this I’m gonna do like
98:43 – 98:48 three-part interviews part one where we
98:46 – 98:50 just talk you know talk about your book
98:48 – 98:52 you know like somebody’s right I have
98:50 – 98:53 this book on my desk this awesome woman
98:52 – 98:55 who’s written this what is it eight
98:53 – 99:00 hundred page book
98:55 – 99:03 600 page book on classical shamanism in
99:00 – 99:07 Ulchi society some serious little
99:03 – 99:07 Peninsula in the remote regions of
99:07 – 99:10 Russia
99:07 – 99:13 you know Siberia god bless her you know
99:10 – 99:15 she now knows more about these people
99:13 – 99:19 than anyone in the world and she’s
99:15 – 99:21 documented it here so what I need to do
99:19 – 99:23 is sit down with her and just get her
99:21 – 99:27 story because it’s an awesome story that
99:23 – 99:31 she did that but that’s part one that’s
99:27 – 99:35 part one part two is okay are you silo
99:31 – 99:38 in this shit silo in this shit of course
99:35 – 99:40 what the fuck are you doing if you think
99:38 – 99:43 you’ve answered some big question cuz
99:40 – 99:45 you’ve recorded this you know you
99:43 – 99:46 haven’t you know you’re not much used
99:45 – 99:48 any episode then you’re gonna have this
99:46 – 99:50 old dusty book it’s gonna be in a lot in
99:48 – 99:52 a library and somebody’s catalog and
99:50 – 99:54 maybe 200 years it from now someone who
99:52 – 99:56 want to know something about these all
99:54 – 99:58 Chi and they’ll look it up and that’s
99:56 – 100:01 great but other than that you got to do
99:58 – 100:04 that so that’s the point number two and
100:01 – 100:07 then part number three is the kind of
100:04 – 100:10 discussion that we just had is where is
100:07 – 100:12 this stuff going free study yeah yeah
100:10 – 100:14 free so we’re in really weird
100:12 – 100:16 we headed where is this stuff going
100:14 – 100:18 who’s trying to bullshit us well you
100:16 – 100:20 know let’s be critical of you know I
100:18 – 100:21 think Peter Levin is bull shitting us
100:20 – 100:23 what do you think no I don’t think he’s
100:21 – 100:25 bullshitting cuz he has to do this and
100:23 – 100:27 this and this you know so that has to be
100:25 – 100:33 in it number two so many guests who
100:27 – 100:35 can’t handle that so I don’t give a shit
100:33 – 100:37 so that’s exactly that’s right there are
100:35 – 100:40 so many guests that can’t handle it so
100:37 – 100:43 what I anticipate is gonna happen is
100:40 – 100:45 probably three out of five four out of
100:43 – 100:48 five of those I’m just gonna it’s going
100:45 – 100:50 to be a one-off right it’s gonna be that
100:48 – 100:53 first interview and I’m gonna be a I
100:50 – 100:55 already get I already get that it just
100:53 – 100:57 amazes me when I talk to people like I
100:55 – 101:01 talked to Colonel John Alexander if you
100:57 – 101:04 know who he is the you know that’s not
101:01 – 101:07 in my book you know it’s like yeah it
101:04 – 101:10 ain’t in your fucking book exactly I’m
101:07 – 101:14 asking you shit that isn’t in your book
101:10 – 101:17 and that’s what I’m going to do well I
101:14 – 101:19 mean it’s a clever format because then
101:17 – 101:21 you can you know okay you were born our
101:19 – 101:23 guy I won’t follow up with you oh you’re
101:21 – 101:26 a you’re a to our guy so I follow up
101:23 – 101:28 here oh you’re finally a three-hour guy
101:26 – 101:30 we need to go all the way that can work
101:28 – 101:32 that camera because you can’t always
101:30 – 101:36 know in advanced who can they follow you
101:32 – 101:38 on olih exactly right mmm that’s pretty
101:36 – 101:42 clever I haven’t even given them that
101:38 – 101:44 option I probably should but I usually
101:42 – 101:47 know the people you know you’re more
101:44 – 101:49 like you investigate the area and then I
101:47 – 101:51 read people think oh you’re so clever
101:49 – 101:53 out because you can always talk with
101:51 – 101:56 your guests at the same level actually
101:53 – 101:58 not always but many times yeah that’s
101:56 – 102:00 because I’m booking them so I’m booking
101:58 – 102:03 people who I already know you know who
102:00 – 102:05 is stuff I’m interested in already right
102:03 – 102:07 I didn’t start that scratch you know
102:05 – 102:09 like George Noory or whoever now I have
102:07 – 102:12 to who’s this okay what’s this book is
102:09 – 102:14 done oh okay although all the talking
102:12 – 102:17 points okay now let’s start into you no
102:14 – 102:20 no this is stuff I’ve been doing for my
102:17 – 102:22 lab oh you’re doing so much preparations
102:20 – 102:24 even you said that yeah
102:22 – 102:27 the preparation is my life
102:24 – 102:29 so when I have that freedom right then
102:27 – 102:30 you know or all conversations can be
102:29 – 102:32 interesting
102:30 – 102:33 well that’s what really shines through I
102:32 – 102:34 mean that’s what makes that’s what makes
102:33 – 102:36 all the difference
102:34 – 102:38 no but I believe in long form you should
102:36 – 102:39 totally go try that out all right I’ll
102:38 – 102:42 try it
102:39 – 102:45 mmm so that’s great yeah you know a bit
102:42 – 102:47 but as for us you know we could go on
102:45 – 102:52 and on and on and we will all have you
102:47 – 102:55 back on my show and then we’ll take this
102:52 – 102:59 further I’m just gonna say to people hey
102:55 – 103:01 to follow this conversation today it
102:59 – 103:03 will be an advantage if you listen to
103:01 – 103:05 the two other shows we did on sceptical
103:03 – 103:07 and they are the one we did on for a
103:05 – 103:09 month because that’s our starting point
103:07 – 103:11 right you know we ought to play around
103:09 – 103:14 with doing it’s something that you and I
103:11 – 103:16 talked about a long time ago and I think
103:14 – 103:20 we should still do it is we should share
103:16 – 103:23 our guest list with each other until we
103:20 – 103:25 find an overlap somebody that you want
103:23 – 103:27 to talk to and I want to talk to and
103:25 – 103:30 then we each ought to talk to them and
103:27 – 103:33 then you want to talk about what we
103:30 – 103:36 talked interesting oh did we talk about
103:33 – 103:38 this sounds like a new idea to me but I
103:36 – 103:41 forgot we talked about sherry you know
103:38 – 103:43 we talked about doing a show kind of
103:41 – 103:45 together and I don’t think we headed
103:43 – 103:47 exactly in that format but I think that
103:45 – 103:50 would be kind of kind of fun
103:47 – 103:53 that’s can be interesting absolutely I’m
103:50 – 103:55 game for that okay the challenge
103:53 – 103:59 probably will be to find the right guest
103:55 – 104:02 but we’ll see no I I think I definitely
103:59 – 104:04 think well I’ve said it I don’t think
104:02 – 104:06 that’ll be hard at all great buddy
104:04 – 104:11 thanks for staying up late yep no I
104:06 – 104:11 always do that so no program okay
104:11 – 104:16 thanks again to Alfred joining me today
104:13 – 104:19 on skeptic oh please do check out his
104:16 – 104:22 excellent podcast at forum borealis and
104:19 – 104:26 of course stay tuned as I said in the
104:22 – 104:29 beginning for more interesting
104:26 – 104:33 discussions and interviews on this topic
104:29 – 104:36 and related topics as well as the usual
104:33 – 104:38 skeptic Oh stuff thrown in there and if
104:36 – 104:39 you are new to the show and you’re
104:38 – 104:42 interested in this stuff please do check
104:39 – 104:44 out the skeptical website you can find
104:42 – 104:46 all the previous shows for free you can
104:44 – 104:49 enter into a dialogue with me or other
104:46 – 104:52 folks about the show and just in general
104:49 – 104:53 become connected with what we’re doing
104:52 – 104:57 here
104:53 – 105:02 stick around plenty more to come until
104:57 – 105:11 next time take care and bye for now
105:02 – 105:11 [Music]
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